Karmic and Simple Understandings.

Karma is a Divine resource for learning.
To associate karma with supposed punishments is to believe in lies inspired by 4D STS for manipulation purposes.

Personally, I would agree with this statement.

I was confused when I read this:

Q: (L) Why have black people, in general, for most of recorded history, been living in such primitive conditions with such primitive mind set?

A: Isolation from modern interaction.

Q: (L) Why is this?

A: Karma. Punishment for past society which was cruel master hierarchical.

I'm wondering why the C's would call this particular karma, 'punishment'.
Maybe punishment is not the exactly right word, as we tend to use it. In the Cs notation ‘punishment’ is more akin to some ‘balancing’ of past deeds. In order to progress further up the staircase, all deeds that run counter to STO goals (effectively STS) need to be offset by deeds oriented towards STO. Like the weighing on a scale - however, what offsets what may be more complicated than we perceive here on 3D.

Maybe this is too simplistic, but this is my current understanding.
I'm wondering why the C's would call this particular karma, 'punishment'.
Because a spade is a spade? Even if the outside observer feels it should be a club because spades are pointy?

IOW Objective reality meets subjective wishes about what realty “should” be? We can see what we wish to be true as the manifested dominant reality precisely because there is a part of us that wishes it was true here in the world we inhabit and certainly it must be true somewhere, at the very least.

Why shouldn’t Karma be punishment when that is what is required and even actually desired? I think calling it punishment is the issue. It’s a loaded term fraught with triggers. If we call karma a “natural reaction or consequence” to our actions thoughts and feelings, does that change it?

Simpler to call a spade a spade. “Y’all F’d up big time. Only way your soul advances is through suffering. Next!”
Only way your soul advances is through suffering. Next!”
How to move forward with finding an "End of a Karmic Cycle in My Life"

In the end, it will be the little things in life that have the most meaning

I'm wondering why the C's would call this particular karma, 'punishment
I think, because whatever we do to others it will comeback to us, good or bad.soon or later. So, we have to learn and respect others Free Will.

Q: (Ark) I would like to know if there is some most important law that governs all of the creation. We know conservation of energy is an important law. You can think about conservation of information. Maybe there is such a law? This John Archibald Wheeler who we quoted several times, he added his own law which is kind of timeless which says that it's pure geometric boundary which says boundary is zero. Another possible law is: As above, so below. Okay. Is there any kind of a fundamental physical law? Well, not physical... Some fundamental law of creation?

A: Free will.

Q: (L) Is there any such thing as racial superiority regarding the races on the planet earth?

A: Only karmically determined by physical confinement assignment.

Q: (L) It can be karmically determined to be born into one race or another?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can one ask the higher self for permission to do a cleansing?

A: Be cautious not to interfere with karmic learning assignments.

Q: (L) Do some people have attachments that are part of karma?

A: Yes.

A: Okay, now, do you have to already be in 4th grade in order to be allowed to go there? Answer.

Q: (L) No. But you have to know all the 3rd density things...

A: Yes. More apropos: you have to have learned all of the lessons.

Q: (L) What kind of lessons are we talking about here?

A: Karmic and simple understandings.

Q: (L) What are the key elements of these understandings, and are they fairly universal?

A: They are universal

A: All difficulties in personal life are karmic in one way or another. Especially those involving interactions with other souled beings. And the closer the interactions, the more karmic they are. This you already know.

Q:) (L) So basically, we can recapitulate by saying that people need to learn to breathe. Breathing can change things in their physiology. And also they need to use the breathing to get themselves into a meditative state, or a state where they can do the bioenergetic breathing, which then helps them to release karmic and current life programs and issues and get a cleansing. Once they've started to become cleansed, then they are able to - and this is supposed to be interspersed with, as I understand it - continuous input of data and information. They did say that you use this to deal with reality. This meditating and breathing is not an escape, this is a healing. Meanwhile, you're supposed to at the same time - throughout the day - you're supposed to be paying close attention to reality and not falling into illusion. Okay, so we've got that part of the program. And then once these people begin to clear out their traumas and their programs

(L) Yeah. So the next one on my list is: making amends when possible to the wronged person, and when not possible making those amends to the world at large. I'm aware that there are situations where you may have great, great regrets where it's just not practical, or it would just make things worse to try to make amends. Therefore, my thought is that the thing to do under those circumstances is to...

(Artemis) ...seek redemption by helping others.

(L) Yeah, achieve redemption by giving to the universe and others in need. I mean that in terms of thoughts, time, energy, whatever.

A: Yes

18.12 Questioner: You stated yesterday that forgiveness is the eradicator of karma. I am assuming that balanced forgiveness for the full eradication of karma would require forgiveness not only of other-selves but forgiveness of self. Am I correct?

Ra: I am Ra. You are correct. We will briefly expand upon this understanding in order to clarify.
Forgiveness of other-self is forgiveness of self. An understanding of this insists upon full forgiveness upon the conscious level of self and other-self, for they are one. A full forgiveness is thus impossible without the inclusion of self.
I always thought that karma is, "What goes around comes around" or "You reap what you sow". I thought I would put the question, "What is Karma" in the Brave search. They have, what I am assuming, is an AI at the top of the page that responds to what is put in the search bar. Here are a couple things it said, which, basically, is what I have always thought Karma is:
Karma is a concept rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism, referring to the force generated by a person’s actions, which determines the nature of their future existence. It is a principle of retributive justice, where an individual’s deeds in this life affect all their future lives.

Key Aspects

  1. Retributive Justice: Karma ensures that an individual’s actions are rewarded or punished in subsequent lives, based on their moral quality.
  2. Actions and Consequences: Every action, whether good or bad, has consequences that will manifest in the future.
  3. Universal Balance: Karma aims to restore equilibrium and balance in the universe, ensuring that the effects of an individual’s actions are ultimately reflected back to them.


  4. In Practice

    Karma is often seen as a guiding principle for moral behavior, encouraging individuals to act with compassion, kindness, and responsibility. It is believed that by cultivating positive actions and thoughts, an individual can create good karma, leading to beneficial outcomes in their future lives. Conversely, negative actions and thoughts can generate bad karma, resulting in undesirable consequences.

    Synonyms and Analogies
    • “What goes around comes around”
    • “What you sow is what you reap”
    • “The law of cause and effect”
  5. By understanding karma, individuals can develop a sense of personal responsibility, strive for moral growth, and cultivate a deeper connection with the universe and its principles.
So as far as I see it, yes, Karma can be punishment for things you have done in the past that harmed others. But that's just my understanding of it.
I have come to understand that karma involves both past life deeds and events in the span of a lifetime. As far as I have read:

Karma makes you change roles. When you were the victimizer in the next life you are the victim. The lesson is: Put yourself in the other's shoes.

In the span of one lifetime, without having to reincarnate, crimes and/or mistakes that have immediate punishment, whether you go to prison or are expelled from a group, etc.

Karma can also be to lead a life without the bourgeois joys but with moments of peace for the purpose of reflection. Sometimes an unfruitful life (e.g. not having children, not being successful in your endeavors) puts us in the situation where a plant when pruned and prevented from bearing fruit, makes it grow stronger and healthier.

Karma can also be when we are in the process of learning, we get depressed, our body hurts and then we recover. The same process of cleansing hurts us because we have to scrape off the dirt that is stuck in the body, and in the soul.

Karma could also be one's own inner struggle between two opinions and making difficult decisions, because in the past we were passive, indifferent or simply ignorant.

We can deal with a single karma, or several karmas, from past lives and current karmas.
Because a spade is a spade? Even if the outside observer feels it should be a club because spades are pointy?

IOW Objective reality meets subjective wishes about what realty “should” be? We can see what we wish to be true as the manifested dominant reality precisely because there is a part of us that wishes it was true here in the world we inhabit and certainly it must be true somewhere, at the very least.

Why shouldn’t Karma be punishment when that is what is required and even actually desired? I think calling it punishment is the issue. It’s a loaded term fraught with triggers. If we call karma a “natural reaction or consequence” to our actions thoughts and feelings, does that change it?

Simpler to call a spade a spade. “Y’all F’d up big time. Only way your soul advances is through suffering. Next!”
I have roots from the Inca Indians since they were in Bolivia and northwest Argentina.
The Indians were exterminated, colonized, conquered, however there are still Aboriginal tribes.
I have an Italian family too so I guess I don't have to pay the karma of my ancestors?
A mix of Romans and Incas haha what a mix! I hope to have the Gene subversive to the Nephalim influence the Cs said that Semitism does not necessarily have to do with Jews.
Maybe punishment is not the exactly right word, as we tend to use it. In the Cs notation ‘punishment’ is more akin to some ‘balancing’ of past deeds. In order to progress further up the staircase, all deeds that run counter to STO goals (effectively STS) need to be offset by deeds oriented towards STO. Like the weighing on a scale - however, what offsets what may be more complicated than we perceive here on 3D.

Maybe this is too simplistic, but this is my current understanding.

I feel quite identified with that.

I'm wondering why the C's would call this particular karma, 'punishment'.

Thank you Noctus for raising your question.
As you may have noticed, my comment was not very precise.
When I gave my opinion, I did not know or did not remember that the Cas had used the word “punishment” in relation or linkage with Karma.
Evidently my statement was not correct, at least it was not correct in its entirety.

I have noticed that I still have a lot of biases to keep discovering in myself.
Since I have been on the forum I keep putting things out of my mind, which are really a hindrance.

In this particular case, I think I must find objectivity in the concept or true meaning of the term “punishment”.

I can acknowledge and confess, that I have always felt repulsion for the concept or idea of “punishment”.
It may be that the emotional factor has a lot to do with this.

Specifically, my biased view regarding the link that Karma may have with punishment, may be because of certain unpleasant things that I have observed in the educational system in general, in early education both at the family and institutional level, etc.

Something that could illustrate what I mean, is for example, that it is too common to see that when the adult in charge of protecting, guiding, teaching children, they emphatically use the resource of reward or punishment, to achieve for example, that a child stops bothering another child.

Something typical is: “If you don't stop bothering your classmate, or your little brother, this afternoon you won't go to play ball with your friends”, or “You won't eat dessert”, etc.

If this is what is sown, if in order to educate children they are permanently made to think about the benefits or detriments that they will obtain FOR THEMSELVES according to their actions, if the emphasis for an educational system is placed there, neglecting and underestimating the bases of true learning, that is, what is the most important thing for them.
bases of true learning, which is what we call here “External Consideration”, without the latter as a primary basis in the educational system, human society as a whole will continue to get sicker and sicker.

It is true that there are many people who, with good judgment, manage to make the children in this type of situation reconsider, making them aware of the suffering of the other child, and only if there is no other choice, they resort to the other measures mentioned above, because these are also necessary in their proper measure.

But unfortunately these people who handle this matter with balance are the great minority, and they do not owe their good judgment to the education system.
They are resilient, and the children who find themselves in their path are fortunate.

It is evident that STS is in charge.
They are infiltrated in all areas, and what they begin to model in the human psyche at an early age, they take advantage of and reinforce even more, influencing through religions, where they are also infiltrated, deforming the true messages from on high, using half-truths to deceive.

The implanted idea of a God who will reward those who behave well and punish those who misbehave, is very easy to assimilate and/or accept by a huge number of people, since they have been educated, not to say trained, since childhood, with the emphasis placed on “Internal Consideration”.

I know what I am saying is not news to people here in the forum.
I am only bringing it up, because I am trying to find the reason for my predisposition to the term “punishment”.

I guess seeing so much manipulation based on fear of punishment, seeing so much underhanded terrorism in the education system, seeing humanity headed for greater slavery than it is already in, sometimes it makes it hard to be objective in thought.

If we call karma a “natural reaction or consequence” to our actions thoughts and feelings, does that change it?

Simpler to call a spade a spade

I agree with you.
Things are what they are, beyond the name we give them.
Likewise, agreeing on how we name such a thing or such another thing, I think it is essential to be able to communicate.
I don't know if you agree with me on that point.

So as far as I see it, yes, Karma can be punishment for things you have done in the past that harmed others. But that's just my understanding of it.

Maybe it's just your interpretation, but for me it was more than that, as something so simple made me think quite a bit. Thanks for that, and to everyone for sharing so much interesting, and enlightening stuff. :flowers:

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
I have come to understand that karma involves both past life deeds and events in the span of a lifetime. As far as I have read:

Karma makes you change roles. When you were the victimizer in the next life you are the victim. The lesson is: Put yourself in the other's shoes.

In the span of one lifetime, without having to reincarnate, crimes and/or mistakes that have immediate punishment, whether you go to prison or are expelled from a group, etc.
I've been wondering about 'Karmic Understandings' in the context of my own life and the above makes sense to me.

Along with the question, mentioned earlier in the thread, about Karma being referred to as a punishment, my first thought about this was to think of this in terms of lessons. If the universe is one big school and lessons are all there are then it seems reasonable to me that we will be faced with the lessons we need to learn one way or another - it may seem like a punishment, but that may be because we're still looking at what it being offered to us from a self-serving perspective (or at least I understand that to be my initial perspective when faced with something hard that I need to learn).
The important thing is that we do what must be done to release the Karmic programmes with knowledge input; paying close attention to reality; mediation and breathwork.

if in order to educate children they are permanently made to think about the benefits or detriments that they will obtain FOR THEMSELVES according to their actions, if the emphasis for an educational system is placed there, neglecting and underestimating the bases of true learning, that is, what is the most important thing for them.
bases of true learning, which is what we call here “External Consideration”, without the latter as a primary basis in the educational system, human society as a whole will continue to get sicker and sicker.

In the factory-style set up of modern schooling that demands conformity, I think it inevitable that this sort of coercion is the favoured method for maintaining control. I don't think that 'learning' (beyond a materialistic, utilitarian sense of the word) is really what schools are for.
I'd be very interested to read an expansion of your thoughts on the idea of external consideration as the basis of true learning - how do you think that relates to simple and karmic understandings?

Thanks for that, and to everyone for sharing so much interesting, and enlightening stuff.
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