Location, location, location

But who you are is also where you are in that moment, in this situation. (Or so I think is what they say).

If I remember well, the C´s referred to WHERE you are within the context of the area any individual would find itself when cosmic changes would heavily start to strike our planet, hence one of their recommendation about avoiding as much as possible living near seacoasts.

In that sense Loreta, both of us shall even hardly enjoy the very first act of this quantum shift, and this without taking other factors in account as well, like active volcanoes, lack of fresh water and food, all airports at sea level, very high mountain standing right in the center of the little island, which ground is semi hollow and it´s not difficult to imagine the disaster if crushing all over the cities and villages that are mainly concentrated near the seacoast, strong winds as I´ve observed are raising each year, just naming a few here. But I have a cupboard full of canned food and supplements, mind you!

It´s not my intention to deviate from your post, but I thought the geographic situation of Canaries even adds a plus in favour of thinking of your next destination, but this time instead of seeking new horizon, it could be for the sake of your life and how useful you could be to others in the worst possible circumstances we are all about to face. I don´t want to sound tragic, but I know that living here is like walking in the lion´s den and even if I know my husband and myself find ourselves trapped in Las Palmas -due to work related matters, and it would be foolish to seek a new job at our age in the middle of such unemployment high rates in Spain-, I still actually feel myself confronted between inertia and playing the fool for surrendering my fate to god, so to say.

my neighbor was a crazy woman, a little psychopath. I was doing a lot of exercises of patience but to no avail. The more patient I was the more mad she was. I think your house, where you live, is the first start to look for a location, inside and outside. Your house has to be like a good mother, embrace yourself and give you energy and love. There are houses like mothers, others are like monsters. The house where I was living was a monster. I even think that there was a bad spirit in it, the spirit of the mother of the mad woman that died 2 years ago and that was a very bad woman, too. Even the pipes of the apartment did not worked well and a smell of death was present, specially lately. The last day, when I clean the apartment and close the door, after thank the house for the 6 months of permitting to live there, I hear a strange sound, like a breath. A very strange sound, like the sound of something energetic.

Jeez, sounds like a Hitchcock movie... but with a happy end :cool:

Where I´m living, it was a dentist´s office just before I moved in. I wasn´t aware of it until several years later and the scary thing is sometimes when I was meditating, my mouth wanted to open itself widely and fear would protagonise my feelings. Until one day, as my windows unmistakably needed a cleaning, I was vaguely able to spell letters on them until I could read, as you may guess it by now, "Dentist Office". Maybe it´s not the best place to live in but fortunately those feelings have disappeared over time.
I must also say I have been reading Laura for years and the advised material to the best of my ability, but it really is true about being WHO you are. I put out many feelers to different places. Relocating overseas is not that easy, and you better have money to live. In Cosat Rica, for example, you can own a corporation, but you can't work there. Only CR's can. Unless you can prove that a tico can't do your job, forget it, they'll deport you. And I don't want to do illegal business transactions or anything of that nature. I would not eat a so-called free lunch, and they surface at desperate times, and when they do I don't bite. Animals are not transferred that easly either, and I'm not gonna try to make it easier on myself when I've given my word to protect those 4 animals. 2 small dogs and 2 rescue birds that have given more than many people , just in allowing me entrance into their private lives. May sound dumb and limited to some, however I can and will live with that fine. I helped them, they helped me.

I was just sent some pics for homes in New Hampshire, and I'd already looked at the topography, and wasn't the best, but not the worst, and cheapish. I dislike guns for any other reason than for protection and hunting because one must. I'm not the kind that enjoys hunting and then brags that we eat all the meat. It's not necessary when you can get good meat, and here you can. So, no, I don't have to shoot my food, but I will if I have to, and want to learn all there is about it and butchering and putting it up. I've met these people already, and the one thing I noticed, was how welcomed I was. There was a big need for elder care and all the things I feel I can give effectively. Meaning the people want it. Teaching yoga to people who care nothing about breathung and eating doesnt make me effective, and mostly that was only my experience. Beside that, the attitude of apathy and indifferance I kept encountering was telling me to change everything. Some got some relief especially through massage, and not all was fruitless, however I felt I had finished my time here.

I am aware that the same set of circumstances would be different for someone else, but I'm stubborn and I'll tough out something uncomfortable for the good of others and me, until my soul directs me elsewhere. I just basically connect the dots, and where theres the behavior of love in action, I want to be. I don't want to be just going where it's safe, but where it makes sense for me to be, where I can be useful and thrive, even for a short time. So, yes, WHO i am takes precedance over everything. If I find myself neckhigh in snow and ice I don't know that I'm the one whose useful there though. Thats the dilemma.The only time in the past few years that I experienced people really speaking and making any contact was during Sandy's hurricane. And what diet and EE do is make me have to leave. I wish I were exxagerating.
In fact when you don't have money (we have a lot of debts and I don't have a job, yet) you can not move freely. You are where you are and hope everything will be for the best. I know that Las Palmas is not the best place but for now... what can I do? I am here, for the best, for the worst. What I know is that I am learning everyday more and more and yes, we have to leave, but not now, we can't. But in the future, yes. In the future means maybe in two years. Not before in fact for the debts that are like a prison.

Also my situation is a little complicated because of my husband. My husband has MS, he needs to live in a sunny country. But also it is very difficult to move him, mentally and physically. I mean, his illness is a sort of prison for me. If I was alone things will be totally different. In some part I made the choice to live with him with all the consequences.

I remember a citation from Montaigne that says something like this: even if you fly with a diligence the horses will follow you. That means that you are sometimes in a sort of loop, vicious circle. This is my situation, I think.

Thanks for your advice, Hesperides. That helps me to think about Las Palmas in a more profound vision.

Supriyanoel I am very happy for your move. I wish you good luck!
I think that wherever we are, there will be pros and cons to living there. It's good to read the signs and be aware. From what I've read (including what the Cs say) as has been mentioned earlier, it boils down to our individual FRV; it's who we are and what we see that counts more than where we are.
Now I understand Loreta what you meant by where we are. I didn´t realize by then being stuck in a given country because of debts also enters in the equation of where we are. So true!

As I was reading your post, I remembered your answer to Laura who worried about your reason for moving into this sensible area. In fact, although I wanted to ask you the same question when you stated your move over here, I hesitated because I guessed from the number of your posts and the way you are communicating that you were already aware of it, plus you mentioned friendships in Canaria, and your decision to come was already a hard fact so that I thought I would come in your way if maybe advising to rethink your plan.

Honestly, your reply was amazing to me because sometimes I´m prone to worrying more than necessary and when you answered that you didn´t worry about the recent red flags showing up as volcanoes alarming growing activity because of its remoteness, (actually only few kilometers away, from a unified volcanic tectonic islands perspective), paradoxically it made me more aware of the underlying stress present in the background of my mind on this relocating topic. Your writing style is usually very soothing to me but this time your answer gave me food for working on myself. Now I´m learning from my SRT with Patrick that my lack of compassion and judging tendency are part of all these kind of underlying worries.

When you say you are planning to leave Canarias within a couple of years or so, I can´t help myself but remembering that the third WW is now showing up its face as a very real possibility within a rather short period of time, just deducing from the USA/UKRANIA/RUSSIA worldwide repercussion right in the middle of the Senior Dollar crush. And as the saying goes 'as above, so below', this would imply climatic changes should rather rapidly worsen based also on the general crazy behaviours we are now witnessing at all levels as a reflexion of hyperdimensional fight of cataclysmic order that must be taking place right now.

I´ve just come across the last C´s June 14Th. session after writing the above that is reaching me at the right time about the relevance of recognizing some of my buffers in this relocation topic:

Q: (Shijing) So, being in Arizona where we are right now, we're wondering exactly what things should we be doing... {???} according to the way everything is {???} right now.

A: Act in ways that support already initiated efforts and thereby connect energies that will attract to yourselves what is needed at the right time. If you dissipate group energy where you are then you will have to deal with the attendant blowbacks.

Q: (L) In other words, I think what it's saying is that you're wanting to get something for yourselves, and you're not willing to pay in advance. You want to be saved where you are, the way you have decided in your own minds that it should be and work out. You have put your own conditions on it. It's gotta be Arizona. It's gotta be this way, it's gotta be that way. We have to plan it out, we have to effect it. And all of that is just dissipating energies.

Regarding the familiar and financial situation you are in right now, I hear you and please, like I already told you once in the past, don´t be shy to ask for whatever you´d need -I´m shy myself and it´s not easy for me to ask for help either ;)-. Although I don´t know you other than through your posts, I feel a little more accompanied since you are here, as it seems we are the only one in our area that are writing on the forum.
Hesperides, thank you for your post.

My situation is simple and complicated also: I am stuck because we have debts and I am stuck because I am not free financially. So we came here because of the weather, because of my husband and because it was accessible financially. I am not afraid of the weather consequences. Here or there the weather is crazy, will became worst and worst. I am a little concerned by the possibility of war but even if there is a war, a World one, it is better to be here, in the Canarias, then in the peninsula ( I think so). I love Canarians. I feel good near them. I feel secure. I don't have many friends, in fact I don't have friends at all here just some good people I know (two of them are my neighbors.) I live some stress because of the debts and also because my husband is dependent of his pay that comes from Canada. This is the big black point in my life. But what can I do? nothing, I think. This is our reality.

Because I can not move for now I try to accept my situation as well as possible. I am learning, reading a lot and try not to worry and work to calm my stress. Sometimes is hard to control it, sometimes not. If something happens related to the climate change ok, I am here, I am not afraid. Yesterday I was thinking and seeing in my mind a tsunami coming from the beach, down the city. We live up in the city so this is good. ;)

I just need to find a little job, to feel free, to help to pay the debts faster. But the situation is bad, in that sense, here. I have to work in that sense, also, retake my life, be more myself.

Thanks for your words and to know that you are here is a good thing, is something happens we can be in contact and you are welcome in my house anytime. :) To know that one person from this forum is here is something very positive.

I know that maybe it was not a good idea to come here, but the decision was taken with all the asides. We can not return in the past. We are here and it is here we are now, myself and my family (my husband, my dogs and my cats.)
Quote from Loreta
Yesterday I was thinking and seeing in my mind a tsunami coming from the beach, down the city. We live up in the city so this is good. ;)

Me too, about 100 mt above sea level. I have been imagining the same tsunami scenario as well and all the while they have been building since a year -in the middle of economic recession times- this great pavilion for the basketball world cup 2014 right in front of my flat, I thought, well, at least this building may serve as well as a life essentials help center in any given catastrophic circumstance.

Thanks for your words and to know that you are here is a good thing, is something happens we can be in contact and you are welcome in my house anytime. :) To know that one person from this forum is here is something very positive.

You too are welcome in my house, thank you Loreta! In other circumstances, I had maybe put myself in contact with you because of what you have been writing about yourself through this forum is so strangely identical in most aspects to my own travelling experiences. Also the fact there´s no FOTCM group here makes me feel somewhat isolated, but I do recall there are many others like me here in the same situation and that at the same time it´s a stepping stone for me that I only can address through sharing with all members.

Should I ever meet dogs that look like Blacky (from the photo) taking a walk together with a doggy fellow, be sure I´ll ask them for the name of their owner or I could just call Blacky by his name and see what happens :lol:
loreta said:
In fact when you don't have money (we have a lot of debts and I don't have a job, yet) you can not move freely. You are where you are and hope everything will be for the best. I know that Las Palmas is not the best place but for now... what can I do? I am here, for the best, for the worst. What I know is that I am learning everyday more and more and yes, we have to leave, but not now, we can't. But in the future, yes. In the future means maybe in two years. Not before in fact for the debts that are like a prison.

This sort of sounds like an excuse to oneself to me. Anything is possible. This seems to be a reason that some people will want to relocate to another country rather than a reason to stay. Osit.
hesperides said:
But who you are is also where you are in that moment, in this situation. (Or so I think is what they say).

If I remember well, the C´s referred to WHERE you are within the context of the area any individual would find itself when cosmic changes would heavily start to strike our planet, hence one of their recommendation about avoiding as much as possible living near seacoasts.

In that sense Loreta, both of us shall even hardly enjoy the very first act of this quantum shift, and this without taking other factors in account as well, like active volcanoes, lack of fresh water and food, all airports at sea level, very high mountain standing right in the center of the little island, which ground is semi hollow and it´s not difficult to imagine the disaster if crushing all over the cities and villages that are mainly concentrated near the seacoast, strong winds as I´ve observed are raising each year, just naming a few here. But I have a cupboard full of canned food and supplements, mind you!

It´s not my intention to deviate from your post, but I thought the geographic situation of Canaries even adds a plus in favour of thinking of your next destination, but this time instead of seeking new horizon, it could be for the sake of your life and how useful you could be to others in the worst possible circumstances we are all about to face. I don´t want to sound tragic, but I know that living here is like walking in the lion´s den and even if I know my husband and myself find ourselves trapped in Las Palmas -due to work related matters, and it would be foolish to seek a new job at our age in the middle of such unemployment high rates in Spain-, I still actually feel myself confronted between inertia and playing the fool for surrendering my fate to god, so to say.

my neighbor was a crazy woman, a little psychopath. I was doing a lot of exercises of patience but to no avail. The more patient I was the more mad she was. I think your house, where you live, is the first start to look for a location, inside and outside. Your house has to be like a good mother, embrace yourself and give you energy and love. There are houses like mothers, others are like monsters. The house where I was living was a monster. I even think that there was a bad spirit in it, the spirit of the mother of the mad woman that died 2 years ago and that was a very bad woman, too. Even the pipes of the apartment did not worked well and a smell of death was present, specially lately. The last day, when I clean the apartment and close the door, after thank the house for the 6 months of permitting to live there, I hear a strange sound, like a breath. A very strange sound, like the sound of something energetic.

Jeez, sounds like a Hitchcock movie... but with a happy end :cool:

Where I´m living, it was a dentist´s office just before I moved in. I wasn´t aware of it until several years later and the scary thing is sometimes when I was meditating, my mouth wanted to open itself widely and fear would protagonise my feelings. Until one day, as my windows unmistakably needed a cleaning, I was vaguely able to spell letters on them until I could read, as you may guess it by now, "Dentist Office". Maybe it´s not the best place to live in but fortunately those feelings have disappeared over time.

I think a strategic enclosure is also something to keep in mind regarding energy drain.

Mod's note: deleted a link that is not assessable to everyone. Please use this link:

Umm, davey72, you may wish to remove the link you posted above, as it links to the FOTCM Member's Section, which anyone (general public, guests etc.) can then have access to.
davey72 said:
loreta said:
In fact when you don't have money (we have a lot of debts and I don't have a job, yet) you can not move freely. You are where you are and hope everything will be for the best. I know that Las Palmas is not the best place but for now... what can I do? I am here, for the best, for the worst. What I know is that I am learning everyday more and more and yes, we have to leave, but not now, we can't. But in the future, yes. In the future means maybe in two years. Not before in fact for the debts that are like a prison.

This sort of sounds like an excuse to oneself to me. Anything is possible. This seems to be a reason that some people will want to relocate to another country rather than a reason to stay. Osit.

I ask: how can I move, buy tickets, make the move or our things if I don't have money? Many things are possible, I now but not anything. I think so. Maybe I don't want to move? Maybe I am afraid to move? I will think about your words. :)
Arwenn said:
Umm, davey72, you may wish to remove the link you posted above, as it links to the FOTCM Member's Section, which anyone (general public, guests etc.) can then have access to.

Actually, no they can't. If someone is not a member, that section is not available to them.

However, providing a link to a place that not everyone can access is not the best thing to do.
Nienna said:
Actually, no they can't. If someone is not a member, that section is not available to them.

However, providing a link to a place that not everyone can access is not the best thing to do.

My bad Nienna, thanks for the clarification.
Nienna said:
Arwenn said:
Umm, davey72, you may wish to remove the link you posted above, as it links to the FOTCM Member's Section, which anyone (general public, guests etc.) can then have access to.

Actually, no they can't. If someone is not a member, that section is not available to them.

However, providing a link to a place that not everyone can access is not the best thing to do.

Sorry all. I should know better. Something to keep in mind. I have been pretty distracted lately with a run of bad luck. I am thinking that the universe is sending me a clear message that i need to get my act together. Also i have felt those forces of entropy acting back on me with tenfold energy for the first time. Or i noticed it for the first time. Or perhaps i just dreamt o noticed.

I was just thinking that i keep seeing the C's quote being used as an excuse to stay where they are at. That being it is not where you are but who you are and what you see. I think that quote can be tied into the information theory videos. Perhaps who you are and what you see are determined by the choices you make and vice versa.

Here i will provide a link everyone can access

davey72 said:
Sorry all. I should know better. Something to keep in mind. I have been pretty distracted lately with a run of bad luck. I am thinking that the universe is sending me a clear message that i need to get my act together. Also i have felt those forces of entropy acting back on me with tenfold energy for the first time. Or i noticed it for the first time. Or perhaps i just dreamt o noticed.

I was just thinking that i keep seeing the C's quote being used as an excuse to stay where they are at. That being it is not where you are but who you are and what you see. I think that quote can be tied into the information theory videos. Perhaps who you are and what you see are determined by the choices you make and vice versa.

Here i will provide a link everyone can access


Sorry that things aren't going that well for you, davey72. Would discussing it help, or have you started a thread about it already? Interesting viewpoint by the way, regarding the Cs quote above. It's made me stop and reflect deeper on why I stay where I am. Thanks for chiming in, and take care :hug2:
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