I have one comment and thought I would like to share with you here:
1. MAKING YOUR CHOICE = Listening to Laura's explanation that after realizing the hyperdimensional nature of our reality, one has to make a choice and recognize its essential inclination, is it towards light or towards darkness, that made me think and feel how that attitude of needing to make a fixed simplified choice is indeed I feel projected inside of our minds by 4D STS intention to make us more easily manipulated puppets.
As once we enter the cage and chose by free will to take one or the other side, the puppeteer can use us and our life energy to do whatever he wants on that side of the cage. So we can be a light in the cage, but we are in the cage, as control is the primary paradigm of STS energies, and that is how they control the exchange of light and darkens, making 50% STS light individuals that are seeking to find 50% dark individuals spending all life ot feel uncomplete what is emaotionaly causing destructive desires in order to fulfill your emptines you feel from within ... so does it really make a hyperdimensional flow of creativity? ... hm yes but for that cage, not for general creative paradigm that is main cosmic paradigm.
For example does the light bulb in the apartment gives light to the street, yes, but accidentally, as it is not the paradigm and main desire of the lamp in the room, so it is more accidental than intentional, and light within STS cage is not the same light .... so I think it is essential 1st to manage to see the cage, to take maybe even the whole earthly life just to see it as much as possible ... to see all that is inside of the cage, all opposites that keep cage be even more closed cage of confusion, etc ... so while one is observing, at the same time objective hyperdimensional reality is happening, no matter if one is aware of it or not. That is the task indeed to see what is alredy here created, not what is projected in this planet, just still as a possiblity to be created within other 6D fractalisation.
But observation is making us free of the cage as we start to realize our body is just a building block of this cage here in this projection used to create the cage, our body ehre is almost like a brick, glued ot other bricks by our will that is indeed manipulated form within. More one becomes aware of all the offers inside of the cage; more will feel and live it's outer reality, even if one is not yet fully aware of it. Simply because one will start to give free will to other sensations, and the glue of that brick in one form will get weak. Structures will get more and more broken, as we see today, with the minds of people that are more or less blown to the TikTok focus. That is what is rapidly destroying this projection as nothing can last longer than 30' ... and thorough that process of seeing how the Tetris of mind games is what makes this reality of being or not to be, then one can learn how to say NO to cage offers.
So I am not sure that choosing Light or Darkness makes one person able to exit out of this STS paradigm. Only integrating light and darkens inside of our 3D STS mind-body complex, can make us to be ONE COSMIC UNIT WITINH THIS BODY what is by nature stronger or eaqual to the one cage full of splited individuals like Earth is now.
All this is already and probably explained in more detail in the forum, I don't remember anymore where to look for what already told ... but I will not even come to this experience without You guys, so that is also an example of how every sincere and open teaching and experiences can lead one forward in the search for one's essence that might not be same as the teacher, and even can enrich the teacher too ... and I am just speaking from my experience, which is that at one point, I came to crossroads where I sow both inclinations, and I could make a choice, and after the 1st crossroad, now it is repeating and revealing more and more light and dark, and FOTCM is one of the places of clearing the light form darkens, inside of the cage and beyond ...
What I truly appreshiate with you here, you have discipline and will to shape your expiirences to the format easy for many of us to share with us thorugh books and lot of writings and discussing etc ... and as I am not that kind of creative force and for that I am even more happy you exist, and my light is served and turned on with your work, and I feel that we all making togeather the energy of light and creaiton to fluctuate thorugh hyperdimensional relaity and to keep the light vibes bright ...
So I found out that the experience of seeing both paths is what is disturbing and slippery ground to "fall" by your will ... as once one realizes that this is just a projection from cosmic minds, and all you have to do to survive on Earth among humans, which are indeed beasts and cannibals if your essence is more of the light. You don't like what you see and you don't like pain and mind games, than one can realize it is pretty easy to choose some elements of "darkness" to play with people to make your life here more manageable in order not to become either a hunter or a lunch primarily. While at the same time, if you feel the desire to create, which goes beyond any interaction with humans, where humans are seen as co-creative partners where any can have a role within skill they have, it is a real challenge than to expose that vibe and to keep it not to be manipulated, as that is exactly what feeds the 4D STS. But as if you make that choice to be more on that side, with a desire to do whatever you need to do and to break the loop of repetitive and control and surf the Wave of unknown creative potential all the time, for that expiirence, you need to get among humans as you are humans, and that is how you enter the battle with your demons, as it is a projection within projection etc...
So in general how I see Earth now is that it is a sandbox of darknes with possibility to reach the maximum of entropic forces soon and get destoryed in decadent glamour of ultimate bettel between eros and tanatos or with the posibility to get ower that glamorous fall, to laugh all togeather to idiotic materialistc forms of royal luxury and galmour and just simplly to become a sandbox of light ... where sparks of love and light will be the best luxury vibes we can fele inside of our hearts ...
Entering the predatory arena - what indeed this civilisation is, in order to exit "alive" into a new dimension or level, one can do only by promising your self to endure all the demonic tortures in this level, in order to keep the light of creativity to shine. In that case one need to recognise what from it's own "dark" side partly feeds 3D STS ego desire within, and which is essential to be satisifed to be strong to keep you in creative direction. Once you know what your demons feed off, you are sort of free, as when you give them food that leave you to be who you wnat to be ...
Once one enters and experiences the power of multidimensional creative playfulness and potential that constant creation within 6D hyperdimensional fractalization of everything gives and creates, and when one feels how anyone who gets into that circle will get elevated naturally, like entering the forest or mountain or ocean, that makes me feel such grace and tears come to my eyes naturally to remind me how beautiful is to be embraced by grace and that is how I know what I did is light as my desire and intent are light ... but I am also aware it can also turn to darkens. My biggest battle is to get over the fear that it can be abused by darkens, as that is where I start ot control one STS world that is impossible... so whatever is going on, I need to let go of any "Plans" and just surf the sacred plan through sacred geometry 6D fractalization everchanging grid of energy frequency and vibration ...
I have expirience that if more people manage to feel that greace through indirect participaiton in that flow of creation, some how that is what is changing their body mind complex potential to find the light of humanity within itself, no metter are they on the path, are they aware etc ... some how they get "better" to eachother and that is a good starting point for them to play more creaitve less entropic games inside of the cage, and that will make than their kids to grow up in diferent emotinal vibes where they will be more open to make better choice what to do with them self etc etc ... ... and now after some time of expirience of working in that paradigm, I can tell that places where we came to birng this vibe, that places literary became more human ......
SO entering the field of 6D creative potential for people feels like to be elevated to their own creative potential and than if our playfulness merge that feeling of been in a cirrcle of pure fluctuation within creative potential, than it is somehting that can and will organicaly break the loop and open a new level of unknown creative form, that even the universe sitll don't have ... and that is how one can become a projector of it's own universal projeciton by simple awarenes of it's projeciton ...
So in that case, I am not sure one even can make and if that is even a good thing to focus on to make one or the other choice, as one will fluctuate between light and darkness anyway .... so the focuse of one who sees beyond the veil should be to be al the time present, just present ... and if there is no sort of organic understandnig what to do at a specific moment, just let it go and see where it is taking you with ability to exit any time when you realize it is not your train, even if that exit means losing your body - life, you need to not to be afraid of that, as that is indeed the last string that keeps matrix puppeter to constantly pull you with your storng creative energy of light inside the darkest part of matrix cagem, where then it can make a nuclear explosion expirience for others, as their desire is multiplied and their desire is jalousy that is desirening towards the destruction of light ... so ... it is not easy not at all, and to me, the bigest hepl to exit the strings of fear was the understanding how there is no just one or the other, but all in the balance is what makes this life REAL.
So instead of chossing, I feel it is more functional to embrace LIght and Darkens within the ONE intentional creative potential, hiden and gaslighted by the STS pupeters inside of our minds.
Uh how much sentences to spell chek, so I appologise for all the mistakes, and so as clear and understandable wiritng is not my thing ... I am alredy thankfull to any who will read this to helčp to reflect more further this ideas of not just "seeing through the veil", but also how to start to make more clear pointers where the exit is, for those who will stumble upon us who are exiting this cage ...