Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Minas Tirith said:
stardust said:
( and my garden is full of cherries, strawberries, and later in summer : plums :cry: )

You can mix these into your fat bomb custard, see here,35043.0.html (MK Scarlett).

I didn't know almond butter was okay, thought it had too many carbs, but it seems to be fine (3 for a tbsp). It reminds me of the time when I switched to Paleo, had it with rice toast then ...


As I have understood, berries are the best, but the others fruits seems too contain too much carbs...

Gandalf said:
stardust said:
except for almond's butter that I was craving for.

I just like almond's butter too and in order to increase my fat intake, I mix it with coconut flakes. Totally delicious.

If it is something that interests you, I can give you my recipe. However you need a good food processor to make it (Vitamix, thermomix....)

The fact is that I don't tolerate too much coconut which drive me nauseous in big quantity... I have already test to add almond powder in coconut cream with butter and coconut oil and a very little cacao powder but I'm not really happy with...

I'd like to test your recipe, maybe the almond butter - instead of powder- will mask a little the coconut taste...
And I think also that, as almond butter is very rich in magnesium, and I'm always mag deficient, my body is more happy with almond butter than coconut cream...
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

nicklebleu said:
Gandalf said:
stardust said:
except for almond's butter that I was craving for.

I just like almond's butter too and in order to increase my fat intake, I mix it with coconut flakes. Totally delicious.

If it is something that interests you, I can give you my recipe. However you need a good food processor to make it (Vitamix, thermomix....)

I'd be very interested in the recipe!

You just need two ingredients:

450 g of coconut flakes (see picture: _
500g of almond butter (either smooth or crunchy)

1. Put the coconut flakes in your food processor and let it works up to the times it is like a coconut butter. (see this video as an example: _

2. Once done, add you 500g of almond butter and mix the two together up to the times that you have an homogeneous mixture.

And voila, you have your home almond coco butter.

Note: You can use less 450g of coconut flakes if you don't like very much the coconut taste although it does not taste very much the coconut. The almond flavor is stronger and take all the space.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

stardust said:
As I have understood, berries are the best, but the others fruits seems too contain too much carbs...

I don't think any is ideal, since they contain fructose. Strawberries are "only" 6gr carbs per 100gr., but there are also blueberries mentioned in the other thread, with 9gr per 100gr (Cherries are 9gr, too, so I don't see a difference, Plums are 11gr). It's more of a treat and you sprinkle them on the custard ... 100gr is about seven strawberries, which you wouldn't have, I guess.

But I agree, the above mentioned almond/coconut mix has only 4 carbs per tablespoon (just checked it, couldn't believe it myself) AND you get your fat, while the berries give you no fat at all, so why, so to say, waste your carb intake on them.

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Minas Tirith said:
stardust said:
As I have understood, berries are the best, but the others fruits seems too contain too much carbs...

But I agree, the above mentioned almond/coconut mix has only 4 carbs per tablespoon (just checked it, couldn't believe it myself) AND you get your fat, while the berries give you no fat at all, so why, so to say, waste your carb intake on them.


And you can either put your mix in glass containers or in those kind of molds (which makes delicious candies ;D )

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

stardust said:
I'd like to test your recipe, maybe the almond butter - instead of powder- will mask a little the coconut taste...
And I think also that, as almond butter is very rich in magnesium, and I'm always mag deficient, my body is more happy with almond butter than coconut cream...

Are you taking mag supplements? On top of oral supplements, you can increase your mag intake by adding magnesium flakes to your bath, or by applying pure mag oil on the body before bed.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Adaryn said:
stardust said:
I'd like to test your recipe, maybe the almond butter - instead of powder- will mask a little the coconut taste...
And I think also that, as almond butter is very rich in magnesium, and I'm always mag deficient, my body is more happy with almond butter than coconut cream...

Are you taking mag supplements? On top of oral supplements, you can increase your mag intake by adding magnesium flakes to your bath, or by applying pure mag oil on the body before bed.

I have ordered a cure ! I should receive it in few days. The other cure I've found in biomarkets were not well dosed and not very much effective.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

If I may comment further on how I feel the fat bomb has been assisting my recovery from whiplash, now I am just over a month into it.

I think my whiplash caused me to have inflammation all over my shoulders and chest and even around my temples. From my searching over the last year and judging by the symptoms experienced, it was a build up of lactic acid which led to my lymphs either draining slowly or being congested completely. Because of this I have suffered repeated eye infections (styes), blocked sinuses and generally have felt drained of energy and out of sorts. The reaction of my body has been everything from hives – reduced/calmed by a few drops of peppermint oil smeared over the area (beware sensitive areas!!) - to near enough depression (due to feeling like I was carrying another body over my own every morning); especially over winter when the cold took its toll.

I initially thought the issue was mechanical, that my muscles were knotted and tense, locked into the position due to hitting the concrete after doing a little flip over my bike. However the more reading I have done on this site, the closer I came to think it must be inflammation that was the root cause of my continued aches and pains, where the whiplash was the initiator.

It will come as no surprise that following the injury I also experienced untold stress which, at the time, felt as though each 'issue' was pumping whichever stress hormone all the way around my body and through into my core. Setting it like concrete. At home I was under duress living with a disturbed couple. And at work it was exactly the same. A couple (my boss and his under ling) and me trying to keep my head down.

I was recovering very very slowly and on moving out and relocating things did speed up. But the effects of my living situation and the general heightened anxiety stayed with me, and I regularly felt a cold drip in my stomach when contemplating any 'challenges' in my life. Which was quite debilitating because I have always handled drama-drama quite well, if a little ignorantly at times. These 'fear pangs' which I attributed to my kidneys pumping out adrenaline, having become so stimulated, would react even over positive issues.

So I've worked my way up to about 140grams of fat and 4 egg yokes for my morning fat bomb. Since adopting the fat bomb, on an almost daily basis I have felt as though some of the pain has literally been 'extinguished' and this 'cooling' affect on my body has allowed it to 'relax' into its correct position. I choose the terms deliberately because even though it has been gradual, the description best relates how it has felt if I look at it over the last month. The speed at which the pain abated can only be attributed to the boost of the fat bomb IMO.

Reading about the benefits of gelatin and broth, I only realise today – though I have been consuming broth as a meal – why the addition of these in the fat bomb are so beneficial (you can never have enough due to our modern diets) so I'll be incorporating them where possible.

So my advice to anybody suffering whiplash (or anxiety) would be to start with the fat bomb. I probably experience 2 fear pangs a day where before it was hourly.

The only other huge benefit I have found is an hour in the hot sunshine. It's probably best to be cautious when accepting advice from 'an Englishman' regarding sun exposure, but the heat, and perhaps even the boost the chemical reactions in your body create when exposed, felt as though I had had a massage and a serotonin boost (i found the sunbed in winter helped too).

What reminded me to post my comment is an article I just came across – because I was experiencing pains similar to Fibro around my temple:

Fibromyalgia Mystery Finally Solved!

Neuroscientist Dr. Frank L. Rice explained: “We previously thought that these nerve endings were only involved in regulating blood flow at a subconscious level, yet here we had evidences that the blood vessel endings could also contribute to our conscious sense of touch… and also pain,” Rice said. “This mismanaged blood flow could be the source of muscular pain and achiness, and the sense of fatigue which are thought to be due to a build-up of lactic acid and low levels of inflammation fibromyalgia patients. This, in turn, could contribute to the hyperactivity in the brain.”

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I have a question. Since excess protien will turn to carbs does this mean that a person can live solely on meat and fat alone? Has anyone tried this?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

davey72 said:
I have a question. Since excess protien will turn to carbs does this mean that a person can live solely on meat and fat alone? Has anyone tried this?

I have, although at the time I don't think I was getting quite enough fat. But I was at 0 carbs for like 6 months. I dealt with some cramps and elevated heartbeat which was chronicled on this thread, but with proper supplementation those were handled.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

davey72 said:
I have a question. Since excess protien will turn to carbs does this mean that a person can live solely on meat and fat alone? Has anyone tried this?

Yes, I did try.

Meat (including organ meat), fish from time to time, pork fat, olive oil, some time ghee, stock and salt. Nothing else.
I do that often, and the last time I did it at least 2 month in a row.

Actualy I got a glucose/ketone meter 2 days ago.

I begin to test.

The day before I began testing I had 130 gr of protein (my weigth is 78 kg at the moment).

First day of test :

get up at 10am

12H45pm glucose : 92mg/dl
cetone : 1,2 mmol/L

first meal at 02H15pm (50gr of protein ; 100 gr of added fat)

04H15pm glucose : 100mg/dl
cetone : 0,7 mmol/L

second meal at 08h00pm (40gr of protein ; 70 gr of added fat)

10H45pm glucose : 72mg/dl
cetone : 2,5 mmol/L

Second day of test (in progress) :

get up at 7H30am

11H45pm glucose : 86mg/dl
cetone : 1,8 mmol/L

first meal at 01H00pm (40gr of protein ; 100 gr of added fat)

03H00pm glucose : 79mg/dl
cetone : 2,6 mmol/L

So, it seems that 50gr of protein in a row induce a spike in blood glucose.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

davey72 said:
I have a question. Since excess protien will turn to carbs does this mean that a person can live solely on meat and fat alone? Has anyone tried this?

I've done it, and in fact have been doing it most of the time since I got into ketosis around March 2011 (with the addition of eggs most of that time). After a while I don't even need any supplements - the first few months of keto adaptation, certain supplements can really smooth the process. Also it's almost impossible to consume 0 grams of carbs. You'll always get a few grams a day even from just meat and fat (particularly organ meats, and I also eat at least two eggs a day which has a bit of carbs). So when we say "0 carbs" it usually ends up being around a 2 grams a day even when no "additional" carbs are consumed. Humans need very little carbs (only the red blood cells absolutely need some, as far as I know) and that little bit can be made in the body if there's not enough in the diet - that's why there's a saying in the "paleo/keto sphere": there's no such thing as an essential carbohydrate ("essential" in a nutritional context means that it has to be supplied in the diet, e.g. essential fatty acids, essential amino acids, as the body is incapable of synthesizing it).

I do occasionally eat the odd green leafy piece or two of salad (or purple basil leaves) or a quarter of a cucumber or a few berries in season from my orchard. Also some onions and garlic in pork burgers. But, those things are not much added carbs when you take out the (indigestible) fiber content if you don't eat too much of them, and I don't. Still, I feel best when eating only meat and fat including butter, plus eggs without much plant based foods. But everyone's different and "your mileage might vary" so experimenting to see what's best for you is probably the way to go.

Also, one last thing is that the quality of food is very important, and I'm lucky to have pastured/grass-fed meat, butter, and eggs easily available and relatively cheap. Besides, the taste being much better, the nutrition is far superior which is reflected by the color/look of the food - e.g. pork is quite red (meaning pig didn't eat much grains) and fatty, butter is quite yellow and creamy, egg yokes are deep yellow/orangey - (and the animals' lives are much better and support the land and ecosystem, etc. compared to confined animal operations fed crap, as you and most here probably know). One drawback to grass-fed beef is that it doesn't have much fat (except the tougher stew cuts) and I need to add much more butter or lard to beef than to pork, but the organ meats are great from grass-fed cows.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Davey72, the Inuit do this, or did this, quite regularly. There was a study done by, and, then, with a man who lived with the Inuit for more than a decade.

Also, I don't think that excessive protein has anything to do with it. Just eating moderate amounts of protein is enough. Fat is the important ingredient.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I wanted to share that since I went back to the ketogenic diet in April after reading "keto adapted", I have been feeling amazing. One of the things that I have been amazed by is my energy level. I have constant energy all day. I feel wide awake up until the minute I go to bed. I have also found I don't need as much sleep now.

I have always been a very busy person that gets a lot done, but now it feels like I am zipping all over the place! My boyfriend calls me "busy body" because I never stop moving. Oh, and since the middle of April I have lost close to 20lbs! Yay
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Great to hear Angela, thanks for sharing. And needing less sleep is one of the benefits of keto from my own experience, as well. Generally speaking, I would say I need at least an hour, if not two, less sleep without feeling sleep deprived.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Angela said:
I wanted to share that since I went back to the ketogenic diet in April after reading "keto adapted", I have been feeling amazing. One of the things that I have been amazed by is my energy level. I have constant energy all day. I feel wide awake up until the minute I go to bed. I have also found I don't need as much sleep now.

I have always been a very busy person that gets a lot done, but now it feels like I am zipping all over the place! My boyfriend calls me "busy body" because I never stop moving. Oh, and since the middle of April I have lost close to 20lbs! Yay

I love your testimonials!! :flowers: :cheer:
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