Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?
Psyche said:
Elimination of intracellular viruses and bacteria through apoptosis creates a lot of symptoms.
In Life Without Bread, Allan and Lutz reports how a low dose prednisone therapy has helped their patients going on a low carb diet and who have trouble getting over “autophagy” symptoms. That is, they report people feeling like they have cold, only that no real infection is taking place and they don’t feel necessarily ill. [...]
But I think we are going to have symptoms here and there as long as there is autophagy and reconstruction of tissues/cells and its mitochondria, and as long as there is die-off of intracellular organisms.
[...] I've had a few splitting headaches that only go away with vitamin C and magnesium, plus a short nap.
Thank you Psyche for these informations.
I just thought share some updates. Without being under prednisone therapy, I had this feeling of cold on the beginning of this week, during two days, without anormal temperature but I had to cover myself with pull-over during I had change nothing in my fat amount with a very low amount of proteines as I do from three weeks now. This feeling gone away when the hot weather came back four days ago.
Something else happened these two last days especially today. After my glass of cold water with salt at first on the morning, I use to drink my bone broth and eat 3 slices of lard for breakfast. Because it was so hot here, I was not hungry enough to drink another bone broth for lunch. So I took it around 5/6 pm with another piece of lard. Just to clarify in which mode I was on yesterday and the same for today.
I had headaches on yesterday evening around 6/7 pm, so after have took my Vit.C just after dinner and magnesium/potassium two hours later (as I usually do), I went to sleep enough early.
This morning, nothing special, headaches were gone. By thinking maybe the sun I took yesterday and the day before by reading was one cause of these headaches, I decided to stay in the shade this morning. But headaches came back in the middle of the afternoon, obliging me to put a pocket of ice on my forehead because I felt the pains at the level of my prefrontal cortex. In the same time I wanted warm a little bone broth, but because I was not enough hungry I decided to wait and take a rest with the pocket of glass. At 6pm, my brain seemed to wrinkle and my head was very warm. I checked my temperature, and nothing was wrong.
So I warmed my bone broth, drunk it and rather supernaturally, in
one minute, pain gone away and my head came back to a normal temperature.
My thoughts are than my brain was on "overheating" and was asking me literally some fat. And to say the least, it is that the message seems to me rather clear. Even without be hungry, my brain had need more fat.
I am/was not worry about this by understanding how autophagy and reconstruction of tissues/cells and its mitochondria work. But I wanted to share this "miraculous" fact.