Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

Seriously, Pagan? Safe and clean energy source? Every nuclear power reactor annually generates 20-30 tons of high-level nuclear waste. Unshielded, the waste delivers a lethal dose in seconds and will remain a hazard for at least 12,000 human generations. High level waste is piling up at reactor sites, stored outside of containment in pools, and in large dry containers called casks and there is no credible solution for the approximately 120,000 tons of waste at our current reactors (unless you consider reprocessing uranium and plutonium for nuclear weapons a partial solution) :huh:

Maybe you're familiar with Adm.Hyman Rickover, the father of the "Nuclear Navy," and of Shippensport nuclear reactor? In the twilight of his career, he testified before Congress in January 1982 on the hazards of nuclear power. Below is an excerpt from his testimony. Given who this man was and what he did, his statements were profoundly 'eye-opening' for all and for pro-nukers to say the least.

Adm. Rickover said:
I'll be philosophical. Until about two billion years ago, it was impossible to have any life on earth; that is, there was so much radiation on earth you couldn't have any life — fish or anything. Gradually, about two billion years ago, the amount of radiation on this planet and probably in the entire system reduced and made it possible for some form of life to begin... Now when we go back to using nuclear power, we are creating something which nature tried to destroy to make life possible... Every time you produce radiation, you produce something that has a certain half-life, in some cases for billions of years. I think the human race is going to wreck itself, and it is important that we get control of this horrible force and try to eliminate it... I do not believe that nuclear power is worth it if it creates radiation. Then you might ask me why do I have nuclear powered ships. That is a necessary evil. I would sink them all. Have I given you an answer to your question?

A good place for you to research this further is the Nuclear Information and Resource Service.

Pagan said:
Interesting that my references and research are “propaganda” and “biased” and yours aren't. Do you really believe that the anti-nuclear lobby is above using its own propaganda?

The problem is there is no 'safe' exposure to radiation. This is why the cravenspowertosavetheworld website was referred to as biased. And the link to the BBC website pretty much guarantees its propaganda, as its an official news outlet and mouthpiece of the establishment. http://biased-bbc.blogspot.com/
On the odd occasion I watch BBC news I play bingo with how many lies, twists and distortions of truth I can spot! Its the UK equivalent of CNN.

Pagan said:
I would say that some unbiased research and confronting of one's beliefs is due all around.

This never stops on the forum, and when it does we point out to individuals that they have stopped questioning there beliefs. That you would say such a thing comes across as a deflection from questioning your own beliefs.
The problem seems to be that you are holding on to the particular belief that nuclear energy is safe and the saviour of man kind.

Have you stopped to ask why that is despite the data presented? What emotions do you attach to this 'saviour of mankind'?
Are you able to accept (even hypothetically) that it could be the complete opposite and the doom of human kind? What does that make you feel?
Can you even go there or is that impossible at the moment?
Pagan said:
Interesting that my references and research are “propaganda” and “biased” and yours aren't.

Of course they can be. But so far, I couldn't find anything against those quoted studies, there is no sign that the pictures could have been photoshopped, etc., while there is a lot of evidence that BBC is for spreading propaganda.

Do you really believe that the anti-nuclear lobby is above using its own propaganda?

No, not at all. That's why I am picky when searching for data, and don't buy anything only because it confirms my working hypothesis. In fact, I think I reject more than I accept.

But I didn't say or suggest that I did [believe], so your question was baseless and was meant (consciously or out of habit) to divert attention. That's not how we discuss things here.

I would say that some unbiased research and confronting of one's beliefs is due all around.

If you said it honestly, you are in the right place as that's what this forum is about.
This Video is especially recomended for Pagan, but worth watching it for everybody else.
it is a quite long video but covers all the problems due to atomic energy. You better watch !
This post is not a continuation of the most recent discussion, but the clip below provides a good review of the Japan quake and aftermath. It also highlights once more the even greater potential danger in the Tokyo region.

I heared in the news that Tepco now admits that a core meltdown has happened in unit 1 and likely in unit 2 and 3 too
Aya said:
”The Implications of the Fukushima Accident on the World's Operating Reactors” from Fairewinds Associates. May 22nd update.

Crystal River Delamination Update

The Truth About Chernobyl - EnviroVideo Special #406

Many Nuclear Power Plants in the U.S. are Located Along the Ocean and Near Dangerous Earthquake Zones:March 15, 2011

Japan Nuclear Fall-out in the USA: Radiation Found in at Least 12 states


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Today I was looking some info on some cosmetic products, and in the Shiseido page (Japanese Cosmetic Brand, very good one) I found this statement about cosmetic safety after the earthquake.

Apparently they think their products are safe. And they have arguments, but still, they must be scared about losing their clients.


Have a look at this article:



In only a few days we have seen multiple institutes throughout the world (including the EPA in the US, the Rhenish Institute for Environmental Research in Germany, and now the Norwegian Institute for Air Research) all suddenly and inexplicably stop their measuring of radioactivity, even though the levels of radioactivity are evidently not decreasing (as has been falsely claimed by some of these institutions, while their own data reveals such claims to be lies! [2]). An update on the radioactive “weather” we are experiencing in the northern hemisphere was published on this site five days ago [3] and since that time a number of alternative news sources have also reported on the private Norwegian forecasts [4] [5] that show levels 100 times greater than their public forecasts ever showed.


There are a charts showing the comparison between private and public radiation forecasts, and these show much much higher radiation levels than those seen on public ones. I don't have any more data to back that up conclusively, but seeing that many are feeling the effects of this around the world, and the PTBs knack for misleading the public, I think this is probably more in line with how much actually has, is and probably will continue to escape for a long time.
Aya said:
”The Implications of the Fukushima Accident on the World's Operating Reactors” from Fairewinds Associates. May 22nd update.

Mr. Gundersen gives us a picture, in what state are the concrete buildings (containments) in nuclear plants all over the world. I reached a point, after giving up hope a year ago, where i don't even flinch upon hearing these dreadful news. Unbelievably bad conditions are slowly becoming the norm now. And we are far from "the living shall envy the dead".
forge said:
Aya said:
”The Implications of the Fukushima Accident on the World's Operating Reactors” from Fairewinds Associates. May 22nd update.

Mr. Gundersen gives us a picture, in what state are the concrete buildings (containments) in nuclear plants all over the world. I reached a point, after giving up hope a year ago, where i don't even flinch upon hearing these dreadful news. Unbelievably bad conditions are slowly becoming the norm now. And we are far from "the living shall envy the dead".

c.a. said:
Many Nuclear Power Plants in the U.S. are Located Along the Ocean and Near Dangerous Earthquake Zones:March 15, 2011

Reading posts here and articles on Sott and elsewhere thought occurred that these nuclear plants were deliberately put on quake fault lines and into the way of fore-calculated/foreseen tsunamis so they will crack, melt down. As Fukushima 1. are now fully melted down and with a new TEPCO announcement it's public Fukushima II. & III. are partly melted down - these nuclear plants basically finish or DO what the NWO-coordinators were not able to do with AIDS, spanish flu, H1N5, H1N1, etc..

I would like to see their faces, when it turns out that the plans stacked on the applecart didn't really work, because at the same time a frequency interference was anchored on Earth surface. Basically neutralizing their efforts and even helping to repair the damage caused.
These are reading's of a recent ( 5-25-11) hail ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hail ) drop that has fallen in the St. Louis, Missouri area. It was collected, allowed to melt at room temperature, then Geiger readings were taken from 3 different samples.

This may give some indication that perhaps the higher elevations of air 10,000 (=3.04800 kilometers) to possibly as high as 30,000 ft (= 9.14400 kilometers) are obviously more radioactively contaminated, with fallout from rain and hail. This will contaminate ground water supplies (lakes, streams, rivers, etc.) wells, farm land soil, and etc.

One has to wounder what the readings are on the west coast. This has peeked his interest as well, and he's planing to investigate this soon.

It is not, my intention to promote this site, as they believe that HARP is whether related, which it is not. But there is no information of this kind coming up, from any websites taking the time, to take these readings from the fall out from Japan. FWIW

5/25/2011 -- Radiation Test -- MELTED HAIL -- Saint Louis, MO -- 57.7 CPM This measurement was made on May 25, 2011 at approx. 700pm CST

5/25/2011 -- Radiation Test -- MELTED HAIL -- Saint Louis, MO -- 58.8 CPM This measurement was made on May 25, 2011 at approx. 715pm CST

This measurement was made on May 25, 2011 at approx. 715pm CST. It indicates "elevated mid level" radiation levels. Alert level is considered anything over 100CPM by the radiation network ...

First background measurement, taken over the course of 10 minutes was 59.2 CPM.

Second background measurement, taken over the course of 10 minutes was 57.7 CPM.

Third background measurement, taken over the course of 10 minutes was 58.8 CPM.

Total 10 minute count = 588 = 58.8 CPM

Location: Saint Louis, Missouri

Coordinates : 38 36 6 N , 90 15 50 W

Elevation : 527 feet

Measurement taken: ten mintue long CPM measurements using the "inspector alert" nuclear radiation monitor (geiger counter)

from the inspector alert geiger counter manual:

"CPM (or CPS) and total counts are the most direct methods of measurement; mR/hr (or uSv/hr) is calculated using a conversion factor optimized for Cesium-13
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