Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

I don't know if we'll get to the point where white people will be treated like the Cathars at the hands of the Church enforcers of old. Nature may intervene before it gets there. But there are signs that it's moving in that direction.

White genocide is not the agenda. I think it's a classic form of bringing about revolutions. First comes demoralization, then destabilization, and finally revolution. They teach us to hate and reject our own countries. The solution offered is a union independent of countries or national identities. In short, a form of world government. Where we are all one ''happy family'', only ''nazis'' would want to reject.

The Great Reset agenda talks openly about how breaking away from nationalism is necessary to create a better and unified world. In fact, it is simply a vulgar power grab.

Whites are the main target because they assume they will offer the most resistance since many of them probably do not want to give up the sovereignty of their countries. Hence the demonization of nationalists and patriots.

I think we are now halfway into their plan. That said. I don't think they're going to succeed. But they will set the world on fire.
"Whites are the main target because they assume they will offer the most resistance since many of them probably do not want to give up the sovereignty of their countries. Hence the demonization of nationalists and patriots."

That's interesting. It is the other places/colors that have the most experience (to recent memory) of the very real dangers of surrendering sovereignty of their countries. Correct me if I am wrong. Their wealth was stolen. Why in the world would they expect it to be restored in a redistribution scheme in the name of fairness? Are memories so short? Are people so stupid? OK, don't answer.
That's interesting. It is the other places/colors that have the most experience (to recent memory) of the very real dangers of surrendering sovereignty of their countries. Correct me if I am wrong. Their wealth was stolen. Why in the world would they expect it to be restored in a redistribution scheme in the name of fairness? Are memories so short? Are people so stupid? OK, don't answer.

Globalists such as George Soros understand very well that a multicultural society puts pressure on a country’s national identity. The exact thing they wish to erase. Hence the reason they are importing tenths of millions of people. OSIT.
Just watched an interview from JP with Yeonmi Park about her life starting from North Korea to living in the US at the present and what she's learned and sees. Just a horrifying and amazing journey that brought me to tears several times. I have not read her book "In order to live" but this is a very powerful interview.

FWIW: I just finished watching a video interview by Dave Rubin of Mikaila Peterson and two other Canadians. Mikaila said several times, “I am the most positive” of this group hoping for the best and so forth. Not hottie, or arrogant, just, ‘I’d like to take the middle-road please’ was the attitude. (I personally believe the middle-road is GONE)

She expresses the attitude of, and even says, it appears to be just incompetence on the part of the government, and the people are never going to let this stand. (oh, the topic was covid lockdowns and gov. abuses) she also says twice I believe, ‘if we can just get this vaccine’

A month or so back I heard her say she was thinking about leaving Canada because the covid thing has her wondering. I thought, well, how far are you willing to go? And how strong are your family members opinions to you?

So, for now, she still seems to be waffling some, but is presently in the camp of: Its all about complexity, and incompetence, and will hopefully be over soon, maybe when we get injected. The story is still being written.
Just watched an interview from JP with Yeonmi Park about her life starting from North Korea to living in the US at the present and what she's learned and sees. Just a horrifying and amazing journey that brought me to tears several times. I have not read her book "In order to live" but this is a very powerful interview.

I think if the stories are sensational, then there is a chance that they are fabricated, or embellished. There are articles that show that her stories have changed over the years. And others are directly challenging some of them. She has turned into somewhat of a celebrity in S Korea, and has her own TV show. Also she has been supported by different NGO groups to give talks to different summits or forums. Kind of like what Greta did.

Might have to take this one with a grain of salt.

I am staying open on this one for now...
I think if the stories are sensational, then there is a chance that they are fabricated, or embellished. There are articles that show that her stories have changed over the years. And others are directly challenging some of them. She has turned into somewhat of a celebrity in S Korea, and has her own TV show. Also she has been supported by different NGO groups to give talks to different summits or forums. Kind of like what Greta did.

Might have to take this one with a grain of salt.

I am staying open on this one for now...

Yah that's a good point, I'd imagine she knows she'd get more attention if she embellished her story.
Pronounce gang war. I can't understand a thing what he said

You know how some large buildings have art on the sides? This little movie should be played on such spaces for everyone to experience. People need to see this stuff to understand. This creature says the concept needs to be explained. I quite agree. Many problems will be solved in this way, I do believe.
Here's another example that Academia in the West is practically destroyed.

The Princeton faculty approved curriculum changes in the departments of politics, religion, and classics in April. Politics added a track in race and identity, while religion and classics increased flexibility for concentrators, including eliminating the requirement for classics majors to take Greek or Latin.

Professor Frances Lee, associate chair of the politics department, said the idea for the new undergraduate track in race and identity was part of the larger initiative on campus launched by President Eisgruber ’83 to address systemic racism at Princeton. A committee put together by the chair was asked to look broadly at the department to recommend responses. The new track was created out of courses the department already offered. The goal is to offer this track as a defined pathway for students who are interested in the topic, as well as to set them up for future academic work in this area, Lee said.

“The politics of race underlies so much of U.S. political history,” she said, adding that there is “a wide array of intellectual questions as well as subjects that you need to understand if you want to understand politics at its core.”

Students who choose this track will need to fulfill three main requirements: take the introductory core course “Race and Politics in the United States”; complete three other courses from the 14 focused on race and identity; and incorporate the theme as part of the senior thesis. The track is open to all undergraduate students in the department.

In religion, courses for concentrators are now available in two main “streams.” The first, called traditions, “encompasses different religious traditions, approaches, geographical areas, and time periods,” and the second, called themes, allows students to concentrate on thematic areas, according to a department memo. The department has wanted to do this for some time, said Seth Perry, director of undergraduate studies and associate professor of religion.

“We also wanted to do a better job in articulating what the major does in terms of transportable learning outcomes for our students as they go off into graduate schools or in their careers,” Perry said. For example, students can pursue Islam and religions of Asia, or they can pair religion with media, art, philosophy, or politics.

In classics, two major changes were made. The “classics” track, which required an intermediate proficiency in Greek or Latin to enter the concentration, was eliminated, as was the requirement for students to take Greek or Latin. Students still are encouraged to take either language if it is relevant to their interests in the department. The breadth of offerings remains the same, said Josh Billings, director of undergraduate studies and professor of classics. The changes ultimately give students more opportunities to major in classics.

The discussions about these changes predate Eisgruber’s call to address systemic racism at the University, Billings said, but were given new urgency by this and the events around race that occurred last summer. “We think that having new perspectives in the field will make the field better,” he said. “Having people who come in who might not have studied classics in high school and might not have had a previous exposure to Greek and Latin, we think that having those students in the department will make it a more vibrant intellectual community.”
Here's another example that Academia in the West is practically destroyed.

"In classics, two major changes were made. The “classics” track, which required an intermediate proficiency in Greek or Latin to enter the concentration, was eliminated, as was the requirement for students to take Greek or Latin."

That's dead white people studies. That has no value anymore.
Here's another example that Academia in the West is practically destroyed.
Just watched an interview from JP with Yeonmi Park about her life starting from North Korea to living in the US at the present and what she's learned and sees. Just a horrifying and amazing journey that brought me to tears several times. I have not read her book "In order to live" but this is a very powerful interview.

Thank you for this video Zar. What a tragedy that our higher educational institutions have degenerated to such a state that it takes a refugee from North Korea to show us how perilously close we are to completely destroying-if we haven't already-the very fabric of what gave western civilization its raison d'etre. Her horrifying and amazing journey should give all of us pause to see what history awaits us if this madness continues.

As stated, the title of her talk was "Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind" - oh good grief. :rolleyes:

Her horrifying and amazing journey should give all of us pause to see what history awaits us if this madness continues.

@H20 adds a measure of pause, not that I could say it is not all embellished, yet it shows some contradictions in her accounting.
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