Data said:This pig was the original, natural pig in Europe. It is woolen and has such a thick layer of fat (insulation against cold) that it can be held on the pasture even in winter.
Thanks for that Data. I had never heard of it, but just a couple of minutes of research show mouth watering photos of fantastically fatty meat.
From: _http://woolypigs.com/_introduction.html
The Mangalitsa* (MON-go-leet-sa) was created in 1833 by the Hungarian Royal Archduke Jozsef.
Unlike all popular breeds of hogs, which are meat-type, the Mangalitsa is an extreme lard-type breed.
Meat-type breeds efficiently produce lean meat. Lard-type breeds produce high-quality fat and very marbled, juicy and flavorful meat.
Raised properly the Mangalitsa's genes allow it to produce some of the world's best meat and fat.
The special qualities of Mangalitsa fat allow it to be whipped like cream. The fat can be cured and served in thin slices.
The exceptional meat and fat quality of Mangalitsa set it apart and explain why professionals use it in ways they'd never use other pork.
Fat whipped like cream! Oh I would sure love to find Mangalitsa pork here in Uk... So far I've found nothing on the net, but it seems to be quite easily purchased in the US, so US members can be on the lookout.
I'll keep searching though, would love to try it out.