"Life Without Bread"

Yes, I add 1/2 teaspoon of Xylitol and 1/8 teaspoon Stevia to each cup -- tea or cocoa. I'll try eliminating cocoa (which I have first thing in the morning) and just have one tea in the morning and one later if I need it.
SeekinTruth said:
Yes, I add 1/2 teaspoon of Xylitol and 1/8 teaspoon Stevia to each cup -- tea or cocoa. I'll try eliminating cocoa (which I have first thing in the morning) and just have one tea in the morning and one later if I need it.
Thanks for the clarification, ST. I knew about the cocoa but wasn't sure about the tea. So maybe the loose stools were being caused in part by the xylitol? Experiment a bit and let us know (if you want).
Seekin, are you on the leptin reset diet by Dr. Kruse? If, it could be an explanation:

[quote author=Jack Kruse=topic=22916.msg329991#msg329991 date=1331731180]


Will this have any affect on my pee or poop? Yes it will. With time, your pee may smell like cat pee. If this occurs, increase your B complex vitamins to 2-4 a day, and your vitamin C intake to 2000 mg a day. Your poop should be followed using the Bristol stool chart. Yes, I even evaluate poop.
SeekinTruth said:
Just thought I'd mention that yesterday I had quite a bit of extra fat in the form of 3 butter teas and 3 cups of cocoa (two with coconut oil and one with coconut oil AND butter). Couple of unusual things I noticed: first, I'm not having loose bowels from having even more fat (for quite a while I was reaching the limit of fat intake before loose bowels would start). I also had extra fat the previous few days, but not as much as yesterday.

The second thing is that my urine smells weird, reminiscent of the first few weeks I was keto adapting. I wonder if you eat more fat than your body can utilize and having somehow rectified undigested fat in bowel movements, I'm urinating ketone bodies out? The other thing is that I've been smoking twice as much as usual, especially yesterday and today. Wonder if that had something to do with the lack of loose bowels from all the extra fat intake. Kinda strange, FWIW.

I experienced an easy transition to keto diet with fat the first 5 months. Then I started to have now and then loose bowel and thought the culprit was Vit. C and/ or Magnesium. I didn´t worry then about reducing fat amount because I had had such an easy transition without symptom that I thought my body had already switched into definitive ketosis mode, which just showed to be wishful thinking. The truth is I felt so great that I didn´t want to cut back on fat, (in spite of the many red flags raised on this issue all along this thread), in fear this would cause me falling out of ketosis. Two months later I finally decided to cut fat amount at 50%, then added more fat accordingly to my craving, and haven´t got further loose bowel since then. So, patience pays off! I don´t know if this relates to your case, Seeking Truth, but as I was eating too much fat, my urine also started to get a strong smell that disappeared as soon as I cut fat off. I know you don´t have loose bowel, neither did I for a long time, until it happened finally. Just a thought, in case you think this could apply to you.

I´m also smoking more since I started the keto diet. I relate it with fat consumption, because I specially like smoking several cigarettes nearly all in a raw after drinking tea with coconut oil or butter, but don´t know if there are other implications involved here, although in my case it could well be I´m overdoing a bit. I really love the pleasant psychological sedative effect of smoking after ingesting fat.
Gawan said:
Seekin, are you on the leptin reset diet by Dr. Kruse? If, it could be an explanation:

Laura said:

Will this have any affect on my pee or poop? Yes it will. With time, your pee may smell like cat pee. If this occurs, increase your B complex vitamins to 2-4 a day, and your vitamin C intake to 2000 mg a day. Your poop should be followed using the Bristol stool chart. Yes, I even evaluate poop.

I'm not on the Leptin Reset protocol fully. I almost never eat within half hour of waking up. Everything else is pretty close to Kruse's protocol (I eat a big breakfast and dinner at least 4 hours before sleep, no snacking, etc.). I'm not sure if I'm leptin resistant. I'm not 20 lbs. underweight, more like 8 to 10 lbs. (he says some of the signs are 30 lbs. overweight or 20 lbs. underweight). I take between 2000 and 4000 mg Vitamin C, a B complex with multivitamins and minerals, and some other supplements.

hesperides said:
SeekinTruth said:
Just thought I'd mention that yesterday I had quite a bit of extra fat in the form of 3 butter teas and 3 cups of cocoa (two with coconut oil and one with coconut oil AND butter). Couple of unusual things I noticed: first, I'm not having loose bowels from having even more fat (for quite a while I was reaching the limit of fat intake before loose bowels would start). I also had extra fat the previous few days, but not as much as yesterday.

The second thing is that my urine smells weird, reminiscent of the first few weeks I was keto adapting. I wonder if you eat more fat than your body can utilize and having somehow rectified undigested fat in bowel movements, I'm urinating ketone bodies out? The other thing is that I've been smoking twice as much as usual, especially yesterday and today. Wonder if that had something to do with the lack of loose bowels from all the extra fat intake. Kinda strange, FWIW.

I experienced an easy transition to keto diet with fat the first 5 months. Then I started to have now and then loose bowel and thought the culprit was Vit. C and/ or Magnesium. I didn´t worry then about reducing fat amount because I had had such an easy transition without symptom that I thought my body had already switched into definitive ketosis mode, which just showed to be wishful thinking. The truth is I felt so great that I didn´t want to cut back on fat, (in spite of the many red flags raised on this issue all along this thread), in fear this would cause me falling out of ketosis. Two months later I finally decided to cut fat amount at 50%, then added more fat accordingly to my craving, and haven´t got further loose bowel since then. So, patience pays off! I don´t know if this relates to your case, Seeking Truth, but as I was eating too much fat, my urine also started to get a strong smell that disappeared as soon as I cut fat off. I know you don´t have loose bowel, neither did I for a long time, until it happened finally. Just a thought, in case you think this could apply to you.

I´m also smoking more since I started the keto diet. I relate it with fat consumption, because I specially like smoking several cigarettes nearly all in a raw after drinking tea with coconut oil or butter, but don´t know if there are other implications involved here, although in my case it could well be I´m overdoing a bit. I really love the pleasant psychological sedative effect of smoking after ingesting fat.

Well, I WAS getting loose stools for several months if I went just a bit higher on fat. It depended on the day because I'm not really closely controlling the amount. But it's almost the same everyday, ranging from 75 to 85% of total calories. Until just a week or two ago, I'd get loose stools if I had an extra butter tea, for example. So I cut back to two butter teas at most for a while. Then a few days ago, I just started craving the butter tea and butter/coconut oil cocoa as I also had an urge to smoke a lot more.
I occasionally make some chocolate. I use the recipe that Laura gave in the last DCM, so it's only cocoa butter and cocoa powder (I don't add the small amount of water and I make a much smaller batch). I do not notice any bad side-effects from this and I don't eat any other carbs on the days I eat the chocolate. The reason I started doing this was because after the first time I had it I noticed that it contributed to me being able to breath better and it, like coffee, cleared my mind a bit and gave me a bit more energy, although it was a very small amount.

I usually wait for a while before making another batch. I don't crave it when I am not having it, but it's nice for a treat once in a while.

The first couple of times I ate the chocolate, I noticed an increase in my pulse, but after looking up information on theobromine, I found that the increase in heartbeat is nothing to really worry about because it also opens up the veins so more blood is able to travel through them. Doctors have actually noticed that theobromine could be good for those with vasculitis and have been thinking of using it as a treatment. Since I do have vasculitis, I figure that it can't be all that bad for me.

I notice now that I don't have as high an increase in pulse that I originally had. Sometimes I don't even notice an increase at all.

But, again, I don't have it constantly. Just here and there. I do have to admit that when I do have it sitting around I do eat some every day until it's gone. But I only have it once a day and that's all I really want. By the end of the batch, I'm ready to not have anymore for a while.

So it may be, like everything else, an individual thing. It's okay for some and not for others.

Oh, and I don't use xylitol in it as it was messing me up. I just use stevia. And since I had eaten nothing but meat and fat for many months before re-introcing carbs and had no craving for them at all, I really don't think I have a candida overgrowth, but that's just my assessment of it.
Oxajil said:
Scarlet, yea, it surely has its benefits. If it works for ya, I guess it wouldn't be harmful to continue. If you want to, you can always skip it for a week or so and reintroduce it, and see what happens. And ST, I wouldn't know what's happening, maybe somebody else would know!
That's a good idea to cut it out and reintroduce it. Thanks Okajil! I might try that one of these days.

Gandalf said:
And my pure 100% cocoa powder has no carbs in it. So it can vary quite a lot.
What brand is this and where did you order it? In the past I've enjoyed an afternoon "milk chocolate" made of the same ingredients (1TBSP unsweetened cocoa powder + stevia + water + ice) and now that the weather is warming up it's starting to sound nice again.
Scarlet said:
Gandalf said:
And my pure 100% cocoa powder has no carbs in it. So it can vary quite a lot.
What brand is this and where did you order it? In the past I've enjoyed an afternoon "milk chocolate" made of the same ingredients (1TBSP unsweetened cocoa powder + stevia + water + ice) and now that the weather is warming up it's starting to sound nice again.

The brand is Camino and I bought it at a health store.
Hi all. I want to say a few words about changes in my diet. Also I'm reading this thread and read only a little part of it.
I never like to eat a lot of bread. I used to eat it with different soups and borschs only, but a lot of people here eat bread almost with everything. I don't know if you know about sups and borschs. It is more like specific meal for our country. It's usually contains a little amount of potatoes, some meat, carrots, onion, etc. It depends of what kind of soup or borsch you are going to prepare. It seems to be good for my stomach.
Nevertheless, I cut all dairy products and all grains, also table sugar (literally) (sweets, chocolates, cakes, etc.) I think it is 1 week (it would be nearly 4, but after 2 and a half of week I drank 1 litre of beer, which is contain barley :() passed from that time when I stop eating all I said in the previous sentence. After first week, I got a feeling of body detoxing. I literally start feeling my body more; I don’t know how to express it correctly. I realized how much products contain gluten or dairy :shock:. It almost everywhere. I'm eat only buckwheat, potato, beans, meat, lard, fried eggs (I preferred fried) sometimes cabbage and some fruits. Lard and meat I like very much, I can even say I loved it, but I don't know how is better to prepare meat, I like fried. I can easily get, but meat is expensive. I'd like to eat it every day, even few times a day. My family and some people around think that I read some and 'look into one direction', so to say, plus my positive attitude to tobacco. They say people eat bread and drink milk for ages, and that whole world live like this and eat like this and I try to change the way the whole world live, and was living for a long time.
Nevertheless, what about nuts, strawberries, raspberries, apples, pears, plums, grapes, etc. which are grown around me, and soon will be a gathering season of the some of them. As I understand, it is strongly reccomend to control the intake dose of them.
Jones said:
Just thought I'd post some blood test results.

Vit D (25-hydroxy) 79 nmol/L (>75)

My Blood Pressure was apparently good too. I didn't make note of it though.

I had some bloodwork done recently too but it's at home and I don't remember the numbers except the Vit. D. Mine was <30 which is kinda low. What was your glucose? They considered the maximum of "normal" to be 99 and mine was 103. Ugh.
Just read back through the results and glucose wasn't tested.

I never gave it a thought and the Dr didn't suggest it. I wonder if I should request it?
Serg said:
Hi all. I want to say a few words about changes in my diet. Also I'm reading this thread and read only a little part of it.
I never like to eat a lot of bread.

Hi Serg,

even only a little bit of bread (= gluten) is too much. Gluten, dairy, sugar and various additives need to be completely eliminated, so the body can begin to heal. After a period of time, several things like for example nuts can be re-introduced to test whether there are adverse bodily reactions or whether they're okay for you to eat. But even more important, make sure to read all the material (like this thread here) and the related recommended diet books on the topic, so that you know what you're doing in adapting to a high fat-low carb diet.

I literally start feeling my body more; I don’t know how to express it correctly. I realized how much products contain gluten or dairy :shock:. It almost everywhere. I'm eat only buckwheat, potato, beans, meat, lard, fried eggs (I preferred fried) sometimes cabbage and some fruits.

If you keep eliminating the evil stuff from your diet, you can expect to be feeling your body and its reactions even more intense. Detoxing over a period of time does seem to restore the body's natural instincts as to what is good for it in terms of food and what is not.

As far as I understand, buckwheat also contains some form of gluten, potato is a nightshade and could act inflammatory, while beans contain lectins = antinutrients, which can inhibit various processes in one's body.

My family and some people around think that I read some and 'look into one direction', so to say, plus my positive attitude to tobacco. They say people eat bread and drink milk for ages, and that whole world live like this and eat like this and I try to change the way the whole world live, and was living for a long time.

Maybe it helps to be aware that what you relate above is mass programming in action, based on ubiquitous disinformation on what is healthy and what is not. IOW, don't be influenced by ignorance, and, over time, maybe your changes and living by example will inspire others to look into the subject of nutrition as well. But don't hold your breath. ;)

Nevertheless, what about nuts, strawberries, raspberries, apples, pears, plums, grapes, etc. which are grown around me, and soon will be a gathering season of the some of them. As I understand, it is strongly reccomend to control the intake dose of them.

Yes, the objective is to switch from sugar/carbohydrate metabolism to fat metabolism, which can only be attained if carbohydrate intake is kept below a certain level (I think Dr. Lutz recommended < 70g) and fat intake is being increased a lot (while protein remains moderate). But again, there's lots of science here which you need to work through before making any dramatic changes. However, cutting out gluten, dairy and sugar completely is a good place to start. :)
Puzzle said:
Serg said:
Hi all. I want to say a few words about changes in my diet. Also I'm reading this thread and read only a little part of it.
I never like to eat a lot of bread.

Hi Serg,

even only a little bit of bread (= gluten) is too much. Gluten, dairy, sugar and various additives need to be completely eliminated, so the body can begin to heal. After a period of time, several things like for example nuts can be re-introduced to test whether there are adverse bodily reactions or whether they're okay for you to eat. But even more important, make sure to read all the material (like this thread here) and the related recommended diet books on the topic, so that you know what you're doing in adapting to a high fat-low carb diet.

I literally start feeling my body more; I don’t know how to express it correctly. I realized how much products contain gluten or dairy :shock:. It almost everywhere. I'm eat only buckwheat, potato, beans, meat, lard, fried eggs (I preferred fried) sometimes cabbage and some fruits.

If you keep eliminating the evil stuff from your diet, you can expect to be feeling your body and its reactions even more intense. Detoxing over a period of time does seem to restore the body's natural instincts as to what is good for it in terms of food and what is not.

As far as I understand, buckwheat also contains some form of gluten, potato is a nightshade and could act inflammatory, while beans contain lectins = antinutrients, which can inhibit various processes in one's body.

My family and some people around think that I read some and 'look into one direction', so to say, plus my positive attitude to tobacco. They say people eat bread and drink milk for ages, and that whole world live like this and eat like this and I try to change the way the whole world live, and was living for a long time.

Maybe it helps to be aware that what you relate above is mass programming in action, based on ubiquitous disinformation on what is healthy and what is not. IOW, don't be influenced by ignorance, and, over time, maybe your changes and living by example will inspire others to look into the subject of nutrition as well. But don't hold your breath. ;)

Nevertheless, what about nuts, strawberries, raspberries, apples, pears, plums, grapes, etc. which are grown around me, and soon will be a gathering season of the some of them. As I understand, it is strongly reccomend to control the intake dose of them.

Yes, the objective is to switch from sugar/carbohydrate metabolism to fat metabolism, which can only be attained if carbohydrate intake is kept below a certain level (I think Dr. Lutz recommended < 70g) and fat intake is being increased a lot (while protein remains moderate). But again, there's lots of science here which you need to work through before making any dramatic changes. However, cutting out gluten, dairy and sugar completely is a good place to start. :)

Hi Puzzle, :) Thanks for reply.

It's bad news about buckwheat :(. As I understand, in order to fully eliminate gluten, I had to stop eating buckwheat. If I do it there wil be nothing left for me to eat, only meat and lard, but with what I can eat it? It'd be great if there would be some products list. :)

About potatoes, I've been eating it for my entire life, and I like it. Once I tried not to eat potatoes for 1-2 weeks(I don't remember exactly) and I didn't notice any changes. I think it is very short period in order to say smth. But I also decrease the level of potato intake.

About mass programming and family, I almost give up explaining them why I'm do this, it's the same case as with the smoking. What I can say is that it is my choice and that's enough I think.
Serg said:
Puzzle said:
As far as I understand, buckwheat also contains some form of gluten, potato is a nightshade and could act inflammatory, while beans contain lectins = antinutrients, which can inhibit various processes in one's body.

Hi Puzzle, :) Thanks for reply.

It's bad news about buckwheat :(. As I understand, in order to fully eliminate gluten, I had to stop eating buckwheat. If I do it there wil be nothing left for me to eat, only meat and lard, but with what I can eat it? It'd be great if there would be some products list. :)

As far as I know and I did not read anything saying the contrary, there is no gluten in buckwheat.
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