Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

Until you can't borrow money from the bank to start a business because you are deemed mentally unstable because you visit conspiracy websites. It's a dangerous development. OSIT.
Even worse a conspiracy tax for those deemed a threat to the PTB to be paid on all transactions. 😱

More details about this research.

White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%.

Reinforces a common saying that today's women are crazy. Apparently, this does not come out of the blue. Frankly, we did not need any research to confirm this.

Reminds me of all the memes.

In this video where Jordan Peterson talks about the Red Skull debacle, he and his daughter decided to make merch about it:

The merch in question is on his website:

jp merch.PNG

Something about it seems quite off from the black & red color scheme and the symbolic imagery. Black and red is heavily used and is a prolific color combination in Satanism. And if you look closely at the image, even if it's supposed to depict a lobster, it more closely resembles that of an octopus, a creature known for its adaptability, elusiveness and high intelligence. It sort of sounds like the hidden satanic groups out there in that their calling cards are hidden in plain sight that are only "observable" after increasing one's awareness. After all, the Cs have spoken about satanic groups being "widely active in these times". There's some sort of STS cosmic octopus with a distinct name that I cannot recall, but still have it imprinted from prior research. Another creature that it can allude to is Cthulu of Lovecraft lore:


Cthulu is a drachomonoid hybrid creature with dragon-like wings, claws, and tentacles.

Another strange giant octopus is seen engulfing the USA as part of USA-247's logo, which arrived in 2013 along with the surveillance disclosures at the time:


I feel like the Petersons have been set up via a 3D/4D STS ploy hoping that they'd take the bait. JP reacted with faultless incredulousness—I mean, how else would one feel when someone writes you as part of a villain in a well known comic series? When they came out with this merch, given all of the symbolism, it's like rubbing yourself with the mud that your opposition threw at you and standing their proudly chanting "this doesn't affect me!" even when the mud is still on you and reeks.
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I feel like the Petersons have been set up via a 3D/4D STS ploy hoping that they'd take the bait. JP reacted with faultless incredulousness—I mean, how else would one feel when someone writes you as part of a villain in a well known comic series?

Peterson is mocking the ridiculousness of being compared to a comic book villain with some satirical merch. I don't think I'd assign so much emphasis to this. I doubt all the symbols, rituals, and such have much influence on those who actually have actually found meaning through working to learn the basic lessons in life, and I don't see where JP has strayed from this course in any real way. I think the prevalence of memes mocking these kinds of things probably provides some protective inoculation from the intended harmful effect.
Peterson is mocking the ridiculousness of being compared to a comic book villain with some satirical merch. I don't think I'd assign so much emphasis to this. I doubt all the symbols, rituals, and such have much influence on those who actually have actually found meaning through working to learn the basic lessons in life, and I don't see where JP has strayed from this course in any real way. I think the prevalence of memes mocking these kinds of things probably provides some protective inoculation from the intended harmful effect.

I agree. Jordan Peterson's ability to hold his own given the trials he's been through and still continue to be such a helpful influence in today's entropic display of ignorance lies testament to his strength. I'm not so worried about the Petersons themselves in this regard, but those who listen to him with eager eyes, who may otherwise be blind to such influences and have not yet gone through the life lessons he has to build the strength of character to withstand such forces.
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but those who listen to him with eager eyes, who may otherwise be blind to such influences and have not yet gone through the life lessons he has to build the strength of character to withstand such forces.

I think that those whom Peterson has reached will appreciate and join in the fun. By the time they are mature enough to appreciate his message, probably already partly inoculated from such influences. They would have battled through them to align with Peterson.

Besides, how often do you get a chance to have a laugh, help a good cause, and stick it to the joyless woke all in one go? :phaser:
I think that those whom Peterson has reached will appreciate and join in the fun. By the time they are mature enough to appreciate his message, probably already partly inoculated from such influences. They would have battled through them to align with Peterson.

Besides, how often do you get a chance to have a laugh, help a good cause, and stick it to the joyless woke all in one go? :phaser:

You raise good points, perhaps my some of my worries are misplaced. The influences provide a unique opportunity to learn and build their strength of character, and I don't think shielding that from them will do them any good in the end as we head to more turbulent times.
This was posted in JBP Weekly 4/26/2021 "Is Everything Better Than We Think?" regarding a podcast with Dr. Bjorn Lomborg - covers his book False Alarm on climate change (and other):

Dr. Bjorn Lomborg and I discuss a variety of topics in the realm of climate change and worldwide problems. We examine the claims made in his latest book False Alarm. Throughout the episode we touch on sustainable development goals, prioritizing problems for the world, achieving the highest return on investment, the apocalypse lens we apply to many global issues, making the poor richer, innovation, adaptation, selling and marketing solutions, and much more.

Good, interview with Andy Ngo by Mikhaila.

Points of interest:

What's going on with Antifa, and why did you leave the US?

Where did Antifa start?

Details of Andy’s experiences with Antifa, how he was eventually targeted and felt he had to leave.

Short rant (by Andy about Kamala Harris)

When asked, "what can we do?" Andy was “not hopeful” for his home country the US.

Mikhaila considering leaving Canada. The lockdowns have her "wondering". Thinking of Texas, mentions Florida and Andy is still “not hopeful”

Disneyland’s revamped Snow White ride has become the latest target of “cancel culture” — because it features the iconic kiss by Prince Charming that happens as she sleeps and “without her consent.”

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