Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

"We outsource the problem of sanity. People remain mentally healthy not merely because of the integrity of their own minds, but because they're constantly being reminded how to think, act, and speak by those around them."

He posits, and I think it makes a lot of sense, (and I am still reading through it) that human beings can achieve a lot of things by themselves, but it's in reality through others that we become regulated. He doesn't say it as such, but it almost sounded to me as though the value of having a network of individuals who are true friends, who want the best for you, who can point out to you when you're wrong, and reward you when you're right, is almost indispensable for any personal growth.

It struck me a long time ago that people's environment/surroundings strongly determines how they behave with parental upbringing (in the past) usually the strongest factor, but since the advent of movies and especially television, people are very greatly influenced by the behavior being portrayed on the screen - and yes, I realize this is intentional programming. As both movies and TV, along with music/music videos, have become more graphic, violent, and toxic, these reflected behaviors have become more ingrained. That one's peer group is also absorbing the same toxic behavioral patterns, reinforcement is continuous. Social media has taken this concept and launched it to its apex! Bullying has morphed into full-blown cancel culture. And this comic certainly captures the essence of social media:

Pearls Before Swine Comic Strip for March 10, 2021

Here's a vid [8:33]of Trey Gowdy and Tulsi Gabbard regarding The Rise of Cancel Culture:

The conversation is one thing, but the state of the man is another altogether.

This is the picture of a man who ran his batteries right down to the very bottom in service to his work. -I clumsily think of Gurdjieff's description of the human energy reservoirs, with the dixie-cup sized vessel we all use for daily use and the swimming pool sized hidden reserves and what can be done with them. -And what happens when THOSE empty out.
I suspect that what you are perceiving as an overly spent man is in fact a man who is cleansing his machine. The body has to be striped of its false energy systems before it can be regenerated with the natural normal energy systems. Since he was on drugs for depression he would have to purge that out of him and it would be a very depleting process. Overall, he looks like he is on the mend and looks great at his point on the journey back to full health.
It struck me a long time ago that people's environment/surroundings strongly determines how they behave with parental upbringing (in the past) usually the strongest factor, but since the advent of movies and especially television, people are very greatly influenced by the behavior being portrayed on the screen - and yes, I realize this is intentional programming. As both movies and TV, along with music/music videos, have become more graphic, violent, and toxic, these reflected behaviors have become more ingrained. That one's peer group is also absorbing the same toxic behavioral patterns, reinforcement is continuous. Social media has taken this concept and launched it to its apex! Bullying has morphed into full-blown cancel culture. And this comic certainly captures the essence of social media:
This is true, but I think there have always been and always will be those who push the boundaries to achieve notoriety, and because of their perhaps creative nature, and that I think it's part of the job of artists and whatnot, and some of that is attractive to a younger mind who might be in the process of rebelling against the structure he or she grew up in. I think some of that is necessary, and I think it's the point that JBP opens up his new book with.

Here's the trouble, as far as I see it, these days the rebellion is not only part of a natural process of generational progress, it seems to be artificially encouraged. I think in the past kids had their parents to content with at first and then to serve as guides and both learned something in the process. I think a lot of us have had a moment or two where we find ourselves speaking to someone younger than us as our parents or mentors would in the past, and we find ourselves slightly shocked and amused at the same time.

Nowadays, not only are kids encouraged to rebel, but they're told that the family structure they grew up in is what is wrong with the world. Where perhaps in the past you rebelled in order to find your own way to become an adult, as your parents were, but still an adult. Today people are encouraged to rebel to remain a teenager, self centered and egotistical, offended and constantly blaming the outside world for the troubles of life.
Today people are encouraged to rebel to remain a teenager, self centered and egotistical, offended and constantly blaming the outside world for the troubles of life.
For sure - the term "prolonged adolescence" has been around for quite a while now as a descriptor of those who are failing in mass to mature into responsible adults. I have to think the large increase of divorced parents is a big factor also. My kids have said they were the only ones in their class with still married parents.
This video is a reverse Q&A session (I didnā€™t know there was such a thing?) brought together by Peter Boghossian to discuss SJW at Portland State University. The young people were a bit shy at first, but they got over it and shared, even though a bit cautious. Also, as noticed in the comment section, it was a surprise to not have the session invaded by the SJW themselves. Itā€™s a bit long 1.5 hours, and nothing earth shaking, but I think it is significant to see the students in Portland and what they think about SJW and education.

(I don't know where to post this, but I'm posting it here because it deals with the mob and virtue signaling, feel free to move it)

Here is a recent Amazing Polly talk. Subject: the cross over between psychology and religion, psychopathy, and the book People Of The Lie by M. Scott Peck. She cites a difference between ā€œevilā€ people and psychopaths. Polly has the basic Christian slant on things, and she fell for the Q-thing. But she really does pick herself up and keep banging through the briar patch. Here in this video, she seems to be hot on our trail, and at minute 16:30 I think she busted a fallacy (of Christianity) wide open but didnā€™t realize she did it (yet). Id say what it was, but that would be a spoiler. Its pretty obvious.

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I couldn't find this post anywhere so I'll add it here, sorry if it's a double post.

There was an article in SOTT regarding the affairs of Rob Hoogland and his gender transitioning 14 year old in Canada. This is exactly what JP was warning people against when he was speaking against bill C-16. Here is a video describing the whole affair nicely in the first 15 minutes. There are some nuances to the story(particularly regarding why he's being held in contempt) but it's another sign that things are going from bad to worse.

He's raised some 30 000+ Canadian dollars from supporters and is going back to court in April to determine if his sentence.
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