Hmm - I believe this situation was described in one of the transcripts ( couldn't find it) - interesting how he fails to mention a lot of things, poor victim :
"I'm one of Laura's victims, having been a part of her group for about 3 years before she decided to turn on me while I was visiting her in France with my wife and 1 year old son. I thought something weird was going on when every member of the household was being stand-offish with our son who was trying real hard to get their attention, only to be scorned. Then Laura decided that he had autism, turned on my wife and me, and claimed the odd things going on at the house BEFORE WE ARRIVED were our fault by denizens of another realm or something. We left the house without even a good-bye. It was bizarre. Anyway, I always wondered about the raffle thing and it nagged me while I was in the group. Her explanation above, as you point out, is quite lacking in credibility. I fear speaking up against the group lest she sick her attack dogs on me. I just don't have the time or inclination to do the battle with a perfectly healthy, intelligent and rambunctious 3 year old in the house taking my up (gladly given) time, so I admire all the work you do facing her wrath. "