Libel and Defamation Against SOTT, Cass, LKJ, QFG, etc

If you think you know what dangerous nutzoids are, you might need to accept some new standards set by this Polish real cult.

The group/sect call themselves Himavanti Brotherhood, Holy Himavanti Confraternity Order or Anti-pedophile Himavanti Confraternity Order. You can browse through their English pages (much less expanded than the Polish part):
According to robtex entry for, "Trustworthiness, vendor reliability, privacy and child safety of this site is very poor."

Since 1983 (or 1994, that's not clear), Ryszard Matuszewski is their leader and guru. Matuszewski announced himself a prophet and took the name "Swami Śyam Lalit Mohan Baba-ji" / "Lalit Mohan G. K."
His site: _

Three times (1996, 1997, 2003) Himavanti Brotherhood applied for registration as a religious association/minority and each time their request was rejected by the Ministry of the Interior and Administration after finding the group a destructive sect.

Despite what you can learn from their websites about long-time persecutions that the group and especially Matuszewski himself have been going through, the truth seems to be quite different.

In 1997, Matuszewski was sentenced to 18 months of prison (suspended for three years) for offense of violence and terrorist threats (to blow up one of the biggest Catholic monasteries in Poland, among other); examined by a psychiatrist, found insane and placed in mental hospital (where he stayed for one year). In 2002 Matuszewski announced he would kill the Pope during his visit to Poland; arrested.

In 2003, indicted for complicity in attack on a former Brotherhood member; sentenced to three years in prison (released after 2 years). Arrested again in April 2006.

Anna Wani Sarpa (ex-member of Himavanti leadership) was arrested and indicted for complicity in banditry, attack, attempted subreption of money and more.

Matuszewski's close coworker, Irena Barcz who was "a therapist helping victims of pedophiles, yoga and relaxation instructor, organizer of classes for victim of childhood sexual abuse" (!) hid herself for several years as she was accused of complicity in a robbery, theft and intimidation of a former members of the Brotherhood. She disappeared in 2003, an arrest warrant was issued by Polish authorities, she left for UK and got caught/arrested in December last year. Released in Feb. this year. Also for February a session was scheduled for the British court to decide on her extradition.

It seems, the group managed to fake Amnesty International's support:
_ - (page found by Google, not cached, doesn't exist any more; no indication of any link between AI and IB except members' blogs, sites, FB pages)

In general, their practices involve
-forcing members to:
changing their personal data; paying 10% of their incomes; hating and offending every and anyone who dares to say anything against the group, "exposing" them as pedophiles, gays, perverts, satanists, fanatics, Catholic paranoids, and what not; very (VERY!) filthy language
-threatening former members: violent attacks, offenses, letters, flayers, death threats, etc.

And much more. Dirty and disgusting stuff to put it mildly with real victims persecuted, threatened, injured, robbed, destroyed. Sick bag please.

The reason I describe those nutzoids/criminals is their (Mohan's?) article "analyzing" Laura. I'll post the original first [pl] and next its translation.

If anyone is interested, here are some videos (En):
Guru Mohan _
Irena Barcz's "help me" speech: _
Religious Persecutions in Poland by Otto Gallardo _
Laura Knight-Jadczyk - Numerologiczne identyfikowanie źródła przekazu Kasjopean

Laura Knight-Jadczyk autorka przekazów spirytystycznych od bytów czy istot podających się za Kasjopean wraz ze swoją bliską i dalszą rodziną mieszka w XVIII-wiecznym francuskim pałacyku. Korzystając z tablicy Ouija, znanej także jako tablica spirytystyczna, nawiązała kontakt z rzekomymi Kasjopeanami. Laura w zasadzie jest spirytystką i kontaktem channelingowym, jednak byty, które rzekomo jej odpowiadają podają się za Kasjopean z jakiejś wyimaginowanej wyższej gęstości. Początek jej spirytystycznej działalności z wywoływaniem duchów to rok 1995. Niektóre strony internetowe i źródła podają, że tytułuje się bądź została uznana przez swych sympatyków jako per "Wielki Mistrz Kanału Kasjopeańskiej Apokalipsy" (Grand Master Channel of the Cassiopaean Apocalypse), jednak mąż pani Laury stanowczo dementuje, jakoby sama używała takiego tytułu.

Kiedy się zastanawiamy nad licznymi przekazami rzekomo duchowymi od rzekomo wyższych istot, takich jak to popularnie się robi, od Orionistów, Kasjopean czy Plejadan, warto zwrócić uwagę na osobę przekazy odbierająca i pośredniczącą w tym procederze. Bogowie dokonają przekazów przez osobę uduchowioną, boską, natomiast astralne demony, siły zła i diabły dokonają przekazu przez narzędzie o demonicznych czy wręcz diabolicznych właściwościach. Można obserwować charakter czy zachowanie osób dokonujących przekazów, można badać jakość ich ego, czy osoba ma w sobie więcej altruizmu czy więcej egoizmu i demonizmu.

W ezoteryce, mistyce i okultyzmie do badania jakości osób wykorzystuje się numerologię, która w wypadku imion, nazwisk czy nawet miejsc życia osób może nam wiele powiedzieć o jakości rzekomo duchowych przekazów od jakiś bliżej nam nieznanych istot z zaświatów. Z ezoteryki wiadomo, że istot niewidzialnych jest dużo, zarówno dobrych jak i złych, a duchy zmarłych to po prostu ludzie, tylko pozbawieni ciał i kombinują tak samo jak to robili za życia. Zbadajmy zatem przykładową osóbę, Laurę Knight-Jadczyk, która jest głównym narzędziem niewidzialnych sił dla dokonywania przekazów od rzekomo wyższych cywilizacji, z "wyższej gęstości". Po narzędziu łatwo poznamy jakie siły to narzędzie czyli osobowość wykorzystują do swych celów.

Popularne przekazy od Kasjopean odbiera osoba o imieniu „Laura” i nazwiskach „Knight-Jadczyk”. Zobaczmy zatem jak wygląda gematryczny G-NPS z matematyczną precyzją ujmujący co siedzi w osobie i w rękach jakich sił może być narzędziem. Jak wiadomo, w numerologii profesjonalnie wyuczonej najpierw badamy liczbę Nous i rodzaj cyklu życiowego, gdyż to są przesłanki od których zależą dalsze kierunki interpretacji portretu psychoduchowego osoby.

Gematryczny portret osobonazwy Laura Knight Jadczyk

Tabela wyliczeń G-NPS dla słowa: Laura

Cykl upadkowy 3 -> 1

Jak widać „Laura” to imię w cyklu życiowym lekko upadkowym, z Nous pokazującym bardzo diaboliczną wibrację (17), która jest liczbą dusz związanych czy wiążących się z Czarną Lożą, z demonami i wszystkim co w swej treści sataniczne. Ta sam liczba w Soma nie jest tak groźna w duchowej działalność, a pokazuje tylko sposób zachowania, a nie jakość duszy, ducha wcielonego w ciało jak w wypadku Nous.

Tabela wyliczeń G-NPS dla słowa: Knight

Cykl stagnacyjny 2 -> 2

Nazwisko „Knight”, chociaż w znaczeniu rycerskie, to osobonazwa w cyklu zyciowym stagnacyjnym, zatem generalnie pokazuje kogoś, kto stoi w miejscu i nie robi postępów, kogoś zatrzymanego w drodze. Nous czyli liczba, wibracja duszy, ducha to niestety diaboliczna liczba dająca w sumie (15) czyli liczba tak zwanej mniejszej Czarnej Loży Diabła. Podstawowa liczba sumy Nous to wibracja z gatunku czy rodziny (666) zatem pokazuje wcielenie osoby diabolicznej w swej naturze, z gatunku „prapraprababka Szatana Diabła”. Zatem ta rycerskość służy duchowi mieszkającemu w ciele do niecnych celów, do ciemnych aktywności. Osoba w Gematrikonie także ma wibrację (15), zatem jest łatwo zasilana przez istoty z mniejszej (niższej) Czarnej Loży, a i Psyche ma wibrację (15) zatem osoba mając to samo w Nous i Psyche, nie jest w stanie odróżniać sił duchowych od psychicznych. Umysł ma płaski w sferach wewnętrznych, nie rozumie ich i nie odróżnia. Za to zewnętrzne mistyczne 33 pozwala na świetne pozowanie na osobę duchową czy świętą, wysoko rozwiniętą, mistrzynię duchową. Niestety jest to tylko maska na faktycznej złej wewnątrz, skorumpowanej przez siły ciemności duszy.

Tabela wyliczeń G-NPS dla słowa: Jadczyk

Cykl wzrostowy 1 -> 2

Osobonazwa „Jadczyk”, podobnie jak „Jadwiga” jako rdzeń imienia ma słowo „Jad”, a to raczej pewna niekorzystna dla osób w duchowym rozwoju część tożsamości. Cykl życiowy jest lekko wzrostowy, zatem posiadane właściwości w przeciągu życia będą wzrastać i rozwijać się, ale wzrost w ilości Jadu nie jest akurat wskazany, a wręcz może wykluczony. Nous to wibracja duchowa (17) czyli znów mamy tak jak w imieniu „Laura” osobę przydatną i podatną dla Wielkiej Czarnej Loży Diabła. Soma mająca w sumie liczbę 26 pokazuje, że osoba może łatwo udawać to co boskie lub posłańca bogów, aniołów czy niebios, może też uchodzić za magiczną i wiedzącą.

Te Czarne Loże do grypy demonów sprawujących władzę nad piekłami i wszystkimi rejonami świata, które uda im się zdobyć, także nad pojedynczymi duszami na które mają wpływ. Zasilanie energetyczne czyli inspiracje, natchnienia i energie, moce jakie płyną do osobo pokazuje jasno Gematrikon z wibracją liczby (17). Mamy zatem demoniczną duszę opętaną siłami zła i sterowaną przez diaboliczne, mroczne siły z kosmosu. Z planet czy planów rządzonych przez asury, rakszasy czy piśaćów, a po chrześcijańsku mówiąc przez lucyferów, belzebówbów, beliarów i szatanów. Z takiego nazwiska nie spodziewajmy się czegoś co służy wzrostowi duchowemu tylko raczej upadkowi i totalnej degradacji ludzkich dusz. Nie ma co ukrywać, że przez takie osoby, o takich wibracjach, siły światłości nie zechcą dokonywać duchowych przekazów, bo zbyt wielkie jest ryzyko przejęcia osobowości i duszy przez siły zła, przez siły ciemności do których osoba totalnie przynależy, najpewniej z urodzenia. Jeśli to imię „Laura” i nazwisko „Knight” osoba nosi z urodzenia, zatem oczywistym jest, że zrodzona jest jako istota demoniczna na tej ziemi.

Tabela wyliczeń G-NPS dla słowa: Knight Jadczyk

Cykl stagnacyjny 2 -> 2

Cykl życiowy stagnacyjny w podwójnym nazwisku „Knight-Jadczyk” pokazuje na powstrzymywanie swego otoczenia przed duchowym postępem i rozwojem. Osobowość wywiera wpływ stopujący, a w imieniu „Laura” nawet pobudza skłonności i tendencje do upadku. Zatem taka osoba nie powinna z takimi personaliami nawet próbować być liderką duchową czy ezoteryczną. Imiona czy nazwiska osób prowadzących innych do rozwoju duchowego powinny wibrować dla owego rozwoju i duchowości korzystnie. Ludzkie tendencje do gloryfikowania swoich liderów powodują, że imiona czy nazwiska liderów stają się jak mantry dla innych, zatem ich oddziaływanie musi być dla ludzi chociaż w większej części korzystne.

Tutaj mamy jednak panią „Knight-Jadczyk”, której części składowe z osobna to demoniczna paskuda z piekła rodem. Końcowe wibracje sumy „Knight + Jadczyk” wyglądają jednak z pozoru przyzwoicie, jest to liczba (1436) czyli cyfra (5) z liczbą (14) jako tłem, oczywiście w stagnacyjnym czy numerologicznie środkowym aspekcie. Piątka w aspekcie stagnacyjnym pokazuje osobę, która może być niewolnikiem najgorszych popędów, złych instynktów i dewiacji, a przy tym wygląda porządnie i nic na to nie wskazuje. Takie popędy mogą osobę dręczyć jako rodzaj obsesji czy fobii, ale może się też im jako dewiacjom oddawać po cichu. We współczesnym świecie ludzie mało się zajmują tą popędową stroną swoich duchowych liderów, ale dla życie duchowego jest bardzo ważnym jakie żądze i skłonności, w tym dewiacje nosi w sobie ktoś, za czyimi naukami w życiu podążamy. To niewolnictwo najgorszych popędów może w wypadku channelingowców być zniewoleniem przez demony o w swej istocie złych skłonnościach. Wygląda zatem na to, że pani „Knight-Jadczyk” jest po prostu biernym narzędziem, niewolnicą demonów nazywających się Kasjopeanami, co oczywiście z gwiazdozbiorem Kasjopei może nie mieć nic wspólnego.

Mamy zatem niewolną paskudę z pseudo duchowego półświatka potwornego satanizmu zwodzącego ludzi tak, aby przestali iść ku Boskiemu Światłu, aby zatrzymali się i utknęli w mrokach demonicznej ciemności. A to czy złe duchy działające ewidentnie przez Laurę Knight-Jadczyk podają się za „Kasjopean” czy wysłanników „najwyższego poziomu wszechświata” nie ma tu znaczenia. Cała podawana ideologia to sałata słowna, demoniczna papka mająca na celu zwodzenie ludzi i zawrócenie ich pod władztwo demonicznej, satanicznej Czarnej Loży sił kosmicznego zła. Nie tak często się zdarza w numerologii, aby zarówno imię jak i nazwisko pokazywało najgorszy demonizm, a jeszcze podwójne nazwisko wzmacniało swoje składowe w trefnym kierunku. To pokazuje, że osoba przez diabelskie i zwodzicielskie byty złe jest wybrana nieprzypadkowo. Tyle, że każdy kto zajmuje się ezoteryką, a zna podstawy wiedzy duchowej takiej jak liczbowanie duchowe czyli numerologię, gematrię, będzie się od takiej złowrogiej i podstępnej bestii trzymać z daleka, a trefne przekazy wyrzuci do kosza lub ewentualnie jako badacz opracuje dla pokazania jakie elementy jej zwodniczych nauk powodują pomylenie i zatracenie dusz ludzkich.

Tabela wyliczeń G-NPS dla słowa: lauraknightjadczyk

Cykl upadkowy 3 -> 2

Całość personaliów „LauraKnightJadczyk” pokazuje osobę z Nous o wibracji (22) oraz cykl życiowy upadkowy. Kto zna numerologię i gematrię chciałby się zafascynować duszą o wibracji (22) bo to przecież liczba mistrzowska. Tyle, że w tym wypadku liczba Mistrzyni wiodącej do upadku, mistrzyni działającej w imieniu sił demonicznych, gdyż składowe jej osobonazwy w postaci imienia „Laura” czy nazwiska „Knight” pokazują kim faktycznie jest i jakie zamiary drzemią zamaskowane, skryte wewnątrz tej osoby. Interpretujemy zatem Nous (22) tej osoby w aspekcie silnie negatywnym. Oznacza to mistrzostwo ale Ciemnej Strony Mocy, mistrzostwo wśród demonów i faktyczną inkarnację osoby, która Ścieżką Mroku podąża z urodzenia. Osoba może mieć silne poczucie bycia Mistrzem czy Mistrzynią, silne poczucie, że mocy i wpływu na otoczenie, może mieć wrażenia typu panowanie nad wszechświatem czy nad wieloma planami bytu. Niestety, jeśli takie elementy się pojawiają, są to tylko złudzenia w jakich tkwi omamiona przez demony Mroku do których de facto należy.

W aspekcie ujemnym, upadkowym, liczba (22) w Nous pokazuje oszustów, mistrzów oszustwa i przekrętu zatem działalność pseudo duchowa o charakterze oszukiwania ludzi jest jak najbardziej tym, czym osoba się zajmuje. Ogólny opis podaje, że posiadacze negatywnego aspektu (22) to dusze archiłotrów czyli tacy, co łotrom przewodzą. Osoba może zatem stanąć na czele jakiejś zwodzicielskiej grupy czy organizacji. Osoby takie mogą się posuwać do czynów okrutnych z morderstwami włącznie, acz u osobistości zajmujących się szerzeniem pseudo duchowości czy pseudo ezoteryki obserwujemy raczej głównie „neutralizowanie” czy „likwidowanie” osób obnażających prawdę o oszustwie czy nieprzychylnych z pomocą rozmaitych psychotechnik, specjalnych „konstrukcji” czy magii. Osobonazwa wykazuje słabe zdolności magiczne, zatem ciemne siły nie dały jej jeszcze zbyt dużo mocy, ale taka osobonazwa może Moc wygenerować cierpliwością lu przez podburzenie innych, zaufanych sobie osób.

Aspekt środkowy, który może dotyczyć przy lekko tylko zaznaczonym cyklu życiowym upadkowym, to skłonności do depresji lub popadanie w długie okresy lenistwa i obojętności. Osoba może też mieć załamania pod wpływem zbyt wielu odczuwanych energii i napływających inspiracji czy zobowiązań, które się nagromadzają powodując kryzysy.

Warto wziąć pod uwagę także nazwę państwa w duchu którego osoba mieszka i jego przydatność dla ewentualnych kontaktów duchowego czy mistycznego typu.

Tabela wyliczeń G-NPS dla słowa: France

Cykl upadkowy 6 -> 5

Oryginalna nazwa kraju to „France” czyli po polsku Francja. Mamy w G-NPS same mistyczne jak się wydaje wibracje (11), jednak cykl życiowy osobonazwy zbiorowości i terytorium jest lekko upadkowy, co oznacza ciągnięcie raczej w dół niż do góry i oferowanie mistycyzmu niezauważalnie kierującego klientów stopień niżej zamiast stopień wyżeń. Inicjał „F” to cyfra (6) wzmagająca siły egoistyczne. Negatywna postać taka jak opisana „Laura” będzie realizować raczej tylko upadkowe czyli negatywne aspekty wibracji (11) podobnie jak przy wibracji (22). A negatywna liczba (11) jako suma końcowa portretu to generalnie obraz wszelkiego rodzaju niskich charakterów oddających się wszelkim występkom, także na konto mistycyzmu. „France” jako kraj i zbiorowość ludzka w takim kierunku będzie ciągnąć i popychać Laurę, zatem nawet jak dobrze zacznie, do w odmętach ciemności z czasem skończy razem ze wszystkimi swoimi namiętnymi czytelnikami i zwolennikami oraz wyznawcami. I demony wygnane na ziemię z Kasjopei pewnie będą z tego powodu bardzo uradowane. Zresztą osoba sama może być duszą, która „spadła z nieba” na ziemię w ten sposób, że została karnie wygnana z planet w systemach Kasjopei i odradza się jako upadły byt w kręgu Ziemi. O takich wygnaniach sporo pisze się w literaturze ezoterycznej z wyższej półki.

Na koniec warto się zastanowić nad starym powiedzeniem, że „Gdzie diabeł nie może tam babę pośle!”. Tylką taką wcieloną, kobieca, pełną magii i uroku oraz wielkiej siły zwodzenia swoimi diabolicznymi przekazami. Aby taką posłać, musi się diabeł napracować i zadbać nawet o to, jakie wibracje otrzyma przy urodzeniu, z jakim nazwiskiem męża trafi w życiu. Praca sił ciemności znacznie przekracza długość jednego ludzkiego życia. Stare przysłowie miało wskazywać na fałszywe przekazy udające duchowość, rzeczywiście udzielane przez kobiety, które a to się podają za wysłanniczki Wielkiego Białego Braterstwa, a to za kontakty z wyższymi bytami kosmicznymi, Radami Galaktycznymi czy Istotami Światła, a to za wcielenie czy głos Matki Bożej, jednak są tzw. Nałożnicami Diabła i Demonów. Niczym więcej. Z charakterystycznych cech, diabelskie posłanniczki nie mają żadnego Mistrza czy Guru. Zostały powołane przez niezidentyfikowane, bo niewidzialne siły czyli przez demony.

Dzieła Laury Knight Jadczyk w naturalny sposób można uznać, ale za dzieła sił ciemności i kosmicznego satanizmu, za przekazy Czarnej Loży czy jak kto woli czarnej magii mrocznych sił pragnących powstrzymać ewolucję dusz i rozwój duchowy ludzkości. Wygląd na to, że "Wielki Mistrz Kanału Kasjopeańskiej Apokalipsy" to prawdziwy KANAŁ. I to tyle o rzekomych Kasjopeanach w wydaniu Laury, ich rzeczniczki czy orędowniczki na planecie Ziemia.

(Z wykładów numerologicznych dla adeptów profesjonalnej gematrii europejskiej - Mistrz L.M.B.)
The translation isn't perfect, but believe me, the original is real word salad, written in pretty poor Polish. So if you have a hard time to understand something, I'd give it quite a big chance that's simply because it doesn't make any sense in the original version! All boldings as in the original; charts skipped.
Warning: it's sick!

Laura Knight-Jadczyk - numerological identification of the source of Cassiopaean transmission

Total visits: 33
Vote count: 4 (rating 5.0)
Creation Date: 13/06/2011

Laura Knight-Jadczyk, author of spiritualist transmissions from entities or beings claiming to be Cassiopaeans, along with her close and extended family lives in eighteenth-century French chateau. Using a Ouija board, also known as a spiritualist board, she made contact with supposed Cassiopaeans. Laura is basically a spiritualist and channeling contactee, but the beings that supposedly answer claim to be Cassiopaeans from some imaginary higher density. The beginning of her spiritualistic activities involving spirit invoking is the year 1995. According to some web sites and sources, she claims to be recognized by her fans as "Grand Master Channel of the Cassiopaean Apocalypse", but Laura's husband strongly denies that she had ever used such a title.

When we think of the numerous allegedly spiritual messages from allegedly higher beings, such as is commonly being done, from the Orionist, Cassiopaeans or Pleiadians, it is good to look at the person who is receiving messages and going between in that business. Gods transmit through a spirited, divine person while astral demons, forces of evil and devils shall transmit through a tool of demonic or even diabolical qualities. You can observe the character or behavior of those engaged in communication, you can examine the quality of their ego, and whether a person has more altruism or more selfishness and demonism.

In esotericism, mysticism and occultism, numerology is used to study qualities of people, which in the case of their names or even names of places they live, can tell us a lot about the quality of an allegedly spiritual communication from unknown beings from the beyond. It is known from esotericism that there is a lot of invisible beings, both good and bad, and the spirits of the dead are simply people deprived of their bodies and they still contrive as they did when alive. So, let us examine an exemplary case of Laura Knight-Jadczyk, who is the main tool of invisible forces to transmit through from allegedly higher civilizations, "higher density". Once we know about the tool, we can easily know what kind of forces use that tool, or personality, for their own ends.

Popular Cassiopaean transmissions are received by a person whos first name is "Laura" and last names "Knight-Jadczyk." Let's see the gematric G-NPS formulating with mathematical precision what sits in a person and in hands of what forces she can be a tool. As you know, in professionally learned numerology, we examine first the number Nous and a type of life cycle, because these are conditions which affect future directions of interpretation of a psycho-spiritual portrait of a person.

Gematric portrait of a person-name Laura Knight Jadczyk

Table G-NPS of calculations for the word: Laura

Declining Cycle 3 -> 1

As you can see, "Laura" is a name in a slightly declining life cycle, with Nous showing a very diabolical vibration (17), which is the number of souls connected or associated with the Black Lodge, demons and everything what is satanic in its substance. The same number in Soma is not as much dangerous in a spiritual activity, and shows only a way of behavior, not a quality of the soul, the spirit incarnated in the flesh as it takes place in the case of Nous.

Table G-NPS of calculations for the word: Knight

Recessive cycle 2 -> 2

The name "Knight", although knighty in its meaning, is a person-name in a recessive life cycle, hence it generally shows someone who stands in place and does not progress, someone stopped on the way. Nous, a number, a vibration of the soul, of spirit, is unfortunately a diabolical number giving a total of (15), that is a number of so-called smaller Black Lodge of the Devil. The basic number of the sum of Nous is a vibration of species or family of (666) therefore it shows an embodiment of a person diabolical in their nature, a sort of "grand-grand-grand-grand-mother of Satan the Devil." So this chivalry serves a spirit who lives in the body for nefarious purposes, for a dark activity. A person in Gematricon also has vibration (15), so s/he is easily powered by beings from a smaller (lower) Black Lodge, and even Psyche has a vibration (15), therefore the person with the same thing in Nous and Psyche, is not able to discern spiritual forces from psychological forces. S/he has a flat mind in the internal spheres, does not understand and does not discern them. Yet the external is a mystical 33 allows for a great posing as a spiritual or holy person, a highly developed spiritual master. Unfortunately this is only a mask put on the soul actually evil inside, and corrupted by the forces of darkness.

Table G-NPS calculations for the word: Jadczyk

Growing cycle 1 -> 2

Person-name "Jadczyk", like "Hedwig" as the root of the name has the word "Jad" and it is rather a disadvantage for people in spiritual development of of a part of their identity. The life cycle is slightly upward, thus possessed qualities will grow and develop during a lifetime, but the increase in the amount of Jad (Venom) is not advisable, and may even be out of question. Nous is a spiritual vibration (17) so again, like with the name "Laura", we have a person who is useful and prone to the Great Black Lodge of the Devil. Soma having a total number of 26 indicates that a person can easily pretend what is divine or a messenger of the gods, angels or heaven, can also pass as magical and knowing.

Those Black Lodges to flu demons (sic) [should be: are groups of demons] exercising authority over hells and all regions of the world that they can conquere, also over individual souls they have influence on. Gematrikon with the vibration of the number (17) shows clearly power supply or inspirations and energies, powers which flow to a person. So we get a demonic soul possessed by forces of evil and controlled by diabolical, dark forces from the cosmos. From the planets or plans governed by the Asuras, or rakshasas or (…?) or in Christian terms: by lucifers, beelzebubs, beliars and devils. With such a names do not expect anything serving spiritual growth but rather a fall and total degradation of human souls. There is no secret that forces of light will not want to pass spiritual messages through such a person of such vibrations, because the risk is too great that the personality and soul can be taken over by forces of evil, by forces of darkness to which the person totally belongs, probably by birth. If the person has the name "Laura" and the name "Knight" from birth, so it is obvious that she is born as a demonic creature on this earth.

Recessive cycle 2 -> 2

The life cycle of the double name "Knight-Jadczyk" shows to stopping their environment from spiritual progress and development. Personality influences in a stopping way, and in the name of "Laura," it even encourages tendencies to fall. Therefore, such a person should not with such personal details even try to be an esoteric or spiritual leader. First names or last names of people leading others toward spiritual development should vibrate advantageously for that development and spirituality. Human tendencies to glorify their leaders make the names of the leaders becoming like mantras to others, so their influence must be for people at least for the most part favorable.

Here we have, however, Mrs. "Knight-Jadczyk," whose individual components are: hell-born demonic mischief. Yet the final vibrations of the total of "Knight + Jadczyk" seem decent, that is the number (1436) or digit (5) with the number (14) as a background, of course, in recessive or in numerological terms the central aspect. Five in recessive aspect shows a person who may be a slave to the worst instincts, bad instincts and deviations, and yet she looks decent and nothing indicates that. Such drives can torment a person as a kind of obsession or phobia, but she can also give them as deviations quietly. In today's world people are engaged very little in that instinctive side of their spiritual leaders, but for the spiritual life, it is very important what lusts and inclinations, including deviations, bears the person, whose teachings we follow in our lives. In the case of channelers, this slavery to the worst drives can be a bondage by demons of essentially evil inclinations. It seems therefore that Mrs. "Knight-Jadczyk" is simply a passive instrument, a slave of demons calling themselves Cassiopaeans, which of course may have nothing to do with the constellation Cassiopeia.

So we have a non-free mischief from a pseudo-spiritual demimonde of monstrous satanism deluding people so that they stop going towards the Divine Light; so that they stopped and got stuck in the murk of demonic darkness. Whether those evil spirits, apparently acting by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, name themselves "Cassiopaeans" or messengers of "the highest level of the universe", is irrelevant. The whole presented ideology is word salad, demonic pulp, designed to trick people and turn them back under the power of the demonic, satanic Black Lodge of cosmic evil forces. It happens in numerology not so often that both first name and last name show the worst demonism, and a double surname amplifies its components in an unclean direction. This shows that the person is by the devil and deceiving beings chosen not by coincidence. It's just that everyone who deals with esoterism and is familiar with basic spiritual knowledge such as spiritual numering i.e. numerology, gematria, will stay away from such a sinister and insidious beast, and trash the unclean messages or possibly, as a researcher, they will develop in order to show what elements of her deceptive teachings cause confusion and perdition of human souls.

Table G-NPS of calculations for the word: lauraknightjadczyk

Declining Cycle 3 -> 2

All personal information "LauraKnightJadczyk" shows a person with a Nous of vibration (22) and life cycle declining. Who knows numerology and gematria would like to get fascinated with a soul of the vibrations (22) since, after all, that’s a master number. Only that in this case, the number of the Master who is leading toward a fall, the Master who is acting on behalf of demonic forces, as components of her person-name in the form of a name "Laura" or the surname "Knight" show, who she actually is and what agenda lie dormant and masked, hidden inside that person. Thus we interpret Nous (22) of that person in a strongly negative aspect. This means championship but one of the Dark Side of Power, championship among demons, and the actual incarnation of a person who follows the Path of Darkness since birth. A person can have a strong sense of being a Master or Mistress, a strong sense that the power and impact on the environment, she can have an impression of the sort of dominion over the universe or over many planes of being. Unfortunately, if such elements appear, they are just illusions in which the deceived by demons of Darkness is stuck which she de facto belongs to.

In a negative, declining aspect, the number (22) in Nous shows fraudsters, scam and deception masters, and thus the pseudo-spiritual activity of a quality of people deception is by all means what the person does. A general description says that negative aspect holders (22) are souls of archscoundrels, that is those who lead scoundrels. A person may therefore be at the forefront of a deceiving group or organization. Such persons can go as far as committing cruel acts, murder including, albeit in the personalities involved in spreading pseudo-spirituality or pseudo-esoterism, we can observe rather mostly "neutralizing" or "elimination" of people baring truth about a fraud or uncomplying people, using a variety of psychotechnologies, specific "designs" or magic. Person-name shows weak magic abilities, so dark forces have not given her too much power yet, but such person-name can generate Power through patience or by incitement of other trusted people.

Central aspect, which can apply when only slightly apparent life cycle declining, is tendencies to depression or experiencing long periods of idleness and indifference. A person may also experience break-downs due to too many energies sensed and upcoming inspirations or obligations that accumulate causing crises.

It is worthwhile to consider also the name of the country in the spirit of which the person lives, and its usefulness to any possible spiritual or mystical contacts.

Table G-NPS of calculation for the word: France

Declining Cycle 6 -> 5

Original name of this country is "France" or Francja in Polish. Here we have in the G-NPS, mystical vibrations (11) alone as it seems, but the life cycle of the person-name of a collectivity and territory is slightly declining, which means pulling down rather than up and offering mysticism which imperceptibly directs clients one level lower rather than higher. The initial "F" is a digit (6) enhancing selfish forces. A negative character, such as that described "Laura", would exercise rather declining or negative aspects of vibration (11) only, as in the case of vibration (22). The negative number (11) as the total sum of the portrait is basically an image of all kinds of low characters indulging in any vice, also to account of mysticism. "France" as a country and human assemblage will pull and push Laura in such a direction, so even if she starts well, she will end up in the depths of darkness over time, together with all her passionate readers and supporters and followers. And the demons cast out from Cassiopeia on the Earth will probably be very pleased by that. Besides, a person themselves can be a soul, which "fell from heaven" on earth in a way that it has been by way of punishment expelled from planets in the systems of Cassiopeia and is reborn as a fallen being in the circle of the earth. There is a lot of material about such exiles in esoteric high-end literature.

Finally, it would be worthwhile to think of an old saying: "Where the devil fears to tread, there he will send a woman." But only an incarnate one, womanly, full of magic and charm, and of great power to deceive with her diabolical messages. To send such a woman, the devil has to work hard and take care even of what kind of vibration she receives at birth and with what husband's name she will go in life. The job of dark forces greatly exceeds a single human lifespan. The old saying was supposed to indicate false messages in disguise of spirituality, actually being given by women claiming to be messengers of the Great White Brotherhood or contactees with higher cosmic beings or Galactic Councils or Beings of Light or an incarnation or the voice of the Mother of God; but in fact, they are Devil and Demons’ Concubines and nothing more. What’s typical, is that devilish female messengers have no Master or Guru. They have been appointed by unidentified, because invisible, forces that is by demons.

Laura Knight Jadczyk's works can be in a natural way considered, but as works of the forces of darkness and cosmic Satanism; as Black Lodge's messages or if you like, black magic of dark forces who want to stop the evolution of soul and spiritual development of humanity. It seems that the "Grand Channel Master of Cassiopaean Apocalypse" is a real "CHANNEL" [play on words; meaning: she is not so much a "channel" as a ditch]. And that's enough about the alleged Cassiopaeans in Laura's version, their spokeswoman or advocate on the planet Earth.

(From numerology lectures to students of professional European gematria - Master LMB)
a person themselves can be a soul, which "fell from heaven" on earth in a way that it has been by way of punishment expelled from planets in the systems of Cassiopeia and is reborn as a fallen being in the circle of the earth. There is a lot of material about such exiles in esoteric high-end literature.

Finally, it would be worthwhile to think of an old saying: "Where the devil fears to tread, there he will send a woman." But only an incarnate one, womanly, full of magic and charm, and of great power to deceive with her diabolical messages. To send such a woman, the devil has to work hard and take care even of what kind of vibration she receives at birth and with what husband's name she will go in life. The job of dark forces greatly exceeds a single human lifespan. The old saying was supposed to indicate false messages in disguise of spirituality, actually being given by women claiming to be messengers of the Great White Brotherhood or contactees with higher cosmic beings or Galactic Councils or Beings of Light or an incarnation or the voice of the Mother of God; but in fact, they are Devil and Demons’ Concubines and nothing more. What’s typical, is that devilish female messengers have no Master or Guru. They have been appointed by unidentified, because invisible, forces that is by demons.

This stood out for me as being straight from the textbook of the witch hunters of old. Gruesome thought really to find this being taken seriously in our days and ages. Having no Master or Guru seems to be an utter wrongdoing in those circles - how scary: an independent woman that can think on her own and decide for herself. :P God forbid!!

To me that says it all in a nut(!)shell.
Laura Knight-Jadczyk - numerological identification of the source of Cassiopaean transmission

Total visits: 33
Vote count: 4 (rating 5.0)
Creation Date: 13/06/2011

Al'righty then ...and this isn't in the "Baked Noodles" section because? :shock:
Guardian said:
Laura Knight-Jadczyk - numerological identification of the source of Cassiopaean transmission

Total visits: 33
Vote count: 4 (rating 5.0)
Creation Date: 13/06/2011

Al'righty then ...and this isn't in the "Baked Noodles" section because? :shock:

Well, with 33 visits in a week I wouldn't worry. I get more hits in a blog I abandoned years ago!

Actually, even if they had thousands of hits, I also wouldn't worry much because they make us look very sane by contrast!
Windmill knight said:
Guardian said:
Laura Knight-Jadczyk - numerological identification of the source of Cassiopaean transmission

Total visits: 33
Vote count: 4 (rating 5.0)
Creation Date: 13/06/2011

Al'righty then ...and this isn't in the "Baked Noodles" section because? :shock:

Well, with 33 visits in a week I wouldn't worry. I get more hits in a blog I abandoned years ago!

Actually, even if they had thousands of hits, I also wouldn't worry much because they make us look very sane by contrast!

Yep, having loonies tell you you're crazy is NOT bad PR. :lol:
Well, so much is a matter of perspective isn't it now? In a world as ponerized as ours, it seems the requirements to be labeled evil are minimal. All you have to be is a child with ADHD to be seen as "a sinister and insidious beast whose individual components are hell-born demonic mischief". :rotfl:
FWIW I did a search for some news and came accross this page here (from July 13th 2011):


site said:
On the right track? Whoa there, partner. Not so sure about that. What do y’all think? Have you ever heard people defend smoking while pregnant? Is there a debate I didn’t know about?

The person asks questions about smoking and than comes to Laura and draws some lines about smoking and pregnancy and ends the article with the question quoted above without much research done on her part and mainly just an emotional reaction.

Some comments then start to defame sott and cass
Gawan said:
FWIW I did a search for some news and came accross this page here (from July 13th 2011):


site said:
On the right track? Whoa there, partner. Not so sure about that. What do y’all think? Have you ever heard people defend smoking while pregnant? Is there a debate I didn’t know about?

The person asks questions about smoking and than comes to Laura and draws some lines about smoking and pregnancy and ends the article with the question quoted above without much research done on her part and mainly just an emotional reaction.

Some comments then start to defame sott and cass

On top of that I followed the truthaction link from the first comment after the article and on page 2 of those comments some person named 'chrisc' has reproduced some lines out of the C's transcripts. I thought no one was allowed to do that without permission?
I am still very new to the forum - but I have read as far as chapter 29 of the wave series - and it all resonates most beautifully with me. I have learnt an inordinate amount over the past few weeks and gain further knowledge by the day. Were it not for the C's and your work and for your bravery in making all this information available, I have to wonder - would I have given up looking? Maybe not, but I would be feeling very lost and confused. There is a mine-field of disinformation out there, traps at every turn.

I wish I could give you wise words - wave a magic wand to make all the ugliness go away; but I can't. I can only thank you from the very centre of my being for giving me the guidance I so desperately needed at a time I most desperately needed it.

Thank you, Laura.

The Jim Humble episode rears its ugly head again. I thought we were done with that garbage :rolleyes:

Crucifying a Quack: Jim Humble, MMS, and the Cassiopaean Channel, Laura Knight-Jadczyk

August 31, 2011

Crucifying a Quack: Jim Humble, MMS, and the Cassiopaean Channel, Laura Knight-Jadczyk (Aug. 31, 2011)

Subject: Jim Humble and MMS
From: Mark Miller
Date: Wed, August 31, 2011
To: Ken Adachi

Hello Mr. Adachi.

My name is Mark Miller. For what it's worth, I truly love your web site, and I thank you for your hard work in pulling all of this information
together for the betterment of all. To get to my point -- there seems to be a WIDE chasm between your views of Jim Humble/MMS and other reputable and sincere truth-loving sites such as Upon researching the claims further, I must say that the good people at have compiled quite a case against using MMS (in general) and the personal integrity of Jim Humble (in particular). In case you are not aware of this information, here's a good link to use as a starting point:

I'm a holistic health counselor, electrical engineer, software developer, and long-time truth-seeker, and I must say that the case against Jim Humble is daunting (overwhelming?). I have neither met Mr. Humble personally nor ever used MMS.

I'd be curious to know how this information changes/alters your view on this situation, if at all.

Thanks in advance,
Kind regards,
Mark Miller


Hello Mark,

I read the article by Dr. Gabriela Segura MD and the comments by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, of and after calming down, I was glad to see that there were at least 4 or 5 readers who could see through the bias, the inaccuracies, the misrepresentations, and pseudo science - to say nothing of the faulty conclusions - so evident in Segura's slam piece. I'll have to write my own lengthy rebuttal to Segura's garbage.

Laura's small mindedness is immediately apparent when she reprints the e-mail response sent by Jim Humble to Dr Segura's article by emphasizing two innocuous and slight mispellings Jim made in his letter by inserting the flashing neon sign of "(sic)" after each mispelled word, just to be sure that the reader can fully appreciate what an uneducated dummy the 78 year old "quack' must be.

I had a higher opinion of Laura Knight-Jadczyk before reading the swill that she got the famous heart surgeon, Dr Gabriela Segura, to pen about MMS (and by inference Jim Humble), but I have a lower one now. I could see that Laura is on a mission to discredit Jim Humble and MMS.

The question to ask yourself is - why?

With a little reading, it wasn't hard to discover that Laura Knight-Jadczyk got huffy and decided to cancel her invitation to speak at the Nexus conference in Amsterdam apparently because Jim Humble was invited to be a speaker at the last minute by Nexus editor Duncan Roads .

Laura got a guy named "A. Branson" to write the most appalling and OUTRAGEOUS guilt-by-association, guilt-by-innuendo, and guilt-by-use-of-the-title-"Bishop" hit piece that I've ever read in my entire life! It's titled "Down the Rabbit Hole - The Assassination of JFK, Bishop Jim Humble And The Nexus Conference"

Holy Cow! This guy could make Mickey Mouse look like the Prince of Darkness by guilt-association. According to Branson, Jim Humble is part of a long succession of anointed "apostolic Bishops" which includes early 20th century pedophiles, Satanists, con artists, Crowley disciples, criminals, and many dark dudes involved in the JFK assassination who were ALL connected by use of the title of "Bishop" in front of their names (how's that for dogged sleuthing!)

Branson spends the entire length and breath of his essay character-assassinating Jim Humble on the basis of the word 'Bishop' in front of his name, while here and there throwing the reader a bon mot about his neutrality with comments like: "we can only speculate".

If anybody wants to see a text book example of what YELLOW JOURNALISM is, you've got to read Branson's hit piece on Jim Humble (bought to you courtesy of Laura Knight-Jadczyk via, of course)

The heart surgeon Gabriela Segura and Laura are obviously working in league with each other as Laura is the owner of Signs of The Times (SOTT) and also now controls the. web site (and magazine) where Gabriela's slam article 'first' appeared.

And how about the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind that Gabriela's says she "works" for? Even though the "About Us" link at the Fellowship or "Church of PaleoChristianity" keeps alluding to "who we are', the link NEVER actually identifies who they are, but rather keeps referring to PHILOSOPHIES to which they aspire without giving us a name. However, I have the feeling that the site is another one (of many) owned by Laura Knight-Jadczyk. The web site is registered to a proxy in England, and last I knew, Laura was living in France, but she may have moved to Great Britain by now.

I'll have much more to say about this. The calculated denigration of MMS and the demonization of Jim Humble by Laura Knight-Jadczyk and minions will not go unchallenged.

Sincerely, Ken Adachi


----- Original Message -----
From: Drew
To: Ken Adachi
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011
Subject: Re: Jim Humble

Hi Ken,

Regarding Jim Humble and MMS, I had a number of email conversations with Jim years back before the government and others started their whole defamation campaign against him and all I can say is Jim is one of the most honest and straight forward humanitarians on the planet right now.

The reason Jim started the church is because it was essentially the only way he could safe guard his rights and those of other genuine health conscious people who wish to heal themselves without pharmaceutical drugs.

Religious organizations have a bubble of protection around them that the government is weary of going up against. He is playing the game the way it needs to be played so to speak. Jim has a website called


that I dont think too many people know of.

[Here are direct links to Jim Humble's free books available on line:

Book One is really an introductory essay leading to the 23 chapters that comprise Book Two.

Book One: A New , More Practical God

Book Two Index to Books and Chapters

Chapter Zero, Introduction to Book Two ]

It's Jim's take on non faith based enlightenment. For any willing to read it, it will open anyone's eyes to the type of person Jim Humble is. It's a brilliant expose of the situation humanity faces at the hand of oppressors and how to take ownership of one's life through truth and stepping up to the plate. Anyone with a pendulum can put it over a bottle of MMS and ask if it is good for the body.

My experiences with a pendulum in this regard were REMARKABLE!!!! My pendulum swings in the full maximum arc without my influence over a bottle of MMS. The only other substances I have come across that does this is food after praying to God to cleanse and purify my food and bring it back the full and maximum life force energy the food can hold.

If anyone reads Laura's hate postings on her cassiopean web boards, from what I can tell she is against anything that brings health back to the human organism. She has postings on there that say such things as 'Vegetarian and Vegan diets are bad for people and lead to disease and illness'...... ummm what?!?

She must be reading some different science than I am and judging by the way she looks. She is not the person I would go to for health advice.

God Bless,

Andrew G


Subject: Jim Humble attack
From: John (Netherlands)
Date: Thu, September 1, 2011
To: Ken Adachi

Hello Ken,

The Latin saying ' Nomen est omen' comes in to play with what to believe. When you have read the book of Jim Humble you are very well informed on practical results with his MMS formula.

JIM HUMBLE - I have a formula to help you get better = good
BERNIE MAD-OFF - I can triple your money in no time! = bad

It is always a combination of Sir name, Given name that triggers feelings in the right direction. -nose- CHENEY = ???

The Netherlands


Subject: Your insightful comments regarding Jim Humble and Laura Knight Jadczyk
From: Craig
Date: Thu, September 1, 2011
To: Ken Adachi


Your response to a reader who asked for your opinion regarding Jim Humble and Laura Knight Jadczyk was quite revealing. You have shown yourself after all of these years to be what you have often professed to despise. The choice to use subjective phrases better used by a psychopath instead of the prevailer of truth you've made yourself out to be has done us all a great favor. Why you chose to out yourself like this is interesting. You attacked an article that brought forth much evidence while your own reply was juvenile and full of vile and vitriolic off the cuff dismissiveness.

While evidence is not the same as proof, in that article on it is well pieced together and draws the reader in to pursue their own research. You however have done just the opposite and displayed a violent and juvenile triteness, the likes of which is seen only in the most agressive of propaganda. Now you make better sense and you have brought about a solution as to why your opinions seem to have of touch of the self loving martyr to them. Your absence from the internet due to being attacked by an electronic force and the occassional appeal for help due to intermittent but constant pressure from the PTB now make more sense.

Goodbye Ken.

Yours truly,
Craig T


Dear Craig,

Why do you come to my web site if you hold my opinions in such low esteem? That doesn't make sense. It seems to me that you're on a little revenge kick of your own. Did I criticize something that you posted to the internet a long time ago and now it's payback time or are you just part of Laura's 'Jim Humble character assassin' team?

I guess you're so preoccupied with putting me down that you failed to notice that I said I was going to write a much longer critique of Segura's article. What I put into that reply was my INITIAL response to an outrageous, wildly inaccurate, and scientifically untenable slam piece written by a woman who doesn't even understand the basic chemistry of oxidative reactions, while claiming to be an authority on the subject.

The Segura piece didn't read like someone trying to offer another opinion or to "draw the reader in to pursue their own research." She wrote a classic SCARE screed, which pharmaceuticals SHILLS have been doing for as long as I can remember, in order to frighten people away from trying something as fabulous as MMS because, according to her, MMS is a "poison"; it's "toxic"; and it "causes cancer"; and other ridiculous statements.

I think I can arrange to block your access to my web site so you'll no longer have to endure my "violent and juvenile triteness", but I'll post your e-mail address so others can keep in touch with you and continue to share in your erudite observations.

Goodbye Craig.

Yours truly, Ken Adachi


Subject: Re: Your insightful comments regarding Jim Humble and Laura Knight Jadczyk
From: Craig
Date: Thu, September 1, 2011
To: Ken Adachi

I look forward to your article Ken. No, you never made me angry, you've always educated me. I apologize for my over the top email. Sometimes I'm a little over zealous and yes, I even agree with you about Laura. I just don't trust her. Once again, my apologies. I hate it when I'm an ass.


Hello Criag,

Okay, apology accepted. We'll start again.

Sincerely, Ken.

Mod's note: Links have been deactivated.
Laura said:
Okay, it's over. Hopefully, lesson learned. Leo40, just stay away from the Icke forum and then you won't be upset and tempted. Remember the attributes of the warrior.

Having your "say" is basically self-importance. It is giving your energy away to the illusion. Remember, the Universe will provide the right opportunity to "give what is due in due course.

It's all about control, discipline, forebearance, timing.

Nothing can temper the spirit of a warrior as much as the challenge of dealing with impossible people in positions of power. Only under those conditions can warriors acquire the sobriety and serenity to stand the pressure of the unknowable. These "positions of power" can be varied and would include somebody holding forth on another forum.

The perfect ingredient for the making of a superb seer is a petty tyrant with unlimited prerogatives. Seers have to go to extremes to find a worthy one. Most of the time they have to be satisfied with very small fry. An individual telling lies and defaming on another forum is, really, a very small, teensy petty tyrant. If you haven't trained to deal with such by dealing with your own, personal petty tyrant, i.e. your own programs and emotions, you have no business going out and trying to walk amongst them elsewhere - they will devour you.

Warriors develop a strategy using the four attributes of warriorship: control, discipline, forbearance, and timing.

Don Juan said that what the new seers had in mind was a deadly manoeuvre in which the petty tyrant is like a mountain peak and the attributes of warriorship are like climbers who meet at the summit.

Control and discipline refer to an inner state. A warrior is self-oriented, not in a selfish way but in the sense of a total examination of the self.

Forbearance and timing are not quite an inner state. They are in the domain of the man of knowledge.

The idea of using a petty tyrant is not only for perfecting the warrior's spirit, but also for enjoyment and happiness. Even the worst tyrants can bring delight, provided, of course, that one is a warrior.

The mistake average men make in confronting petty tyrants is not to have a strategy to fall back on; the fatal flaw is that average men take themselves too seriously; their actions and feelings, as well as those of the petty tyrants, are all-important. Warriors, on the other hand, not only have a well-thought-out strategy, but are free from self-importance. What restrains their self-importance is that they have understood that reality is an interpretation we make.

Petty tyrants take themselves with deadly seriousness while warriors do not. What usually exhausts us is the wear and tear on our self-importance. Any man who has an iota of pride is ripped apart by being made to feel worthless.

To tune the spirit when someone is trampling on you is called control. Instead of feeling sorry for himself a warrior immediately goes to work mapping the petty tyrant's strong points, his weaknesses, his quirks of behaviour. This is what this thread is about. It's not about anyone going out there on their own and bringing fire down on our heads.

To gather all this information while they are beating you up is called discipline.

A perfect petty tyrant has no redeeming feature.

Forbearance is to wait patiently--no rush, no anxiety--a simple, joyful holding back of what is due.

A warrior knows that he is waiting and what he is waiting for. Right there is the great joy of warriorship.

Timing is the quality that governs the release of all that is held back.

Control, discipline, and forbearance are like a dam behind which everything is pooled. Timing is the gate in the dam.

Forbearance means holding back with the spirit something that the warrior knows is rightfully due. It doesn't mean that a warrior goes around plotting to do anybody mischief, or planning to settle past scores. Forbearance is something independent. As long as the warrior has control, discipline, and timing, forbearance assures giving whatever is due to whoever deserves it.

To be defeated by a small-fry petty tyrant is not deadly, but devastating. Warriors who succumb to a small-fry petty tyrant are obliterated by their own sense of failure and unworthiness.

Anyone who joins the petty tyrant is defeated. To act in anger, without control and discipline, to have no forbearance, is to be defeated.

After warriors are defeated they either regroup themselves or they abandon the quest for knowledge and join the ranks of the petty tyrants for life.

The above quote by Laura spoke very deeply to me. Unusually (esp. for Laura!) it does not say where it comes from... Does this mean that it is her own words? I would like to read more about these "Attributes of the Warrior" and petty tyrants. Could someone point the way for me please?

Also, even though I am a very recent arrival here, I am going to add a testimonial myself- I hope it will be useful. I would like to do as much as possible to support not just Laura & co., but everyone who is a part of the greater network as well. I truly hope I can find a niche to fit, so I can feel I am giving as much as or more than I am receiving.

I feel it is not only Laura who deserves praise and respect- every single one of us who is seeking the truth, trying to work out why "42" is the answer to the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference, for those who've not read it), every single one who is bravely asking questions that MUST be asked and not accepting the easy quick-fix answers that satisfy the shallow and weak-minded, we all deserve a similar respect. I see the testimonials in this way.

I guess I am saying that, of course, the greatest respect is reserved for the explorers (Laura & co.), but at the same time remember to also appreciate your own courage. True, "Where would we be without their guidance?", but also, "Where would they be without our collective support and desire for true guides?"

So my deepest, heartfelt thanks goes not just to our wise shamans, but to all with the courage to listen to them, on behalf of myself and all those people who have not yet begun to hear or see, all those who are lost, all those too downtrodden and weakened to go looking for the light, and all those who wish the world to be a better place, for it is the collective effort of people like us that will bring light to them, eventually.

For all those, and myself, I thank all of you. (Okay, okay, I'll be honest- To Laura just a bit more ;) )
Fester said:
The above quote by Laura spoke very deeply to me. Unusually (esp. for Laura!) it does not say where it comes from... Does this mean that it is her own words? I would like to read more about these "Attributes of the Warrior" and petty tyrants. Could someone point the way for me please?

Hi Fester,
It's from The Fire from Within by Castaneda, I don't know if you are familiar with his writings but there are a few forum topics on the subject if you search for it ;)

Sorry for not citing the source. I forget that not everyone has read the entire Wave series and Adventures series and thus would know the source by heart. Same with a lot of quotes from Gurdjieff. I often am reading the forum with ten or fifteen tabs open at once, trying to keep up and help where needed, so hopefully mods will keep an eye on me and remind me when I forget!

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