Killary Clinton, The Donald, or Jill Stein: The US Election

It's all starting to implode - and the real reason for upping the war games > WWIII will wipe out investigating/revealing all the corruption just like 911 worked for the missing DOD $2 trillion - and/or global economic collapse.

NYT gets punked - ran in my morning Columbus, OH paper as a legitimate story:
FAKE! NY Times’s ‘Groping Victim’ Made Up Trump Story

The New York Times released their “October Surprise” against Donald Trump last night.

Donald Trump, who has never been accused of groping or assaulting a woman in the past, is now being accused on video by Jessica Leeds, who claims Trump groped her on a commercial airplane flight:
At that moment, sitting at home in Manhattan, Jessica Leeds, 74, felt he was lying to her face. “I wanted to punch the screen,” she said in an interview in her apartment.

More than three decades ago, when she was a traveling businesswoman at a paper company, Ms. Leeds said, she sat beside Mr. Trump in the first-class cabin of a flight to New York. They had never met before.

About 45 minutes after takeoff, she recalled, Mr. Trump lifted the armrest and began to touch her.

According to Ms. Leeds, Mr. Trump grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt.

“He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

She fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.
But it appears the story is entirely false, and the New York Times was officially “punked!”

Why? Because the story appears to be borrowed from a Velvet Underground song.

The lyrics are nearly word-for-word what her story is. This is shocking!
Mike CernovichVerified account
Whoa. "Like an octopus" line is from a song and previous famous news story. New blog from NYT is a hoax!

((Queen Deplorable)) @KillAnderson

"He was like an octopus" "His hands were all over the place". This is from a Velvet underground song. …
12:07 AM - 13 Oct 2016
The owner of the New York Times is a major donor to the Clinton Foundation. And while the paper publishes this October Surprise, people are ignoring the WikiLeaks report that confirms Hillary Clinton’s campaign has worked closely with the New York Times on many stories:
Hillary Clinton spent time in summer 2015 with The New York Times reporter Mark Leibovich and made a crack about 2008 Republican presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

But the remark didn’t make it into the long profile. Leibovich agreed to give the Clinton campaign veto power over the statements she made.

The revelation comes in Part III of a massive email release from WikiLeaks.

Leibovich evidently gave the campaign the ability to ax quotes as part of a deal for access.

And the real October 'bomb' from Anonymous - implicating a local Columbus, OH billionaire among the 'players':
Summary = a secretly made Israeli intelligence sex tape of Bill Clinton raping a 13yr young girl, that Hillary knows about and helped to keep silent.

Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Since I brought up language, I find I'm disappointed with myself when in a prior post I used a string of epithets to describe Trump, which isn't something I normally do. I think that even as I was doing it I wasn't very happy with it, but I guess I was feeling frustrated, and was being lazy:

Heather said:
So, the U.S. gets a sleazy, illiterate, sexist, racist, narcissist (with all the hallmarks of being a serious neo-fascist) who "might" nevertheless do something different concerning Putin and Syria, etc.?

What bothers me about it is that it's tied to the strategy of the politically correct. I'm speaking of those who in using such epithets tend to foreclose on real conversation since the underlying message is "I am right, and so you must be wrong. I am right, and therefore I am morally superior," etc. And, of course, this can be just as oppressive as the thing that's being denounced -- even more so since it's so insidious.

Far better to be evaluative.

.. I did notice in the second debate that when Trump was attempting to align himself with blacks and hispanics he failed to mention Muslims. My impression is that he is pandering to those Americans who are scapegoating Muslims, and so he didn't want to offend that group of supporters. Is his doing so racist? It would seem so. But here my emphasis is on evaluating the behavior or what is being said, and that remains open-ended, and can invite in other views, etc.
Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Heather said:
angelburst29 said:
By today's standards, I guess you could type-cast Shakespeare as "an entertainer". Some scholars have questioned if he wrote "all his plays" but never the less, his work reflected the time frame he was in.

William Shakespeare was alive during the reigns of Queen Elizabeth I and King James I. Throughout Queen Elizabeth I's reign, Shakespeare wrote plays that were happy, optimistic and confident to complement the Elizabethan mood, while throughout King James I's reign, Shakespeare wrote plays that were dark and cynical, showcasing the Jacobean period's insecurities.

The war that occurred in Shakespeare's time was the Anglo-Spanish War between England and Spain, and it was fought mainly as a religious conflict between Protestant England and Catholic Spain. Phillip II of Spain considered himself a defender of the Catholic faith, while Elizabeth I of England re-established royal supremacy over the Church of England in defiance of the Pope.

angelburst29, I hope that's not all you have to bring to Shakespeare's writings! (whoever "Shakespeare" may, in fact, have been).

Yes, the plays were meant as entertainment, which is the nature of plays in general. But there's a great deal you're missing out on in not experiencing their nuance, complexity (hilarity, sometimes) and poetry. To reduce all that to a few lines from Wikipedia I think is a real pity.


The main theme of this tread is about a debate, between two Candidates veering for Presidency. Their personal views on numerous topics is important, especially the way they perceive Politics in general, and most importantly, their opinions on what is happening in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other parts of the Middle East. Also, their views on Russia, China and Iran. Then there's the domestic issues of providing more jobs, better pay and opportunities for advancement, along with a more stable social environment, corrections in healthcare and coverage, education issues and immigration, to name a few.

Up to this point, there have been discussions on their views and several issues surrounding the debates. Killary's health is definitely in question and Trump's sanity towards performing duties as President, is also of importance. There's also the situation - where these two debates - have not followed normal procedure, as in other past Presidential elections.

In the first debate, Killery was out fitted with a special Podium and do-dad's (special lighting - ear device, teleprompter, etc.?) and in this second debate, Trump brought into the limelight, an Ex-President's background, who just happens to be the Husband of the other Candidate. Neither - are part of - the norm. It's been a circus act, between the two of them, yet neither have shown qualities befitting a serious position, as President of the U.S. Unfortunately, who ever gets in - we're the one's who pay the price of their actions or non-actions and the decisions they make... and we're facing some really serious issues.

You brought up Shakespeare. Going with the theme of this thread, in Shakespeare's time line, he experienced the effects of the Anglo-Spanish War. The effects are revealed in his works, between the
Queen Elizabeth era and then during the King James reign. (And the quotes are not from Wikipedia - I was a serious student of Shakespeare and the Renaissance movement, at one time.)
Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

angelburst29 said:
You brought up Shakespeare. Going with the theme of this thread, in Shakespeare's time line, he experienced the effects of the Anglo-Spanish War. The effects are revealed in his works, between the
Queen Elizabeth era and then during the King James reign. (And the quotes are not from Wikipedia - I was a serious student of Shakespeare and the Renaissance movement, at one time.)

I'm sorry, angelburst29. No offense intended. I seem to have misunderstood your intention with what you posted. But then that's what these discussions are for, right? To clarify our intentions, or amend them, and work things through? (And possibly even make friends.)

Anyway, I'm glad that you studied Shakespeare. I hope to become more versed in Shakespeare than I am at present, although what I have read and seen I'm a keen admirer of. Maybe on another thread somewhere you can tell me what your favorite plays or soliloquies are, etc. I'm terribly interested in that sort of thing -- and I appreciate how much you bring to the forum, too.

I usually don't use smilies since the writer part of me thinks it's cheating somehow.. but.. in this case.. :)
Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Heather said:
angelburst29 said:
I'm sorry, angelburst29. No offense intended. I seem to have misunderstood your intention with what you posted. But then that's what these discussions are for, right? To clarify our intentions, or amend them, and work things through? (And possibly even make friends.)

Anyway, I'm glad that you studied Shakespeare. I hope to become more versed in Shakespeare than I am at present, although what I have read and seen I'm a keen admirer of. Maybe on another thread somewhere you can tell me what your favorite plays or soliloquies are, etc. I'm terribly interested in that sort of thing -- and I appreciate how much you bring to the forum, too.

I usually don't use smilies since the writer part of me thinks it's cheating somehow.. but.. in this case.. :)

No offense taken, on my part - Heather. No worries - no problem. We're all entitled to our own opinions and rightly so. Actually, sometimes, something that might seem out of place, might actually shed light on another aspect of the main topic. Shakespeare is an excellent example, in this case. His production of plays and their content in the very beginning, reflected a creativity for growth and social environment and culture. To better understand Shakespeare and his plays, especially his poetry, it's best to study the culture and the influences during that same time period. The Elizabethan era in clothing, jewelry and furniture design, not to mention - the hand painted porcelain and glass pieces that are highly prized antiques by all the major collectors and auction houses. When King James took over, Shakespeare's work changed to include the dark aspects of life, in turn, the cultural environment took a hit, including it's manufacturing of goods and trade. There's more "to Shakespeare" than meets the eye.

In respect to the topic here, on the Presidential debates, we have struggled as a people and Nation under the last few Presidents. O has been a disaster - for 8 years. There has been no growth or prosperity during his reign. Those with talent and creativity are stunted in the shadow he casts over this Nation and it's people. America no longer holds the status - we once assumed. The World hates us because of the Government Policies enacted - mainly behind our backs. As far as our social environment, we're no longer sure what "public bathroom" to use! Now, we're facing a Presidency - that could take us right down to the bottom.

Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Simon and Garfunkel had it right, even back in 1968:

Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon
Going to the candidates' debate
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you've got to choose
Every way you look at this you lose

-- "Mrs. Robinson"
Summary = a secretly made Israeli intelligence sex tape of Bill Clinton raping a 13yr young girl, that Hillary knows about and helped to keep silent.[/quote]

That's sounds to good to be true. And a terrible cliffhanger, why postpone the end of the Pedophile Establishment.

But it wouldn't suprise me if they have a lot of Elite on tape, blackmail is good leverage to keep them in line.
Geeze, why does this woman even want to be president? She's clearly too sick to actually do the job. The PTB must not have anyone else that they can trust to follow their orders. Her lust for power must also be a factor.
Beau said:
Geeze, why does this woman even want to be president? She's clearly too sick to actually do the job. The PTB must not have anyone else that they can trust to follow their orders. Her lust for power must also be a factor.

Yes, the PTB seem desperate - I'm kind of amazed that they even tried to bring in Killary, sick or not. I mean, last time, they needed an Obama to fool the masses: a very charismatic guy with a huge 'novelty' factor, not only because he's black, but because it was just so cool having a president who played basketball, did cool PR stunts etc. He also had this 'underdog' bonus going for him and created a huge movement. And I must give it to him, he is (or rather was) a very good orator. He said all the right things, and it was easy to believe that he will make a big difference. Especially after Bush!

Now compare that to Killary - yes, she's a woman, but come on, England had a woman in the 80's, Germany has a woman, etc. It's not exactly cool or revolutionary. Besides that, she is the wife of a former president! They are not even trying to pretend being a democracy anymore! She smells like establishment so strongly that I think many people, even those who support her 'against Trump', might smell it, if even unconsciously.

So yes, if that's all they got for their democracy show, it might be a sign that the end is near. Even if she is elected, they probably need to go openly fascist (which they are kind of doing already), pull the plug, or face a crazy revolution they cannot co-opt... Plus the in-fighting between the psychos that is probably in full swing, the rage-fits at their precious 'reality' being busted, which might make even the smart ones among them behave out of control... Not to mention a looming financial crisis etc. Looks pretty bleak.
bjorn said:
Summary = a secretly made Israeli intelligence sex tape of Bill Clinton raping a 13yr young girl, that Hillary knows about and helped to keep silent.

That's sounds to good to be true. And a terrible cliffhanger, why postpone the end of the Pedophile Establishment.

But it wouldn't suprise me if they have a lot of Elite on tape, blackmail is good leverage to keep them in line.

Sounds fishy to me, too. Why make a big announcement about it coming soon? Why not just release it?
dugdeep said:
bjorn said:
Summary = a secretly made Israeli intelligence sex tape of Bill Clinton raping a 13yr young girl, that Hillary knows about and helped to keep silent.

That's sounds to good to be true. And a terrible cliffhanger, why postpone the end of the Pedophile Establishment.

But it wouldn't suprise me if they have a lot of Elite on tape, blackmail is good leverage to keep them in line.

Sounds fishy to me, too. Why make a big announcement about it coming soon? Why not just release it?

Very fishy. I'd be surprised if it were true.

Sometimes stuff like this is released by the party it is supposedly aimed at to lure in the gullible, then hit them over the head when it comes out that it was faked or just a false rumor. It also reinforces the party followers it was trying to zing that such accusations, even the true ones, are outrageous lies and the product of deranged conspiracy theorists.
Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

I just stumbled upon the following article (in Russian), that shows couple of interesting images. They were taken during "10 years" celebrations RT had in the end of last year. Around the table you can see people like Putin, Ivanov, Peskov, etc. And two circled in red people are Michael Flynn and Jill Stein. The author of the article says that it clearly indicates whom Putin would prefer to see at the top in USA. But it seems like it says much more than this.


And here's another angle:

Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

I watched parts of the second debate and I have to say that if Trump becomes president, I hope he will follow up on his promise and start a serious investigation into Hillary's crimes. Anyway, Hillary's answer to one question (the Muslim one) was:

"I want to say just a couple of things. First, we’ve had Muslims in America since George Washington," Clinton said. "And we’ve had many successful Muslims. We just lost a particular well-known one with Muhammad Ali."

She went on to share her vision for the country, saying every person who is willing to contribute is welcome.

Clinton then proceeded to call Trump's rhetoric about Muslims "short-sighted and even dangerous," explaining how she plans to beat the Islamic State by working with a coalition of Muslim nations.

Saudi Arabia probably! :rolleyes:

"We are not at war with Islam. And it is a mistake and it plays into the hands of the terrorists to act as though we are," she said. "So I want a country where citizens like you and your family are just as welcome as anyone else."

Right. Of course, she is saying all the above while being responsible for killing millions of innocent people/families.

A bit off-topic, but there is a FB page called 'Muslims for Hillary' (looks like it's set up by her campaign), but it doesn't seem to be very popular, which is a good sign at least!
WikiLeaks released on Friday a fresh portion of emails written to or by John Podesta, the campaign chairman of the US Democratic party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

New Revelations: WikiLeaks Dumps 7th Batch of Clinton Campaign Chairman's Emails

The new release brings the total number of Podesta's emails leaked so far by the whistleblowing website to 10,169.

The previously published emails gave insight into the early stages of mapping out Clinton's presidential campaign strategy. The letters revealed, for example, that Clinton reversed her position on free trade agreements from enthusiastic support to strong opposition, as trade deals appeared to be a hot-button issue for many voters and one of the main talking points for Clinton's Democratic Party rival Senator Bernie Sanders and Republican candidate Donald Trump.

In July, WikiLeaks published nearly 20,000 hacked emails that apparently showed the Democratic National Committee (DNC) members discussing ways to undercut Bernie Sanders in the race for the Democratic nomination.

RELEASE: The Podesta Emails Part 7

WikiLeaks on Friday released a new batch of leaked documents with details of negotiations on the proposed international Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA).

WikiLeaks Publishes New Batch of Secret Documents From TiSA Agreement

The documents include an annex on financial services and details on TiSA localization provisions. Details on so-called bilateral market access requests, in which negotiations participants ask each other to change their TiSA offers on various aspects of the deal, have also been leaked. Most of the requests appear to have been made by the European Union.

"Today, Friday [1]4 October 2016, 11:00am CEST, WikiLeaks releases new secret documents from the controversial Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) currently being negotiated by the US, EU and 22 other countries that account for over 2/3rds of global GDP," WikiLeaks said on its website.

The previous leak was released on September 15 and revealed that most of the TiSA documents propose to relax the European Union's data protection standards as well introducing new lobbying regulations, according to critics. WikiLeaks said the documents showed that TiSA serves as a tool for securing corporate interests, as well as unveiling disagreements between the United States and the European Union on most-favored nation treatment and domestic regulation.

In May, WikiLeaks published the first batch of documents related to confidential 23-way talks on TiSA. The TiSA treaty is aimed at liberalizing the trade in services among the United States, the European Union and other countries accounting for nearly three-quarters of global services. The trade in services pact has been under discussion since 2013. Over a dozen of rounds of talks have since been concluded, with no deadline for ending the negotiations in sight, according to the European Commission.

Aides to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton began planning a strategy to abandon her support of trade agreements long before free-trade emerged as a toxic issue in the US presidential campaign, according to an email exchange released by WikiLeaks.

Aides Plan Clinton Reversal of TPP Support Long Before US Primary

Documents published by WikiLeaks earlier have portrayed Clinton as a defender of trade deals in speeches to audiences that were heavily weighted with free-trade advocates who have donated heavily to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton’s campaign.

"Getting on the wrong side of [organized] Labor on the only issue they care about has ramifications on the ground in these early states," pollster and political consultant John Anzalone wrote in an April 2015 email that was released on Thursday. "I say we suck it up and be as definitive as possible from the beginning that we don’t like these deals."

With hindsight, the email exchange is notable for its prescience in that it took place nine months before voters in the US states of Iowa and New Hampshire became the first to cast ballots for their respective Democratic and Republican party nominees.

At the time, Clinton was earning hundreds of thousands of dollars giving speeches to bankers, Wall Street investors and other big-money sponsors of her career in politics.

When the presidential campaign began in earnest, Clinton found herself sandwiched between candidates on the right and left — Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders and Republican Donald Trump — who railed against existing trade agreements as US job killers.

During a debate with Sanders last year, Clinton abruptly changed her position by announcing that she opposed the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which would link the United States with 11 other Pacific-rim nations.

The October 2015 email exchange boiled down to a debate between three top Clinton aides who now lead the Clinton presidential campaign — the chairman, the manager and the spokeswoman. At issue was how Clinton could minimize damage to her presidential campaign when the time came for her to back down. Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta advocated a soft approach, in which Clinton would say she supports limits on presidential authority to negotiate trade deals. Spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri proposed that Clinton soften her free trade enthusiasm by criticizing the procedure used to negotiate the TPP trade agreement.

The third and toughest opinion came from Manager Robby Mook, who argued that Clinton should simply oppose the TPP as a bad deal for American workers — a position that Clinton ultimately adopted.

In the email string, Anzalone, the pollster and consultant, explained why he sided with Mook. "It sends the strongest signal not only to [organized] Labor but to where voters are on trade," Anzalone wrote. "They feel they always get the raw end of the deal. I am less concerned about historical blowback on her [Clinton’s] past position than this issue eating us alive for being on the wrong side." President Barack Obama supports the TPP agreement and has indicated that he will submit the agreement to Congress for an up or down vote before leaving office. Meanwhile, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump had made accusations of a Clinton flip-flop part of his campaign, saying that the former first lady will say she opposes TPP to get elected and then change her mind if she makes it to the White House.

New emails released by WikiLeaks reveal the Clinton campaign’s anxieties about one of Hillary Clinton’s primary debate performances as well as concerns over a New York Times report about the candidate’s main super PAC.

New WikiLeaks Clinton Reveal: Benghazi, Super PACs, Encryption Policies

One volley of email correspondence between Clinton’s domestic policy adviser Sara Solow to digital director Teddy Goff shows the campaign discussing Clinton’s answer to a question about encrypted communications during an early primary debate.

"I actually do believe there is a way to thread the needle here,” Goff wrote, adding that it “requires us to quickly pivot from encryption to the broader issue of working with tech companies to detect and stop" terrorists. "[In] terms of wanting a way to break in, couldn’t we tell tech off the record that she had in mind the malware/key strokes idea…Or that she had in mind really super code breaking by the NSA. But not the backdoor per se?" Solow responded.

Another email sent to Podesta from a strategic consulting firm suggests ways for "putting Bengazi [sic] Republicans on the defensive while siding with Americans." Suggestions from the firm included making Congressional Republicans the focus of the Benghazi hearings by blaming them for prioritizing one tragedy over others.

"The question and challenge Hillary Clinton could pose would be: 'Why is this committee spending over $4 million dollars and two years on a tragedy involving the death of 4 Americans while House Republicans have held few or no hearings on,'" and then listed a series of examples of other causes of deaths in the US, among them gun violence and breast cancer. Other exchanges show that the Clinton campaign was very worried about a New York Times story about the super PAC Priorities USA.

Are they reporting any specific donor names?" Clinton’s national finance director, Dennis Cheng, asked.

"So afraid that NYT is going with this story on Priorities whether we like or not," campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri replied.

"They have sources about the meetings. Honestly, it sounds like Priorities staff was yapping. We are not confirming meetings on this trip but commenting on why we are participating with Priorities." A separate email expressed concerns with tweets by New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel about students being coached on questions prior to a campaign event. "Admin was 'saying like that’s what she wants.' We all had q’s outside of education, they hinted at not asking those, says student,” said one tweet. "Last one is kinda BS," communications staffer Ian Sams wrote, referring to that tweet.

If Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton becomes the next US president and Democrats gain control of Congress, the United States will come under threat of liberal progressivism, US House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said in Madison, Wisconsin on Friday.

Clinton Threatens America’s Future With 'Liberal Progressivism' - US Official

Ryan noted that the left in the United States is rigging the system, because liberal progressivism is government by and for the elites, instead of government by and for the people.

"The left does not just seek a continuation of the last eight years, they do not just seek to further the liberal progressive experiment, they intend to make it into a reality, an arrogant, condescending and paternalistic reality," Ryan stated.

"When Hillary Clinton says we are all stronger together, what she means [is]… we are stronger if we give up our ties and our responsibility to one another and hand it all over to the government," Ryan explained.

Ryan also said that if Clinton is given both the White House and Democrats control of Congress, nothing will stop the United States from coming to a precipice, and this generation will be the first one not to leave the next generation better off.

The Russian leader described closed-off and nontransparent projects such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as regrettable.

Putin: Attempts to Create Nontransparent Projects Like TTIP, TPP 'Regrettable'

Some countries’ attempts to create closed-off and nontransparent projects such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) are regrettable, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with Sputnik and the IANS news agency."The global economic and financial situation remains difficult, with the consequences of the global financial crisis still persisting. It is therefore regrettable that certain countries seek to solve the problems that have built up by introducing protectionist measures and trying to engage in restricted non-transparent projects, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership or the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership," Putin said.

The president stressed that that Russia and its BRICS partners remained committed to "shaping open non-discriminatory economic areas" based on the principles of the World Trade Organization.
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