I also started a keto diet last week. I began to enter ketosis almost by accident, I did not even immediately understand what was happening to me (aches in my whole body, weakness, etc.). Morally I prepared for this diet, but did not dare to start abruptly. I read Gaby's book, Dr. Mercolo's book (Fat for Fuel), and I studied the forum. The decisive moment was registration on the website
CRON-O-Meter: Create your free account.
Since January 25, I have filled out everything I eat for each meal, weighed the food, made my own recipes. At first a little long, but then you do everything almost automatically. And most importantly, under control, every piece, you see how many grams of proteins, fats and carbohydrates you ate, their percentage and whether they went beyond the limits, there is a weight loss schedule, etc. Gradually I began to eat less and less carbohydrates (less 20 g net carbs) and protein (about 38 grams on my net weight). The fat is 110 g per day. And then, unexpectedly for myself, ketones began to be produced.
I am still in keto adaptation. The most difficult were the first 4 days: very frequent urination, my whole body aches really like with the flu, terrible brain fog, weakness, headache, light dizziness, pulse 92 beats per minute. But the worst thing is a strong excruciating pain (it does not look like cramps) in the legs at night from 2 o'clock until the very morning.
Lucky for those who pass it unnoticed

But I knew what to do:
1. I immediately went and bought a glucometer and strips for measuring ketones in urine.
Ketones in the urine turned out to be about 13 mmol / l (of course, it is better to measure it in blood, but we do not sell such devices), urine smells like acetone and breathing is slightly too (but I don’t feel it). The level of glucose in the blood is fairly stable on an empty stomach, 3.1-3.7 mmol / l; before bedtime 4.1-4.3 mmol / l. Those less than 80 mg / dL during the day.
2. Drank a lot of water and salt, just plain water. I didn't count, but about 1.5 liters per day for my weight.
3. Added magnesium, potassium and calcium supplements. I can't get enough of them from food.
4. Milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid for the liver and bile for the digestion of fat. Although I have already got used to fatty dishes for a long time (I trained on coffee with coconut oil, fatty broths and fat bombs).
5. I continue to drink Iodine, vitamin C and complex vitamins Two per day.
6. And of course Bone Broth and Fat Bomb.
7. I adhere to "intermittent fasting", but not very hard: I get up at 7, but have breakfast at 9 in the morning, dinner at 18-19. The break is 14-15 hours.
Now the ratio of proteins: carbohydrates: fats is 10%: 10%: 80%
Maybe I need to do something else?
Today is the fifth day and I feel better. While weakness and brain fog, thirst and frequent urination persist. There is no terrible hunger, as before every 3 hours. I am glad that today was the first night, without pain in the body and legs. Also, flushes of mental clarity and activity began.
Unfortunately, I still cannot find the strength to do my favorite Arki-Chu-gong and HIIT.
Right, I forgot about that and recently someone reminded me - I'll start adding some salt to the water. Thanks!
Once upon a time I found such a recipe on sott.net, and now the whole family drinks a glass of salt water with salt in the morning. It is very comfortable:
• Glass jar with a nylon lid (best for 500-750 ml) - 2
• real natural pink Himalayan salt - enough to fill 1/4 can
• plastic or wooden teaspoon
Cooking method:
1. Put salt in a jar and fill it with filtered water.
2. Shake the jar well to dissolve the salt.
3. Leave the salt water overnight. In the morning, if all the salt has dissolved, add 2 more tablespoons, shake again and leave overnight. And this should be continued until at least some amount of undissolved salt remains at the bottom of the can.
4. The solution is ready to use when the salt no longer dissolves in it.
In order to have a supply of brine, prepare another jar and repeat the procedure. When the brine in one jar runs out, you can start cooking again. How to use: In the morning, put 1 teaspoon of the concentrate we have prepared in a glass, add water and drink. Salt water should be drunk on an empty stomach. The solution tastes pleasant, slightly salty!
You need to start gradually with 1/2 teaspoon. To achieve results and improve the body, you need to drink salted water constantly.
What you should pay attention to:
• Only real Himalayan salt is needed to prepare the solution. Plain white salt is not suitable as it does not contain the required minerals.
• Do not use metal spoons or lids, their contact with our salt solution will change its electrical charge.