Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

Bad if people know it, worse if they don't know it. They accept the Trans (including the flag) in a simplistic form of respect and tolerance.

Here in Mexico a debate is taking place - very poor and/or with political overtones- due to the new free textbooks that are given year after year, with the proposal of "The New Mexican School", the books loaded with progressive ideology, including of course, the trans movement.

But that topic will be in another post. I have not finished elaborating it.

Spilling the Tea on the T; The Pedophilic Roots of the Trans Movement
Disclaimer: The point of this article is not to disparage all trans people, and we acknowledge the trans adults genuinely suffering from dysphoria attempting to live a normal life. We value our trans allies who align with us. Unfortunately, the deeper we dig into the ideology of transgenderism, the more we uncover uncomfortable truths that should not be ignored, but should be objectively scrutinized, taking into account their influence on the current day neo ideology.
The modern-day LGBTQ+ movement concerns much of the community for many reasons. We wanted equality, but once gay marriage was legalized it's as though the movement was weaponized to find a new goal to profit from. The movement has become unrecognizably more invasive and demanding than we ever wanted, even going as far as refining what it means to be gay and therefore redefining our community. We have been forced to question how the T made its way into the LGB in the first place. After just a few simple searches, we have discovered several figures responsible for planting pedophilic seeds of the trans movement that have grown into the twisted narcissistic monster we find ourselves fighting today.
For example, Robert Hogge aka Monica Helms designed the first trans flag in 1999 using the same infant referencing color scheme seen in symbols found on pro-pedophile websites: pastel pink, white and baby blue stripes. At first glance, most articles seem to describe Hogge as a noble veteran and first trans delegate from Georgia at the DNC (Democratic National Convention) with misunderstood interests and an internal struggle. He painted himself as something “ethereal” and “between worlds,” eventually being inspired by a friend to transition. Robert’s transition to Monica effectively ended his marriage and disrupted his family life.
But like many trans activists of today, Hogge had several confessed perversions. He was obsessed with sex at an early age, admitting to “lusting after women.” Hogge has written several novels under the Helms name in which he describes his autogynephilia, or sexual arousal when wearing women’s clothes. He confessed to stealing women’s underwear, including his own mothers, and went on to write erotic fantasies about his fetish. In a story from his novel “tales from a two-gendered mind,” Hogge/Helms wrote a story sexualizing a “magical woman” who permanently looked like a teenage girl.
Hogge is a prime example of why some gatekeeping ought to be in place for those in the transgender movement. His expressed sexual excitement upon wearing women’s clothing is a distinct sign of deep mental illness, and not necessarily true transgenderism. The movement is constantly trying to reassure the public that “it’s not a fetish,” while many openly display obvious fetishized views of their transition. So how do we separate the perverts from those simply suffering and trying to find comfort within themselves, especially when the perverts are the ones who have paved the way? After designing a flag using colors known to be present in the same pedophile symbols exposed by the FBI, did Hogge inadvertently sign a death sentence for the trans movement by conflating the two?
Don’t get us started on John Money, a major figure behind the push to normalize pedophilia and one we have already exposed. Money coined the term “gender identity” and opposed the classification of pedophilia as an abnormal fetish, stating: “If I were to see... a boy aged ten or eleven who’s intensely erotically attracted toward a man... if the relationship is mutual, I would not call it pathological." Money used a wide range of psychologically deceptive language to justify an attraction to children as well as sexual activity both with and among children. He is best known for the Reimer Twin experiment, a tragic tale that ended in suicide.
For whatever reason, many trans activists of today cite John Money’s work to justify the movement.

Next there’s Volkmar Sigusch, a German sexologist who popularized the term “cissexual” as an antonym to “transsexual” which evolved into “cisgender.” The term is now being used so negatively by “cis hating” activists that Elon Musk has declared it a slur on Twitter, now known as X. Sigusch once said "There is nothing wrong with pedophilia in the sense of the word, that is, against liking, even loving, children. The sensuality that unfolds between a child and an adult is something wonderful." He speculated that the attraction to children is not harmful, and pedophiles deserve therapy to work through their feelings. This rhetoric is borrowed by groups like NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) and those who call themselves MAPS (Minor Attracted Persons) today.
Sigusch is not the only German sexologist who had a soft spot for pedophilia. He is often credited as a “main thinker behind the sexual revolution of the 1960’s,” and other German sexologists during this time also saw sexual relations with children as progressive and harmless. In fact, Germany’s Green Party advocated for the abolition of Paragraph 176 of the German Criminal Act, which criminalized sex with adolescents under 14. In the 1970’s, a psychology professor named Helmut Kentler collaborated with Berlin authorities to conduct an “experiment” by intentionally placing foster children with pedophiles. It was during this time (1973) that Volkmar Sigusch began serving at the Institute for Sexual Science at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, where he remained until 2006. Known as the Kentler Project, this so-called experiment went on until 1988, when Kentler declared it a success.
According to Dr. Sonja Levsen and her study on pedophile apologists, Sigusch is credited as one of the main advisory scientists for Dr. Frits Bernard’s paper titled: “Pedophilia–a Disease?” in which he concluded that the sexual abuse of children “did not damage their development.” Yikes. One of Sigusch’s first projects at Goethe University was with Gunter Schmitt. Together, they mislead teenage youth of West Germany with a deceptive study titled: “Teenage Boys & Girls In West Germany.” Participants were told the study was a general questionnaire regarding their homelife and habits, but Sigusch and Schmitt dove into intimate details about the teen's sexual habits, including masturbation and their earliest sexual memories.
We cannot neglect to mention the infamous Alfred Kinsey, a sexologist who served at Indiana University and so-called “father of the sexual revolution.” His reports on human sexuality, known as the Kinsey Reports, almost immediately made the New York Times’ Bestsellers list, but many are unaware of his controversial methods and conclusions of research. These reports not only hypothesized that infants can experience orgasms but suggested that pedophilic and incenstual relationships were actually beneficial to children. His research was disproportionately based on surveys taken from sex offenders, prostitutes and prison inmates. In 2010, a victim under the pseudonym Esther White came forward to tell a disturbing tale of how Kinsey paid her father to rape her in the name of science for Kinsey’s study. [source] Today, a bronze statue of Kinsey sits on a bench at Indiana University, and many are none the wiser.
Gender supremacists and radical trans activists of today have built a religious doctrine based on the work of these twisted minds and pedophile apologists. Their use of language is designed to force a new truth on the public, one that twists fantasy into fiction and demands a lack of questions, a glaring indication of cult thinking. Using figures like Sigusch to justify the separation of the terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender,’ these radicals are hard at work implanting the idea that gender transition cures all mental turmoil, while simultaneously claiming gender is a “social construct.” This doctrine has reached public schools, where impressionable innocents are easily led astray by advanced concepts designed to confuse and sexually activate them. But one cannot ask too many questions before incurring vehement reactions from radical trans activists. It is a deeply psychological and misleading movement that fails to address the many complications and concerns of advocating for child sex changes, and instead gaslights individuals who argue against it
We cannot help but notice several of these activists have slipped up and admitted their attraction to children in some form or another. Indian trans activist Alok Vaid-Menon has attempted to convince the public that “little girls are also sexy.” While we can ignore Alok’s experimentation with self-expression, this quote is a big red flag that should not be taken lightly. TikTok personality Jeffrey Marsh has sparked controversy with problematic LGBTQ+ related content that encourages children to sever their relationship with their parents if they perceive any kind of discrimination at home, imagined or otherwise. Marsh refers to himself as a “they,” reinforces the idea of a gender binary while simultaneously denying it and encourages youth to subscribe to his Patreon for personal chats. His tactics are shared by child groomers like Jack Reynolds, a convicted pedophile who openly explained to the public that one of the first things a predator will do is establish or corrupt a child’s relationship with their family.
These radical activists who cite the work of pedophiles and pedophile sympathizers often advocate for “youth liberation,” or the idea that children can make their own decisions. This has never been an accepted idea in society for a laundry list of reasons, from a lack of experience to an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex. Using an ideology designed by perverts to push detailed sexual “education” designed to activate and radicalize, the neo trans movement is largely responsible for creating a hostile environment for all trans individuals, and not just those pushing the doctrine. Why? Because now children are the target. But if you know your history, this isn’t a surprise at all. It’s just something we must expose and fight against.
Sadly, it’s evident that government institutions are collaborating with this pedophilic agenda, much like Germany’s Green Party and Berlin’s authorities during the Kentler Project.

We want nothing to do with these perverts disguised as “LGBTQ heroes.” Many other so-called “trans rights activists” are carrying on the legacy of their pedophilic ancestors like John Money by insisting that children are sexual beings who should take puberty blockers to prevent their development, something that could stunt them into looking like children forever. Meanwhile, the United States is a hot spot for child trafficking, and according to a documentary titled: “Cut: Daughters of the West” by Canadian director Simon Esler, trans children have become a commodity among traffickers.

Coincidence? We don’t think so.
Bad if people know it, worse if they don't know it. They accept the Trans (including the flag) in a simplistic form of respect and tolerance.

Here in Mexico a debate is taking place - very poor and/or with political overtones- due to the new free textbooks that are given year after year, with the proposal of "The New Mexican School", the books loaded with progressive ideology, including of course, the trans movement.

But that topic will be in another post. I have not finished elaborating it.

Spilling the Tea on the T; The Pedophilic Roots of the Trans Movement

To add to this list, there's this 'queer theory & pedophilia jeopardy' given by the anti-civ writer Derrick Jensen. He's got some screws loose in other places, but he mentions some stuff I hadn't heard before. You can hear the crowd going a bit nuts at him for presenting this info, and kudos to him for remaining calm. His talk begins at around 1:10 and goes until about the 7 min mark.

He talks about Gayle Rubin, whose essay Thinking Sex is considered to be one of queer theory's founding documents. Apparently sexual preference for children is no difference than preference for spicy food, and she laments that the poor pedos have no one to stand up for their civil liberties.

There's also mention of Pat Califia, which is more of the same, that children are sexual beings, etc.

I was surprised to hear a quote by the very famous Judith Butler, who writes that not all incest is necessarily traumatic. Apparently it's only traumatic because society 'socially constructs' it as shameful.

These people are all sick.
But that topic will be in another post. I have not finished elaborating it.
....Meanwhile, the United States is a hot spot for child trafficking, and according to a documentary titled: “Cut: Daughters of the West” by Canadian director Simon Esler, trans children have become a commodity among traffickers.

Noticed the end, the documentary 'Cut: Daughters of the West,' the trailer for it is here (vimeo).

There is also a YT 'Simon Esler on Cut: Daughters of the West'

Apr 24, 2023 You Must Be Some Kind of Therapist Podcast: all episodes, newest to oldest
I’ve spoken with many guests about the harms of marketing invasive, experimental, life-altering procedures to children in the name of so-called “gender affirmation.” But the cosmetic surgery market’s thirst for young blood doesn’t begin and end with its exploitation of gender dysphoria. Simon Esler exposed the connections between adolescent angst, self-harm, body image, and this sociopathic industry in his new film, “Cut: Daughters of the West,” which examines the rapidly growing manufactured demand for labiaplasties and other surgeries based on the lie that female bodies should be altered in pursuit of the latest trends.
Simon Esler is a seasoned actor, writer, filmmaker, unschooling father and longtime truth teller on a mission to win the ongoing war against free thought & human liberty. With over 15 years of experience as a theater maker, 5 years as a professional content creator and a background as a former minister, I uplift hidden truths using deep insight and laughter as weapons. You can follow Simon’s work on Twitter:, YouTube: / @simonesler , and his website: . His podcast, Finding Free Thought, is available anywhere podcasts are found. You can now watch his latest film, Cut: Daughters of the West: .

The poster, Stephanie Winn, has other numerous links, including “The Master and His Emissary” by Iain McGilchrist.

(1:37 hr.)

Noticed the end, the documentary 'Cut: Daughters of the West,' the trailer for it is here (vimeo).

There is also a YT 'Simon Esler on Cut: Daughters of the West'

The poster, Stephanie Winn, has other numerous links, including “The Master and His Emissary” by Iain McGilchrist.

(1:37 hr.)

Wow - thanks @Voyageur

I'm going to purchase a subscription for 'Cut: Daughters of the West' and watch and watch with the Wife & Kids.
Had a listen to this talk with Winn and Esler.

"It is all rainbows and unicorns until the needles and scalpels appear."
- Stephanie Winn

To paraphrase Esler, he points out that the chances go very high - once socially transitioned, the chance of going down the medical path is something like 90 percent.
In Canada, if you have a child that claims a different gender, legally you must affirm them or be prepared to be crushed.

Thus, these laws have simply been implemented to everyones peril.

Esler speaks of information warfare, and people do not understand they are in a war. Average family folks can't seem to find information, it is being hidden from them (of course it is there yet it is harder to access - due to what people know well of here). The system doubles down on the narrative and people become lost and rolled over or they are simply socially marked and ostracized.

To think about young growing families and what they face - are facing, is near incomprehensible from the standpoint of looking at it from years ago. Who would have thought - and how fast it happened. Having offspring who now face it, to know what is faced, is simply chilling.

Pre-covid, there were local town leaders and such that one could not ever guess they would trumpet this nonsense, and yet now they do. Their council meetings are taken up on budgeting painting rainbows on the streets and kowtow to the next queer-lobby show, yet they can't even fix potholes. Perhaps deep down they don't believe it, however they have trapped themselves. To raise a voice is somehow looked upon as suicide, and yet I've no doubt if they did they would be largely supported. What they are afraid of is not from within the communities, it is what they will endure from outside - and people here know the social media drill, which is now backed up with laws on the books...

How does anyone adjust to this sickness?

Again, my heart goes out to families trapped in this, and yet we all share the social pathological burden placed upon us and must not somehow forget.
To think about young growing families and what they face - are facing, is near incomprehensible from the standpoint of looking at it from years ago. Who would have thought - and how fast it happened. Having offspring who now face it, to know what is faced, is simply chilling.
I recently had a conversation with a mother of a young woman, who started “transitioning”, last year.
Her daughter has had her breasts surgically removed, last September, and is on testosterone supplements.
She has changed her name from “Daria” to “Logan”.

It is so horrifically obvious to me.
I’ve had several conversations over the previous years, with both of them, and the psychological damages sustained from unresolved life experiences, that this young woman experienced, is at the core, in my opinion.

I was astonished at the reason and validation that the Mother has latched onto, to validate her support for her backing and support of her daughter, who is now her “son”.

It seems to be all based on the absolute “belief” that the daughter was born into the “wrong body.”
This “belief” she’s latched onto, is apparently based on the name she and the father “liked” when the pregnancy happened, when the sex of the unborn baby, was unknown.
If it was a boy, Logan was chosen.
So, it was “meant to be”.
The extent of woo woo, and self soothing, lying, to maintain some sort of “sanity” is so pervasive and perverse.
It seems that to preserve their own sense of sanity, the parents, once they comply, are “all In”.

It’s so incredibly creepy.

There is an incredibly outspoken woman, you can find her on several platforms, she is from Ireland, and her name is Helen Joyce.
She definitely shares my views and conclusions.

You will have to do a search for her comments, and interviews, as my Luddite choices have hindered my base of knowledge in these “electronic, computery, ways” insufficient.

I am referring to a specific interview on Tic Tok, where she is stating that the majority of parents will literally die, before EVER admitting they willingly let their beloved children be mutilated and sterilized and doomed...
so this “Trans” defensiveness stage will go on indefinitely, because what parent wants to EVER admit they complied to have their kid mutilated...

Horrific and so very sad.
I am referring to a specific interview on Tic Tok, where she is stating that the majority of parents will literally die, before EVER admitting they willingly let their beloved children be mutilated and sterilized and doomed...

Yeah, well parents would indeed have a hard time walking it back once the deed was done - the admission of it all, being wrong while being in the middle of a social gaslighting backdrop of it being right. It is not hard to imagine through history what people would do to conform to an twisted ideology (forget religion), to avoid being wrong. They might triple vaxx the kids with an experimental toxin and have one die, and still believe they are right. One might also imagine they might even be willing to die for it, to even willingly die for climate change to save the planet. There seems to be precedence.

It is so darn sad.
There is an update(Aug 10, 2023) on the father in B.C. who was fined, and served jail time for refusing to allow his daughter to transition and relating names of those involved (there was a court ban on publishing names) Well, the fine was removed, and no more jail time. He mentions the Muslims getting involved in Canada as adding to the change he sees happening.
Nice interview of Jordan Peterson on Fox News. A little bit of everything.

When Jordan started talking about the Club of Rome, the Fox talking heads had pens in hand and were writing, perhaps writing, what is that?

Peterson on the Fox question of his University "Are you selling it as if you want to think like me?"

"No, I'm selling it if you want to think, period."
Graham Lineham (comedy writer of Father Ted, Black Books etc.) has been under attack from the woke crowd for some time due to his supposedly 'controversial' views - you know, the usual, men can't be women and the like (other-wise known as common sense or objective reality).

He has now had his show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival cancelled, despite being sold out.

Ever since he started being vocal about the rise of gender identity ideology, and the threat it poses to the rights of women and gay people, he has been demonised by a powerful group of activists.
Their campaign against him has been so effective that he is now virtually unemployable in the comedy industry. He is almost bankrupt, and relies mostly on his writings for Substack to get by.

Worse still, his stage musical version of Father Ted has been pulled by Hat Trick Productions, the company that owns the rights.

According to Graham, this has happened because the management has capitulated to activists within the organisation.

A similar thing has now occurred at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. A show that I organised with Andy Shaw, under the banner of Comedy Unleashed, has been cancelled by Leith Arches because Graham was booked to appear on the bill.
Comedy Unleashed who booked the show have had many of those they have worked with 'cancelled' because they do not conform to the current narrative:

In the past, we have booked Markus Meechan (aka Count Dankula) after he was convicted in a Scottish Court for making a joke video in which taught his girlfriend’s pug to perform a Nazi salute.

We booked drag queen Vanity Von Glow, whose gigs had been cancelled for appearing on stage with right-wing figures at a free speech rally.

We booked rapper and comedian NoHun after venues on his planned tour backed out because he pointed out that men cannot get pregnant.

We booked Andrew Lawrence after his entire tour was cancelled for jokes that were deemed ‘problematic’. The list goes on.
Most tellingly, the reason given for this particular cancellation is that the venue is 'inclusive' and thus cannot include Graham's views or allow him to 'violate' their space…

‘We DO NOT suppprt (sic) this comedian, or his views and he WILL NOT be allowed to perform at our venue and is CANCELLED from Thursdays (sic) comedy show with immediate effect’.

They concluded their statement with an unbelievable note of hypocrisy: ‘We are an inclusive venue and will not allow such views to violate our space’.
Andrew Doyle sums up the mindset of these people:

These activists are tenacious. Some have targeted Graham for years now, and seemingly will not stop until he is utterly destitute.

In the past, activists have doxxed him (i.e., posted his home address online), reported him to the police for ‘hate speech’ and harassed his family.

This, sadly, resulted in the eventual breakdown of his marriage. These are the same people who claim to be ‘on the right side of history’. Their motto may as well have been ‘be kind… or else’.

This kind of cruelty is the tip of the iceberg for this intolerant and pearl-clutching movement which demands to be ringfenced from criticism and ridicule.

These are the people who claim to be progressive, all the while reversing the cause of feminism and gay rights by decades. They claim to be opposed to fascism, and yet support the censorship and intimidation of their political opponents…

And so Graham is perfectly right to take a stand against them. His views are only considered controversial among a very small but powerful clique, the kind of people who have the clout to shut down comedy gigs which don’t meet their approval.

The situation isn’t helped by promoters, critics and performers within the comedy industry who cheer along this puritanical behaviour.

But in a free society, we can’t allow a small group of authoritarians to decide how other people spend their time. If we want to watch comedy, we don’t need to seek their permission first.
Fortunately they have been able to find a new venue for the show, but due to harassment, are having to only give out the location on the day to avoid activists turning up.

Graham is also considering legal action against the venue, though I doubt that will come to anything.

Graham has hit out at the venue and says he is considering taking legal action for discrimination. He told TalkTV’s Julia Hartley-Brewer on Wednesday morning: “It was cancelled within a couple of hours. So I had two hours of excitement and fans saying they were going to go. It was a sell-out. But you do get used to this kind of thing after a while.

“It never really makes you feel good. The only good thing about it is that it’s drawing more attention to the fact that, essentially, a group of highly ideological cultists have taken over institutions across society."
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