Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

I am subscribed to a channel of a Russian guy that lives in Florida. He gives good overviews of what is happening in US. And in one of the latest videos he had an interview with a teacher. She is also from Florida, and her appearance and voice had to be masked, because she will certainly be fired for expressing this kind of opinion.

She shared that starting from 2020, even before the Corona, she noticed stickers of "Safe place" LGBT stickers with the shape of Florida appearing everywhere. Even in elementary schools. And according to her, this is something totally "not normal" for Florida. She also said that kids nowadays see being transgender or some other form of LGBT+ as fashionable. Meaning, most of them dab at this because it is what is "cool" at the moment. She decided to speak because according to her most parents still don't realize or understand the danger.

And here's what I found about it. Apparently there is indeed some concern, but their concerns are obviously being ignored.

Pronouns are evolving beyond the +100 genders, you can now be a ''thing'' or a ''place''. 😞🔫


A neopronoun can also be a so-called “noun-self pronoun,” in which a pre-existing word is drafted into use as a pronoun. Noun-self pronouns can refer to animals — so your pronouns can be “bun/bunself” and “kitten/kittenself.” Others refer to fantasy characters — “vamp/vampself,” “prin/cess/princesself,” “fae/faer/faeself” — or even just common slang, like “Innit/Innits/Innitself.”


People who now think they are Napoleon are finally being heard. Good for them. I think I'll go through life as a penguin. Because why not.

Like this one?

BTW, I wonder.... would "nowhere to be found" pronoun give some kind of immunity? :halo:
Nowhere-to-be-found exceeded the speed limit....
Nowhere-to-be-found refused wearing a mask...

How about "dead one"? :whistle:

Someone is going to regret letting it out of the bottle. Hopefully.
This is kind of hilarious, former lesbian feminist now transitioned to a male finds out that life as a man is harder. ''It now feels as though I am on my own.'' So much for male privileges. Welcome to manhood.

Another example. I think the thing is that man is supposed to be the provider. Meaning you can't be emotionally needy. They should have told these poor women before they transitioned.

Pronouns are evolving beyond the +100 genders, you can now be a ''thing'' or a ''place''.

Had to pull this gem out of the article:

But there actually are some limits. Neopronoun users have shut down the notion of using terms related to Black Lives Matter, like “BLM,” as neopronouns, arguing that it is inappropriate for people to use these terms in this way. Others have claimed that using “fae” as a neopronoun is culturally appropriative from pagan communities (this claim, as they say, is disputed).

Towards the very end a little bit of common sense seeps through, from a vanilla and boring plane-jane regular told fashioned trans male:

And not everyone in the wider queer community supports noun-self pronouns.
“As a trans man, I think neopronouns are getting way out of hand,” Asa Pegler, 17, said in a TikTok from November.
In an interview, Mr. Pegler specified that his beef is not with gender-neutral neopronouns. He felt like elevating objects and animals to human pronoun levels was dismissive. “I couldn’t stomach why anyone would want to identify as an object?” Mr. Pegler wrote in an Instagram direct message. “They dehumanize us as trans people,” he added. “We are people! Not objects or animals. So that’s why I stated that they are out of hand, because they make us look like a bit of a joke.”

They really should have led the article with this.
Ah oh... Amazing Polly found the book Political Ponerology!

Key points: 1) In her last video she was pretty shaken, so she explains herself. During the previous video she challenged a lady in the bank to meet her in the parking lot! as in a knock down drag out, (it’s on the video) 2) This is all spiritual, but as soon as you "go there" you get derailed. 3) She reads from and discusses the book Political Ponerology.

Let me guess which websites are going to be fatal to your credit score 🤔

The goal is to monetize us all so that big money knows how to squeeze every last penny out of us. Someone will come up with a way to block the snoops from our computer activity.
The goal is to monetize us all so that big money knows how to squeeze every last penny out of us. Someone will come up with a way to block the snoops from our computer activity.

Until you can't borrow money from the bank to start a business because you are deemed mentally unstable because you visit conspiracy websites. It's a dangerous development. OSIT.
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