Julian Assange Discussion

Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Guardian said:
Perhaps the murdering psychopaths currently in control of this planet are just beginning to realize that they've become completely and utterly dependent on a form of technology that less than 1% of them can even remotely understand? Rumor has it that "hackers" are REALLY good at planning ahead...wayyyyyyyyy ahead.
Mmm... a friend of mine working at a Really Big Software company (starts with "O") said he had foreseen a day when we have no control over the software, because noone understands it anymore, and for this reason he had put in a "kill switch" in the software (which is used by a large portion of Fortune500 companies) to shut it down. What that meant, and who is supposed to "flip it", I have no idea, but it was interesting that he had thought about it.

Among most of my colleagues in the software business ( who I won't count in the "hacker" category) there is very little forward thinking beyond next week, and even less consideration of anything to do with "ethics" or somesuch notions. Also, the trends of software development changes so fast these days that anything older than five years may not be understandable anymore, since noone knows the technology anymore. It'll be a bit like Idiocracy-the-movie in the not-so-distant future...
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Laura said:
That the Zionist controlled media is involved in this instead of just ignoring Assange into oblivion is highly suspect.

The Zionist controlled media is trying to focus attention on approx 300 incidents out of THOUSANDS. Perhaps we should be looking at ALL the actual documents rather than just the small portion the mainstream media spoon feeds the masses?
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

foofighter said:
and for this reason he had put in a "kill switch" in the software (which is used by a large portion of Fortune500 companies) to shut it down. What that meant, and who is supposed to "flip it", I have no idea, but it was interesting that he had thought about it.

Hmmmm...now that could make for a real revolution :evil:

Among most of my colleagues in the software business ( who I won't count in the "hacker" category) there is very little forward thinking beyond next week, and even less consideration of anything to do with "ethics" or somesuch notions.

It's my personal belief that anyone with "ethics," who's capable of forward thinking, won't be found serving our corporate masters in ANY capacity. In fact, the people I know who're capable of forward thinking and have real ethics would rather DIE than serve our oppressors. For some folks, the alleged safety of a regular paycheck just isn't worth the sale of our souls.

Also, the trends of software development changes so fast these days that anything older than five years may not be understandable anymore, since noone knows the technology anymore.

Really? No one? Ya sure positive? ;D
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Heh, better watch the use of words: all, none, everybody, nobody... :D

Perhaps FF is referring to people who are compartmentalized, prevented
from seeing "the whole picture" other than those "higher up", as done in
corporations and governments. I can understand the "kill switch" concept,
as they exist both in software and hardware forms, such as additional chip
circuitry, or "dormant" software code... it is not so unusual (Remember voting
machines? And wireless devices?) All forms are possible, are they not?

Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks


One of the comments below the article pretty much says it.

Just as you have looked at the facts and find no reason to doubt Mr Assange's overall credibility, so others have also looked and find something very fishy about Wikileaks. No-one knows for sure, but surely there is a huge red flag for caution at least. Wikileaks may have been used in this latest release.

Why nothing really controversial or top-secret? Why mostly stuff we already know about? Why release it to the mainstream media outlets first, so they could put things in a certain light? Why the leak about Bin Laden being seen in 2006, when he is obviously dead? Why the leaks about ISI support for the Taliban (much of which is already common knowledge for followers of alternative media)? The possibility is there that this gives justification for deeper US involvement and interference in Pakistan. Why is Wikileaks funded by mainstream media and the same organisations that support left gatekeepers?

Surely we of 911 Truth are not in a position to hand out our sacred trust recklessly. That's how we can get hurt. People are justified in being very suspicious. Mr Assange's views on 911 Truth are a huge warning sign. At this point, my own level of trust in Wikileaks is very low, and getting lower by the day, the more I look at all the circumstances.

Why on earth should the readers of this website trust a guy who:

1) denies 911 truth
2) gives favourable access to mainstream media
3) takes funding from left gatekeeper organisations and is supported by the same mainstream media outlets which cover up 911 Truth?
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

While I had been trying to give Assange the benefit of the doubt in the sense that he could be an unaware agent of disinfo, he will need to answer some questions about his 911 denial and his decisions to involve MSM.

I originally thought the 911 denial was just ignorance, but surely he has been exposed to enough information to tip the scales in a different direction by now.

As well, I considered he might have felt that my involving certain MSM outlets, he was increasing distribution to the masses who might otherwise never come across such information. As well, due to the unwarranted trust the masses have in the MSM, I imagined having certain outlets carry the various stories might add a degree of validity in the minds of the everyday mister and misses.

However, the same strategy would equally benefit disinformation: broad distribution through trusted channels.

Methinks the time is nigh when Julian Assange will have to fight for his credibility among his earlier compatriots or they will start separating themselves from him. If he is cointel, this really wouldn't matter much as the whole point would have been to create a network of alleged whistle blowers and bring the resulting leaks to the brainwashed masses. Such a ploy would certainly involve issuing a few items that would be damaging to TPTB, but only enough to maintain credibility among the distrusting conspiracy thinking set.

Nothing new under the sun. La plus ça change...

My thoughts, for what they're worth,

Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Yup, ya gotta wonder who's using who at this point.


Campaign Desk, Transparency — July 28, 2010 02:18 PM
The Story Behind the Publication of WikiLeaks’s Afghanistan Logs

From Brussels, to a bunker, to blockbusters

By Clint Hendler

You wouldn’t be reading the coverage of the so-called Afghanistan logs—in The New York Times, Der Spiegel, and The Guardian—if Nick Davies, a senior contributor to the British paper, hadn’t tracked down WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in Brussels one month ago.

Davies’s interest had been piqued in mid-June when Bradley Manning, a junior army intelligence analyst and the alleged source of several high-profile WikiLeaks disclosures, was quoted in chat transcripts claiming to have leaked a voluminous amount of yet-to-be disclosed diplomatic cables.

Whatever Assange had, and whomever its source, Davies knew that WikiLeaks would publish again—and hoped to convince him to let The Guardian look at any future release before WikiLeaks splashed it on its own site.

After e-mails to Assange’s listed accounts netted nothing, Davies contacted a half dozen people close to him, hoping to reach and woo Assange. One of them came back with a tip that a skittish Assange planned to honor a commitment to speak before the European parliament on Tuesday, June 21, despite the cries of “manhunt” surrounding him. Davies asked The Guardian’s Brussels reporter to corner Assange and tell him that he was on his way.

“While I was on the train going under the Channel, I had tried to work out what I would say to him,” remembers Davies. “It wasn’t going to work if I said ‘I’m a greedy reporter, I’d like to take all your information and put it in my newspaper.’”

Instead, Davies planned to tell Assange that The Guardian would allocate a team to identify stories in WikiLeaks’s unreleased documents that would benefit from careful research, some of which his paper would report out and some that could be parceled to other outlets. On June 22, during a six hour coffee-soaked meeting in a Brussels café, Davies says Assange suggested another idea—that The Guardian and The New York Times be given an advance look at some information the site had on the Afghanistan war, with each paper publishing their own takes on the documents. Within the next twenty-four hours, Davies says Assange told him Der Spiegel should be included as well.

Davies thought it unwise from a security standpoint to share Assange’s offer via the phone. Early Wednesday morning, Davies says he trained back to England to notify Alan Rusbridger, The Guardian’s editor in chief, who, in turn, called Bill Keller and, later, Mathias Müller Von Blumencron, top editors at The New York Times and Der Spiegel.

Rusbridger says he informed Keller of the terms of the deal: Though there was no fixed date of publication, WikiLeaks would agree to keep the documents under wraps for a term of “a few weeks.” All the organizations would publish simultaneously with WikiLeaks, once it determined the final publication date. The date had to work for the weekly Der Spiegel and the daily print outlets; it was eventually set for 10pm London time, Sunday, July 25. (Rusbridger says that as the organizations grappled with “the amount of work required to make sense of the material” Assange was asked, and agreed, to push back an earlier deadline. Davies pegs this delay as about a week.)

Meanwhile, in Washington, Times reporter Eric Schmitt had just returned from a reporting trip to Pakistan.* Dean Baquet, his bureau chief, advised him of a quick turnaround to undertake a “special project” in London. Schmitt says he was briefed by Keller, and touched down in London late Saturday, June 26. After a Sunday lunch with David Leigh, The Guardian’s investigations editor, Schmitt was shown to a room that the journalists analyzing the documents would come to call “the bunker.”

The room—tucked away on a floor used by The Guardian’s advertising staff, deliberately out of view of curious newsroom eyes—featured two rows of a half-dozen or so desks, facing each other. A floor to ceiling window looked across The Guardian’s office building.

Davies was having further discussions with Assange in Stockholm, and, until Monday when he joined the staff in the bunker, was somewhat out of touch with the effort he had kicked off in London.

“At this stage, we were still working in this state of anxiety, and I was not having phone calls with the U.K. If the NSA and our GCHQ were doing their jobs, they should have been trying to figure out what WikiLeaks would leak next,” says Davies.

When John Goetz, a Der Spiegel reporter, was first told of the invitation to come to London, the atmospherics were similar.

“My boss said there was an exciting project with a lot of secrecy. We weren’t supposed to talk on the phone,” remembers Goetz. “There was a lot of stuff that wasn’t clear. At that point, there was a real concern about security. You couldn’t write e-mails, and people were talking about encrypted phones.”

Goetz arrived at the bunker on Wednesday, June 30. That afternoon, Assange came too.

Assange, in the wake of Manning’s detention, feared that he or others involved with WikiLeaks might be arrested or face other hostile action. If that had happened, some of the reporters had the impression that Assange was ready to publish the documents on the WikiLeaks site immediately, whether the print outlets were ready or not.

“In the beginning, it felt like we had to be very fast about this,” says Davies.

While in the bunker, the reporters searched a raw dataset on Apple computers provided by The Guardian. They began to sort through the documents, trying to find the most noteworthy stories hidden among them.

“At this point it was a huge Excel spreadsheet,” says Schmitt. “For some weird reason, the data started in January of ‘04 and it ended in like April of ’09. And we couldn’t figure out why does it end there? Assange later comes and says it doesn’t end there—you just gotta open up a new screen or whatever… It was clear that we were going to need some technical assistance here.”

The Guardian’s computer staff attempted to make the database easier to manage, but Schmitt soon decided that he had to get a copy of the documents back to New York. WikiLeaks and the Times’s technical staff cooperated on a method to securely transfer the information back to a New York Times computer assisted reporting team.

With copies of the data outside the bunker, there wasn’t much reason for Schmitt and Goetz to stay in London. They left on Friday. (Schmitt never returned, but Goetz made two further trips to London with a colleague, in part to interview Assange, who had stayed on in England, at one point sleeping on Davies’s Sussex sofa.)

But from Wednesday until their departures, the journalists had collaborated on feeling out what was in the logs.

“Everyone was autisticly connected to their screen,” says Goetz. “The whole time, we’re going through, talking out loud, saying ‘I found this, I found that.’”

Before leaving, reporters from the three outlets sat down and divvied up some tasks. Der Spiegel offered to check the logs against incident reports submitted by the German army to their parliament—partly as story research, partly to check their authenticity—and to share their findings. Davies, Goetz, Leigh, and Schmitt brainstormed about fifteen topic areas for which The New York Times’s computer assisted reporting team would try to find relevant logs to be shared with the group. Der Spiegel and The Guardian did their own searching, and also shared fruitful results, search terms, and methods.

“You get to the point where all three organizations have the same material under that heading, and each of us goes off separately to write our copy,” says The Guardian’s Davies. “I thought that collaboration was really rather heartwarming, and unusual.”

Although Assange has since spoken in a way that could suggest WikiLeaks was a journalistic collaborator in the effort, the traditional journalists don’t agree with that description.

At a press conference on Monday, Assange said that, along with The Guardian, “we had Der Spiegel and New York Times and us in a collaborative basement, if you like, working on this material.” The WikiLeaks website speaks of the three outlets as its “media partners.”

“I’ve seen Julian Assange in the last couple of days kind of flouncing around talking about this collaboration like the four of us were working all this together,” says Schmitt. ”But we were not in any kind of partnership or collaboration with him. This was a source relationship. He’s making it sound like this was some sort of journalistic enterprise between WikiLeaks, The New York Times, The Guardian, and Der Spiegel, and that’s not what it was.”

“He was in and out,” says Schmitt. “He’d come and you’d ask him questions about certain types of data, and certain questions—some of them he answered and some of them he didn’t. Where did you get this material? He wouldn’t answer that. Did it come from Bradley Manning? He didn’t answer that. What else may be coming? He’d be very coy about these things.”

John Goetz says he, Eric Schmitt, and Nick Davies shared two dinners outside the building with Assange during the time they were all in London; one time where they joined by other staffers from The Guardian for Chinese food.

“It was just a continuation of the work,” remembers Goetz, adding that the dinners were full of “talk about stuff we had seen, stuff we thought was interesting, the date issue, all of the above… It’s not like we went to dinner and stopped talking about our common project.”

“There’s a really interesting collaboration between the three news organizations. But Julian, he’s a source,” says Davies. “All three media organization interviewed him in order to be able to write a profile of him, explain various things about the material, challenge him on various points. So he was there for that function.”

Goetz and Davies also say they had conversations with Assange encouraging him to be careful about the lethal harm that could come to people identified in the logs if he released certain documents unredacted.

While the frequent information sharing, which continued long after the group split geographically, gave the outlets some idea of what each was working on, no one was let in on specific stories. Nor were drafts or copy shared.

“Sunday night, when it all went online at 10 o’clock in the evening U.K. time, we were sitting there saying ‘What has Eric written? What’s Goetz written?’” says Davies.

The packages provided a detailed, contextualized analysis of the originally unwieldy and confusing database with which that the reporters had originally been provided. Davies says ensuring that the reporting power of these high-profile newsrooms was brought to bear on the logs was exactly, back in Belgium a month ago, what Assange had said he hoped for by providing the outlets an advance look, instead of following WikiLeaks’s usual past practice of simply uploading the once-secret documents to their own site.

“I remember one of the things he said was that there was a problem when you put raw material on a Web site—each individual news organization says ‘Well we’re not going to invest weeks trying to make sense of that, because for all we know, another media organization over the hill is already doing that. And two days before we’re ready to go, they’ll go, and all our effort will be wasted,’” says Davies. “He isn’t just putting it out there for the sake of it. He’s putting it out there because he wants the world to understand whatever the subject of the information is. And our operation has hugely increased that possibility.”

CORRECTION, 7/29: Schmitt had been reporting in Pakistan, not, as the piece incorrectly said, Iraq. The text has been corrected.
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

WikiLeaks founder 'disappointed' by Gates' remarks
By the CNN Wire Staff
July 30, 2010 -- Updated 1551 GMT (2351 HKT)

Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Assange to NDTV: ISI danger is very real

Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Julian Assange 1 "the War on Peace Report" Democracy Now

Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Julian Assange At The Frontline Club

Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

All debate regarding who's doing the disinfo dance aside...reading where all these reporters are ragging on Julian for being "pale" and "pasty skinned" is just plain FUNNY!!

Whatever else he is, all sides agree that he's an Urber Geek.... if he had a tan, now THAT would be suspicious. :P
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks


The sott.net news and comments point out that the hero of the "left gate keepers," Julian Assange's just released edited intelligence supports the Zionist dirty war against Iran and Pakistan. The "left gate keepers" protest wars, except those which further the Zionist agenda of genocide in Southwest Asia.

http://www.irmep.org/Policy_Briefs/3_27_2003_Clean_Break_or_Dirty_War.html said:
By selectively codifying support for Zionism, the U.S. sets itself upon the course of intolerance and wide scale bloodshed. The damage to its reputation as a just, fair, and secular nation has been pre-empted by coalitions of evangelical interest groups and agents of Israel. IRMEP’s U.S. damage assessment score is 4 out of 5. Practically speaking, U.S. policies are becoming indistinguishable from an institutionalized modern crusade against Islam and Arab nations.

The Zionist Dirty War of torture, execution, starvation, and genocide against Islamic nations is justified and supported by Julian Assange and Wikileaks as the timing of the latest series of leaks supports the "left gate keepers" war mongering on behalf of Zionism by convincing the US Congress to vote another 33 billion dollars for slaughter of Afghan men, women, and children . Of course, the Afghan resistance is called the Taliban. The Julian Assange leak campaign underpins the media effort to justify WAR against Iran and Pakistan as Assange's leaks finger Iran and Pakistan as supporters of the Taliban. Wikileaks is a psychological operation by the intelligence and military forces of the Zionist dirty war against Islam preparing the public via the "left gate keeper" clappers for an escalation of slaughter against Iran and Pakistan.

At best Julian Assange is a patsy, surrounded by handlers operating on behalf of the Zionist psychopath's dirty war against humanity.
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

go2 said:
At best Julain Assange is a patsy, surrounded by handlers operating on behalf of the Zionist psychopath's dirty war against humanity.

At best, you're wrong, and everything is going according to a plan we've only seen a tiny fraction of revealed as yet :)
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Guardian said:
At best, you're wrong, and everything is going according to a plan you've only seen a tiny fraction of revealed as yet

Guardian, what is the plan?

Edit: focus
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