The Living Force
iloveyoghurt said:"..a biologically close to human genetics but of an unusual racial type - a rare Chinese Mongoloid type - one of the rarest human lineages known, that lies further from the human mainstream than any other except for African pygmies and aborigines"
and further:
"..a strange anomaly of it being blonde to clear instead of being black, as would be expected from the Asian type mitochondrial DNA."
Thanks, iloveyoghurt -- if you're interested in reading about this more, there's actually a book by Bill Chalker called Hair of the Alien, which discusses the Peter Khoury case. The rare Chinese type he discusses is one with only four examples at the time of writing -- three in Taiwan and one in China. He also mentions that mtDNA analysis of the hair root itself (as opposed to the shaft) places the female "within the general range of Basque-Gaelic genetics", and he suggests an Irish origin. I'm not sure what to make of it (the author himself proposes that it's evidence of Nordic-human interbreeding), but it's certainly interesting.