Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Megan said:
Mrs. Peel said:
...Yeah, he's really anal about stuff like that. Maybe he thinks the cats will jump up there and turn the stove up higher, or knock the pot over. I mean, they haven't tried anything like that in 14 years, but there's always a first time, right? ;)

...I was going to try WholeFoods, but that doesn't sound too promising, as per Megan's experience.

Whole Foods Market stores can vary by region. I have been to ones in Washington DC and Las Vegas, and I liked them better than the one here in Sacramento. Still, the chain is centrally run and I think the trend is probably toward the more profitable "healthy" processed food, lean meat, and the ever-popular "healthy" vegetable oils (organic vegetable oil -- what a concept!). Use them for what you can find in them that is good, but you have to be able to tell what that is.

I have been buying marrow bones at WF - they keep them in the freezer section. Have also bought lamb shanks there as well and they do make a good soup.

One day I asked the butcher for some pork fat because I wanted to make some lard. He looked at me like I had three heads, but then brought me a large portion. He just gave it to me and also mentioned that if I wanted more, the best time is to come early in the morning when they are trimming the meat. I have asked for it at several stores and they have all been more than happy to give it to me. Last weekend, I asked for some beef fat or suet - the butcher found a huge block in the back from organic grass-fed beef and just gave that to me as well. I assume they just normally throw it away!

I used chunks of the beef fat Sunday when making bone broth, however I noticed that not all of it melted. There were huge globules left over and they did not look all that appetizing, so I strained them out when I took out the bones. Was I supposed to keep them and eat that as well? Not sure if I could manage to get that down, though.

One other thing I have done recently is to whip a small carton of pure whipping cream and eat a bit (no sugar) with a small piece of home-made dark chocolate. It keeps for several days and it is a nice treat - and I thought that pure cream is OK to eat as it is all fat - hope I am not mistaken.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Yesterday was my first one in the daytime off diet in the KD. In the morning, I took a big glass of cold water so by waking me that some grains of salt and salt without sodium for its strong content in potassium. I drank then only some water all day long.
My temperature was in the morning of 36.8°C.

Early in the afternoon, I made exercises of resistance on my rower by selecting the maximal resistance which is 10. A resistance which I had never used before, incapable to make it although it is, and although that having been a sportswoman rather "accomplished".
35 mn of these exercises (1 mn one and 2mn off) left with me no track of fatigue. My heart rhythm accelerated during the phase one, but in a totally manageable way, and I took advantage of the 2 minutes off to make exercises of deep breath. At the end of these 2 minutes, my heart rhythm had almost returned to the normal. The normal for me it is on average 60 beatings per minute. During a phase of peace, my rhythm comes down to 56/54 per minute.

At the end of the exercises, I stayed a little on my rower and I made an "extra time". I felt so full of energy! No fatigue, and especially a very fast recuperative power. I rather noted an improvement of my energy.

These exercises were followed by a good and long cold shower which I enjoyed and I appreciated with many of tranquillity.

After 18 hours of total diet, I did not still feel the need to eat. I did not feel absolutely tired, and I had besides felt no dizziness, no headache, no increasing or decreasing blood pressure, and I would say that I was enthused enough by the state of plenitude which lived in me then. I also maintained my usual level of tobacco, not to interfere in the changes of state appropriate for the diet.

On August 17th of this year I noted which I had lost 800g since about ten days. This day (17th), I thus weighed 48kg. Yesterday morning I weighed 46.7kg (for a size of 165cm).

My temperature late in the afternoon was of 37.5°C. At 7.00pm I swallowed my broth of very fat bone and I then entered in ketosis, confirmed by the strip. I felt tired during the evening and went to sleep at 11.30pm.

This morning, awakening at 6:00 am and ready for day "on". My temperature was at 36.4°C and my weight was at 37.0 kg.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Gimpy said:
After my soup mug of bone broth today (which was yummy, btw) I dropped like a stone about a half hour afterwards, and slept hard for two hours. Feel pretty good now!

Has this happened to anyone else?

First time for me, I've never been tired from any of the bone broth made from ducks, or chickens. This was the first batch of org marrow bone broth.

Yes, I've noticed that now and then. After bone broth, I get sleepy. In fact, yesterday was a sleepy day. I had to drag myself through the weight lifting business. And I wasn't the only one so I'm not sure that it was the broth. It was really hot outside yesterday and right after the sun went down, a wind started that cooled the temp about 20 degrees in less than an hour. No rain, though. So I wonder if it was the weather/EM ambiance?

Whatever was going on, I woke up down another whole kilo this morning.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
Gimpy said:
After my soup mug of bone broth today (which was yummy, btw) I dropped like a stone about a half hour afterwards, and slept hard for two hours. Feel pretty good now!

Has this happened to anyone else?

First time for me, I've never been tired from any of the bone broth made from ducks, or chickens. This was the first batch of org marrow bone broth.

Yes, I've noticed that now and then. After bone broth, I get sleepy. In fact, yesterday was a sleepy day. I had to drag myself through the weight lifting business. And I wasn't the only one so I'm not sure that it was the broth. It was really hot outside yesterday and right after the sun went down, a wind started that cooled the temp about 20 degrees in less than an hour. No rain, though. So I wonder if it was the weather/EM ambiance?

Whatever was going on, I woke up down another whole kilo this morning.

Yesterday I had a similar experience. I needed a nap in the morning and went to bed pretty early and couldn't do any exercises.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I have come to a tentative conclusion:

Upset tummies have very little to do with the amount of fat you eat. I realized that before full keto, there were days where I had eaten much more fat than when I had an upset stomach after going full keto. The difference was the lack of carbs and slightly reduced protein when in full keto. So, I reckon it's gut bacteria, detox, digestive shifts, etc.

My belly seems to have stabilized now, although I did get a tad queasy and VERY sleepy yesterday afternoon. But, it passed after a nap, and even more so after a cold shower.

Also, I seemed to have gained 2 kg. That was wild.

Finally, I noted that the day after a workout, I am in "ultra-keto mode" according to the ketostix, but by 2 days after a workout, I'm down to 1 level below "ultra". I'm certainly not starving by any stretch, so it seems that the short resistance workouts really kick things into high gear.

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

A little expansion on yesterday's experiences. Besides feeling sleepy and really draggy, I was having some odd pains popping up, like the old "hot-steel-ball-under-the-shoulder-blade" that I used to be plagued with for months on end. Well, it appeared slightly, bothered me for a couple hours, and then disappeared: poof. I also had "heavy legs" and later in the day, the long-bone pains in the legs. Then, a bit of queasiness after my dinner cup of broth - but it only came on a couple hours after, not right away. I took an enzyme and it seemed to clear up.

Then, this morning, some mildly loose bowels. This has been followed by some stomach cramping. This is new for me since, from the beginning, I had the opposite problem and even went 3.5 days with no movement at all. I just stuck to what I was doing without taking anything other than some salt water to get things moving and finally had action.

I did do the leg press very strongly yesterday despite feeling so weak. An added 20kg of weight, too.

Overall, it seems that these symptoms come and go and may represent levels of activity going on inside. Replacing systems, getting DNA upregulated and other DNA from the carb burning days downregulated, may be rather like peeling an onion. I am over two weeks into the experiment, so I have a week to go before reaching the full optimization as a couple of the papers suggest.

All in all, it is extremely interesting to notice how, despite cutting back on the volume of food, one actually feels less hunger.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Ailén said:
And this is what is a bit puzzling and might contradict completely my idea above. Because acetylcholine is usually known to LOWER the heartbeat, not raise it. So maybe it has nothing to do with acetylcholine at all, and it's different for everybody depending on how our hearts have this "carburator adjustment". I don't know. Any ideas? I can't explain why some people would have the "pounding heartbeat" when smoking...:huh:

"Humans have two adrenal glands located on top of the kidneys. At the core of each adrenal gland is the adrenal medulla, which produces adrenaline. Nicotine attaches to the adrenal medulla and stimulates it to release adrenaline. Adrenaline is a hormone that stimulates the entire body. It causes respiration to increase and the heart to beat faster. It also increases blood glucose levels, which provides a burst of energy. Not only is metabolism increased by these changes, but the energy boost from rising glucose levels provides additional energy."
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Mr. Scott said:
I have come to a tentative conclusion:

Upset tummies have very little to do with the amount of fat you eat. I realized that before full keto, there were days where I had eaten much more fat than when I had an upset stomach after going full keto. The difference was the lack of carbs and slightly reduced protein when in full keto. So, I reckon it's gut bacteria, detox, digestive shifts, etc.

Well for me the association with fat and stomach ache is pretty clear. I was getting the acid reflux that is definitely the fat, and the night I threw up it was all the fat I had eaten. I could even see the globules of fat like when I had eaten it.

Seems to me that the problem may have something to do with stomach acid production. Fat increases the production of stomach acid, apparently because fat takes longer to break down and requires more acid to do so. So if you dump a load of fat into your stomach and there isn't enough acid to break it down, I suppose this could lead to some kind of non-digestion and ultimate regurgitation of the fat. So I've started experimenting with taking a shot of apple cider vinegar with my fatty meals and this seems to help. I suppose it is possible that continued consumption of fatty meals will lead to the stomach eventually getting with the program and producing a sufficient quantity of acid to deal with the fat.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Perceval said:
Well for me the association with fat and stomach ache is pretty clear. I was getting the acid reflux that is definitely the fat, and the night I threw up it was all the fat I had eaten. I could even see the globules of fat like when I had eaten it.

Seems to me that the problem may have something to do with stomach acid production. Fat increases the production of stomach acid, apparently because fat takes longer to break down and requires more acid to do so. So if you dump a load of fat into your stomach and there isn't enough acid to break it down, I suppose this could lead to some kind of non-digestion and ultimate regurgitation of the fat. So I've started experimenting with taking a shot of apple cider vinegar with my fatty meals and this seems to help. I suppose it is possible that continued consumption of fatty meals will lead to the stomach eventually getting with the program and producing a sufficient quantity of acid to deal with the fat.
I agree with this and have definitely experienced the nausea with increased intake of fat when I first began having more fat a year ago.

Because I've been continuously transitioning to lower amounts of protein and more fat, this makes me think that this has made all the difference with regard to how much fat I'm currently able to ingest without problems.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Perceval said:
Well for me the association with fat and stomach ache is pretty clear. I was getting the acid reflux that is definitely the fat, and the night I threw up it was all the fat I had eaten. I could even see the globules of fat like when I had eaten it.

Hmm, I guess my tentative conclusion is not universally applicable.

I suppose it depends to a large extent on one's ability to digest fat. Historically, my digestive system and body generally loved fatty, greasy meals.

When I had housecleaning episodes, it was not clear/fatty as if the fat went right thru me as others have reported. And at no point did I actually feel like vomiting.

I guess the moral of the story is that any number of different reactions might occur, and it really does depend on the person, their body, their particular ailments/issues, age, wear and tear, etc.

I guess we'll see what happens in another week or so...
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Perceval said:
Mr. Scott said:
I have come to a tentative conclusion:

Upset tummies have very little to do with the amount of fat you eat. I realized that before full keto, there were days where I had eaten much more fat than when I had an upset stomach after going full keto. The difference was the lack of carbs and slightly reduced protein when in full keto. So, I reckon it's gut bacteria, detox, digestive shifts, etc.

Well for me the association with fat and stomach ache is pretty clear. I was getting the acid reflux that is definitely the fat, and the night I threw up it was all the fat I had eaten. I could even see the globules of fat like when I had eaten it.

Seems to me that the problem may have something to do with stomach acid production. Fat increases the production of stomach acid, apparently because fat takes longer to break down and requires more acid to do so. So if you dump a load of fat into your stomach and there isn't enough acid to break it down, I suppose this could lead to some kind of non-digestion and ultimate regurgitation of the fat. So I've started experimenting with taking a shot of apple cider vinegar with my fatty meals and this seems to help. I suppose it is possible that continued consumption of fatty meals will lead to the stomach eventually getting with the program and producing a sufficient quantity of acid to deal with the fat.

I wonder if it is really linked to acid production. Correct if i'm wrong but digestion of lipid is made in small intestine with enzyms and bile of the pancreas.
Saliva can produce lipase too. If fat stay in stomach like you describe, there is perhaps another reason. Perhaps there is another food who can't be well digested and so, who keeps fat in the same time.
I have the same thing always when i have too much liquid in my meal. Digestion is so very very long.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I've found that if I feel a bit nauseous from higher fat consumption then Vit C helps. Perhaps there is enough acid in that to help digestion. The apple cider vinegar was a little too strong for me and I ended up with heart burn/reflux type symptoms.

I agree with sebbe too, about amount of water or tea I drink after a meal seems to affect whether or not I feel nauseous.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Odyssey said:
I was having heart palpitations for a couple of months (?) before this experiment that didn't go away even supplementing with mag malate and potassium. Since going into ketosis the palpitations have gone away. Every now and then if I'm very still I may feel a little flutter but other than that, nothing.

Same here. 2 years ago, I had over 3000 "Premature ventricular contractions" per day, concentrated in the afternoon (never in the morning, which makes sense, since during sleep the body apparently goes into ketosis, even on a carb diet). After reducing the carbs to quasi-zero, I'm fully free of any palpitations. The heart apparently is powered by Ketones only.

[quote author=Chrissy]
The one thing I've noticed is that before experimenting, I had not needed to wear "deodorant " for about 3 weeks. There was no odor. I read in the thread "body odor " that other members were experiencing that as well and figured it was just another benefit to going low carb / paleo. With being in ketosis, I've noticed a slight underarm odor again. From what I read, the ketones can be released through your sweat as well.

Same here. But I guess it's not the Ketones that smell, but increased detoxification.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Pain could be related with the nervous system of the body. For example leg pain could be inflammation of some part of the nervus ischiadicus. Shoulder pain (especially with the "flashing" down the arm) also. Seems logic to me since nerves are made of amino acids, and could be more quickly affected ( and the "data transfer" in them) with the diet changes then for example bones. (that why doctors suggest people with such problems to eat red meat, because of the B12 vitamine). In such cases stretching exercises helps more than weight lifting, or weight lifting but in the combination with the stretching. When I'm having such pains (sometimes with the dizziness, which could be also connected with the nervous system. I believe to some degree that it is connected with the surrounding atmospheric changes) I do some extra stretching and walking (exercising every day and fast walking some 7-8Km usually). That helps. Never do classic weight lifting, didn't made for that :)

Well, just my experience :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

A technical question: I discovered that also my main fat source contains carbs. Or it is a general thing that butter has about 0.5-0.7 carbs per 100g. Should I look for the time for another source? Or is it already low enough eating about 1.4gr carbs a day? My ketones are tonight at about 4,6mmol/l for the first day without carbs (beside the butter) and my legs are pretty weak.
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