At minute :30 JP says, about the US elections: “That’s a rat’s nest to be investigated” and off they went for the rest of the interview.
Had only caught a bit of this last night, however he did point out (after the 30 min. mark) the feedback loops going on regarding political and social discourse, and he had made some points. Moreover, he seemed to then briefly touch on the issue of psychopathy, and the nature of depression that is arising after conditions are being pressed down upon society, currently (no sides are immune if sides are taken) - said in a short version, osit. However, if exponential depression is being created by current conditions (obviously), then the study of psychopathy would need to delve into the ideas of Hare at al. concerning the successful types who do much of the political and economic downward pressing itself. Taking it a step further, If that was acknowledged by JP, then the very base would need to have attached itself to the ideas of ponerology; corporate and institutional-wise, et cetera et cetera. So, it seems that JP has basically been speaking of the ideological intellectual class of the far-left with all their embedded teaching tools, and he has felt their ideological wrath himself as people well know - yet not discussed from the root psychological language of ponerology. JP may also be much more aware of PP, too, and yet it is not something he might be comfortable referencing. Don't really know.
It is known that JP missed the boat on pharmacology treatments that almost took him out, yet also caught (with the help of his daughter) new ways to help adjust his diet that made a big difference.
In the video (again after 30. min.) he also discussed 'not' going down "the rabbit hole" of stealing the election - just a little data/media confirmation bias, or just plain old avoidance of getting into the muck of it all on his part. In this, unfortunately, somewhere further along there was the usuals default negative quip was made against conspiracies - now can't have those after all.
Anyway, political commentary is apparently not their forte !
Yes, not, and some of this has been said before on various issues he brings up, such as what Scottie mentions:
Also, because we've repeatedly noted that when it comes to more political stuff, he seems to have certain blinds spots, AND since the madness we see developing in the world (especially the USA) is primarily political in nature, it seems to me like he won't be a 'Big Force' in the same way that he used to be.
Yes, seems so, and yet I would not count JP out where he can help, and he can help (and maybe not right away), especially if he networked as discussed below:
That doesn't mean he's suddenly useless or has nothing to contribute. I just have a hard time seeing him touring the world and having a huge, active following - as he runs himself ragged like before. I'm sure he has learned a few hard lessons.
Lesson #1: It takes a network. One man more or less alone doesn't stand a chance.
There are many well know astute professors, for instance, who as a networking group (take
Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media), on the one hand, make excellent analysis of data and call a spade a spade - who see the political manipulating field in the data. However, one or more of the same group cannot see climate data properly, and in fact help to drive the C02 bus. As Caesar said, people are fickle.