Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

To understand

As a personal exercise to try to understand this new situation around Gaza I wanted to share this comparison between two media the Financial Times (washington) and The Cradle (iran) I have only taken the title and the first paragraph to make it short then, below, some conclusions.
To say before that as in a newsroom the media approach the same news and each one interprets and adjusts to its convenience "the reality" taking into account in this case that this news is finally a hypothetical case or an "open question":

+ US-led coalition to create safe corridor in Red Sea as ship diversions mount (Financial Times)

Naval grouping and shipowners look to bolster security against threat of Iranian-backed rebel attacks

+A US-led military coalition and shipowners are racing to strengthen security in a key artery of global trade in the Middle East, as more than 100 vessels start to divert around Africa to avoid attacks by Iranian-backed militia.
- Operation Prosperity Guardian, a strengthened naval task force in the Red Sea unveiled by the Pentagon on Monday, is planning to establish a safe corridor for commercial shipping together with at least half a dozen allies, according to three people familiar with the matter.
The current plan is for Nato naval vessels to provide a shield against drones and missile attacks by Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen, as opposed to escorting commercial ships in convoys through the Bab-el-Mandeb strait via which 10 per cent of seaborne trade passes.

Ships and aircraft from multiple nations are and will continue to join the United States in conducting maritime surveillance and taking defensive action as appropriate to protect commercial ships from the threat posed by the Houthis,” US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday.
A US official said that the plan was in its early stages and could change.

+ US seeks 'safe corridor' to deter Yemen attacks on Israeli ships (The Crowdle)

Ansarallah leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi reiterated his support for Gaza and vowed Yemeni forces will not 'stand idly by' if attacked by US Navy

A US-led naval task force in the Red Sea is planning to establish a safe corridor for commercial shipping in response to attacks by Yemeni forces on Israel-linked ships, the Financial Times (FT) reported on 20 December. TC
According to three people familiar with the matter, the current plan is for NATO naval vessels to shoot down drones and missile attacks by the Ansarallah-led Yemeni forces, rather than escort commercial ships in convoys through the narrow Bab al-Mandeb strait at the entrance of the Red Sea.

“Ships and aircraft from multiple nations are and will continue to join the United States in conducting maritime surveillance and taking defensive action as appropriate to protect commercial ships from the threat posed by [Ansarallah],” US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday.
A US official said that the plan was in its early stages and could change.

US seeks 'safe corridor' to deter Yemen attacks on Israeli ships

Ansarallah leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi reiterated his support for Gaza and vowed Yemeni forces will not 'stand idly by' if attacked by US Navy​

A US-led naval task force in the Red Sea is planning to establish a safe corridor for commercial shipping in response to attacks by Yemeni forces on Israel-linked ships, the Financial Times (FT) reported on 20 December.

According to three people familiar with the matter, the current plan is for NATO naval vessels to shoot down drones and missile attacks by the Ansarallah-led Yemeni forces, rather than escort commercial ships in convoys through the narrow Bab al-Mandeb strait at the entrance of the Red Sea.

“Ships and aircraft from multiple nations are and will continue to join the United States in conducting maritime surveillance and taking defensive action as appropriate to protect commercial ships from the threat posed by [Ansarallah],” US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday.

A US official said that the plan was in its early stages and could change.

"We will not stand idly by if the Americans are tempted to escalate further and commit foolishness by targeting our country or waging war against it," Ansarallah leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi said in response in a speech on Wednesday.

"Any American targeting of our country will be targeted by us, and we will make American battleships, interests, and navigation a target for our missiles, drones, and military operations," he said in a televised speech.

The US initiative comes as over 100 commercial ships have chosen to bypass the Red Sea and Suez Canal, through which 10 percent of seaborne trade passes, and instead take the much longer route around the horn of Africa on their way to Europe.

Shipping companies have decided to take the journey around Africa, which is 3,200 miles longer and adds two weeks to shipping times, following Ansarallah attacks on at least 15 vessels in the region since 18 November.

Ansarallah has vowed to attack any ship with Israeli-links as it seeks to support Gaza, where Israel is carrying out what leaders of the Yemeni resistance group consider Genocide.

Almost all of the world’s largest container shipping lines including MSC, AP Moller-Maersk and CMA CGM are no longer sending vessels through the Red Sea and Suez Canal, while oil majors BP and Equinor have paused shipments through the strategic waterway as well.

“We can clearly see a drop off in container ships heading through the Gulf of Aden and up the Red Sea,” said Jean-Charles Gordon, ship tracking director at Kpler, a trade data provider.

Ansrallah’s solidarity with Palestine is causing shipping firms still planning to travel through the Red Sea to seek to add armed security teams to their vessels.

Dimitris Maniatis, chief operating officer of Seagull Maritime, a maritime security company, said that inquiries had “risen tremendously.”

“It’s a gold rush,” he said, adding that shipping companies were asking for teams of six to eight guards, preferably with frontline combat experience. “Up until now, we were at maximum three.”

However, it is unclear what advantage such security details would provide when facing attacks by drones and missiles.

According to the FT, it remains to be seen if oil and gas tankers and bulk carriers will follow suit and re-route around Africa as well.

Oil and liquified natural gas shipments move not only north through the Suez Canal to Europe, but also south through the canal from Russia toward Asia. Russia began exporting oil to Asia after the beginning of the 2022 Ukraine war. European countries seeking to isolate Russia cut themselves off from cheap pipeline-provided Russian natural gas and have instead turned to importing more expense liquid natural gas by tanker from the US and Gulf countries.

US-led coalition to create safe corridor in Red Sea as ship diversions mount

Naval grouping and shipowners look to bolster security against threat of Iranian-backed rebel attacks
A US-led military coalition and shipowners are racing to strengthen security in a key artery of global trade in the Middle East, as more than 100 vessels start to divert around Africa to avoid attacks by Iranian-backed militia.
Operation Prosperity Guardian, a strengthened naval task force in the Red Sea unveiled by the Pentagon on Monday, is planning to establish a safe corridor for commercial shipping together with at least half a dozen allies, according to three people familiar with the matter.
The current plan is for Nato naval vessels to provide a shield against drones and missile attacks by Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen, as opposed to escorting commercial ships in convoys through the Bab-el-Mandeb strait via which 10 per cent of seaborne trade passes.
“Ships and aircraft from multiple nations are and will continue to join the United States in conducting maritime surveillance and taking defensive action as appropriate to protect commercial ships from the threat posed by the Houthis,” US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday.
A US official said that the plan was in its early stages and could change.
The initiative comes as huge numbers of vessels have started rerouting to take an extra-3,200 mile journey around Africa following attacks on at least 15 vessels in the region since November 18. The Houthis appear to have been attacking vessels with links to Israeli, although some have had little or no connection to the country for years.
As of midnight on Tuesday 103 vessels capable of carrying 1.3mn 20ft shipping containers had rerouted via the Cape of Good Hope, according to Kuehne+Nagel, a Swiss logistics group, which expects further increases. Including bulk carriers and tankers, the number is far higher.
The biggest reshaping of global trade since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine threatens to cause lengthy queues at ports, supply chain disruptions for retailers and stoke inflation that central banks have been battling to tame.
Brent crude, the international oil benchmark, rose 1.1 per cent on Wednesday to breach $80 per barrel, taking gains to over 9 per cent in just nine days, while the reference European gas price rose as high as €34.62 per megawatt hour. It was up 2.2 per cent by Wednesday afternoon.
Almost all of the world’s largest container shipping lines including MSC, AP Møller-Maersk and CMA CGM are no longer sending vessels through the Red Sea that goes to and from the Suez Canal, while oil majors BP and Equinor have paused shipments through the chokepoint.
“We can clearly see a drop off in container ships heading through the Gulf of Aden and up the Red Sea,” said Jean-Charles Gordon, ship tracking director at Kpler, a trade data provider.
The redrawing of trade flows will deprive Egypt of significant revenue generated from ships travelling through the Suez Canal, while South Africa is expected to hit a monthly record for fuel oil imports in December as more ships stop to refuel at its ports, according to Kpler estimates.
Shipowners are increasingly looking to bolster security on board their ships to keep travelling through the chokepoint of global trade.
Kpler has observed an increase in ships displaying an “armed guards on board” signal through their messaging systems to coastal authorities as they go through the Bab-el-Mandeb strait in an effort to ward off attacks.
Dimitris Maniatis, chief operating officer of Seagull Maritime, a maritime security company, said that inquiries had “risen tremendously” in response to Houthi attacks and the Somali pirate hijacking of the Ruen bulk carrier last week.
“It’s a gold rush,” he said, adding that shipping companies were asking for teams of six to eight guards, preferably with frontline combat experience. “Up until now, we were at maximum three.”
Several security firms cautioned, however, that private guards could do little against missiles and drones controlled by organised militia.
Instead, Chris Farrell, commercial director at Neptune P2P Group, another maritime security company, said its “phones have not stopped ringing” for risk assessment services and training of crews to identify and respond to risks.
Much of the attention will now turn to whether many of the world’s oil and gas tankers and bulk carriers will follow the scale of the container shipping exodus, which could add pressure on global commodity prices.
Around 7mn barrels a day of crude oil and refined products flow through the Bab-el-Mandeb strait but the route has become vital for Russia to export to Asia with 4mn b/d heading south, according to Kpler data analysed by Goldman Sachs.
Some traders such as Gunvor already appear to have rerouted liquefied natural gas tankers according to ship-tracking data from energy consultancy ICIS, and shipbrokers say that several more operators want to avoid the region. Euronav, one of the world’s biggest oil tanker owners, is telling customers that it will not take the Red Sea route.
“Should the US-led initiative provide sufficient protection, then we may use the Red Sea route again,” said Euronav chief executive Alexander Saverys. “But at the moment that is an open question.”
Reporting by Harry Dempsey, Ian Johnston, Shotaro Tani, Lukanyo Mnyanda and George Steer in London, Henry Foy in Brussels and Felicia Schwartz in Washington

The obvious is to see the United States as the defender of the oppressed in the war against "terrorism" does not wonder anymore how long this farce will go on, but how it will end (?), and this continuous play of words Pentagon-Nato that implies that no affiliated country has an opinion, they just keep quiet and obey.
Then there is also the old trick of "it is for your security" (that of Israel and its people) which masks NATO's control over the Red Sea area increase its belligerence and takeover of the area and its economy (to my mind an illusion), which implies Arab oil and its history with Yemen-Obama.
What emerges from that is the obvious, and is really what I think this article is written for, which is to make clear the relationship between Houthis and Iranians almost as synonyms-twins, for the gullible, which The Cradle tries to clarify or unlink by correcting it with the word Ansarallah, and avoiding diplomatically aggravate Iran's relations with Arabia and all the work done by the BRICS.
Finally I think this is also an operation similar to what they did at the beginning of Biden's when a Evergreen cargo ship closed the Suez canal by "accident", also the ports in Los Angeles did not let cargo ships approach and in China there were also problems in the ports, which created shortages and rising prices, so it is possible that the attempt will be repeated.
But remember that it is " an open question"


Thursday, 21 December 2023 6:16 AM -Last Update: Thursday, 21 December 2023 6:38 AM
Israeli forces have continued their large-scale raids in several areas across the occupied West Bank, triggering violent confrontations with local Palestinian residents, amid the regime’s continuous bombardment of the Gaza Strip.

According to a report by Palestine’s official WAFA news agency, Israeli troops stormed Palestinian-owned houses in a number of cities, towns, and villages in the West Bank on Wednesday, arresting several people.

Clashes erupted following the raids, with the occupying regime’s forces firing live ammunition and stun grenades at Palestinian youths. There were no initial reports of injuries.

Israeli forces raided the towns of Ya'bad, Qalqilia, and Azzun, as well as the cities of al-Bireh and Jericho and its adjacent refugee camp Ein el-Sultan.

They also stormed the towns of Beit Ummar, Bani Naim, and al-Dhahiriya, as well as Beit Liqya, Nahalin, and the village of Tuqu.

Israeli forces have recently been conducting overnight raids and killings in the northern occupied West Bank, mainly in the cities of Jenin and Nablus, where new groups of Palestinian resistance fighters have been formed.

Israel has intensified its attacks against Palestinians throughout the West Bank since October 7, when it launched a devastating war on the besieged Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces detain dozens of Palestinians in surging West Bank violence
Israeli forces detain dozens of Palestinians in surging West Bank violence Israeli military forces have detained dozens of Palestinians in multiple raids across the occupied West Bank.

More than 300 Palestinians have been killed and thousands more injured by Israeli troops in the West Bank over the past two months.
In Gaza, at least 20,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed and more than 52,000 others wounded, while many people are still trapped under the rubble.

The Tel Aviv regime has imposed a “complete siege” on the territory, cutting off fuel, electricity, food, and water to the more than two million Palestinians living there.

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If you think, I am supporting Israel by wording it as "Some numbers", that is not my intent. This is how I see it. George Gurdjieff categorized functioning of 1000 I's into 3 categories (aka centers) - emotional, intellectual and mechanical centers. Each center has their own function and proper decision is based on these center functions under specific context of the situation.

No amount of emotions can explain the current situation. If the numbers tell you where Israel is coming from, it serves that purpose. Unfortunately, emotions are the things PTB had used to control us so that we don't see the bigger picture.
My apologies seek10, this comment wasn't directed at you in any sort of way - I am speaking more in general terms, just looking at this information.
Impotent US Navy's surprising vulnerability against Yemen

The U.S. Navy is Unprepared for a Prolonged war With Yemen

US Navy leaders decided to destroy the missile re-supply capability of the US warships in the last decades citing 'reducing costs'. Probably to fuel warmongering profits elsewhere: Keeping the USA sea fleet well-supplied did not generate much profits.. therefore US fleet can only fight for a very short time, before they MUST retreat to resupply. Retreat looks like defeat in world-politics!

Yemenis can launch an army of cheap drones and cheap missiles toward super-expensive USA warships, against which Yemeni-salvo the US army will have to respond with missiles costing anywhere from $500K to $2 million. US destroyers usually carry 90 missiles. Yemen will play against this weakness by making US warships deplete their super-expensive missiles quickly. Then US warships must sail away - along with the aircraft carrier, since it cannot sit there defenseless.. Retreat will look like defeat in they eyes of the international community.

Also remember mighty USA warships were damaged by colliding with cheap fishing boats in the past.

If you look lame and weak and make stupid mistakes on the International Stage, will the nations follow you?

US also having big problems with manufacturing new missiles for Ukraine, Israel at the moment. From where exactly - which missile storage and which missile factory - will they be able to resupply their warships?
Reports of the Houthis allowing Russian and Chinese ships safe passage through the Red Sea.

Russia is negotiating with the Houthis of Yemen to protect Russian oil cargoes moving through the Red Sea for delivery to India and China, the principal destinations of Russian oil currently traversing the waterway, the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, and the Gulf of Aden.

Notified in advance to the Yemeni authorities and the Houthi military command, the Russian oil movements by tankers flying a variety of ship registry and national flags, are running the gauntlet of US and European Union (EU) sanctions against Russian oil exports.

China is also negotiating with the Houthis for safe passage and protection of Chinese-flagged container vessels. The Chinese military base in Djibouti, recently reinforced to support a large Chinese military group intended for a United Nations peacekeeping mission in South Sudan, is also covering the waterway.


Most Israelis dealing with mental health issues due to Gaza war, study finds​

Haifa University reports 60% of Israelis who weren't directly affected by Hamas war develop severe acute stress disorder and even PTSD​

"Seventy-three days have passed since Hamas’ attack and the outbreak of the war in Gaza, and the sights and stories continue to haunt everyone in Israel. The scope of the tragedy and the number of victims has led to a significant increase in distress and mental health disorders, which the victims and their families are grappling with, but it does not just affect them. A new study from the University of Haifa indicates a large number of Israelis have been impacted mentally by the war even if they weren’t harmed by it directly."

Everyone suffers from this "war." I'm sure that many around the world following events in Gaza may also suffer PTSD as a consequence of this atrocity. But those closest to this brutality also suffer, and possibly even more so those who have been shamed into silence by the perpetrators of this evil who walk amongst them.
If you look lame and weak and make stupid mistakes on the International Stage, will the nations follow you?
Nations are not following, indeed. Good.
It appears that #France is withdrawing from #OpProsperityGuardian and will be conducting their own escort operation.

They are making overtures to other European Union nations to escort EU-owned vessels through the Bab el-Mandeb against the #Houthi.

The delays in the implementation of the operation seem to be the issue. With US-flagged vessels stuck in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, it does appear that there are issues in its implementation across department lines - @DeptofDefense @StateDept @CENTCOM @USNavy @US5thFleet.

This does not bode well that the #Houthi can disrupt 15% of the world's trade and there is no means to escort ships by the @USNavy.

Coordination between Iran, China and Russia is booming

Ansarallah have been tremendously precise in not hitting non-western oil tankers says data firm Kpler

According to MarineTraffic, Iranian and Russian oil as well as Chinese cargo ships and non-Western vessels in the Red Sea have increased since the Houthis began targeting Israel-linked vessels.

The Chinese navy even ignored a distress call from a ship linked to Israel.
More IDF executions of civilians, including women and children, in Gaza. This one comes from a UN report, so it doesn't get any more official than that:

On 19 December 2023, between 2000 and 2300 hours, IDF reportedly surrounded and raided Al Awda building, also known as the “Annan building”, in Al Remal neighborhood, Gaza City, where three related families were sheltering in addition to Annan family. According to witness accounts circulated by media sources and Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, while in control of the building and the civilians sheltering there, the IDF allegedly separated the men from the women and children, and then shot and killed at least 11 of the men, mostly aged in their late 20’s and early 30’s, in front of their family members. The IDF then allegedly ordered the women and children into a room, and either shot at them or threw a grenade into the room, reportedly seriously injuring some of them, including an infant and a child. OHCHR has confirmed the killings at Al Awdabuilding, although the details and circumstances of the killings are still under verification. IDF has not released any information on the incident.

Some points more or less in order:

Scott Ritter, earlier this afternoon (2 hours ago at time of typing this) - U.S. cannot do anything about the Red Sea shipping problem. They have decent marine military equipment but they cannot get to counter-attacks with 100,000 marines on a boat or boats without being blown out of the water before they get near Iran.

U.S. is no longer a sovereign state as Israel calls the tune for the U.S. and U.S. media is silent in the face of genocide. This should be the lead story, calling out hypocrisy of Biden administration, should condemn Israel but they can't, Israel OWNS them. America to be sacrificed on the altar of Zionism.

U.S. cannot win this war, never mind Biden needs to come across as a 'war president'; not winning the war is bad but ignoring the economy is worse. U.S. will lose to the Houthis! Exclamation marks galore in Ritter's voice at the seeming ridiculousness of it.

Also, Ritter says Israel is trying to make the price so high that Palestinian's will never say yes to Hamas again. Not going to work that way he says. Palestinians won't back down.

Russia learned the damage of under-water drones effect on their Black Sea fleet. The Houthis with under-water drones could take out the U.S. war ships with 20 of these drones. And they have them.

Bottom line, well described in glowing detail, NATO is an empty husk.

This is my thought, not writing about what Scott Ritter said - how would it feel to the Zionists to hit a people, the Palestinians, so hard and their military defenders just don't give up. The Jews and others in the Holocaust didn't have defenders against the mechanized, apparently easy killing of the Nazis. Here, Israel works so hard to kill, kill, kill. People around the world mass in protests to demand cease fire and humanitarian aid.

When I was in Israel for nearly 3 weeks in the late 1970's, out in the dessert, I so clearly remember looking at the dessert and having the feeling that invisible fire was leaping out of the wasteland. I It was like the dessert burning but you couldn't see it with your eyes (and the bus was not that hot inside, quite comfortable). The portal energy? Can't remember if some portals can have energy that helps people endure. And maybe I am not seeing the situation clearly, though it looks like most of the Palestinians are on board with Hamas for this operation, according to a poll.

I can't help thinking of Israel as Palestine, no longer Israel, the country.

Some points more or less in order:

Scott Ritter, earlier this afternoon (2 hours ago at time of typing this) - U.S. cannot do anything about the Red Sea shipping problem. They have decent marine military equipment but they cannot get to counter-attacks with 100,000 marines on a boat or boats without being blown out of the water before they get near Iran.

U.S. is no longer a sovereign state as Israel calls the tune for the U.S. and U.S. media is silent in the face of genocide. This should be the lead story, calling out hypocrisy of Biden administration, should condemn Israel but they can't, Israel OWNS them. America to be sacrificed on the altar of Zionism.

U.S. cannot win this war, never mind Biden needs to come across as a 'war president'; not winning the war is bad but ignoring the economy is worse. U.S. will lose to the Houthis! Exclamation marks galore in Ritter's voice at the seeming ridiculousness of it.

Also, Ritter says Israel is trying to make the price so high that Palestinian's will never say yes to Hamas again. Not going to work that way he says. Palestinians won't back down.

Russia learned the damage of under-water drones effect on their Black Sea fleet. The Houthis with under-water drones could take out the U.S. war ships with 20 of these drones. And they have them.

Bottom line, well described in glowing detail, NATO is an empty husk.

This is my thought, not writing about what Scott Ritter said - how would it feel to the Zionists to hit a people, the Palestinians, so hard and their military defenders just don't give up. The Jews and others in the Holocaust didn't have defenders against the mechanized, apparently easy killing of the Nazis. Here, Israel works so hard to kill, kill, kill. People around the world mass in protests to demand cease fire and humanitarian aid.

When I was in Israel for nearly 3 weeks in the late 1970's, out in the dessert, I so clearly remember looking at the dessert and having the feeling that invisible fire was leaping out of the wasteland. I It was like the dessert burning but you couldn't see it with your eyes (and the bus was not that hot inside, quite comfortable). The portal energy? Can't remember if some portals can have energy that helps people endure. And maybe I am not seeing the situation clearly, though it looks like most of the Palestinians are on board with Hamas for this operation, according to a poll.

I can't help thinking of Israel as Palestine, no longer Israel, the country.

Yeah, the portal. I don't know much about portals. The C's said something as coming through, but they didn't say what. I assumed it would be something bad.

From Session Feb 22, 2020:
Q: (L) Okay. Next topic. Oh, there was this weird video that Niall found. It was really weird.

Cosmic phenomenon? Strange waves pulse through cloud in skies over northwestern Syria

(Niall) It’s a video shown a couple of weeks ago supposedly somewhere south of Aleppo. That’s near the big war zone in Idlib. It’s looking up in the sky fixed on a cloud and there are like waves rippling up through the cloud.

A: We told you long ago that there is a large portal over the Middle East. This was a breaching of the realm curtain.

Q: (L) So… Was something coming in, or getting out of here?

A: Coming in!

Q: (Artemis) Something came in… Prepare for the worst!

(Chu) Something like what?

A: We told you that there would be strange cosmic phenomena!

Q: (Pierre) They didn’t say what was coming in.

(L) I guess we have to wait and see.

(Joe) It was the Kraken. Godzilla!

A: Paying close attention helped you spot this. Wait for more and observe results and effects.

It may not necessarily be just something bad coming in, tho. There's this key bit from the sessions about the portal in the Middle East is that it is apparently 'dual'.

Oct 4, 1997:
Q: Obviously this is a big one… it relates directly to the crossed shin bones, the skull, the shoulder blades, knees, elbows and a lot of other symbology… the exposed breast of the Masonic initiate. In the Bible where it says that Jesus was scourged, it is actually a word that usually means the pressing and squeezing that cause milk to express from the breast. On page 33 of ‘Bringers of the Dawn,’ Barbara Marciniak writes: ‘there have been different portals on earth that have allowed different species, creator gods from space, to insert themselves. One of the huge portals that presently being fought over is the portal of the Middle East. If you think back over the history of the Earth, you will realize how many dramas of religion and civilization have been introduced in that portal. It’s a huge portal with a radius of 1,000 miles or so. This is why there is so much activity in the Middle East. This is the portal that the Lizzies use.’ Could you comment on that information. Are there other portals that are that large which are used by positive entities?

A: Portal is dual.

Q: So any can use it. Is it correct that this is a large portal over the Middle East?

A: Statements made in publication are close, but not absolute.

Q: Is this idea of portals extremely significant. Are they fought over?

A: Yes, but you do not need to explore these truths, until you have learned more.

Side note, perhaps the same could be said about the portal over Ukraine - maybe it is also 'dual' in nature...

And in this session below, we can infer that 4D STS doesn't have total control over at least two portals.

Feb 26, 2022:
(Luis) So the Middle East portal is the same? For downloading? And also, if 4D STS do not have total control of the Ukrainian portal, they can only download within certain limits or constrictions?

A: Yes

To use an 'as above, so below' analogy, there is a 3D battle for the transport and transit of cargo ships through the Red Sea right now. The Red Sea could be thought of a material conduit or portal. In the same way, there may be a 4D battle going on for the portals of the planet, for the transport and transit of whatever ethereal cargo-ships or thought-forms or energies or whatever it is they send through.

Maybe these portals, then, are 'dual' in the sense that higher STO beings can also use them, including the one in the Middle East? If that's the case, then I think you may be right, Lyndia Lama, in that some portals can help people endure, if that's what they're asking for - and I think there's maybe no better example of endurance in the face of so many decades of bloodshed, torture and tyranny than in Gaza today.
I currently reside in Tel Aviv, just wanted to make that clear. Does this mean I agree with what "Israel" is doing, certainly NOT. My leanings are far removed from the party line, and many here share the same views. People are livid, as they should be.
Well, I don't think there's any anger directed at you based on your place of residence.

Not to overextend the topic more than it needs to be extended, but the facts are, Israel killed three Israeli hostages, and Israel looked like their true colors by doing so, and as such Israel would lie about it, saying something like "we did it because we had no way of finding out if it was real hostages or Hamas pulling one of their stunts".

IMO the reading of that situation would be, Israel is clearly lying, not "I am not sure if this is true or not". Do you see the difference and do you understand the reaction?
Middle Nation: Expel the United States from the United Nations

While hearing about yet another delay regarding a potential Ceasefire in Gaza, I noticed this from Shahid Bolson:

"As long as the United States is allowed to act as the overseer at the United Nations, then no one can seriously talk about a 'multipolar world' - it's just a world of multiple pawns: with one 'King' on the board - and that's what we've had for the last century, and it was the bloodiest, most savage and most lawless century in human history."

"Lets's talk about something that really should have been talked about - and pursued - a long time ago, but nobody every talked about it, no one even suggested it because no one ever thought it was possible. Just even suggesting it was impossible, but when you say the 'unsayable'.... well then it's no longer unsayable, it isn't unsayable anymore and you have changed the narrative forever, and you bring into possibility what was never imagined to be possible.

Now what I am talking about of course is something that I tweeted about the other day and that is :
Expelling the United States of America from the United Nations.

You know, once you say it, everyone can understand why this is logical, justified, necessary.

Everyone knows that the United States completely rigged the United Nations system right from the beginning. Everyone knows with their unchallengeable veto power they essentially rendered the United Nations subservient, toothless, impotent, powerless; and they relegate every single member state as 2nd and 3rd class nation status. It isn't a system for enforcing International Law - it's a system for enforcing America's 'exceptionalism'. It's a system for maintaining American Global Supremacy and American Global Impunity.

It's a system for ensuring that the United States will remain forever : above the law.

Every country in the UN has to bow their head to the Americans when they take their seats in the General Assembly - while they are doing nothing but sitting in the pews of a global secular church, where everyone has to bow down and worship at the feet of Uncle Sam. The Veto power of the United States at the United Nations security council is cracked on their backs like a whip - to remind them who's boss. The veto power of the United States has turned the General Assembly into little more than just a slave plantation where every countries ambassador is only every sent to New York - just to say "yes sir" to Washington. It's demeaning, it's degrading, it's humiliating for some 192 nations on Earth. As long as the United States is in there, the United Nations will never be anything but a colonialist institution, an imperialist institution... an institution of American domination, globally.

Its time for them to go. It's time... it's the right time... right now.
It's the right time to demand that the US be expelled from the United Nations.

According to Article 6 of the United Nations Charter: any member state that has persistently violated the principles of the United Nations, the UN charter that has habitually broken International Law, has that dismissed, disregarded or violated their International Treaties and obligations... any nation... any member state that has consistently acted unilaterally in defiance of the UN and has contravened the Rule of Law on a regular and persistent basis - then they can be expelled by means of a General Assembly vote.

Well, I don't know any country in the world that fits this description more thoroughly than the United States. From the very inception of the United Nations, the US has been breaking the law, has been breaking International law and using its position in the UN to whitewash its crimes. It's been using its position in the Security Council of the UN to whitewash the crimes of its allies and its client states. They have used their position at the UN Security Council precisely to ensure that International Law will be broken, and that it can be broken without any consequences or any repercussions - just like they did with the vote on the Gaza ceasefire. Just like they always do with any and every resolution that tries to make Israel obey the law. The United States in the United Nations is just like... you know that old outlaw character in an old cowboy movie who becomes the town Sheriff just to avoid arrest and prosecution, so he can continue to terrorise the population - that's what they are. They're sitting at the Security Council like some outlaw gunslinger with a tin star on his chest - and Israel is his Deputy - and they both have their cowboy boots up on that table: except that table is the rest of the world.

Now according to the United Nations Charter, a General Assembly vote to expel any Member State - including the United States - would first have to be recommended by the Security Council. Of course the United States sits on the Security Council; but if the Security Council (according to the charter) if they are voting on a matter that pertains to another member of the Security Council then that member of the Security Council must abstain from the vote - so that means you could still get a UNSC vote on expelling the United States by the Security Council, expelling them from the United Nations - recommending that vote to go to the General Assembly... and frankly I don't see how a General Assembly vote could turn out very well for the US. I don't see how that would go in their favour: you have 5 permanent Security Council members at the UN : that's the US, UK, Russia China and France, and then you have some 10 non-permanent members, those first 5 are permanent members, the non-permanent members serve two terms so it's not unrealistic that you could actually get the Security Council votes necessary to send that recommendation to the General Assembly, for what would amount to an International Referendum on American Supremacy.

Well how do you think that would go?

Well, it is true that the United States is the single largest funder of the United Nations so that might be a conflict of interest in terms of the vote - but it's also true that they are continuously in arrears on their payments.

It's also true that all of the money that the US pays to fund the UN could easily be made up by the GCC - by Russia, China and indeed by any number of countries who are members of the United Nations who might see a greater value in funding the United Nations - if it were no longer just an instrument of American domination.

Now I can't even begin to catalog all of the violations of International Law by the United States over the past 75 years, I can't begin to list all of the instances when the United States flagrantly defied the principles of the UN Charter, and all of the international treaties and international obligations that they flouted. That list would need a channel all of its own. American interference in the domestic affairs of another country - that's a violation of International Law - but it is something that they are literally famous for, and brag about. You know, the drone strikes and military interventions without the consent of the government of whose country in which they are intervening militarily - that's a violation of International Law... and again, that is something that they are proud of and famous for! Why they've been toppling governments all around the world, assassinating heads of state, orchestrating regime changes all around the world non-stop for the last 75 years - and not even doing it quietly. They've turned the United Nations from an organisation that was supposed to be about preserving peace and security in the world - they have turned that into a mechanism for achieving and pursuing the exact opposite - and the hypocrisy has been on display and has been understood by everyone in the Global South for generations. Well, there is no reason in my opinion, why this hypocrisy has to be tolerated any more. There is no reason, as far as I am concerned, why this hypocrisy has to continue. The United States, if you haven't noticed, is becoming more and more isolated by the day: diplomatically, politically and even economically... particularly because of their support for genocide in Gaza.

The BRICS nations are emerging spectacularly to represent the global consensus and so now the so called 'Washington Consensus' doesn't have anyones' respect anymore and there's no reason why it should. Now I don't know how many of you realise this, but Middle Nation has grown to be much more than just a channel on YouTube. Middle Nation is more than just Shahid Bolson. Activists and scholars and business people and experts and academics and rank and file Muslims and people of conscience from all around the world have gathered together under the Middle Nation objectives of promoting the economic sovereignty, political independence and psychological decolonisation of the Muslim world and the global south more broadly. People from all around the world have come together in support of those goals and we are prepared to seriously pursue a campaign to invoke Article 6 of the UN Charter, to have the United States of America expelled from the United Nations.

And I think that if you support Gaza, if you support the Palestinian cause, if you oppose genocide and if you oppose Western domination and colonisation in the Muslim world, and in the Global South more broadly; and if you are someone who participates in protests or demonstrations or activism of any kind, or if you are a legal expert or an expert in International Relations or International Law, if you are involved in any sort of Human Rights work anywhere in the world then I think that you should raise this call with us and support this demand and support this campaign in any way you can, and at every opportunity you can; whether you want to be a part of Middle Nation or not... because this is a call to end the hypocrisy of the United Nations. It's a campaign to end American exceptionalism on the global stage. It's a demand to raise the status, and raise the voice and raise the representation of 192 countries on Earth, so they can stop being second and third class 'subordinate states' and can finally gain their due respect in the world and be given their rightful place in the global community.

As long as the United States is allowed to act as the overseer at the United Nations, then no one can seriously talk about a 'multipolar world' - it's just a world of multiple pawns: with one 'King' on the board - and that's what we've had for the last century, and it was the bloodiest, most savage and most lawless century in human history. You know, the United States carried out over 250 military interventions - in just the last 30 years! They have no place on a body supposedly dedicated to peace and security; they're the biggest threats and the biggest violators of peace and security in the world.

We are saying it's time for them to leave the building, it's time for that 'tin star' on their chest to be snatched from their chest and from their Zionist Deputy too... and it's time for them to be called out for the outlaws that they are. America is a rogue state. It violates International Law every day around the world and it violates International Law even against their own people, in their own country every day.

If truth and decency and justice matter at all
- then we can't allow for any of those words any longer to be preached by the United States to the rest of the countries on Earth... and we can't allow the United States to stand up and behave as if, and expect to be treated as if any of those words apply to them - or ever did."
'Spain does not allow EU to become US proxy in its war with Iran.'

3 hours ago (Updated: 3 hours ago)

(Translated by Google)

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