Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?
I had read the 'life without bread'/"ketogenic' thread up to two years ago, and then went off on the iodine and other threads as well continuing my reading on diet and health (low carb living, bursting with energy, body by science and the like as well as Dr Jack Kruse, Dr Mercola, etc) So I will go back and pick up my reading of this thread from where I left off.
I am finding it really difficult to stay on ketosis, and I wonder if anyone has had a similar problem.
For a long time I thought I was in ketosis, but it turns out checking your ketones at night is not the time to check it. I had assumed that I would by default be in ketosis after sleeping all night, but that wasn't the case as checking my ketones on waking up showed i was not in ketosis. My first longest stretch in ketosis was approx 19 days from 1 Oct 2015 to 22 Oct 2015 and the popcorn experiment blew that away! blood sugar average for that time period was 5.8 (5.5-6.2) which is another concern as my blood sugar should not be that high! My second long stretch was from 4 Feb 2016 - 20 Feb 2016 (average glucose 6.1 (5.5-6.8)) and most recently from 11 May 2016 - 24 may 2016 (average glucose 5.1 (4.5-6))
I find that eating a no carb diet will not put me into ketosis. The most reliable way for me to achieve ketosis is by fasting for a day or two, and then going to a no carb diet (I do use a little erythtritol/xylitol, and coconut milk) Over the past year I have been using the fat bomb recipe and eating about 150 grams of that every day to make sure I get enough fat. My morning meal is bacon and eggs, but lately I have mixed it up with canned fish with a DHA capsule (Jack Kruse influence) for breakfast but that is still no carb.
I do other things as well but I don't know if they are relevant, so I'll just list them off, on the off chance that someone might see a connection (5 drops lugols 5%/day, high intensity stationary bicycle 17 minutes once a week, hi intensity weightlifting (about 20 minutes) once a week, regular weightlifting once a week, walking, bicycling as needed, cold baths pretty well everyday. FIR sauna 3-6 times a week, Pulsed ElectromagneticFrequency mat, magnetico bed, q-link, and supplementation as per my doctors prescription (no medications))
I think that leptin might play a factor, so I have been doing a leptin reset diet (as per Richards "mastering leptin" and Jack Kruse) and trying to get to bed before midnight! (boy, that is a tough one - when am I going to find time to read SOTT?)
So I am looking at leptin, circadian rhythm, light and coffee (caffeine in the morning only at present) to deal with the ketosis issue.
(as an aside I noticed when I went to Costa Rica to visit my daughter last year that I lost 10 pounds, even though I was eating some carbs - which I put down to going to bed early (sunsets at 6pm!) so that is a circadian link for me.)
I am curious as to anyone's understanding of my high glucose readings. Where is the glucose coming from? At first i thought I must be losing muscle (scavenging protein for glucose) but I haven't noticed any weakness in daily life or when doing weightlifting as what I am lifting keeps going up! Maybe it is glucose from fat? My weight is unchanging but that could be because I am building muscle while losing fat, though my body composition is not changing, still lots of fat there!
Since switching to a paleo diet 4 years ago, I dropped 55 pounds in 5 months (235 to 180) but since trying to go keto my weight has gone up to 200 pounds.
Anyway, this is maybe TMI (ya think?

but I am open to any questions or comments! Thanks to all of you for this thread, and this forum. It humbles me and I feel gratitude.