Jake Sully, Anonymous and "WhatIsThePlan" - PsyOps?

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wow this JS just seems to be more of a nutter minute after minute.

PlanningAhead said:
And I noticed poor language I didn't see while posting and can't go back and remove. Sorry, this is why forums should have edit buttons.

PA, on this forum the editing option comes up after the member has reached a certain amount of posts (I believe 50- someone correct me if I'm wrong on that #). It is so that new members with nefarious purposes can't come and write something and then go on editing their posts immediately to retract what they were saying in the first place. So the 50 posts gives us at least a basis of what they're about. I'm sure the mods can take care of any editing your posts need in the meanwhile, so no worries. :)
Chunky Mcfats said:
How do you know that the very idea of cointelpro infiltratation isn't a cointelpro ruse itself?

Well, that's an interesting thought. And in some cases, it might be the case. But we have 1) experienced it first hand in a number of contexts, not just this one, and 2) have researched it extensively.

There is also the possibility of hyperdimensional manipulation... but I prefer to find explanations in the real world even if there ARE cases where only a hyperdimensional control system could explain the events. Read the works of John Keel and Jacques Vallee for further insight on this last.

Chunky Mcfats said:
Maybe the ones who claim its existence in forums like this, are trying to generate paranoia and xenophobia within the group, and set it on a course towards obscurity and self-destruction, in a cointelpro plot.

Sorry. We have only ever defended ourselves from the very beginning, starting with the attacks from Vincent Bridges who accused us of being a cult because we kicked him out and declined to associate with him further. People forget about going back to the beginning to see how something actually started. Anyway, all of that is documented on the net including the results of a private investigation we paid for which is when the issue of COINTELPRO really became a topic.

If we were never attacked, we would just be minding our own business, producing our news, having our discussions, doing our research, etc. Of course we publish because we want to attract other people LIKE US to the discussion. We don't have any interest in converting anyone who is not looking for the fare on our table.

Chunky Mcfats said:
Maybe the ones who are self-proclaimed 'experts' on the topic, are actally spreading disinfo on how to spot cointelpro, to make people who read and believe their tactics more vulnerable.

I gather that you are referring to me and others on this forum? Well, let me challenge you to read ALL our material which condenses our research. After you do that, then go out and do some research of your own. When you are done, come back and let's discuss what you have learned.

Chunky Mcfats said:
Maybe these people are creating a paradigm where they can control the flow of new ideas and discussion, through utilization of the fear of being labeled or construed as cointelpro, with a cointelpro goal in mind.

Actually, the opposite is the case with the use of the term "cult". Like I said, do the research, come back and discuss. Otherwise, your comments are little more than an example of the following:

SOTT: We propose X based on data Y and our experiences experimenting with same.

Troll/COINTELPRO: My opinion is worth more than your data because I have lots of data to back it up!

SOTT: Ok, can you please provide some of that data?

Troll/COINTELPRO: You're fat, ugly and a cult hahaha

SOTT: Okkk...
Chunky Mcfats said:
How do you know that the very idea of cointelpro infiltratation isn't a cointelpro ruse itself?

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you're not 'trolling for lulz' Chunky... if you are sincerely interested in this question I suggest you read the thread and related articles in their entirety. The documentation will demonstrate that there are sincere, interested people who will come together and fight the PTB using various methodology. It will also demonstrate that in order to fight back, the PTBs most effective weapon is to infect and subvert those groups with pathological personalities who's ultimate goal or assignment is to distract and derail said group from its original purpose.

There's also the old addage, "actions speak louder then words" which would lend us to trust the credibility of this network, as it has demonstrated several times over the years its genuine interest in humanities plight and raising awareness of pathology and how it operates in order to allow individuals to protect themselves from its influence.
Nienna Eluch said:
anart said:
Laura said:
Somehow, I get the feeling that there is a little bit of truth in what you have written above, but also a whole lot of manipulation. Manipulation is NOT common to Asperger's syndrome because it is a social construct.

No, he doesn't display symptoms of Asperger's. If you review Patrick's posts here and other places, you'll see that he often 'diagnoses' himself with things to get the heat off or to attract attention. He has claimed that he is psychic, he's a shaman, he's a schizophrenic (who would be shaman on the right diet), and now that he's 'ASPIE' (and these are only the examples I've seen here - god only knows what he's written in his threads on 'chaos magick'). It's really ridiculous and he expects people to buy it probably because they always have.

Yes, this is so very true. JS or Patrick has always been trying to do his teacher/guru thing from the beginning of joining this forum. He seems to have no idea what we do here, as can be seen with his "chaotic magick" thing, as well as forcing his views (teaching) on to others.

The one thing listed on how to identify Aspergers syndrome is his inability to listen to others. It has been repeated over and over again here, to him, to start reading the related material and to stop trying to be a guru. Especially on subjects that he know nothing about.

Ya know, he sort of reminds me of Ira Einhorn, in Laura's Wave 7. Anyway, he does seem to see himself as someone "speshul" and would rather be out trying to impress others than on doing any Work on himself or doing anything that actually helps others, which leads me to wonder why he wants to remain on this forum?

I am in a recovery group of about sixty people. There is a "critter" who has taken advantage of the open membership rules of the recovery group, to disrupt, harass and abuse individuals and the group for several years. He told a story of his son calling him from UCLA and shooting himself on the phone. This "critter" thought I would feel sorry for him, when I was horrified at what this man must be, to have driven the boy to this desperate act. I asked him if he had ever been treated by a psychologist or psychiatrist. He informed me he was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. This seems to be a sub-criminal psychopathy.

The "critter" had zero concept or apprehension that he was responsible for the boys suicide. He expected me to have pity on his tragedy. The son meant nothing to this "critter". I have closely observed this pathological for several years, often wondering why he wanted to remain in a group that shuns him, after I exposed him as a pathological . He exhibits abstract intelligence with zero emotional intelligence. It is my observation that this "critter" is studying us so as to learn how to interact with normal people, so as to better prey on those naive of his true nature. He even takes notes, its spooky. JS reminds me of the "critter", it is like talking to artificial intelligence try to mimic human emotions central to our capacity to form relationships with our fellows.

I do not know if JS is a genetic psychopath or brain damaged by trauma, or a PSYOP operator, but I agree with Nienna Eluch, that JS is a lot like Ira Einhorn or the "critter" from the recovery group. I can imagine the puzzlement and confusion one feels interacting with such an individual, without the knowledge of psychopathy available on the Cassiopaea Forum. We should thank JS for the record he leaves for us to study his pathology, so as to better identify and protect ourselves and others from predation which emits from such a "critter".
PlanningAhead said:


Do you happen to know what the significance of "888" is?
Guardian said:
PlanningAhead said:


Do you happen to know what the significance of "888" is?
Symbolically? No, but he talks a lot, so I'm sure he explains it somewhere. Literally? It's the name of the chan-type site he used to own. Like 4chan, etc. His was 888chan (until it burst into flames).
Here's his explanation of Vibe on WITP. Language warning.

Actually that's just one of 3+ threads where he details out all the little details (the "Tree of Life" one is priceless) but the others require an account to view.
I don't know...

I have been following this thread and the articles on SOTT and my impression of JS is that he is "just" a narcissist so caught up in his dreams of "having the answer" to "save everyone" that he is incapable of seeing himself. His actions/words seem like so much mental masturbation to me. I get the impression that he is so impressed with his own ideas that he feels he must impose them on everyone and uses whatever strategy he thinks will work (including making up stories about himself to create a "plausible" context)

...but he does not seem to be very good at it. As evidenced by the number of forums where no one really wants to listen to anything he has to say...and when they finally have enough, actions are taken to rid themselves of him (doxing, banning, etc).

If he is a paid agent, they are wasting their money.
FireShadow said:
If he is a paid agent, they are wasting their money.

Not really, this paper he's written "explaining" Anonymous would be worth a few grand to government contractors trying to infiltrate the group....and there's more.

While I find Mike Adams, who runs "Natural News", to be somewhat questionable, it's interesting that he's jumped on the bandwagon... I'll bold a couple things that strike me as interesting considering the present discussion.


Exposed: Military contractors hired to create fake Facebook accounts, infiltrate opposing groups

Friday, September 02, 2011 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer

A secret campaign to take out groups and organizations that oppose the policies and agendas of the US Chamber of Commerce (USCC) and the US government has been outed, thanks to an archive of private emails obtained by Think Progress. According to reports, USCC hired HBGary, Federal and several other defense contractors to create fake accounts on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter in order to sabotage progressive groups critical of the organization's platform.

Top secret government efforts to thwart opposition are nothing new, especially as they involve social media sites. Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, for instance, recently told Russia Today that Facebook is "the most appalling spying machine ever invented," and that it is routinely used by US Intelligence to illegally collect private information on individuals (http://www.naturalnews.com/032373_F...).

But now it has been revealed that some of the same contractors employed by the US government are now selling their information gathering and spying services to the highest private bidders, which in this case includes USCC. Private emails obtained by the infamous "Anonymous" group bring to light plans by HBGary's executive Aaron Barr to partner with several other organizations, and create fake online identities, mine personal data, and even hack personal computers.

HBGary's hacking escapades included creating the phony Facebook persona "Holly Weber," a fictitious 27-year-old woman that was to be used to troll progressive groups critical of USCC. Upon exposure, however, USCC quickly withdrew from its dealings with HBGary, and the account was shut down. Screenshots of the account, though, have been archived (http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2...).

Besides its work with USCC, HBGary has also been exposed for selling its "persona management" services to the US government as well, presumably for the purpose of spying and infiltrating groups that oppose US-instigated wars and foreign occupation, for instance.

According to reports, some of the other firms that had worked with HBGary in such persona management endeavors include Palantir and Berico Technologies.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/033490_Facebook_infiltration.html#ixzz1Wor7DIZf
"1e) Anons Must Organize Professionally"

What? "Professional" means PAID

"This means that every single one of us must respect the boundaries between our personal lives as named human beings, and the monikers and masks we take take on as Anons when we take to the streets."

Translation = Please, PLEASSSEEE don't out me!
Wow r3x, you really lost it, huh? Lost it over failing to be leader of an online group of trolls. A meme. All Anonymous ever was. An internet meme had this much affect on your life. Think about that.

Also, what's up with this place calling everyone/everything psychopaths? It's kinda funny but I doubt everyone here is a trained psychiatrist O_o
This whole Vibe thing looks like it's designed to discourage the "Guerrilla / Small Independent Cells" resistance tactics (that actually work) and replace them with a CONTROLLED structure that can be easily tracked and co-opted.

Some of it reads like "The top ten ways to get busted" :shock:
NYCAnon said:
Wow r3x, you really lost it, huh? Lost it over failing to be leader of an online group of trolls. A meme. All Anonymous ever was. An internet meme had this much affect on your life. Think about that.

Also, what's up with this place calling everyone/everything psychopaths? It's kinda funny but I doubt everyone here is a trained psychiatrist O_o

We have quite a few psychiatrists here, actually. If you take the time to read Political Ponerology by Lobaczewski, you'll get more data to help fill in the blanks. In the meantime, here's a video (not made by us) to help get you up to speed - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MgGyvxqYSbE

Also, someone in your position REALLY needs to know about pathology - if you don't, you'll run into sooner or later, and likely already have. fwiw.
NYCAnon said:
Also, what's up with this place calling everyone/everything psychopaths?

Not everyone, just about 5-6% of the population, but they do a tremendous amount of damage, especially when they control huge mega corps. A Psychopath is basically a person who completely lacks any empathy for his/her fellow man...and they're really not that hard to spot once you know what you're looking for.

The guy in charge of the BP disaster saying "I just want MY life back" is a very good example of a psychopathic personality. He clearly showed NO concern for the victims of the oil spill, all that mattered to him was how he was affected.
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