Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

I just wanted to add, that after this attack in which they finally admitted to US soldiers being killed in action, which they haven't done so for any of the fallen combatants in the Ukraine operation, has me thinking in two directions.

One, it's a false flag because Biden already came out to say that it was Iran, so they're looking to launch a larger conflict against Iran and this is the justification.

or Two, it's really impossible to cover every death up. Russia will not brag about US soldiers being killed in action, they will hint at it. But Iran would definitely do so, as such perhaps they could not pretend to cover it up.

Either way, the US looks weak.
Where are the reports? It would be more helpful and efficient, if you provided links and main points instead of bare pictures.
Sorry. I thought I had the links, as it said 'copy''
I have tried again but cannot find anywhere where it lets me copy a url. Sorry. Both are on their Telegram sites but only allow me to forward to other Telegram sites.
I have no idea how people are able to do this.
It is the laptop web version of Telegram I am using.

Middle Nation: The point of the ICJ was to force the hand of the UN, plus show it up as a useless entity for INternational law. Which will become obvious when USA vetos the hearing, as it is bound to always do. Middle Nation are already advocating people help them spread the word to get USA evicted fro the UN. And that all Global South Nations will most probably form their own version of the UN anyway.
The Duran give their usual good explanations as to why and how they have over-stretched themselves before they even attempt to go for Iran.
Ironically Iran has just co-opted a ship of USA that is full of stolen oil hehe.
Just ran into this little jewel of the propagandistic nature, so Bibi is rehashing his old rhetoric about Iran's nuclear threat, and said the following on British television:

In an interview with the British channel TalkTV, Netanyahu noted that the future of Israel's Western allies "is intertwined" with his own. "If barbarism wins here, Europe will be next. The US will be next," he asserted, explaining that, in the event of Hamas' victory, Iran "will emerge victorious." Thus, the Islamic republic "will conquer the Middle East without opposition, develop nuclear weapons without opposition" and "will have ballistic missiles to threaten Europe and the United States." Therefore, "everyone is interested in Israel winning," he reiterated.

Does anyone remember him standing in front of the UN with that cartoon bomb and that red line? well, this is the same. Here's something that caught my attention from that same interview:

"If the international community cannot withstand the heat of public opinion, we will have to do it alone,"

In other words, they will do the dirty work that everyone else is too afraid, to do. They do not care about anything, or anyone's opinion, they will simply carry on with their genocide. What a psychopathic statement.
An old quip I remember from my teens: "When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!"

These days, I'm afraid our commander in chief is being torn in half by cognitive dissonance. The neocons in high places on his general staff, State Department and congress are praying or braying for more war, to attack Iran directly. Meanwhile, progressives populating much of the State Department and his congressional political base, have coined his new nickname - "Genocide Joe".

Who else thinks we are all dancing on rotten ice?
Pepe Escobar posted this on his Telegram channel! - Telegram: Contact @rocknrollgeopolitics
This sounds almost unbelievable, especially to generation impressed with the US of A via Rocky and Rambo movies in the childhood, in then Easternish Europe. Not even children in the kindergarten/preschool behaved like this in those times.

And I thought when guys on last NewsReal said that the US asked China to ask Iran to tell the Houthi guys to take it a bit easier, that the US has hit rock bottom. Obviously I was wrong, there were still lower points/levels left I didn't think to be possible to sink to at that time.
🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♂️
Sorry. I thought I had the links, as it said 'copy''
I have tried again but cannot find anywhere where it lets me copy a url. Sorry. Both are on their Telegram sites but only allow me to forward to other Telegram sites.
I have no idea how people are able to do this.
It is the laptop web version of Telegram I am using.

Middle Nation: The point of the ICJ was to force the hand of the UN, plus show it up as a useless entity for INternational law. Which will become obvious when USA vetos the hearing, as it is bound to always do. Middle Nation are already advocating people help them spread the word to get USA evicted fro the UN. And that all Global South Nations will most probably form their own version of the UN anyway.
The Duran give their usual good explanations as to why and how they have over-stretched themselves before they even attempt to go for Iran.
Ironically Iran has just co-opted a ship of USA that is full of stolen oil hehe.

Found "Middle Nation" on YT only to see it's Shahid Bolsen. No, thanks. You are of course free to follow him, but I don't think it's someone to be used on the forum as a source of any information, comment or analysis.
Found "Middle Nation" on YT only to see it's Shahid Bolsen. No, thanks. You are of course free to follow him, but I don't think it's someone to be used on the forum as a source of any information, comment or analysis.
Good to know. Thanks PoB, because I’d actually heard of him from posts here on the forum back in October. I don’t recall seeing his opinions being given a “no thanks”, or even “approach with caution” in those instances, so in the future I’ll keep that in mind.
Iran Observer vía X

Millennium Challenge 2002 was a war exercise, conducted by the US against Iran.
The exercise cost 250 million USD, involved live exercises and computer simulations..... Iran won the drill!

The U.S. Lost a (Fictional) War With Iran 18 Years Ago​

Millennium Challenge was a congressionally-mandated exercise designed to test new experimental concepts in warfare. The scenario was that the Blue Force, the U.S. military, was invading a smaller, yet scrappy Middle Eastern country (Iran), in a time frame set five years in the future, or 2007. A rogue commander within the Red force country initiated hostilities against his neighbors, leading to his invasion of disputed islands in the region. Blue Force’s goal was to reopen shipping lanes, neutralize Red’s weapons of mass destruction, and liberate the territory conquered by Red.

The Pentagon asked retired Marine Corps general Paul Van Riper to return to command Red forces, as Van Riper was known as a maverick with a reputation for unorthodox thinking. He was seen as a good fit for Red/Iran, which would seek to maximize every bit of capability it had to repel the American attack.

Faced with imminent attack, Van Riper decided to go on the offensive as soon as U.S. forces were in range. The Bush Administration had recently announced its doctrine of “pre-emption,” meaning the U.S. would strike first before threats grew too serious. Van Riper was reasonably sure then as two aircraft carriers, six amphibious ships, and their combined escorts bore down on him that war was likely. Van Riper decided to attack first, to “pre-empt the pre-empters.” As War on the Rocks explained:

Once U.S. forces were within range, Van Riper’s forces unleashed a barrage of missiles from ground-based launchers, commercial ships, and planes flying low and without radio communications to reduce their radar signature. Simultaneously, swarms of speedboats loaded with explosives launched kamikaze attacks. The carrier battle group’s Aegis radar system—which tracks and attempts to intercept incoming missiles—was quickly overwhelmed, and 19 U.S. ships were sunk, including the carrier, several cruisers, and five amphibious ships. “The whole thing was over in five, maybe ten minutes,” Van Riper said.

Is the European Union , that grotesque over reaction , a duplicate, a clone, a double ? No ? Well then, why are they trapped into escalation ? There are many answers to that question but I wager that gross resentment , coupled with anger, plus arrogance of Russophobia has gone to its head , and injected insanity into its leaders. If the first casualty of war is Truth we provoke not because we are strong but because of fear , because the West has obviously lost its position of disparity and because control of narratives are no longer its strength. The truth here is that electronic warfare dominance is owned by Russia. When the magnetic spectrum in weapon dominance is not owned by AmeriKa , and much less by Britain, suicide shows its ugly face. Putin has commented that he is aware that history teaches that " He who strikes first wins." . This is true and it is also outrageous and causes much offense pre-empting the pre-empters. Either way we are the losers.
Owen Jones chats with Peter Oborne on the Gaza crisis. Oborne takes a long lens view of how the western governments have become the pathological warmongers in our contemporary age. He's also previously done some very good work on how the UK Labour party usurped their last normal leader, Jeremy Corbyn, and it was directly related to the Palestinian cause. Both these guys are rare in UK journalism in that they can clearly perceive pathological traits in political rhetoric. Man, it's not like it's difficult in these times! But nevertheless they are in a minority. The legacy media, in their apparent desire to remain objective and balanced, are basically complicit in this genocide by nature of omission of crucial details. I look forward to the collapse of the UK print media in the coming decade for this very reason. They still wield influence over the older folk here, but their time is running short, and they know it too.

The latest report from Novara Media has now dropped. Apparently at least 19k children have been left orphaned so far. What is unfolding in Gaza is unconscionable. Also I suspect there is a bit of war fatigue among the world populace. personally I have felt a little of this myself, but I still tune in for daily reports from this source and others. It's the least I can do. Undoubtedly the goal for the Israeli psychopaths is total murder of the people of Gaza, and those who survive can leave for asylum overseas. The problem then is which countries will take them in?

Good to know. Thanks PoB, because I’d actually heard of him from posts here on the forum back in October. I don’t recall seeing his opinions being given a “no thanks”, or even “approach with caution” in those instances, so in the future I’ll keep that in mind.
A shady individual, at the very least. Suspicious past, suspected connections with the Muslim Brotherhood, supposedly linked with a high-profile murder, etc. Coincidentally called for protests during the Arab Spring, and his focus on fighting corporations coincided with terrorist attacks on such in Egypt for example. Occasionally quoted on media outlets like RT or Global research (ones or twice) to support their takes on things, but that's about it. Intelligent, smart and outspoken guy (with way too much of obvious posing for a philosopher to my liking) but apart from some well-received statements, has made a lot of quite questionable ones, like "all Christians have to convert to Islam since Christianity knows no morals and failed to make them a civilised society"; "don't put much hopes in the BRICS and their multipolar world since it is all just another product of Western big corporations", etc. He mostly leaves state officials and governments alone and re-directs his followers against corporations as the main culprits, as if there were no connections between those two. Last October, he eagerly jumped on the 'pro-Palestinian' wagon but now, he puts his effort into having people taking pictures of themselves with his slogans and posting on his social accounts. And it's all about kicking out the US from the UN. A misdirected effort IMO.

So yes, he happens to say the right things, but says much more for which I personally wouldn't want to give him any credits. The are many others saying the same and more right things who deserve any platform to be heard as widely as possible.
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