How to defend a lie.
Now rather, how to use this information to detect a liar (As well as a truth teller)
As someone attempting to detect a lie, as implied before you have to understand
sub-consciously a good liar will put you into one of three categories.
-A friend , Someone pulling for you to succeed
-An Enemy , Minimal trust, does not want to believe you.
-Detached , The middle ground, seeker of truth, "open inquirer".
Now, you want to veer away from an enemy or friend, and stay with inquirer. Simply
because it is the hardest person to lie to, someone who sits back and notices the
details of everything you say. A liar becomes uncomfortable fast, where as a truth
teller will be unaffected. Liars in general find what I call "comfort in
So your goal is to do one of two things, either make the party too comfortable, or
make the party uncomfortable. An uncomfortable liar will be panicking in his mind to
find substantial details that can be clearly proven false, where as a liar who has
become too comfortable will offer up too many details, and stumble offering you a
couple that can be proven false and brought back to the liar in an uncomfortable
scenario, as what I earlier called "crushing evidence." There are very few if any
liars that can recover from several details proven false, unless of course they are
telling the truth.
Now as the party starts to tell you information when you ask questions, you need to
divide it up into three categories.
-Needs to be proven ( and later is )
-Could not be proven
Now once you have, you know a couple things. First off, very few truth tellers will
mix truth will unknowns and will not regulate information as to give you the
slighest bit of information without ever giving you a lead to the truth. Secondly,
you can take the could not be provens to the party to be elaborated upon, putting
further pressure and opportunity for mistake upon a liar, where as a truth teller
will elaborate to memories extent, now, becareful of the memories extent trick.
Think about a situation that happens to you under their circumstances, are they
remembering too much? too little? attribute that to your overall analasys of the
A conventional liar will feel the need to have the answers right away, where as a
truth teller needs time to recall. Watch for intentional pauses, it tells of
planning and intellect. If a truth teller needs to pause its simply because he/she
does not know, or the information is unreliable anyhow generally.
Comfort, Generally, people should be naturally uncomfortable with your inquisition,
so where as you conventionally believe nervousness to be a sign of lying, put that
in reverse and think of it more as hiding a truth, or telling the truth. Either way
nervousness is a sign of goodwill.
STAY DETACHED , Don't jump to believe a person is coming clean, they may just be
feeding you another lie. Don't jump to any conclusions for matters that a party
is reinforcing with their personality, it could just be an act. stay concentrated on
the information, if you come across a question a subject has trouble answering, play
on that. There is no defining thing that tells you if a person is lying or not. A
good liar shows many unnatural signs of emotion to sway your personal instincts, most
truth tellers lock up and show very little emotion. Ignore questions from the party
if you can.
Notice details, some people do have the tendency to say to much, but that clearly
shows as a talker.A liar does not act like a talker, just offers up too much
information when asked for a specific thing. And ask for details, don't just let the
party offer them up, pull them out, if a party is offering them up then the ball is
on his/her field, try to keep it on yours.
Try to rush details or alibi's, play on discomfort its leads to exposing the truth.
A major problem with setting defined rules on liars and truth tellers is the fact
that many truth tellers flag as liars in many ways, so , one can only be exposed to
the different tactics a liar uses, and use it to increase upon ones knowledge base and
be better prepared when dealing with a liar. The best tip when dealing with a party
is to look for unnatural behavior, such as too believable, too concerned, too
helpful, too oblivious, and etc.
Follow your instincts, just don't allow a person to sway your instincts,
instinctually we can all detect a liar, but liars play to that, so, be prepared for
the fact that a liar will play to your misconceptions.
If anyone has any personal experience or skill with detecting the un-conventional
liar suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)