Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Weird Dizziness thing on the Keto-Diet?

Hello everybody,

I’ve been on the Ketogenic diet for a little over a month now, and ever since then, I’ve started experiencing something that I don’t really understand. At first the symptoms were not very noticeable, but since a few days ago, I started being able to feel it all day long.

It’s a little difficult to describe, but I’ll do my best. It’s like experiencing a “lag time” between where my eyes go and the vision of what my eyes should see. So, if I turn my head to the right quicker than usual, then the eyes get to where they want to go first, but the vision of it follows a little later than the eyes. This produces a feeling similar to vertigo or dizziness, and sometimes, like when I roll over in bed, if the motion of turning is too quick, then I can feel physically sick, as if from spinning too much.

I find this hard to describe, not to mention hard to deal with, because I tend to take the vision "in my head" following where my eyes go with no "lag time" whatsoever for granted, so forgive me if I am not describing this problem very well.

What in the world is this thing? Has anybody else had similar experiences while on the Keto diet? Does anybody know what problem the above symptoms describe?

I’ve never experienced anything like this before the Keto diet, so naturally it is worrying me, as the problem seems to be getting worse. I now have to be very careful, gentle and deliberate in all my movements, what should I do?

Re: Weird Dizziness thing on the Keto-Diet?

Hi Robin,

The symptoms sound like they could be related to loss of electrolytes? You could try to supplement with potassium, magnesium, sea salt and maybe a multimineral too. You could also include bone broth in your diet if you want. I just googled vision problems on the ketogenic diet and some results did turn up, you could try there as well. The vision lag issue is definitely very curious though -- I would venture to guess that something seems to be happening on a neurological level, so maybe those minerals and salt could help with better nerve transmission. Just speculation though... hopefully others can chime in with better ideas. Hang in there Robin. :hug:
Re: Weird Dizziness thing on the Keto-Diet?

Hi Robin how much water have you been drinking in the day?
Re: Weird Dizziness thing on the Keto-Diet?

Thinking about the odd symptoms you're experiencing I also suggest looking up a functional medicine practitioner or other alternative medicine practitioners who will be more open to the diet experimentation. At the worst case you could go to a regular physician for a check up.
Re: Weird Dizziness thing on the Keto-Diet?

I'd look at taking some salted war and a multi-mineral to see if that helps. If not, it could be a detox reaction.
Re: Weird Dizziness thing on the Keto-Diet?

My guess is that you may be dehydrated. Starting on a ketogenic diet can cause an increase in water loss (carbs make you store water -- going low carb makes you release the stored water). You may be losing more minerals than you can afford. I'd increase the water intake (salted water in the am and plenty of water throughout the day) and have some broth daily to see if you can get things back into balance.
Re: Weird Dizziness thing on the Keto-Diet?

Hello Robin,

I have had very similar symptoms for several months, started a few weeks after ketogenic diet started. You have described the vision symptoms much better than I have ever been able to. Very scary experience.

Got MRI even, results not back yet.

What seems to help me so far is sea salt in water, baking soda in water, and a tablespoon of coconut oil.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Ahh, looks like my shrimp saute from last night, not quite so much butter though, yum :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Yupo said:
I have not read through the entire thread, so forgive if this has been posted before.
"Basics of Southern Cooking" works for keto dieting too!

He's got the right idea. Just hold off on the breading (unless it's pork rinds of course!) :headbanger:
Re: Weird Dizziness thing on the Keto-Diet?

Thanks everybody, I will take up these suggestions for now, then I'll follow this topic up with greater attention and detail in due time. Meanwhile, does anyone have any reading recommendations that may help me to understand this phenomenon?

I've already got the 'Primal Body Primal Mind' book by Nora Gedgaudas, and have been seriously considering 'The Polyvagal Theory' by Dr. Stephen Porges, would this book help, especially if the problem is neurological, as beetlemanic has ventured?

[quote author=beetlemanic]I would venture to guess that something seems to be happening on a neurological level, so maybe those minerals and salt could help with better nerve transmission. Just speculation though...[/quote]

Another possibility that occurs is that I have not fully got to grips with the 'Primal Body Primal Mind' book, and have to go back over certain chapters? I do recall a chapter on water for example, so I will go back over it with more of a fine-tooth comb, i.e. looking up the more technical terms, background information, etc.

On anyther note, I am curious as to why so many members suggest salted water, or that the problem is water-related?

[quote author=Thorn]how much water have you been drinking in the day?[/quote]

[quote author=Joe]I'd look at taking some salted war and a multi-mineral to see if that helps.[/quote]

[quote author=Odyssey]My guess is that you may be dehydrated. Starting on a ketogenic diet can cause an increase in water loss (carbs make you store water -- going low carb makes you release the stored water). You may be losing more minerals than you can afford. I'd increase the water intake (salted water in the am and plenty of water throughout the day) and have some broth daily to see if you can get things back into balance.[/quote]

[quote author=NewMexicoArt]What seems to help me so far is sea salt in water, baking soda in water, and a tablespoon of coconut oil.[/quote]

Again, some "directions" would be immensely appreciated, if it's not too much to ask.

Thanks again,
Re: Weird Dizziness thing on the Keto-Diet?

Robin Turner said:
On anyther note, I am curious as to why so many members suggest salted water, or that the problem is water-related?

Because a lot of us experienced similar issues as can be found in the Keto diet thread. I'll be merging this thread with that one soon.

A glass of lightly salted water a couple times a day and taking a good mineral supplement (no iron) usually does the trick.
Re: Weird Dizziness thing on the Keto-Diet?

Laura said:
Robin Turner said:
On anyther note, I am curious as to why so many members suggest salted water, or that the problem is water-related?

Because a lot of us experienced similar issues as can be found in the Keto diet thread. I'll be merging this thread with that one soon.

A glass of lightly salted water a couple times a day and taking a good mineral supplement (no iron) usually does the trick.

Yeah it sounds similar to common electrolyte problems on keto. Drink salt water, and also try supplementing magnesium, potassium and possibly trace minerals. If this fails to fix it, then it might be something else, but for now going for the "low hanging fruit" is the best option.

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