Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

It is not straightforward, but you can make a fat emulsion while cooking meat in it. I have not totally figured this out yet, but when done properly the fat becomes cloudy and thickens, and becomes much more palatable. Rather like a thick strong broth. I think with the right spices the "strong" part can be mitigated. Every time I add too much salt! I think it is the emulsified water which cuts the strength; with too little water the fat may be too strong. I think there is an optimal fat to water ratio for taste, and a right amount of emulsifier required to stabilize it.

When I do this I use just half a stick of butter (55g or 4 tablespoons) and 100g of meat in a 8" cast iron pan. I have seen it happen with plenty of veggies in the pan as well. I guess it is possible the meat proteins could cause the emulsion but this has not been my so far limited experience. I think it needs a bit of very fine powder spice, which turmeric seems to work well for; cumin will work but you need way too much of it to emulsify all the fat. I think salt needs to be added at the very beginning. The trick is to add water a while cooking so that it boils up through the oil. Just enough to cover the bottom of the pan with a thin layer. Tilt the pan to distribute the water around but only mix gently or you will break the emulsion. The temperature should be too low for crackling and sizzling; if too high the water will boil too vigorously and an emulsion cannot form. The boiling water should be more like a foam, and not cause a lot of movement of the oil. If you look you will be able to see the bubbles opacifying the oil. If the temperature is low enough, the water will slowly evaporate and the oil will become cloudy. To maintain the emulsion, the temperature must remain low. If the water boils too fast the oil will clear up and the suspended substances will clump together. There seems to be a point where the water is fully emulsified and resists evaporating from the oil, but raising temperature will cause the water to evaporate (fat rendering instructions are to boil to 250F to expel all water from the fat). The emulsifiers may singe at the bottom of the pan after which they no longer can emulsify the fat. It is okay if there are occasional surface oil splotches, and the cloudiness may be inconsistent. At this point the oil will be slightly thicker, or perhaps even viscous if you did something well, but usually more like a slightly thickened broth. The fat should still be emulsified after boiling stops. As it cools it will thicken more and it will develop a slight film over the top.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Medulin said:
I can't go on 100% keto. I'm on cyclic(al) keto diet. Every 10th day I eat carbs to replenish muscles with glycogen. :)

Over Christmas I ended up taking in enough carbs daily to get my muscles back using carbs for energy.

How do I know this, you may ask?

The result was that I couldn't get warm when going out doors. It is -20 to -30 C in Manitoba right now. Eliminating the carbs has stabilized this situation. It took a few days to get rid of being cold all the time. Now my muscles have gone back to using animal fat and protein for fuel.

The result of this, (People had noticed me bundled up feeling cold all the time. They asked if I am getting sick!) , is now I can be comfortable outside without gloves, ears uncovered and coat open in -25, where other people start to shiver. Now they have a different look. That look is kind of questioning, as in "How come you don't feel the cold like I do? or Why aren't you feeling cold, like I do?".

This was a real time, real life situation and not just some theory to experiment with. Because of the information I am armed with, understanding what was taking place with my body actually made sense. I knew that my transgressions with food had a direct result on how my machine worked.

Sampson & Delilah: It talks about hair being the catalyst. This story may make more sense if the term diet(fat) is put in the place of hair. I can see where a sudden diet of high carbs could make a warrior like Sampson seem weak and allow him to be captured. He hung out in brothels and one time he stayed too long, eating what they provided. He woke up weak. It happens just that fast if you go way overboard on carbs. I can verify that. He thought nothing could weaken him but diet (possibly) was his weakness as well as the source of his strength. This mirrored my experience and my thoughts immediately went to Sampson's fable as a reference.

The Bible is full of references to Animal Fat being the food of choice for God and people wanting to be close to him, listening to their cosmic minds. The opposite has happened. People now regard animal fat as being an evil substance. I was once counted in that group of doubters! Why do we get such heavy programming? (We are under siege, living in a controlled state, just like cattle!) The programming is/was very deep, around this subject, in my understanding. It has taken a great deal of reading and knowledge to over ride this programming and feel confident about eating fat.

The results of the last couple of weeks has cut a wide, deep groove in my thought processes now. I seem to have taken this result up as the standard for going forward.

My next step is getting off the stroke drugs. Each time I try, my blood pressure goes over 200 after a few days, resulting in going back on, which brings it to normal in a few hours. I keep reducing the dosage, hoping to wean my system off of them. I did get off for a bit last year but one bout of people acting like idiots was enough to send my BP to 235/185. That put me back on the full dose for a while. I was still eating a higher % of carbs then. Now at practically 0 carbs the results may be different. Three days simvistaten free. We will see!

During discussions it came up that the first layer of your blood vessels, next to the blood, is where feeding your body takes place. Being on a high carb diet for much of my life had apparently inflamed my blood vessels to the point of increasing blood pressure. There was no blockage but the MRI's showed a widening and narrowing of my blood vessels throughout my body which could not be explained. I now think they may have been swollen in those narrow spots.

This is how my gut felt over Christmas, bloated. I felt like one of the sausages I eat, stuffed, constantly and those sausages don't make me feel this way.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

WIN 52 said:
My next step is getting off the stroke drugs. Each time I try, my blood pressure goes over 200 after a few days, resulting in going back on, which brings it to normal in a few hours. I keep reducing the dosage, hoping to wean my system off of them.

Try some help in the form of liposomal vitamin C. More info here:,13208.msg391148.html#msg391148

There is an article by Dr. Klenner that says BP will drop 10 points upon initiating high doses of vitamin C IV. You should get the same effect with liposomal vitamin C.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Psyche said:
WIN 52 said:
My next step is getting off the stroke drugs. Each time I try, my blood pressure goes over 200 after a few days, resulting in going back on, which brings it to normal in a few hours. I keep reducing the dosage, hoping to wean my system off of them.

Try some help in the form of liposomal vitamin C. More info here:,13208.msg391148.html#msg391148

There is an article by Dr. Klenner that says BP will drop 10 points upon initiating high doses of vitamin C IV. You should get the same effect with liposomal vitamin C.

I have tried working with high doses of C in the past, with limited success other than a loose bowel which I figured helped with detox, but that was also on a high carb diet.

Thanks! Now that I have a restricted carb diet, this may work better with BP issues.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

H.E. said:
Here is an idea for a good fat vehicle, that goes well with pate or any meat.
I made delicious mayonnaise using 1/2 kg goose fat and 1/2 L olive oil, 4 egg yolks, some Dijon mustard and some lemon juice.

When making mayonnaise you can add as much fat as you want as long as you trickle it very slowly into the mix.
If it breaks and goes flat, do not throw it - just start emulsifying in separate dish with new egg yolk and pour into it very slowly the broken mix.

I love mayonnaise and what better way to make your own. Thanks for the recipe H.E.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

For once, we agree with Pat Robertson:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
For once, we agree with Pat Robertson:

Yes, I saw that yesterday on Twitter and I wanted to post a link on FaceBook, for a friend (real-life, face-to-face kind) that has been undergoing chemo and might or might not be interested, but when I saw where the post was from, I balked. (I had, however, privately asked her earlier if she would be interested in this kind of information about keto in conjunction with cancer treatment, and she has not responded.)

Is sound, useful information from pathological sources still good to share? I don't know. CBN could be an utter turn-off for some -- including me. I'm hoping the story will be explored somewhere else, from a more credible outlet. There is a good podcast or conference presentation out there somewhere on this same subject, but I have lost track of it. I also don't remember if it was public or was something that had to be purchased. I will look around for it.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

So after having a host of digestive issues that I shouldn't have been having, a racing heart, and feeling pretty miserable in general for a long time, I tested positive for the alpha gal "tick meat" allergy and think that may have been the primary or only cause of the problems I was having. I wrote up some information on it in this thread:,

I'm finding myself feeling much better without mammal meats (fortunately/unfortunately) and butter currently. Ghee seems to be better than butter but I think may still be causing a mild reaction for me, though without that I'm pretty limited in my fat options. Duck fat doesn't appear to be very easy to get in america and is pretty expensive, but my observations right now suggest that it may be my best option when available.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Foxx said:
So after having a host of digestive issues that I shouldn't have been having, a racing heart, and feeling pretty miserable in general for a long time, I tested positive for the alpha gal "tick meat" allergy and think that may have been the primary or only cause of the problems I was having. I wrote up some information on it in this thread:,

I'm finding myself feeling much better without mammal meats (fortunately/unfortunately) and butter currently. Ghee seems to be better than butter but I think may still be causing a mild reaction for me, though without that I'm pretty limited in my fat options. Duck fat doesn't appear to be very easy to get in america and is pretty expensive, but my observations right now suggest that it may be my best option when available.

Sorry to hear this Foxx. It sounds like a challenge. I just thought I'd mention that I bought a container of duck fat from the Whole Foods in Glen Allen, Va recently. Maybe if there's one near you, they can order it. I forgot how much I spent on it. Also, D'artagnans sells duck fat. It's about $37.00 for a 10lb pail.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

So here is a long overdue update and my contribution to this experiment. I am now regretting I haven't started this back in August but somehow I got this fixed idea that I will do it after Christmas.

I have been in ketosis for about 10 days now. It took me only day or two and I tested my urine on 4th day - it was deep purple. My transition seems to have gone very smooth comparing to most experiences here. I haven't experienced any pains , or energy slumps, from the first day I am buzzing with energy and I dont remember when was the last time I was feeling so good. The effect on the brain is quite astounding as it seems like my senses have sharpened, today I realized in the passing that even listening to music is completely different experience now, in fact this is hard to describe with words. While before I use to have mood swings now I find myself in constant 'good mode" but this could be due to endorphins as I am back to my regular running in addition to the gym workouts on alternative days.
I have also been taking clay for internal use and I think this has helped with detox during the transition phase.
Of other supplements I am only taking 1g of vitamin C and 2000 mg of DHA and EPA. I also take some milk thistle.

The only bad thing is diarrhea which seems to be getting better as my stools are not so watery as during first week although I still get unexpected bouts of it.
And another thing I noticed is that my stools have odd, sort of metallic smell. Could be that this is due to the clay and metals I am excreting bound to it but I am not so sure about it.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Chrissy said:
Sorry to hear this Foxx. It sounds like a challenge. I just thought I'd mention that I bought a container of duck fat from the Whole Foods in Glen Allen, Va recently. Maybe if there's one near you, they can order it. I forgot how much I spent on it. Also, D'artagnans sells duck fat. It's about $37.00 for a 10lb pail.

$37/10lbs (looks like $65/10lbs after shipping) is quite reasonable--I hadn't found D'artagnans, so thanks a lot Chrissy! They have a membership program that one can buy as well that gives a discount--I'll have to do some math :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Foxx said:
So after having a host of digestive issues that I shouldn't have been having, a racing heart, and feeling pretty miserable in general for a long time, I tested positive for the alpha gal "tick meat" allergy and think that may have been the primary or only cause of the problems I was having. I wrote up some information on it in this thread:,

I'm finding myself feeling much better without mammal meats (fortunately/unfortunately) and butter currently. Ghee seems to be better than butter but I think may still be causing a mild reaction for me, though without that I'm pretty limited in my fat options. Duck fat doesn't appear to be very easy to get in america and is pretty expensive, but my observations right now suggest that it may be my best option when available.

Do you have Hutterite Colonies or something similar in your area? Most of them raise and slaughter Ducks.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

H.E. said:
...The only bad thing is diarrhea which seems to be getting better as my stools are not so watery as during first week although I still get unexpected bouts of it.
And another thing I noticed is that my stools have odd, sort of metallic smell. Could be that this is due to the clay and metals I am excreting bound to it but I am not so sure about it.

What is your carb intake? 20 g/d is the Atkins "induction" level, but that is more about weight loss than keto-adaptation and anything up to about 50 g/d should work to start out, if your gut isn't ready for 20 g/d. The trouble with starting at 50 g/d is that you are likely to go through more keto-adaptation symptoms as you stage down further, and starting at 20 g/d avoids some of that. Going directly from a non-ketogenic level (above 50-70 g/d) to extremely low carbs (below 20 g/d) could be quite unpleasant for some people.

Are you still seeing a lot of AA in your urine?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

WIN 52 said:
Do you have Hutterite Colonies or something similar in your area? Most of them raise and slaughter Ducks.

I've heard of the Hutterites, but I'm not sure if there are any around and I didn't know a lot of them keep ducks, so I'll have to look. Thanks for the suggestion!
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