Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

Smell of rain...
By: seekr

..equals sweaty bacteria?? :P

In the article it says that high concentration of bacteria and fungi make up the core of hail stones. Over the last 2 years, hail storms have become more frequent and the size of stones increased dramatically....

. A disturbing thought I had after reading about the return of the black plague being linked to comet dust is how many people I run into that save a couple of these large hail stones in their freezer as a "trophy". But what scared me about this practice is that they are putting these hail stones in the same place as their food is stored and they are loaded with comet dust and possibly the very bacteria that will bring the black plague

This was a thought/comment I had in reference to bacteria being the core/cause of hail and rain as stated in this article http://www.sott.net/articles/show/229120-Surprise-Live-Bacteria-Help-Create-Rain-Snow-Hail

I left FL last year due to the contamination from the BP oil spill and the rain that spreads it inland after some MRSA like problems that were easily fixed with sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide and detox diet. I have friends along the coast that have developed Parkinson's and various cancers, disorders since then.

I've been avoiding the rain since the oil spill and even more so since the Japanese Radiation began, but as I look at the radiation maps, it seems to me that Fl, SC, NC and the central New Madrid Fault Region seem to have some of the highest concentrations of fall out. I left FL and have been in the Carolinas for the past year. But I'm scheduled to go to St Louis in 2 weeks... I've been resisting to move to ST Louis mostly because of the threat of the fault line that seems imminent this year...

I'm in the disaster recovery/storm business and have been for nearly 20 yrs. The thing is I'm beginning to wonder if I'm being paranoid about the dangers of these places or if it is more a case that the danger is real but with proper detox can be managed "safely" (what ever that means). Seems everywhere I need to be for work is the worse places one can be at the moment.

I know it's not the location but what one can "see" and to know when avoid the danger but is there really anywhere safe anyhow?

I know the predator is running but is it fear (stay away), greed (go make a $) or both that is driving this ??? I do get paid for what I do but at the same time we do a lot of extras (unpaid) to help people in these situations to get their lives back to some sort of normal....

The other thing that weighs heavy on me, is that I have a small team that goes with me, and while they don't seem to have a clue about the BP contamination or the radiation, I feel responsible for what dangers I might expose them to from my decision

Maybe this should be in a thread of its own :huh:
Just recently read a post on zerohedge regarding a storm with a projected trajectory passing through Fukushima:
Also on the page is a gif of the projected dispersion of radioactive materials over Japan (from 05/26 to 05/28).
Michael Martin said:
Just recently read a post on zerohedge regarding a storm with a projected trajectory passing through Fukushima:
Also on the page is a gif of the projected dispersion of radioactive materials over Japan (from 05/26 to 05/28).

That's bad news indeed...
If the projection is correct, the radioactive cloud will spread over entire Japan.
Possibility of Being said:
Hmmm.... :huh:

(Dow Jones) - Giant polyester covers will soon be placed around the damaged reactor buildings at Japan's Fukushima nuclear complex to help contain the release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere, the plant operator said Friday.

Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) will install the first cover at the No. 1 reactor, the focus of recent stabilization efforts, starting next month.

Workers will erect a steel framework and place a giant polyester tent-like cover around the reactor building. Similar covers will be placed around units No. 3 and 4. The work is expected to be completed by the end of the year.[...]

Is it that bad? :scared:
I mean, too late to bother with concrete, lead and such, so let's make a show and wrap this crap in polyester? Like a huge circus? By the end of the year? So they are simply unable to stop the leak and will never be, right? What am I missing?

Lead and concrete would be better. I guess since they are unable to build such a thing they are going for a minimalistic solution i.e. poylester wrapping that won't reduce emitted radiation but that should block radioactive particles.
Belibaste said:
Possibility of Being said:
Hmmm.... :huh:

(Dow Jones) - Giant polyester covers will soon be placed around the damaged reactor buildings at Japan's Fukushima nuclear complex to help contain the release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere, the plant operator said Friday.

Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) will install the first cover at the No. 1 reactor, the focus of recent stabilization efforts, starting next month.

Workers will erect a steel framework and place a giant polyester tent-like cover around the reactor building. Similar covers will be placed around units No. 3 and 4. The work is expected to be completed by the end of the year.[...]

Is it that bad? :scared:
I mean, too late to bother with concrete, lead and such, so let's make a show and wrap this crap in polyester? Like a huge circus? By the end of the year? So they are simply unable to stop the leak and will never be, right? What am I missing?

Lead and concrete would be better. I guess since they are unable to build such a thing they are going for a minimalistic solution i.e. poylester wrapping that won't reduce emitted radiation but that should block radioactive particles.

They just keep blowing smoke rings, to accommodate their true liability to the situation. This seems way beyond there control. Typical behavior of the system, and the government's, as they must be totally aware of the coming approach of the dwarf star and are just biding there time with the puppet show.

This is what is supposedly proposed for the Chernobyl aftermath 25 years later, as they understand how hot it still is. Quite a difference to polyester. :shock:

Animation of the future construction of the arch that will encase Chernobyl.

Chernobyl: 25 Years After The Nuclear Disaster
c.a. said:
They just keep blowing smoke rings, to accommodate their true liability to the situation. This seems way beyond there control. Typical behavior of the system, and the government's, as they must be totally aware of the coming approach of the dwarf star and are just biding there time with the puppet show.

This is what is supposedly proposed for the Chernobyl aftermath 25 years later, as they understand how hot it still is. Quite a difference to polyester. :shock:

The sad thing is that many evacuees in Fukushima still think that they can go back their home someday.

"Japan: the 'nuclear refugees' who may never go home "
Hey Aya. In view of the approach of typhoon Songda and the subsequent spread of radiation, may I ask how is your plan to leave Japan going? Wherever you are, take care. Same for anyone else in Japan reading this.
I know it is bad, but I can't just go back to Europe with my family. Even when it get worst.
About Europe, I saw this here
and I don't know where I will be save. So the radioactivity is probably everywhere.
This video have some info
Nuclear Facts A very clued in professional who will not be bought or intimidated into silence: Dr Helen Caldicott, true to style, tells it as it is. As she sees it, you wont usually hear the truth so listen up.. Nuclear fallout from Japan and Canada, You won't hear this on the news!
So what you guys thinking about if this is not disinformation than what?
tonosama said:
I know it is bad, but I can't just go back to Europe with my family. Even when it get worst.
About Europe, I saw this here
and I don't know where I will be save. So the radioactivity is probably everywhere.
This video have some info
Nuclear Facts A very clued in professional who will not be bought or intimidated into silence: Dr Helen Caldicott, true to style, tells it as it is. As she sees it, you wont usually hear the truth so listen up.. Nuclear fallout from Japan and Canada, You won't hear this on the news!
So what you guys thinking about if this is not disinformation than what?

Are you asking whether Dr Helen Caldicott is spreading disinfo? I would tend to think not. She has been trying to raise people's awareness of the dangers of nuclear power for many years. You can read on her website some of the research and study that backs up her position.
tonosama said:
This video have some info
Nuclear Facts A very clued in professional who will not be bought or intimidated into silence: Dr Helen Caldicott, true to style, tells it as it is. As she sees it, you wont usually hear the truth so listen up.. Nuclear fallout from Japan and Canada, You won't hear this on the news!
So what you guys thinking about if this is not disinformation than what?

Is there nuclear fallout from Canada as well? :huh:

Like tonosama says radiation is everywhere. Nowhere is safe. But considering the fact that radiation now is in seawater & drinking water, vegetables, the air, rain... we are continuously going to be exposed to radiation all the time and no escaping. The thing is that we don't really know how much we are getting radiation. And it is for sure that here is the worst contaminated compared to places around the world.

Right now I am in Tokyo. Tonosama, where are you in Japan?

Thank you, Windmill Knight for your care.
In my situation, I am still waiting for one year Canadian visa. I am expecting to hear from the embassy soon. If they deny my visa....my back up plan is to work in a farm somewhere else around the world but I am not making contact to anybody yet. I should be doing so, I know, I am not doing well with my back up plan. I sometimes become picky and cannot decide which road to take. I have to do something about this.

Also, I still have to play a large amount of city tax from the last year to pay in next month. I made a contract with recruiting company to get a short terms job so I can pay off my tax. So I am planning to pay tax, save up more money -getting an airplane ticket, buying my own computer and leaving after. My plan is to leave sometimes in July if all goes well of course...

By the way, I began to see that there are a lot of people in groups behaving as "criminal" in this country. In individually, I think most people are "normal", but as a group, I feel there is something wrong. And I feel a big earthquake is going to happen sometimes soon or later. Those are the reasons that makes me think here is dangerous...(on top of the dangerous situation.)

Right now, I am stop eating leafy vegetables. (no salad :() My family used to eat fish 3 or 4 times a week. Now we are eating once or twice a week. I usually eat meat and limited vegetables. I am increasing vitamin C intake, taking couple of drops of iodine (just in case), and different supplements. But I feel that if I don't leave here I cannot clean my system good.

Anyway, one of the biggest lessons that I have learned so far is not worrying too much about everything. So I think I am worrying much less now.
I do not want to stuck in here so I will try to do what I can each day. I appreciate your support.
:shock: This is all so convoluted it's beyond comprehension.

Gundersen Gives Testimony to NRC ACRS: Thursday May 26, 2011

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) held a special ACRS meeting Thursday May 26, 2011 on the current status of Fukushima. Arnie Gundersen was invited to speak for 5 minutes concerning the lessons learned from the Fukushima accident as it pertains to the 23 Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactors (BWR's) in the US and containment integrity. Mr. Gundersen was the first engineer to brief the NRC on the implication of Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) Leakage in 1974, and he has been studying containment integrity since 1972. The NRC has constantly maintained in all of its calculations and reviews that there is zero probability of a containment leaking. For more than six years, in testimony and in correspondence with the NRC, Mr. Gundersen has disputed the NRC's stand that containment systems simply do not and cannot leak. The events at Fukushima have proven that Gundersen was correct. The explosions at Fukushima show that Mark 1 containments will lose their integrity and release huge amounts of radiation, as Mr. Gundersen has been telling the NRC for many years.

Pros and Cons of Keeping Vermont's Nuclear Plant Open http://www.wbur.org/2011/03/22/vermont-yankee-2
Pod Cast

Renewal of Pilgrim nuclear Plants license Is Scrutinized http://www.wbur.org/2011/03/18/plymouth-nuclear-license (Map Of the Dirty 3)
Pod Cast

Some current facts : Union of Concerned Scientists http://www.ucsusa.org/nuclear_power/reactor-map/reactors/pilgrim.html

Location: Plymouth, Massachusetts Local population: 94,595 (10-mile radius)

Type: Boiling Water Reactor

Status: Operating
Licensed to operate from 09/15/72–06/08/12

Owner: Entergy Nuclear Operations

Safety Issues: Elevated Spent Fuel Pool, Groundwater Leaks Reported, Year Plus Outages


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Right now I am in Tokyo. Tonosama, where are you in Japan?

Hi Aya I'm in Kitakyushu, 1000 km from Fukushima. I'm planing to go to Germany in august alone or with my daughter.
Depend of situation in Europe or Japan.

Anyway your plan is looking good. I wish I could move, but my family is strait Japanese family based on material things.
So I'm talking there to the wall. Even when I want to detox my body, I must make food my way. There is no acceptance.
tonosama said:
Hi Aya I'm in Kitakyushu, 1000 km from Fukushima. I'm planing to go to Germany in august alone or with my daughter.
Depend of situation in Europe or Japan.

I am glad that you are in Kyushu. You are likely getting much less radiation over there.

This weekend, typhoon was not as violent as I thought it would be. There is still thick dark clouds in the sky so it's likely to be rain heavily tonight.

tonosama said:
Anyway your plan is looking good. I wish I could move, but my family is strait Japanese family based on material things.
So I'm talking there to the wall. Even when I want to detox my body, I must make food my way. There is no acceptance.

I understand. I get the same reactions from people who I asked if they would like to change a location for living. Most of them say "impossible" and in the end they try to comfort me telling radiation is something not to be scared of.
So, I stop asking these questions and stop thinking what I am doing is right or wrong. I just focus on doing things that I always wanted because time is running out and now/always I have opportunities to do them.

When I buy vegetables I usually get ones from Kyushu rather than ones from local farmers. ( Local farmers in my area are very affected in business from the Fukushima accidents) :(
:) I like farm to, I'm actually born on the farm in Europe, here in Japan I have a garden with vegetables and some fruits.
If I have enough I will send some veggies to you if you wish :)

Thank you for your PM but we should discus it here, better then in private sector.
Pagan said:
tonosama said:
I know it is bad, but I can't just go back to Europe with my family. Even when it get worst.
About Europe, I saw this here
and I don't know where I will be save. So the radioactivity is probably everywhere.
This video have some info
Nuclear Facts A very clued in professional who will not be bought or intimidated into silence: Dr Helen Caldicott, true to style, tells it as it is. As she sees it, you wont usually hear the truth so listen up.. Nuclear fallout from Japan and Canada, You won't hear this on the news!
So what you guys thinking about if this is not disinformation than what?


I consider Helen Caldicott an anti-nuclear fanatic. I would not take her seriously. Just to give you a different point of view.


I must say that I'm generally against the nuclear power, it is unnatural and danger. After seeing the video twice, I think Helen Caldicott is speaking the truth. She is speaking from the soul, without any escapements, you can see it on her gestures, she don't have anything to hide anymore. Okay maybe this is little to much saying that, "don't eat European food" if you are living in Europe.

Edit: changed quote
If they deny my visa....my back up plan is to work in a farm somewhere else around the world but I am not making contact to anybody yet.
hi Aya have you considered wwoofing?
WWOOF is a world wide network of organizations.
We link volunteers with organic farmers, and help people share more sustainable ways of living.

WWOOF is an exchange - In return for volunteer help, WWOOF hosts offer food, accommodation and opportunities to learn about organic lifestyles.

WWOOF organizations link people who want to volunteer on organic farms or smallholdings with people who are looking for volunteer help.

as you are not paid you don't need a working visa to wwoof tourist visa will do
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