Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Fascinating article, Keit! Thanks for posting it. This kind of communication between our gut microbiome and the brain is vastly underestimated in regards to our behaviour, it seems.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

nicklebleu said:
Fascinating article, Keit! Thanks for posting it. This kind of communication between our gut microbiome and the brain is vastly underestimated in regards to our behaviour, it seems.

Very true. Also points to probiotics taken by carb/fiber eaters being rather useless for those on a ketogenic diet.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I've pretty much finished the book "The Hidden Plague" about Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Excellent book overall, but a few criticisms of her take on tobacco/smoking, vs stress. The book is mainly an aggregation of things she's collected from elsewhere, plus her own experiences, and stories from others. As we well know, diet isn't the whole answer.

Anyway, what is important here are a couple of things that were universally valuable. First, her discussion of autoimmunity in general, though it centers around HS, is really good as far as I can see. She gives a list of where autoimmunity attacks, and what "disease name" it gets as a consequence. It's a chart, so I've tried to reproduce it below though it may come out funky.

We’ve talked a lot about what HS isn’t. Now let’s get down to business and discuss what it actually is.

Hidradenitis suppurativa is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are nasty, complicated things. A cure—not to mention a standardized treatment—for autoimmunity has long eluded the minds of some of the most brilliant research scientists and doctors. Billions of dollars have been spent on research. Debate about the cause of these horrible diseases continues to plague the scientific community. I believe the researchers are looking in the wrong place. They are trying to find a magic pill. The answer lies elsewhere.

According to progressive doctors, recent scientific studies, and experts in the Primal/paleo community, leaky gut syndrome is the likely culprit behind autoimmune conditions.1 People from all over the world have reported that once they healed their guts, they regained their health and vitality. These are people who once suffered from debilitating autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Not only have they put their diseases into remission, they’ve actually reversed damage to their bodies that they were told was permanent.

They are healed. And they did it on their own, without medication or surgery. However, because these are personal experiences and not documented, official, scientific studies, the media and your doctor have not picked up on them. Yet.

We are still learning much about the human body, and there are still many things that we don’t know. For instance, we don’t know why some people with autoimmunity present different symptoms. No one can tell you why you have HS affecting your armpits and your brother has it in his groin.

That said, this chapter is going to answer a lot of questions you have about the nature of HS: why there are periods of remission, why it migrates, why an effective treatment has escaped the medical community for so long, and why it keeps coming back no matter what you do.
By the time you finish reading this chapter, it will all make sense. It will be so obvious that you’re dealing with autoimmunity, you may even feel angry with yourself for not figuring it out earlier. Don’t be. There is no power in what could have been. There is only power in what is.

So before you barge into your doctor’s office and demand to know why they didn’t know this stuff, what with all their book learnin' and fancy degrees, please consider that your doctor has likely been trained to dispense medication rather than nutrition advice. It isn’t your doctor’s fault. It’s the system. Your doctor likely doesn’t know ...

■ that HS is an autoimmune response
■ how to mitigate an autoimmune response without medication
■ what causes autoimmunity
■ how diet affects the body

In 2011, I was lucky enough to meet Dr. Loren Cordain. He is a renowned researcher specializing in evolutionary medicine, one of the world’s leading experts on the Paleolithic diet, and the author of many books on the subject. I asked him point blank about hidradenitis suppurativa and what he thought about it. I figured if anyone in this world knew what was going on, it would be him. I was right. Cordain was the first (and only) doctor to ever utter the words “hidradenitis” and “auto-immunity” in the same sentence to me. He’d seen enough evidence— both clinical and anecdotal—to convince him that HS is autoimmune in nature. Here’s an excerpt from his popular blog,

Abundant scientific evidence exists in hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) patients showing that pro-inflammatory cytokines (local hormones) are elevated in the blood [and] are almost certainly involved in the skin lesions presenting in HS patients. Two major categories of circulating white blood cells (macrophages and dendritic cells) likely have become activated (sensitized) in the gut to specific gut proteins (either bacteria or food or both) and these gut-borne cells then initiate an immune response that affects cell lining, either the hair follicle or apocrine sweat glands in other parts of the body (particularly the groin and armpit areas). Hence, it seems likely that HS, although it presents clinically as a single disease, is actually at least two diseases (one in the hair follicle and one in the apocrine sweat glands)—both likely to be autoimmune in nature.2

Let’s translate. First, you’ll remember from the last chapter that cytokines are chemical messengers in our blood that are made by immune cells. A high level of cytokines in your blood means your body thinks it’s under attack and is launching an immune response. And, as you may recall, HS boils and lesions have been shown to have high levels of inflammatory cytokines.3 This is our first connection between HS and autoimmunity.

In addition to this, Cordain says the immune cells in our gut have become sensitive to proteins from certain foods or bacteria. These immune cells launch an attack (autoimmune response) whenever these proteins (our “triggers”) are present. Coupled with the inflammation from the cytokines, this creates a pretty nasty outcome for us. The immune response affects the cells lining our hair follicles (or our sweat glands when inflammation is very great).

But here’s the kicker: Cordain proposes that HS is not just one disease, split up into three stages, but is actually two separate diseases—one in the hair follicles and one in the apocrine (sweat) glands. This would certainly explain why some people present immediately in stage III and why others never get there.

According to Cordain, women are more likely to have the form of HS that involves the cells lining the hair follicle. That’s why you may see hairs trapped within the boils or why you may have thought you had a really bad ingrown hair problem. If, however, you are dealing with the form that affects your sweat glands, chances are you have already been diagnosed with severe stage III HS.

Back in 2002 Cordain’s research group, along with a separate group led by renowned celiac researcher Alessio Fasano at the University of Maryland, discovered evidence that suggests that leaky gut is a key triggering event in most autoimmune diseases.4 And Cordain’s suggestion for all autoimmune patients? Restrict foods known to increase intestinal permeability. That’s the scientific term for leaky gut.

In the next chapter, we’ll look more closely at leaky gut syndrome, what causes it, and how to heal from it. But for now, let’s get a basic understanding of what exactly autoimmunity is.

The Basics

Autoimmune diseases develop when your immune system gets confused and can’t tell the difference between it’s own tissues and invading organisms. Your immune system essentially misfires and attacks your own tissue as if it were the bad guys. Since your immune system is confused, it starts to destroy perfectly good tissue, resulting in pain and suffering in the form of a disease, for which there is seemingly no cause or cure.

An autoimmune attack creates multiple forms of inflammation, tissue damage, pain, and cascading imbalances, which may involve any and all organs and bodily systems.5 It can manifest as practically anything— from dandruff to lupus.

In his popular book The Paleo Diet, Cordain discusses something called molecular mimicry. He writes:

Surprisingly, we have found that many common gut bacteria fragments are made up of the same molecular building blocks as those found in certain immune system proteins and in the tissue under attack by the immune system.

This confuses the immune system to no end. Through this process of molecular mimicry, milk, grain, legume, and nightshade proteins can trick the immune system into attacking the body’s own tissues.6

Autoimmune diseases used to be pretty rare. Nowadays they seem to be commonplace. We’re discovering that many health conditions we didn’t know were autoimmune actually are. Diabetes, asthma, endometriosis, and restless leg syndrome used to be something you just “got,” while the label “autoimmune” was reserved for the likes of lupus and multiple sclerosis (MS).

If you were to survey all the known autoimmune conditions, it’s hard to find someone these days who isn’t somehow affected. People are becoming sicker than ever before, and the trend appears to be nowhere in decline. In fact, incidences of diabetes, asthma, endometriosis, and other autoimmune diseases are higher today than ever before.

The medical industry refers to many of these conditions as “diseases of aging” and tells us that they are just a normal part of life. We’re told these conditions are incurable or that the cause is unknown. The only thing we can do is treat the symptoms.

Most of the time, the person suffering is unaware that all their symptoms are autoimmune in nature. Unnecessary—yet profitable—surgeries are often preformed. The diseased organ or tissue is removed, leaving the autoimmunity free to attack other organs and tissues. If the patient gets worse, the doctor often prescribes immune suppressing drugs. No mention is ever made of restoring proper immune system function.7 If you’re now left wondering why the medical community seems to have its head up its ass, ponder for a moment these words taken from Dr. Ronald Drucker’s book, The Code of Life'.

Through appointments, tests, drugs, and surgical procedures, autoimmunity generates and represents an estimated 85 percent of the revenue collected by the medical and pharmaceutical complex in total. Without autoimmunity, this massive bureaucratic industry would be restricted to generating revenue from little more than pregnancies and trauma accidents.

The Name of the Game

If you have autoimmunity, the disease you end up with depends on what your immune system attacks. Writes Cordain in The Paleo Diet

When the immune system invades and destroys nerve tissue, multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases develop. When the pancreas is the target, type-1 diabetes occurs. When joint tissues are attacked and destroyed, the result is rheumatoid arthritis.8

The skin is the largest organ in the human body,9 although, since it’s located outside the body, we tend not to think of it as an “organ.” Regardless of how we choose to think about it, our skin is made up of a complex system of glands, cell layers, and nerves, and it is in constant contact with the rest of our body. We already know that autoimmune disease targets the skin in many forms, including psoriasis and dermatitis herpetiformis,10 so it makes sense that it could target the skin in the form of hidradenitis suppurativa.

Take a look at this chart. Can you tell what all the diseases and condi-tions listed below have in common?

Blood and Blood Vessels anemia, lupus, Wegener's granulomatosis.
Tear Ducts or Saliva Glands Sjogren's syndrome
Thyroid Gland Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Grave’s disease
Kidneys glomerulonephritis, lupus, type-1 diabetes, mellitus
Joints arthritis (all kinds)
Muscles fibromyalgia, myasthenia gravis
Nerves & Brain multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barre syndrome
Pancreas diabetes
Heart myocarditis, rheumatic fever, scleroderma
Skin eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, dermatitis herpetiformis,
hidradenitis suppurativa, alopecia, vitiligo
Digestive Tract (including Mouth) autoimmune hepatitis, scleroderma,
gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome,
acid reflux, GERD, hiatal hernia, Barrett’s esophagus
Small Intestinal Tract Crohn’s disease, celiac disease,
chronic fatigue syndrome
Colon ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, diverticulitis
Multiple Areas of the Body Simultaneously lupus
(joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, heart and lungs)

This is not an exhaustive list of autoimmune conditions, but it paints a pretty good picture. The root problem of all these (and other) conditions is autoimmunity. The disease itself is autoimmunity. How that disease manifests in you is what the doctors will diagnose you with. Make sense?

The diagnosis—let’s say, arthritis or IBS—is simply a term that identifies the result of an autoimmune attack on a specific area of the body. Dr. Ronald Drucker writes in The Code Of Life that...

The medical doctor has no motive to educate or discuss this with the patient, for they are trained to treat symptoms only and have no reason to discuss the root cause. They are taught by the system that the root cause—autoimmunity—is incurable.... And in most cases, the doctors are unaware that various conditions and symptoms alike are autoimmune or autoimmune related.11

If It Walks Like a Duck

If you look at a list of known autoimmune diseases,12 you will see a few things they all have in common. For one, they are listed as chronic, meaning that these diseases last a long, long time, sometimes forever. Second, there are no known cures. And third, they may be described as having no known cause other than being autoimmune. A lot of the time, no standardized treatment exists for these diseases because there is no treatment that works particularly well.

Sounds a lot like HS, doesn’t it?

There are over a hundred known autoimmune conditions and hundreds of autoimmune symptoms, but something most autoimmune issues have in common is inflammation. In HS, the inflammation is apparent in the boils. Hard to miss, really. In other autoimmune issues, the inflammation is hidden in places like your joints (arthritis), your nerves (multiple sclerosis) or your colon (ulcerative colitis).

To make the cascading effect of autoimmunity a little easier to understand, Robb Wolf, author of The Paleo Solution, says to “think about the full immune system like a civil defense force in that if one section of the defense force is on alert or active, all elements are on higher alert.”13 That’s why you may flare up when you are stressed, when you get your period, when you’re sick, or when you eat sugar.

Why Me? Three Words: Genes, Gut, Environment

Autoimmunity develops in response to three things: the genes you inherited, a leaky gut, and at least one environmental factor. An environmental factor can be a viral or bacterial infection, but the most common is exposure to a certain food.14,15 These three things—genes, gut, and environment—are known as the holy trinity of autoimmune disease.

Until recently, no one knew exactly how autoimmune diseases developed in genetically susceptible people, but Cordain's research points to Neolithic foods such as grains, legumes, dairy products, and nightshades such as potatoes 16 as some of those pesky environmental factors.

Wolf writes that “not only do we have science to support this, we have observed clinical resolution of these conditions upon the removal of grains, legumes, and dairy.”17

In order for your card to come up, the deck has to be stacked a certain way. In other words, you need a combination of genes, certain environmental and dietary factors, and a leaky gut to all come together to create the losing hand. This explains why some people are able to eat or do anything they want without getting sick—maybe they don’t have all three factors. It also explains why some families tend to experience disease more than others: why your Aunt Mary has rheumatoid arthritis, your mom has celiac disease, your brother has diabetes, and you have HS.

These are all autoimmune issues, which have manifested themselves in different ways. If this sounds like you and your family, you likely all inherited the genetic component. You also probably all eat the same types of food and have similar attitudes when it comes to taking medications. Chances are, your family history is riddled with disease, chronic illnesses, and unexplained conditions.

We’ve been told since birth that we are all special and unique, like snowflakes. And there is some truth to that, at least when it comes to your immune systems. A combination of factors such as diet, lifestyle, inflammation, sleep, gut flora, and genetics combine to make your immune system respond differently than your Aunt Mary’s.

The good news is we can turn off the autoimmune gene by healing our leaky guts. It’s as simple as removing the offending environmental factors, i.e., the offending foods. The trick is finding out which ones. That’s where an elimination diet, featured in chapter eight, comes in.

Elimination diets involve removing whole food groups—grains for example—from your diet for a period of time, say two to eight weeks, and then reintroducing them back, one at a time. If removal of a particular food makes you feel better and its reintroduction elicits a negative response, you know you have found one of your triggers. The idea that elimination diets can reduce symptoms of certain diseases is supported by clinical and anecdotal evidence.18 We know for a fact that there exists a direct link between certain foods and specific diseases. A variety of studies have proved, for example, that gluten causes celiac disease, potatoes aggravate irritable bowel disease, and soy blocks nutrient absorption.

Is There a Cure ?

I’m sorry to tell you this, but no, there isn’t a definitive cure for autoimmunity. A leaky gut, even after it has been healed, causes sensitivity to certain proteins. Even if you take a nice long break from whatever trigger food is causing your disease, if you start eating it again in the future, or don’t take care of yourself, the symptoms may come back. In most cases, however, once a person starts healing from leaky gut and is aware of the environmental factors that cause autoimmunity, the symptoms progressively go away You can put HS into remission by changing some key factors about your lifestyle. You will have to be fairly diligent about adopting these changes— especially those related to diet. If you stray from the path, your body will let you know loudly and clearly—with inflammation, an HS flare-up, or some other autoimmune response.

One bonus is that if you can keep your key triggers out of your diet for good, you may eventually be able to once again enjoy certain foods—like eggs, coffee, and wine—without flaring up or getting sick. Each and every one of us responds differently to individual foods. You will have to be scientific in your approach and find what works for you.

Remission Defined

Essentially, remission is a lessening of the symptoms of a disease, a temporary reduction, or a complete disappearance.

Think of cancer patients just finishing their chemotherapy. If the chemo has killed all of the known cancer and there is no further spread of the disease, the patient is said to be in remission. There is still a chance that the cancer may come back. And what do we call it if it does come back? Relapse. So was the patient ever really in remission? Or was the disease just at such undetectable levels, growing ever so slowly, until it once again presented symptoms? It’s great to be optimistic, but sometimes we get carried away before there is enough time to evaluate these things fully.

At the time of publication, there was no standardized definition of the word remission. Doctors all over the world mean different things when especially if they are exposed to viral or bacterial diseases.19

So just because you don't break out for a month doesn't mean you're cured. When you haven't flared up in six months or a year, then we can talk.
Caveat Emptor

Medical research has found that even after an autoimmune attack subsides, varying levels of tissue damage may remain. This depends on the condition and the length of time your body had been under attack. That said, the body has unlimited healing potential, and damaged tissues can be healed and strengthened over time once the attack has subsided. For this to happen, the autoimmune response must be stopped from attacking any and all areas of the body.24 You will have to be patient while your body heals; don’t expect complete remission in two weeks. Significant improvement can usually be seen within two to four months. It may take longer for you, but if you haven’t seen any improvement at all by the end of 120 days, you will need to reevaluate your approach.

You may also find that once you’ve removed your triggers for a while, you seem to react more violently to them than you had prior. “Memory cells become attuned or agitated to these peptides so it doesn’t take much,” explains Cordain. Once you’ve become sensitized to a certain protein, your immune system stays hypervigilant and even a small dose can cause a major flare-up.25 This may decrease over time if your body stops producing antibodies to proteins it doesn’t come in contact with anymore. However, it’s impossible to say for sure that this will happen. It’s also fairly ridiculous to think you can completely avoid something as pervasive as gluten for the rest of your life. At some point, you’re bound to get inadvertently “dosed” at a restaurant or by a well-meaning family member. And once you’ve consumed your trigger—knowingly or not— your body will start producing antibodies again.

So there you have it: autoimmunity in a nutshell.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

The next important item from The Hidden Plague is what she wrote about eggs which is included in the discussion about leaky gut:

Only in recent years have we begun to associate autoimmunity with leaky gut syndrome. But what exactly is leaky gut? It’s every bit as ominous as it sounds: your gut is leaking.

Into your bloodstream.

It’s not supposed to do that.

In fact, the body is equipped with a variety of systems designed to prevent just that very thing from happening. But those systems can fail, and when they do, we develop diseases, conditions, and syndromes.

In a healthy gut, toxins, proteins, and bacteria are confined to the intestines until they are eventually released as waste. But if your gut is leaky, some of that waste escapes into your bloodstream.

And that’s when the first symptoms appear. Sometimes they present as digestive issues such as constipation or diarrhea, gas, bloating, abdominal pain, heartburn, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Sometimes they aren’t so obvious and present as migraines or acne.

Unfortunately the first signals our bodies send us indicating something is wrong often go ignored. Our culture is conditioned to think these symptoms are just a normal part of life, and we end up medicating ourselves with over-the-counter drugs. The result is like sticking a Band-Aid on an arterial wound.

Many people with health problems haven’t a clue that it’s actually their gut giving them issue. In fact, Chris Kresser, a functional medicine practitioner, reports on his health and wellness blog,, that as many as 30 percent of his patients with leaky gut syndrome show no digestive symptoms whatsoever.1 They are, however, in his office for something. This begins to make sense when you consider what happens when the digestive tract starts to break down and function poorly. Essentially, poisons from the gut are carried through the bloodstream to other bodily systems. When these other systems become affected, seemingly unrelated symptoms or diseases suddenly appear from out of nowhere. And to make things more confusing, symptoms differ from person to person, depending on genetic makeup, lifestyle, and the amount of whatever toxin is leaking into the bloodstream.

Approximately 70 percent of those with HS suffer from digestive issues, so the connection between a leaky gut and HS tends to be a little more apparent for us.

Here are a few other symptoms that can show up if your gut is leaky. This is not a complete list, but it shows that leaky gut is often not what we might expect.

■ Fatigue
■ Joint or muscle aches
■ Autoimmune conditions, including HS
■ Allergies, hives, rashes, and food allergies
■ Depression, mental illness, confusion, and memory loss
■ Autism, ADHD, and ADD
■ Asthma
■ Skin problems, including acne, eczema, psoriasis
■ Metabolic problems such as obesity and diabetes
■ Inflammation

Speaking of inflammation, it can be an endless cycle: leaky gut causes inflammation in the gut, and inflammation in the gut causes leaky gut, which causes inflammation in the gut, which causes ... you get the idea.

You might recall from chapter two, high levels of inflammatory cytokines are found in HS lesions.2 Why do you think your body produces these cytokines? Because they’re reacting to large amounts of toxins that have somehow escaped the gut barrier.3 This is a natural immune response. As messengers, they travel throughout the body spreading the word of the newly arrived intruders and in turn, create more white blood cells to freak out in your bloodstream. And this creates more inflammation.

Gut Flora and the Gut Barrier

In a healthy person, you’ll find more than four hundred different species of bacte¬ria. Some are beneficial and help us break down our food for absorption, and others are harmful and can lead to infection. In total, there are more than 100,000,000,000,000 (100 trillion) microorganisms in a healthy gut, ten times more than all the other cells in the entire human body.4 That’s right, bacteria in our guts outnumber all the other cells in our body by ten to one! When we speak of gut flora, this is what we are talking about. And we’re only just beginning to understand the important role it plays in our health.

In addition to regulating metabolism, our gut flora protects the intestinal wall from harmful bacteria and toxins and helps with our digestive processes.

Gut flora also protects us from infection and makes up more than 75 percent of our immune system.5 (My gastroenterologist says it’s more like 85 percent, but either way you get the picture: gut flora’s pretty darn important.)

Bad bacteria, toxins, proteins, fragments, and waste also factor into the mix. That’s where the good bacteria come in. They keep the bad guys in check. Without a substantial population of good bacteria in the gut, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, yeast, and fungi take over and damage the gut flora’s delicate balance. This condition is known as dysbiosis, and it basically means that more bad bacteria than good have taken up residence in your gut. Chances are if you have a leaky gut, you have dysbiosis.

In addition to a poor diet, stress, infections, and prescription pills such as birth control pills, painkillers, steroids, and antibiotics are among the many things that can wipe out your beneficial flora. We’ll return to our discourse on antibiotics soon, but I want to once again drive home the point how absurd it is that HS patients are, as a first measure, prescribed antibiotics. Studies have shown that antibiotics cause a profound and rapid loss in the diversity of gut flora,6 and without intervention those beneficial bacteria cannot be recovered.7

When antibiotics create such an imbalance, the bad bacteria get nourished every time food enters your gut. They, in turn, excrete toxins that flow into your bloodstream through your ravaged intestinal wall. This leads to illnesses, allergies, and autoimmune reactions. So really what you are getting when you take those antibiotics is a short-term solution that will over time make your HS even worse.

Conversely, if you have healthy gut flora with loads of good bacteria, you may find that you can indulge in your trigger foods from time to time without consequence. You may also find that you fight colds off easier (if you get them at all) and that your health is just generally better.

Another key factor in intestinal health is your gut barrier. We simply cannot discuss it without also mentioning the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, a hollow tube around 30 feet long that passes from your mouth to your anus. It’s basically one long mucous membrane covered in various cultures of flora.8 Those of us with HS have typically experienced some sort of symptom of poor flora somewhere along the line: canker sores, chronic strep throat or tonsillitis, acid reflux, abdominal cramps and bloating, or constipation and diarrhea.

Think of the GI track as an interior skin. Its most important function is allowing nutrients in the body while preventing foreign substances from entering. The skin on the outside of our bodies has the exact same job. In fact, our skin really is a mirror of our gut—and vise versa. What happens on the inside is reflected on the outside. So, if you’re getting acne, boils, or ecze-ma on the outside, you can bet there is something going on in the inside.

Enzymes and friendly bacteria (if you have any) inside the gut help break down food into their simplest forms. Proteins get broken down into amino acids, carbohydrates into simple sugars, and fats into fatty acids.9 This, of course, is what our bodies use for fuel. What can’t be digested becomes waste.

The gut is also equipped with “gate-keepers.” These are highly specialized cells called enterocytes that line the gut in a single layer and are responsible for transporting digested nutrients from the intestines into the bloodstream. They are also responsible for keeping everything else in the gut from entering other systems of the body.10 They are our body’s main defense against bacteria, toxins, and unwanted proteins.

When the enterocytes become damaged, they create microscopic holes (or spaces between the cells) through which some of the undesirable contents of the gut can “leak” out. This allows pathogens that would normally be excreted as waste a passport to explore new and uncharted territory— namely your circulatory system.

The enterocytes aren’t the gut’s only line of defense. Located immediately outside the gut exist resident immune cells, and their job is to protect us against any bad guys that might arbitrarily find their way past the enterocytes. Thanks to both the enterocytes and the resident immune cells, normally only the nutrients from completely digested material gain access into your blood or lymphatic system; however, if your gut is leaky, this isn’t the case.

When pathogens leak out of your gut, the resident immune cells recognize them as foreign invaders and mount a response. Exactly what leaks out, and how much, determines the precise nature of the immune response.11 A continuous, ongoing response ultimately leads to chronic inflammation and autoimmunity. With the systems of your gut barrier failing inside and outside, pathogens that would normally be eliminated as waste now gain access to the circulatory system—a network of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels designed to transport nutrients from the gut to other areas of the body. This explains how those pesky protein fragments, toxins, and bacteria make it all the way from your gut to, say, the cells in your armpits.

The Link Between Neolithic Foods and Leaky Gut

Now that we know what leaky gut is, let’s find out why your gut is leaking. There’s good news and bad news about this one. The good news is, the causes of leaky gut are well documented. Bad news is, they’re pretty extensive. Chances are you’re going to have to give up some things you take for granted or really enjoy. Trust me when I tell you it will be worth it in the long run.

Quite a lot of research links Neolithic foods with autoimmunity.12 These are foods that recently entered the human diet. And by “recent,” I don’t mean March of last year. I mean some ten thousand years ago, when foods like grains, legumes, and dairy were introduced into our diets on a grand scale. Even nightshade vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers, all products of the New World, were not widely available, if at all.

Our genetic make-up has been shaped by millions of years of evolution. This make-up determines our nutritional and activity needs. Although human genes have remained pretty much unchanged since the agricultural revolution ten thousand years ago, our diet and lifestyle have not. The huge changes our diet and lifestyle have undergone since the Neolithic era, and even more so during the Industrial Revolution, have messed us up big time. In modern Western cultures at least 70 percent of our calories come from foods that were rarely or never consumed by Paleolithic hunter-gatherers.

Doctors James O’Keefe and Loren Cordain state that the mismatch between our modern diet and lifestyle and our Paleolithic genome plays a substantial role in the ongoing epidemics of obesity and disease,13 and that returning to a Paleolithic-type diet may reduce the risk of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cancer, acne, and autoimmune conditions.14

Now, as for the ole “Grains have been found at Paleolithic sites!” and “There’s no way Grok would have passed up milk! ” arguments, think about this: any exposure we had to these foods would have been seasonal and short before the advent of agriculture. If you were susceptible to the proteins in those foods and you started to get sick, chances are you would have run out of the supply of that particular food before you started to develop obesity, autoimmune issues, or cancer. Frankly, autoimmune diseases take time to develop, but given that we have access to Neolithic foods 365 days a year, we have set the stage for them to flourish.

Now let’s take a closer look at these everyday modern foods that cause us so much gut ache and grief.


Grains, legumes, beans, nuts, seeds, and most vegetables contain varying amounts of substances called antinutrients that bind to nutrients and block their absorption into the body. Antinutrients come in the form of lectins, saponins, phytates, and alkaloids, and can have a negative impact on our gut integrity, our immune systems, and our health in general. One of these antinutrients—or a combination of them—may be the cause of your HS.


Lectins are a type of protein found in pretty much all plants, particularly in the seeds. Some plants contain higher amounts than others, so some make us feel sicker than others. Lectins are part of a plants natural defense system; if its seeds are broken down and digested, they can’t grow into new plants. Sometimes a seed will make its way unscathed through the digestive tract of who or whatever ate it and be eliminated intact (in the poop), where it can grow and thrive in nutrient-dense fertilizer. But more often than not, if the seed is eaten, it is destroyed during digestion. To protect themselves from such a fate, seeds try to deter predators with antinutrient substances that make us feel sick or resist digestion, or both.15

So, if some seeds are safer than others, how do you know which seeds you can eat and which you cannot? Here’s a simple rule: if you can eat it raw, like the seeds of strawberries or bananas, it should be OK. If, however, the seed has to be cooked, soaked, fermented, pulverized, or processed before you can eat it, it’s not.

Unfortunately the standard American diet is teeming with seeds that require processing, specifically grains. High concentrations of lectins in our diet can create dramatic shifts in our gut flora as they tend to mimic the composition of simple sugars, allowing them to simply pass through the gut lining, damaging or destroying enterocytes along the way.16

Once they’re through the gut wall, the lectins activate those resident immune cells that start the autoimmune process. Lectins don’t travel alone, either; there is evidence that they help transport both dietary and gut-derived pathogens throughout the body,17 which means that what-ever you ate with the grains or legumes is now piggybacking a ride into your circulatory system and causing even more autoimmune reactions. As if that weren’t enough, lectins also upset the body’s hormone balance and metabolism, interfere with mineral absorption, cause reduc¬tions in protein digestibility, and can cause allergic reactions.18,19,20

One of the more damaging lectins is gluten, found most abundantly in wheat. It is beyond the scope of this book to go fully into all the dangers of wheat. Dr. William Davis’s popular book Wheat Belly is a fantastic resource for those who want detailed information on how dangerous the “staff of life” actually is. But for our purposes here, you should be aware that gluten has been associated with numerous negative responses in the body, including acne, fatigue, depression, belly fat, joint pain, acid reflux, and celiac disease.

If that doesn’t make you think twice about chowing down on a big, doughy bagel, consider that it not only contains gluten, but also gliaden and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). Gliaden is a protein that has been shown to increase zonulin production.21 Zonulin regulates the permeability of the space between the enterocytes,22 increases leaky gut in humans and other animals, and has been found to be a key player in autoimmune disease.23 In severe cases, some of the gut’s enterocyte “doors” may become permanently stuck open. This is sometimes seen in celiac disease and other autoimmune patients who have higher than normal amounts of the protein zonulin in their blood.

And finally, the protein WGA survives cooking and stomach acid and can pass through the gut wall all by itself.24 It also acts as an adjuvant, meaning that it is particularly good at bringing other things along with it and can amplify your body’s response to whatever guests that tag along.

Another extremely damaging lectin is phytohemagglutinin (PHA), the lectin found in red kidney beans. Eat just a handful of raw kidney beans and this lectin can kill you. PHA attacks and disables the enterocytes. Your body reacts to the threat by emptying the entire digestive tract as rapidly and completely as possible to rid itself of the toxic substance. If you survive, you certainly won’t ever eat raw kidney beans again.

Soaking, sprouting, fermentation, and cooking can reduce or eliminate lectins in some instances and are traditional techniques used to prepare grains and legumes in many cultures. One notable exception is gluten, which survives all but the longest fermentation and is not broken down by cooking.25

The lectin in rice is contained mostly in the bran. If you’re going to indulge, skip the brown rice and choose white rice as the bran has been stripped away during processing. Whole grains are neither heart-healthy nor good for you in any way, especially if you are battling HS.
If you eliminate all grains but white rice from your diet and you’re still having flare-ups, consider white rice as a trigger. Most of us don’t have problems with rice, but some of us do. Rice is extremely high in simple sugars that can aggravate HS symptoms. ...

Don’t forget that corn is a grain too—it’s not a vegetable, as much as the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) insists that it should be. For some, corn is an HS trigger, which is no surprise considering corn, like other grains, contains lectins. Try to avoid corn on the cob, cornstarch, corn tortillas, corn pasta, and baked goods. Definitely avoid high fructose corn syrup or any product that uses the word “maize.” Maize simply means “corn” in Spanish.

Watch Out For: All cereal grains, wheat, rye, barley, oats, rice, corn, sorghum, millet, spelt, triticale and teff, either in whole form or in flours and starches. All legumes, especially kidney beans. Also avoid lima beans, fava beans, green beans, soy, peas, and peanuts, either in whole form or in flours and starches, oils and butters.


Many plants contain varying amounts of a substance called saponins. Saponins are a type of chemical defense against microbes and fungi and are considered plant steroids. When we consume them, they can create all sorts of effects, some good but mostly bad.

Saponins penetrate cell membranes, directly into molecules such as proteins. They have the ability to permeate mucous linings (like the gut wall) and stimulate an immune response by increasing antibodies.26 In a healthy person, this may help fight off infections. In someone with HS and a leaky gut, we don’t want extra antibodies floating around—any immune response is basically inflammation.27 Saponins are used in some vaccines as an adjuvant, i.e., they boost the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Scientists in Canada fed mice quinoa saponins along with the cholera toxin and found an increased presence of the toxin in the blood, liver, spleen, and lungs over control subjects. They concluded that quinoa saponins would make an excellent adjuvant for vaccines because they are very effective at increasing the permeability of mucous membranes.28

Other saponins, such as one from Quillaja bark (used to make root beer), have been found to be effective at permeating the mucous lining of the nose and eyes. They also promote the absorption of insulin and antibiotics.29 Looking at these studies, it is evident that consuming saponins can increase your risk for developing bacterial diseases, allergies, and autoimmunity, since bacteria, proteins, and antigens that would normally stay locked up tight within the intestine are free to join up with the saponins and vacation somewhere fun and new, like your internal organs.

Saponins have even been proven to damage villi,30 the tiny, finger-like projections on the small intestine that assist in absorbing nutrients from food. When they are damaged, you can quickly become malnourished and sick—even though you may be popping expensive multivitamins. Dietary saponins also reduce iron absorption, which can lead to anemia.
Saponins mimic certain hormones in the body and are believed to be responsible for the pharmacological effects of many Chinese herbs.31 Luckily, the saponins we eat are weak, usually only creating problems in a dose dependent manner.32 So, eating quinoa once will not create golf ball-sized holes in your gut. But consume large quantities, and you may flare up. Eating a saponin-rich food like asparagus with one of your trigger foods may increase the response.

Watch Out For: All legumes, including peas, lentils, beans, and pea-nuts; all soy and soy products; “pseudo grains” such as quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat; chia and flax seeds; alfalfa and bean sprouts; root beer

Limit: Chestnuts; yuca root (cassava); fenugreek, soapwort, paprika, licorice; asparagus; tomato seeds; garlic, leeks, onions and chives; sugar beets; peppers; eggplant


Phytic acid, aka phytate, is found in many different plants and is a source of energy for that plant. Unfortunately, human beings lack the digestive enzyme (phytase) to break down phytic acid33 and this can cause all sorts of problems for us. Phytates don’t necessarily cause leaky gut in and of themselves, but the nutrient deficiencies they create certainly can. (See sidebar Nutrient Deficiencies, page 83.)

Phytates bind to the magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron in your intestines, making it difficult for your body to absorb those minerals. This is not a good thing. Those minerals are essential to our health. In fact, many experts believe that phytates alone are responsible for the world-wide epidemic of iron-deficiency anemia.34 Phytates could also account for the magnesium deficiencies were seeing in modern society, which can contribute to everything from muscle cramping to PMS.35

Those of us with HS know how important zinc is—most of us are zinc deficient and are on supplementation. Zinc supplementation has been found to be extremely beneficial in HS patients,36 so a deficiency is definitely something we want to avoid. Zinc is crucial to the immune system—whether or not we have HS. As for calcium, we all know how important it is for building strong bones and teeth, so anything that robs our bodies of that crucial element is something to be avoided at all costs.

Grains and legumes have high levels of phytates in them, but nuts and seeds contain more. The good news is you can soak, ferment, and sprout virtually all of the phytates out of these foods.37 These traditional techniques used to be commonplace but have fallen out of favor—perhaps about the same time we started to let machines and corporations make our food. Time is money, after all, and these techniques take time.

Oh, and a bit more good news: certain species of our gut flora (including lactobacilli) can produce phytase, which helps break down phtates. This means that if you have good intestinal flora, you’ll have an easier time with foods that contain phytic acid,38 whether they’re traditionally prepared or not.

Watch Out For: Grains, legumes, and raw and roasted nuts and seeds, unless they’re soaked, sprouted or fermented. Note: roasted nuts in the store have NOT been soaked first.


What are nightshades? More than any other question, this is the one I’m asked most. Even some registered dietitians and doctors I’ve spoken to don’t know what nightshades are. It’s not surprising; they’re not on many people’s radar. Nightshades don’t seem to have anything in common at first glance. But on closer inspection, we learn that they share a similar chemistry.

There are more than two hundred nightshade plants, and most are toxic, deadly even. These include deadly nightshade and jimsonweed. But they also include items that we might find in our grocery carts: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers.

Members of the Solanaceae family, nightshades contain compounds that increase intestinal permeability,39 which can be extremely aggravating to certain inflammatory and autoimmune conditions like arthritis and HS. In addition to lectins and saponins, nightshades also contain alkaloids and glycoalkaloids (alkaloid and sugars). More than three thousand different types of alkaloids exist in nature, including nicotine, caffeine, morphine, strychnine, and quinine. Alkaloids have pharmacological effects on humans, which means that they can behave like drugs. They also possess the ability to weaken cells and collapse or affect nerve transmission.
Alkaloids are designed to protect the plants from predators (sound familiar?) and contain low-dose poisons concentrated in their leaves, stems, sprouts, and fruits. When these toxins affect the human nervous system, they can cause weakness, confusion, headaches, diarrhea, cramps, and, in severe cases, coma and death.

It’s no small coincidence that nightshades—like other leaky gut con-tributors—happen to be a common HS trigger. But if you are like the majority of HS sufferers, you will find that certain nightshade foods— or perhaps all nightshade foods—are your biggest triggers. You’ll be asked to eliminate them from your diet once you get to chapter eight. Chances are, they will be the group of foods you’ll least likely be able to reintroduce successfully if you want to keep your HS in remission.40

Watch Out For: Potatoes, tomatoes, tomatillos, bell peppers, hot pep-pers, eggplant, goji berries, {I deleted tobacco from her list. Since tobacco is not EATEN.}


According to Sarah Ballantyne, the medical biophysicist behind the blog, dairy is designed to create a leaky gut:

In newborn infants, a leaky gut is essential so that some components of mother’s milk can get into the bloodstream, like hormones and all the antibodies that a mother makes that helps boost her child’s immune system. While this is essential for optimal health in babies, it becomes a problem in the adult digestive tract where there are more things present that we don’t want to leak into the bloodstream. Drinking milk from a different species seems to make matters worse since the foreign proteins can cause a larger immune response.41

Human milk is made for humans. It’s designed to signal our hormones that we’re ready to grow. It also contains certain antimicrobial compounds that are designed to help establish healthy gut flora in infants. These protective factors are missing in the milk of dairy animals,42 although scientists are working on developing genetically engineered goats to see if the GMO goat milk will have similar benefits to human milk. Thanks but no thanks.

Dairy contains a hormone called betacellulin, which has the ability to pass through the gut wall, taking fragments of the milk protein casein along with it, and whatever else you’ve eaten with your meal.43 That’s bad news. Casein, the main protein in milk, also has immune- compromising properties.44

Dairy has also proved to be insulinemic, meaning that a lot of insulin gets released when you consume it. Lots of insulin means more insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 regulates cell growth and development and has insulin-like effects in the human body. Cow milk actually contains large amounts of bioidentical IGF-1, so it’s a double whammy. (Cow IGF-1 is identical to human IGF-1, so when we consume it, it acts like our own hormones.) That ends up being especially bad for HS, since elevated insulin levels result in increased growth of the skin around the hair follicles. We’ll discuss why this is such a problem for us in chapter five, The Hormone Connection.

For susceptible people, dairy causes acne, allergy symptoms, and asthma and has been directly linked to cancer and autoimmune conditions such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Insulin, IGF-1, and the elevated levels of estrogen in milk from pregnant cows (the very milk you pur-chase at the supermarket) has been directly linked to prostrate cancer in men.45 If that isn’t enough, consumption of milk (but not cheese and yogurt) has been shown to bring on early menstruation in girls.46

Paleo experts such as Sarah Ballantyne, Loren Cordain, Robb Wolf, and Chris Kresser all suggest the removal of dairy for optimal gut health. I suggest removing it not only for gut health, but also for hormonal stability.

How will you get your calcium, you ask? It’s interesting to note that in order for your body to absorb the calcium in “healthy” lowfat dairy products, it requires fat and magnesium to go along with it. Get your calcium from green leafy vegetables cooked in bacon fat; your bones and teeth will thank you.

Watch Out For: Nonfat or lowfat milk; flavored milk products; pasteur-ized and homogenized dairy prod¬ucts; cheese, especially processed; frozen yogurt, sweetened yogurt, yogurt in a tube; anything containing “sodium caseinate,” “calcium caseinate”


It’s curious that egg yolk has been vilified, because it’s actually the egg white that causes most of the problems.

Egg whites contain lysozyme, an enzyme that is very good at breaking apart the cell membranes of certain bacteria. Sarah Ballantyne has used lysozyme in the lab for this very purpose. “Lysozyme works very quickly, is very resistant to heat, is stable in very acidic environments, and is really a pretty ingenious little enzyme,” she says. “It has the ability to form strong complexes with other proteins.”

Lysozyme survives cooking and our stomach acid, defies digestion, attaches on to the other proteins in the egg white (and whatever else it comes in contact with, especially bacteria) and sails right through our enterocytes—even in healthy individuals without leaky gut.48 “The problem is the other proteins that piggyback on lysozyme,” explains Ballantyne. Because lysozyme binds to bacteria so well, these are likely to come along for the ride.

“In the case of autoimmune disease, individuals are more sensitive and tend to have exaggerated immune and inflammatory responses to foreign proteins in the circulation,” says Ballantyne. “These individuals are also more likely to form auto-antibodies in response to bacterial proteins that may enter into the circulation with lysozyme.”

If you are a healthy individual with a healthy gut, you should probably limit your egg intake, but not for the “traditional” reasons of lowering cholesterol or fat intake that may come to mind. If you are suffering from HS or any other autoimmune problem, eggs whites should be off the list entirely while you do your elimination diet. Once your gut flora is well populated with good bacteria, you can experiment with bringing them back into your diet.

The Link Between Drugs and Leaky Gut

Different drugs cause leaky gut for different reasons. There are far too many types of drugs on the market to list them all. I personally found that as I changed my diet and regained my health and vitality, I no longer needed drugs to feel well. When I experienced a symptom that I would have taken drugs for in the past, like bloating or gas, I tried to figure out why I had those symptoms in the first place instead of simply masking them. I was usually able to connect the problem with something I had eaten or come in contact with. Hopefully as you heal, you will no longer need the drugs you may have been dependent on in the past.

As previously mentioned, saponins, lectins and glycoalkaloids are used in some medications. Some drugs, like morphine, simply are alkaloids. Saponins are naturally present in a lot of Chinese medicinal herbs. NSAIDs, antibiotics, and birth control pills are all scientifically proven to cause leaky gut because of the way they affect gut flora. Here are some other sources that may surprise you:


Antacids contain aluminum hydroxide, or alum. Aluminum is often used as an adjuvant in vaccines, and has been linked to a variety of serious autoimmune and inflammatory conditions.49 Antacids that contain aluminum hydroxide, as well as some baking powders and antiperspirants, should be avoided. Note: I recently saw alum listed as an ingredient in deli ham. That’s right: deli ham. Always check the ingredients.


Vaccines have saved millions of lives on the one hand and have seemingly destroyed lives on the other. Public opinion is heated; people either seem to be big proponents of vaccines, or they are vehemently opposed to them. It’s not up to me to try to change your mind, wherever you stand on the debate. That said, vaccines very often contain such adjuvants as lysozyme (eggs), alkaloids, and saponins. Like anything else, weigh the pros and cons of each vaccine you are considering, and make an informed decision for you and your family.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

First of all, thanks to Laura for these very interesting text.

And now I would like to say one thing about adapting to the diet.
I have done a urine test tonight: ketone bodies (++) and density 1030.
Previously I haven't had this, I think it's because I'm eating more fat and almost no carbohydrates after my last stomach problem. This week I started with fat bombs (one or two per day). Now I don't feel sick, just a little discomfort in my head (at times), I've been reading today and I haven't felt more tired, physically or mentally.
Maybe I drank less water and this may be the cause of that ketone bodies appear. I don't know if this requires doing something special or if I only should keep high fat intake... I would not lose weight, on the other hand.
Thank you all.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Ariadna said:
First of all, thanks to Laura for these very interesting text.

And now I would like to say one thing about adapting to the diet.
I have done a urine test tonight: ketone bodies (++) and density 1030.
Previously I haven't had this, I think it's because I'm eating more fat and almost no carbohydrates after my last stomach problem. This week I started with fat bombs (one or two per day). Now I don't feel sick, just a little discomfort in my head (at times), I've been reading today and I haven't felt more tired, physically or mentally.
Maybe I drank less water and this may be the cause of that ketone bodies appear. I don't know if this requires doing something special or if I only should keep high fat intake... I would not lose weight, on the other hand.
Thank you all.
A couple of things come to mind, initially with a high protein based diet, there is a need to drink a lot more water - with added potassium chloride, and secondly, a need ease into the high fat content over carbohydrates intake. Enjoy the fat bombs. :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Hello has all
I finally ended the reading of this subject as well as some recommended books. It took me a lot of time(weather) because I am bad in English language, I am French...
I put on a diet to advocate here since meadows of 1 year. My initial motivation was to decrease the number of my migrainous crises which began has future almost daily. In the course of my readings I was able to measure carried(worn) immense in this way to feed but I also have to measure and undergo the great difficulties of the application.
It is not simply a question here of applying a diet(regime) cétogène, already difficult but also to remove from the food(supply) elements anti nutriments. Simply put can be consumed in complete safety, animal meats and their fats, fishes, lettuces, fruits of the forest in small quantities, the not cooked olive oil. In it we can add according to the tolerance of each, egg yolks, the clarified butter ghee ), shellfish, by-products of the coconut, the nuts of cashews and Macadamia, amend, can be but with a lot of reserve the by-products of dairy products. Naturally food has to be of organic quality with a report(relationship) omega6 / omega 3 of 2/1 in 1/1 in the ideal. The contribution in protein has to be between 0,8 and 1,5 g by physical kg weighty, according to the daily muscular activity, distributed in 3 has 4 grips. The contribution in carbohydrate must be enough low so that the energy metabolism main is of lipid origin, generally it is necessary to come down(to fall) below 50g from carbohydrates a day. All the rest of the necessary calories to live must be brought by fats, especially saturated and mono unsaturated, unsaturated poly not that must represent that a tiny part.
To apply quite these instructions(deposits) was very difficult but if I made him(it) gradually, I still have all the same of the evil has any more not to eat cheese of goat(tackle) or ewe. The heavy cream is 30 % of fat is also with great difficulty replaceable, especially as for the moment I am sad has to support(bear) the cream of coke (nausea).
At the beginning I lost weight in a disturbing way, after a few months I was finally able to resume(to take back) it a little but he(it) still shacks me little. All this is essentially bound(connected) to the fact that I had difficulty has to bring the number of sufficient(self-important) calories by lipids.
I had no problem of safe transit when I set doses of Sometimes C superiors has 2g a day, they activated(started) diarrheas.
The frequency of my migraines clearly fell, I maintain the hope that by stopping consuming by-products of dairy products, walnuts and fines, they eventually disappear.
I used trés not much food complement, can be is wrong, but I try to be in most meadows of the food(supply) in the Palaeolithic.
On the sports plan repercussions were important. My pulsations in first weeks have to increase by meadows of 20 per minute to go down again very slowly in the course of the months without reaching(affecting) their initial value. My efforts in aerobic endurance are easier, can last longer and require less recovery(recycling). The efforts in hard resistance (75 % a 90 % of the VO2) are more difficult and the work in VMA seems slightly harder. It seems to join the data known on the man of the Palaeolithic at the same time very tough(hard-wearing) and capable of producing brief efforts of big intensities.
I have to announce you, all the same, my doubts on the fact that our ancestors of the prehistory worked on the cétogenèse permanently. I think that they did not limit themselves on the quantity of meat, fruits of the forest or honey which they could consume. It is especially the deficiency of these elements (probably frequent has certain period of the year) which made them cross(spend,pass) it cétogenèse and it all the more easily as their physical activity was trés important.
I am everything made convinced of the noxious nature of many of our food which should not simply be any more to consume but I have a doubt when in highly-rated natural of the diet(regime) cétogène as we apply him(it). Even if we do not miss scientific documents proving the superiority of the energy metabolism by the lipid way that by the glucidique way it is sufficient(self-important) to make this choice "artificially"
If the contribution in carbohydrate was moderated but not enough to lead(infer) the cétose, by choosing more sugars has very low glycemic index and by staying up has to keep(preserve) all other food instructions(deposits) would be we not there in a diet(regime) trés close of the men(people) of the prehistory?
I also wanted to announce you the mattering pleasure that I have has to read to you. The remarks, the comments and the testimonies are of a level intellectual raised(brought up) what is not frequent on the forums. I am moreover impressed enough by the intelligence and the kindness of a good many of you.
Later even read the book Laura Knight-Jadczyk " the secret history(story) of the world " I understand better what is at stake. I take advantage of it moreover to announce my admiration for the fact whom made and is this person.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Hi Nightspirit,

I think you are right that our ancestors were not in ketosis permanently - they would eat what was available to them. But I think they were in ketosis most of the time. I also think that it may be beneficial to break ketosis occasionally, but maybe not by ingesting more carbs, but more proteins, which then are shunted into glucose metabolism.

As to low glycemic index carbs - in the end, carbs are carbs, and above a certain (individual) threshold, this will lead to glucation (sugar-coating) of tissues, which is something that needs to be avoided.

In the end, you will have to find out, what your body is most agreeable with, which foods to avoid, which is also individual, apart from things like gluten, high doses of carbs, and most forms of dairy, etc.

As to fat - most of us have initially struggled to get enough fat on board, because we were not used to it. It takes some time to "clean the machine" to be able to do that. One thing that I found very beneficial is the fat bomb, as described in this thread.

Good luck on your journey!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thank you Nicklebleu for this exchange of point of view.I am going to document to compare well the energy way of lipids and carbohydrates in particular in case of intense effort.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thank you so much for this text about HS Laura! I really think I need to read that book.

In my case, flare ups have been pretty consistent with diet and stress... and also with my cycles.

I think one important thing to add here is that our guts won't heal if we also have high iron levels. I have been keeping up with a quite strict diet for almost one year and half, just trying one or another thing here and there sometimes, but my allergies and autoimmune symptoms come and go... I recently made a blood test and found out that I had high ferritin levels. And Gaby explained that with those levels my inmune system just can't get a break (if I remember correctly). Therefore, I must lower my iron levels and then I will probably have a chance to heal my gut. So there certainly are many factors in play here.
Going cold Turkey ok? No gluten, no dairy, no carbs.

Am feeling ready to change to the paleo diet from what I'm reading on SOTT. Just wondered if it is safe to change over straight away or if you need to wean of the old diet?
Re: Going cold Turkey ok? No gluten, no dairy, no carbs.

mugatea said:
Am feeling ready to change to the paleo diet from what I'm reading on SOTT. Just wondered if it is safe to change over straight away or if you need to wean of the old diet?

I think the main thing is to know exactly what to do, to expect and how to handle the snags you will invariably hit. Once you know that, I don't think that it matters much. Best way to go about it, is to read the whole Ketogenic Diet thread. I know, it's a lot, but essential reading.

In certain cases, like in an emergency, you might need to jump in "cold turkey", but that's tough, and you might set yourself up for failing - so a more gradual approach is generally recommended, if no other more pressing reasons warrant a different approach.
Re: Going cold Turkey ok? No gluten, no dairy, no carbs.

mugatea said:
Am feeling ready to change to the paleo diet from what I'm reading on SOTT. Just wondered if it is safe to change over straight away or if you need to wean of the old diet?

Usually people here have transitioned gradually. But if you do decide to go the cold turkey route I would say that you should arm yourself with a lot of information on what could be the symptoms or possible initial drawbacks depending on any pre-existing conditions.

For example, have you done bloodwork to test for mineral deficiencies or any other anomalies that could cause problems. Also if you have hemochromatosis you may run into issues once your gut begins to heal from not eating gluten or other inflammatory food products. I am a big fan of cold turkey and doing something with gusto like this but I don't think it's responsible to do it without reading the info in the diet and health threads first.

Some people tell me that I switched really fast but that was only after doing A LOT of reading so I am not too sure there is truly a shortcut in this regard. You either have to learn from the experience of gradually making the change or learn from doing a lot of reading so that you are ready to combat any problems that arise. But if you just jump into a project such as this without a toolbox or not being aware of the current state of your body, that may be a bit irresponsible in my opinion. Just my two cents.

But you have the forum so if you run into any issues you can always ask for guidance!
Re: Going cold Turkey ok? No gluten, no dairy, no carbs.

well, I went in 2 stages, First of all ALL sugar - and gluten, which in itself knocked out processed carbs like breadand pasta
Then 2 weeks later stepped things up knocking out all other carbs legumes, potatoes and rice
Never felt better and have lost 21kg of excess weight

The EE breathing helps too
Re: Going cold Turkey ok? No gluten, no dairy, no carbs.

Get Maria Emmerich's book "Keto-adapted" and read it BEFORE you do anything.

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