Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Gandalf said:
Minas Tirith said:
stardust said:
As I have understood, berries are the best, but the others fruits seems too contain too much carbs...

But I agree, the above mentioned almond/coconut mix has only 4 carbs per tablespoon (just checked it, couldn't believe it myself) AND you get your fat, while the berries give you no fat at all, so why, so to say, waste your carb intake on them.


And you can either put your mix in glass containers or in those kind of molds (which makes delicious candies ;D )


Have you ever tried putting chocolate in it?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

davey72 said:
Gandalf said:
Minas Tirith said:
stardust said:
As I have understood, berries are the best, but the others fruits seems too contain too much carbs...

But I agree, the above mentioned almond/coconut mix has only 4 carbs per tablespoon (just checked it, couldn't believe it myself) AND you get your fat, while the berries give you no fat at all, so why, so to say, waste your carb intake on them.


And you can either put your mix in glass containers or in those kind of molds (which makes delicious candies ;D )


Have you ever tried putting chocolate in it?

Yes, originally I bought them for that and now I used them for chocolate and almond-coconut candies.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Ooh, I have some candy molds like that, will be giving it a go! For those here in the states, I bought mine at a Dollar Store. I think it was Dollar General or Family or the other.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Angela said:
I wanted to share that since I went back to the ketogenic diet in April after reading "keto adapted", I have been feeling amazing. One of the things that I have been amazed by is my energy level. I have constant energy all day. I feel wide awake up until the minute I go to bed. I have also found I don't need as much sleep now.

I have always been a very busy person that gets a lot done, but now it feels like I am zipping all over the place! My boyfriend calls me "busy body" because I never stop moving. Oh, and since the middle of April I have lost close to 20lbs! Yay

Congrats Angela! :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

ketogenic diet is problematic for me,somehow.
I tried ketogenic diet several times,but the longest i did hold it was about 3 weeks only and it was painful.
There were several Problems.There were cravings on carbs like potato-chips,then there was that Food that just was very unpalatable for me(mainly because I can not cook anything to something palatable in general and with only few carbs below 30grams, it was twice that hard for me).
Also eating food is big joy for me and since it tastes horrible ,in my case this is a bit of a catastrophe relating to ketogenic diet.
But the worst thing was that there where this kind of auto-aggressions I think?
I had stomach pain and often got very nauseous plus there were unpleasant problems with my intestines(since couple years i have problems with my gut/guts and with my "health" in general),

I didnt feel healthy in any ways,I felt very weak,tired,bad mood,dizzyness,lethargic,working was very exhausting,obstipation,migraine that lastet for three days and so on.
Even high intake of magnesium supplement didnt help anything.
I felt bad(bodily and mentally),also I didnt see or feel any benefits that are described in some articles about ketogenic diet,so finally stopped it.

The main reason why I did ketogenic diet is because i want to get rid of my illness also I have seen on my body and mind,every year,every month its getting more and more worse with my state of health(which is in fact not a good sign I think because since half a year i banned gluten and milk except of butter from my nutrition,but despite of that fact its just getting more and more worse)
It just goes on and on and it seems despite the fact that i see it and aknowledging it/do know whats going on with me, I can not do anything against it,it seems.
However,I know its a problem of me,its not in any ways problem of ketogenic diet itself,its the problem of myself,I m doing something seriously wrong, thats for sure.
So,my question would be,if there is anybody who maybe has kind of similar problems and,furthermore what to do in this case?
Is there anything that can be done,maybe some sort of supplements?

Thank you very much
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Sorry to hear that nyvf5. Did you read most of this topic, recommended books here and followed the instructions how to go about a ketogenic diet? Because a lot of members did adjust gradually and not saying that you did, but it took some time until some switched to a keto diet and sticked before just a low-carb/paleo diet and took gradually out the carbs. And what illnesses do you suffer if you like to share?

nyvf5 said:
Also eating food is big joy for me and since it tastes horrible ,in my case this is a bit of a catastrophe relating to ketogenic diet.

Actually this is not the main approach of this diet, since taste is subjective it is more the reason to give the body what it needs, but again it may take some time to adjust the body and even taste buds, since you are switching from normal fuel to diesel literally speaking.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I agree with Gawan, you best go step by step, starting with cutting out gluten, for example, and then feel that it has a positive effect on you. Once you feel so much better without gluten you proceed to the next thing, for example sugar or coffee. Didn't you feel anything when you cut out gluten?

It's indeed easier to eat Paleo first, because here you actually have a wide variety of foods, not so restricted, like meat in every form, and from there you can slowly morph into ketogenisis. Also be aware that you might suffer from what is called the "keto-flu" in the first couple of days, unfortunately you have to go through this, according to books it might take from two days to two weeks.

nyvf5 said:
then there was that Food that just was very unpalatable for me(mainly because I can not cook anything to something palatable in general and with only few carbs below 30grams, it was twice that hard for me).
Also eating food is big joy for me and since it tastes horrible ,in my case this is a bit of a catastrophe relating to ketogenic diet.

Meat is very easy to prepare, just throw it into the pan and sear or bake it in the oven. It's quick and as long as you are Paleo you can eat as much as you want! Make sure it's not supermarket meat and go for the organic cuts, though.

What exactly did taste horrible, as you said? Eating loads of fat can be difficult in the beginning, we are just not used/programmed to do it. But once you are over the hump, you don't want to miss it ...

I would also be interested in your illnesses.

Don't give up! M.T.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Best thing to do is to read "Keto Adapted" by Maria Emmerich:

She has based some of her material on our research in this forum. For the moment, it is the most concise book on the topic and gives lots of advice on how to deal with the several issues that may come up with going keto.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I was in a similar situation when I first started, my health was like a slow trainwreck. I jumped into the diet and had all sorts of problems because I didn't have all the right ketoadaption supplements or know that I needed them. I'm not so sure I didn't cause myself some serious internal injury. Only this last year has my health began to actually improve with time. I think if you take it slowly, and read the book Laura mentioned, you can do much better than I did.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I also think that reading this whole thread is very beneficial. I know it's VERY long, but you will see the process that we all went through adapting and fine-tuning the diet based on feedback from the members of this forum. You will also see that most - if not all - who transitioned to being ketoadapted faced some, or all, of the problems you describe. For some of these problems there are solutions (supplements, enzymes etc), for others you just have to endure them for a little while full well knowing, that they are only transient.

Good luck - and happy reading!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Reading this thread and the recommended books on paleo/keto is a must. When I started I saw several posts that seemed directly related to my situation at the time. (i.e. heat, pain etc) This way I could also see possibilities of other specific conditions that I wasn't aware of. Just remember that many members are of different shapes and sizes, nationalities (as where you are can determine what foods and quantities you can get hold of) and yet, the core problems are those that effect all human physiology, especially for those of us who have had a lifetime of eating a western-type diet. I myself rushed into the paleo diet as I had a lot of issues that were overwhelming me, thus, I made key mistakes. These were mainly with dietary supplements (because of the "hidden" toxic ingredients -fillers as they're called) and it was quite a struggle despite the benefits.

This last point is important as no one here wants to see anyone suffer unnecessarily, which is why the regular advice is to go slowly and read, the body after a lifetime of abuse and neglect (not listening to the signals that it gives) will send strong messages that are often overlooked. Many of these signals can be almost un-decipherable because of the long list of toxic chemical reactions that continue unabated.

The paleo diet can provide adequate respite for the body so as to provide clearer signals. This is where the psychology and cognitive science recommended reading helps greatly. To understand the "how", "why" "where", and "when" of these chemical reactions in the body from what is eaten is something quite shocking and revealing. But knowing these things can provide greater impetus and clarity on one's personal road to recovery and also, human beings are greatly attached to food through celebrations. Birthdays, Christmas, weddings, parties that have food at the heart of them from thousands of years ago. So there's the emotional connection to food which is the norm. But as said before, the psychology aspect and neuroscience can reveal amazing "secrets" about humanity. Think of how you see food, how you view other's relationship with food, and how they may see you. (S/he is "a pig", "too skinny/fat" etc) notice how you talk about food and the same for others. Why do people "comfort eat" (couldn't believe it when I did this myself) for instance? Don't take the psychology of food lightly when transitioning, it's really a hand-in-hand process, and you're definitely in the right place to acquire the knowledge and awareness to help yourself achieve a healthy state of being. :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thanks so much for all the advices and suggestions from all of you,really helped me,thanks.
Yes,its to give the body what it needs.
Yes,going step by step will be much better,so the body can better shift in this state,(I think one of my mistakes was going down with carbs within 1-2 days )
Yes,there should have been more knowledge in my case before starting ketogenic diet,that was one of my mistakes:I did read one book and some articles,but I didnt read enough and without enough concentration and not carefully enough,it seems.
So Im gonna read Carefully now,especially what you suggested for me.

Very,very much thanks to all.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I'll be transitioning to keto diet by the end of this month hopefully, and I'm doing
research before I try anything. I've been reading this thread for a couple of days now
and I'm also reading The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living and will be buying
the Keto-Adapted book. Any further book recommendations for someone starting?

As far as I understand it now, lard and bone broth are essential.
There was also mention of bacon, sausages.

How about eggs? I currently eat about 2 daily.

Any other essential foods I'm missing?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Anthony said:
I'll be transitioning to keto diet by the end of this month hopefully, and I'm doing
research before I try anything. I've been reading this thread for a couple of days now
and I'm also reading The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living and will be buying
the Keto-Adapted book. Any further book recommendations for someone starting?

As far as I understand it now, lard and bone broth are essential.
There was also mention of bacon, sausages.

How about eggs? I currently eat about 2 daily.

Any other essential foods I'm missing?

You could try the Keto Recipes here. As far as I understood egg yolk is recommended but not egg-white.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Dirgni said:
Anthony said:
I'll be transitioning to keto diet by the end of this month hopefully, and I'm doing
research before I try anything. I've been reading this thread for a couple of days now
and I'm also reading The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living and will be buying
the Keto-Adapted book. Any further book recommendations for someone starting?

As far as I understand it now, lard and bone broth are essential.
There was also mention of bacon, sausages.

How about eggs? I currently eat about 2 daily.

Any other essential foods I'm missing?

You could try the Keto Recipes here. As far as I understood egg yolk is recommended but not egg-white.

Why egg-white is not recommended? It's an excellent source of protein (I eat not more than six daily). It's important not to eat more than 3 at once (approx. 25g of protein). Otherwise it can cause insulin response and reduce the production of ketones in your body. Additionally you should calculate your daily protein need which should not be exceeded if you want to stay in ketosis.
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