I am subscribed to a channel of a Russian guy that lives in Florida. He gives good overviews of what is happening in US. And in one of the latest videos he had an interview with a teacher. She is also from Florida, and her appearance and voice had to be masked, because she will certainly be fired for expressing this kind of opinion.
She shared that starting from 2020, even before the Corona, she noticed stickers of "Safe place" LGBT stickers with the shape of Florida appearing everywhere. Even in elementary schools. And according to her, this is something totally "not normal" for Florida. She also said that kids nowadays see being transgender or some other form of LGBT+ as fashionable. Meaning, most of them dab at this because it is what is "cool" at the moment. She decided to speak because according to her most parents still don't realize or understand the danger.
And here's what I found about it. Apparently there is indeed some concern, but their concerns are obviously being ignored.
She shared that starting from 2020, even before the Corona, she noticed stickers of "Safe place" LGBT stickers with the shape of Florida appearing everywhere. Even in elementary schools. And according to her, this is something totally "not normal" for Florida. She also said that kids nowadays see being transgender or some other form of LGBT+ as fashionable. Meaning, most of them dab at this because it is what is "cool" at the moment. She decided to speak because according to her most parents still don't realize or understand the danger.
And here's what I found about it. Apparently there is indeed some concern, but their concerns are obviously being ignored.