Les Visible and Smoking Mirrors

Ady said:
Clerk from what i can tell your reacting to new posters here...... of which there are many.... maybe let the dust settle first? know ur friends and ur enemys. Instant reactions are no good for anyone ;)

I'm not simply "reacting to new posters". I was reacting because of a strong hunch(which I still think is on the spot).
I did not do the mental work required before I posted and I rambled on a forum that isn't mine to begin with... To cut a long story short "let the mods be mods"

With due respect to You all
aaron r said:
Seems to me to be the self-indulgent ravings of a narcissist.

More than that, if you have watched any of the Charles Manson interviews, he has a very similar type of fantastical grandiose view of himself...
Les Visible said:
I have to say that I misbehaved on purpose, regular, in former times, because it was the only way to keep the people pestering me to be a guru from turning me into one. Real event; I was sent to the Petersburg Reformatory, in Petersburg Virginia, around the time of the Robert Kennedy assassination for 60-90 days observation. It was a gladiator school and I don’t think they ever saw anyone like me come in there before. Surely, someone from that period can do the research because there have to be people still living that were there then like; John Reed, or Ian Fralich who did the Be-ins at P Street Park and owned a headshop; The Source? The MTA’s and some of the prisoners should still be alive. I was known as Leslie William Crook at that time. I’m not lying. After a few days they put the nametag ‘guru’ outside my cell where I held court.
He must be accustomed to a very asleep audience if he expects them to swallow it. If someone does not want to be turned into a guru by people, He just needs to stop acting as one. No need to blame others. Why he does not better explain the causes why he was sent to the Reformatory?

Les Visible said:
One time I was on acid at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware and I was bringing the waves in to shore with the reins of my hand and a writer from Newsweek came to me and wanted to write an article about me. .
As He was on acid his sense of grandiosity and master of the universe increased and in this state sea waves reach the coast with the “reins of his hand”, He might not have time to realize that waves kept coming to the coast even when he did not used his powers…

Les Visible said:
The second time Elvis Presley found me, in Palm Springs; I was sitting on a park bench and doing that with cars pulling up to the stoplight. I know it all sounds like completely wacked out but it happened none the less. One of the readers here was with me when I was on a plane, hijacked from Albuquerque, New Mexico when some black nationalist hijacked the plane and I made friends with them. The Washington Post even printed my poem in praise of them. One of them sat with me and we chatted during the flight to Tampa. Then they went to Cuba. I asked them to take me with them but they wouldn’t. The FBI had a field day with that. It was even better than the story about when I met Charlie Manson. You might ask how come nobody ever heard about me. Well, I’m Les Visible.I’m leaving out the really world shaking sh*t that happened but you can imagine, maybe. And I didn’t even get a t-shirt. I never got much of anything except the one thing I was looking for and he still likes to play hide and seek. So, I don’t want to play guru because I don’t know sh*t and I ‘know’ that I don’t know it. People were pretty cruel to me because of who I am routinely but there were some real bright spots and I have not forgotten one of then. They are why I am alive against all odds and when I write certain brutal poetry like Bad Leroy Bustin Caps, I know what I am talking about. I have faced down Bad Leroy more than once with no one but my invisible friends to help and people, who have gone driving with me know that almost anything can happen and that I will not let you down if you are my friend.
At this point it is clear that It is due to the sense of all-powerful , self grandiosity and lack of knowledge that we become puppets of the visible and invisible ones.

Les Visible said:
The search for truth drove me and I have never had anything to build with, or to make, except myself and my life is almost over now. I have not had an easy life, these few years with Susanne have been most of the ease that I have known and it does not ease.
If one is not able to build stability in himself, really taking charge and responsibility of your life learning its lessons, it is usual to rely on others, sadly in this instance others often suffer the consequences of our own hole.

Les Visible said:
About a year ago... and I am assuming or presupposing most of what I say, because I don’t have the curiosity to go check
Yes, that seems to be the modus operandi.
Laura said:
Les Visible said:
[...] , when a common fool might know that god prefers a humble person. [...]

This blog post makes me wonder if I went through the effort, if people would send me money for incoherent rambling that makes no point, offers no lesson, except "talking" about me, me, me, and more me. I couldn't say if his experiences are true or not, nor do I care. He is just some dude on this BBM who has the same basic bodily functions as the rest of us. Nobody special to me. Not worthy of cult status. In reading these ramblings on this thread, I do not see a humble person but I do see a conscious projecting of confusion and irrelevance. And what was the point of this dissertation anyway??? I do not "see" any point being made and wonder about his defenders in how they perceive this world. Are their brains just as disconnected and scrambled? 'Tis curious to "see" this type of human. I wouldn't have thought of these types on my own, so thanks for the lesson.!.!.! Reminds me of... Kinda like our elected officials, talk and talk and talk but really say NOTHING. To me, reading this author is a waste of time. Reading about me, me, me, I , I, I ad nauseam is quite a drag and immensely boring. Not even entertaining I must say...
Perceval said:
aaron r said:
Seems to me to be the self-indulgent ravings of a narcissist.

More than that, if you have watched any of the Charles Manson interviews, he has a very similar type of fantastical grandiose view of himself...

I find it very hard to stand his self-importance and vanity. Never mind his hallucinations and that half of the things he tells in that post sound like the stories that some of my high-school class mates would make up to impress the gullible. It's the whole attitude of 'everything spins around Les' that I'm finding intolerable, along with the laughable contention that he is the humblest of them all.
Windmill knight said:
Perceval said:
aaron r said:
Seems to me to be the self-indulgent ravings of a narcissist.

More than that, if you have watched any of the Charles Manson interviews, he has a very similar type of fantastical grandiose view of himself...

I find it very hard to stand his self-importance and vanity. Never mind his hallucinations and that half of the things he tells in that post sound like the stories that some of my high-school class mates would make up to impress the gullible. It's the whole attitude of 'everything spins around Les' that I'm finding intolerable, along with the laughable contention that he is the humblest of them all.

Bottom line, the posts from Les that we have here are evidence of a toxic person: someone who lives his life in a continual loop of immaturity, irresponsibility, drug abuse, and all the baggage that goes with it. Its interesting to compare his grandiosity with those who defame and attack this forum here: all of them wax and wane between this grandiosity and delusional 'humility'. They are all so poor and sick on the one hand, then very busy and globetrotting at the same time. The disconnect from reality is so stark as to be unbelievable.

Les is what I would call a 'sacred clown': an example of how NOT to live your life.
Hi Gimpy,

Gimpy said:
Les is what I would call a 'sacred clown': an example of how NOT to live your life.

You put me in a spot of bother here while mixing up metaphors (osit).

LV, especially in his above quoted blogposts, to me resembles much of what Heath Ledger showed us in 'Dark Knight' acting out the Joker character. Those types are more like 'unholy madmen' in stead of like 'sacred clowns'.

I gather you attempted to allude to the yurodivy-type in old Russian folklore and in some works of great art like Mussorgsky's opera Boris Godunov or in some of the works of Dostoevsky, for instance.

For more info, see: _http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yurodivy.

The sacred clown or holy fool amounts to something quite the opposite of what LV is 'selling' - although I wouldn't be surprised to find out that LV himself fancies his 'rants' to be some sort of holy scripture to his 'fans' and admirers...

**EDIT** corrected spelling.

Mod's note: Edited to fix the quotation boxes.
I gather you attempted to allude to the yurodivy-type in old Russian folklore and in some works of great art like Mussorgsky's opera Boris Godunov or in some of the works of Dostoevsky, for instance.

No. ;) In different Native American traditions, a 'sacred clown' can mean many different things, from someone who understands his/her contrary or backward nature and how to work with it, to someone like LV, who clearly doesn't, but claims he can.

To make my metaphor more clear: he's a sheep that believes he's a magician.
Legolas said:
venusian said:
Laura said:
A reader pointed out a blog post written by Les that is really bizarre. I'll bold a few things that stand out for me.

He comes across as a very disturbed person here, at least to me. I get the sense that he has no real self-awareness at all. Much of his writing is full of bluster and dazzle (smoke and mirrors) designed to fool the reader into thinking he has a larger-than-life self, but I wouldn't be surprised if in fact that is an indication of the opposite. I get the impression he is lost to himself.

Agreed, this article reads itself really strange and has a taste of pity me.

Among all other phrases in the text, this stood out the most for me:

blog said:
but my invisible friends to help

He's like the Charlie Sheen of the 'alternative' crowd.
Hello again,

I didn't want to have to write again, but unfortunately I feel I need to.

BC, let me tell you somethings Les Visible won't, unless he twists it around for himself. I will use scripture (as does Les Visible, but he picks and chooses and then claims it as his own, whether it be neo-platonic, vaisnavic, tantric, christian...)

There is something called the Honey Doctrine. You can google it. Without the bee there is no honey. Without the honey there is no bee. The cause is the effect. The effect is the cause.

Les Visibles tells stories about Crowley and how he is defending himself against astral attacks by acting the clown etc. Where is the faith in that?

I also do not qualify as holy. I need a lot of work and so that is what I am doing, trying to improve myself and leaving the rest to the grace of the divine. In the Srimad Bhagavata Khanda 7 Chapter 1 (and also if you look at the bhagava gita concerning over polpulation) you might get some sort of feeling for the melieu we are currently residing in.

Les Visible wants to ride the tasmatic tide. Think the honey and the bee.

As for mind being an instrument of Maya, you are correct. However look at the word bodhisattva. Mahamaya herself says that she is both the cause of bondage and liberation. And the same thing is also said of manas, the mind. The heart is considered the residence of the Witness, but it does not act, including resonating.

These are thing that Les Visible does not council. In fact he says they are meaningless words for beginners (as opposed to drugs, which I imagine are for spiritually advanced people, and also as opposed to his words. That's right, the knowledge the writers of the sacred texts tried to convey don't apparently compare to the writings of Les Visible otherwise they would have said it, right?)

I can't tell you the number of times I have seen comments on his web-site where a little good advise or pointing the right direction might have helped someone, but Les Visible gave no good council, either because he does not know or because it would take away from his glory. And if he does not know, he also does not care. Others do care and look and seek.

If you give some thought to the honey doctrine you will also see that I am concerned also for Les Visible.

I also know a story about Crowley. One day a guest at a hotel was eating in the establishment's restaraunt. As he was eating a man dressed in strange garb wandered in. Being an Englishman, the guest pretended not to notice the outlandish man as he twirled around the tables and the rushed out again. After he had left, the guest called over a waiter and asked him, "Who was that strangely dressed fellow who was in here a few minutes ago?" The waiter replied, "Why Sir, that was just Mr. Crowley pretending he was invisible again."

I've tried my best, which is all that I can do.

And thankyou Cassiopaea forum for allowing me a place to speak.
[quote author=Friday]Les Visibles tells stories about Crowley and how he is defending himself against astral attacks by acting the clown etc.[/quote]

Hi Friday,

I appreciate your posts.

Fwiw- to members of this forum LV's use of Crowley to illustrate anything other than pathology is branding himself as pathological or a fool.
Laura said:
A reader pointed out a blog post written by Les that is really bizarre. I'll bold a few things that stand out for me.

Les Visible said:
_http://zippittydodah.blogspot.com/2011/03/everybody-hurts-and-nobody-wins.htmlThursday, March 17, 2011
Everybody Hurts and Nobody Wins.

That's gotta be the most drug-fueled nonsense I've ever read! He seems remarkably creative with language, but there's no attempt to try to put the pieces together into something coherent. His words just come out like one big salad shooter. Even some of Jim Morison's poetry makes more sense than this, and that dude was high or drunk for most of his short life!

I wonder if this writing is kind of like the recent TV reporters speaking gibberish? Maybe it's not so much the drugs as it is some sort of cosmic energy or mind control beaming that's taking its toll, and Les's propensity for mind-altering substances isn't helping the matter.
I just want to say I I remember some of Les' articles 'back in the days' that were very intelligent, moving and inspiring. His writing style back then was awesome. Sadly it has come to this. I hope he'll find his way again, but I really doubt it..

I'm sorry for all that were hurt by his actions, and glad so many of you here were able to see the danger and take action.
Excuse me for a second while I laugh....

Les visible is an entertainer? NO?

Hahahaha. Loved his blog that Laura posted. So funny because there is absolutely no way anyone is meant to take that seriously.

What you are all doing, is uhmm, how can I put this, INFLATING, his ego! It doesnt matter if you say something negative positive or whatever about him. His ego just keeps going up and up - he is like charlie sheen and has got only one gear, that is GO... He is inlove with himself - the point of the work is meant to be struggle with the self, this guy is doing the exact opposite. He is very toxic, toxic to everyone else around him that is. Nothing anyone can do.

If you can't reason with this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5aSa4tmVNM you definately cannot reason with les.

At this point, the POINT is surrender. Don't fight with a madman!! A madman has nothing to lose!!!! This guy should come with a warning sign.

Does anyone not get why he is doing all this? IT IS BECAUSE HE CAN and he probably has just discovered this and is revelling in it!! He is probably BORED stiff out of his mind and using you guys for entertainment/selfimportance-value, there is only so much entertainment his 'imaginary' friends can offer.

Oh look at me and how important I am, I got all those people worked up...

I dont get the 'awe' factor at his impressive writing style or whatever else he can do better than the average Joe. It's not really him even, just some random juggling of genes and environmental influences and this is the outcome... Hahaha! Funny!! He thinks he is like somekind of god because he can put together afew sentences and inhales narcotics.... Just another narcissist walking the planet. Nothing special if you ask me. A magician needs an audience otherwise there really isnt anything there. He is a magician and his trick are words... Got to such a point that he got hypnotised by his own show!! Poor guy!!

To backtrack abit, eventhough I think the furore about les acts to inflate his own personal ego, it might be a wonderful learning opportunity for alot of people so I am by no means discouraging or talking down this thread.
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