
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

Electoral Commission: 90,000 fictitious Albanian voters

Over the past 10 years, there are 90,000 Albanian voters with no residence in Macedonia, not enrolled in the healthcare system or the retirement system, but their votes somehow appear and are counted during the general elections.

This is the latest information from the State Electoral Comission, which is led by the SDSM and is currently tasked with clearing up the voters list.

The 90,000 fictitious Albanians are listed as voters in the towns of Tetovo, Gostivar, Struga, Kumanovo, Vrapciste, Zelino, Chair, Bogovinje, Lipkovo etc.

Is this how DUI gets so many MPs in Parliament?

What makes the entire thing even more bizarre, is that there isn't any evidence if these people exist - they certainly do not live in Macedonia for an extended time, but there isn't any evidence if they ever lived because they are not in any Governmental database!

According to our conversation with MoI, they should be in at least some database, whether it's healthcare, or retirement benefits... but they are not in any.

This should be a mega scandal, however the SDSM head of SEC Aleksandar Chichakovski buried the entire scandal claiming 'his people' would go out in the field and check, but the voters would remain in the system!

According to our information within the SEC, Gostivar was the biggest problem with 10,000 ficticious Albanian voters, followed by Tetovo and Struga with 7,500 each. The same source told us the entire scandal was accidentally made public, should have remained hidden.

During election time, what prevents DUI from stuffing ballot boxes with fake voters?

In the meantime, after Albanians built a huge black eagle in Skopje, now Macedonians want to build an even bigger cross, but the Albanians are protesting against that.

On the board it is written that they do not want to let Skopje turn into Belfast, Jerusalem or Beirut. Well, do not listen to Americans and you won't have that.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

Persej said:
Electoral Commission: 90,000 fictitious Albanian voters

Over the past 10 years, there are 90,000 Albanian voters with no residence in Macedonia, not enrolled in the healthcare system or the retirement system, but their votes somehow appear and are counted during the general elections.

This is the latest information from the State Electoral Comission, which is led by the SDSM and is currently tasked with clearing up the voters list.

The 90,000 fictitious Albanians are listed as voters in the towns of Tetovo, Gostivar, Struga, Kumanovo, Vrapciste, Zelino, Chair, Bogovinje, Lipkovo etc.

Is this how DUI gets so many MPs in Parliament?

What makes the entire thing even more bizarre, is that there isn't any evidence if these people exist - they certainly do not live in Macedonia for an extended time, but there isn't any evidence if they ever lived because they are not in any Governmental database!

According to our conversation with MoI, they should be in at least some database, whether it's healthcare, or retirement benefits... but they are not in any.

This should be a mega scandal, however the SDSM head of SEC Aleksandar Chichakovski buried the entire scandal claiming 'his people' would go out in the field and check, but the voters would remain in the system!

According to our information within the SEC, Gostivar was the biggest problem with 10,000 ficticious Albanian voters, followed by Tetovo and Struga with 7,500 each. The same source told us the entire scandal was accidentally made public, should have remained hidden.

During election time, what prevents DUI from stuffing ballot boxes with fake voters?

In the meantime, after Albanians built a huge black eagle in Skopje, now Macedonians want to build an even bigger cross, but the Albanians are protesting against that.

On the board it is written that they do not want to let Skopje turn into Belfast, Jerusalem or Beirut. Well, do not listen to Americans and you won't have that.

Macedonia is in color revolution organized by Soro's puppets. The goal is no elections,not at all.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

Persej said:
Electoral Commission: 90,000 fictitious Albanian voters

Over the past 10 years, there are 90,000 Albanian voters with no residence in Macedonia, not enrolled in the healthcare system or the retirement system, but their votes somehow appear and are counted during the general elections.

This is the latest information from the State Electoral Comission, which is led by the SDSM and is currently tasked with clearing up the voters list.

The 90,000 fictitious Albanians are listed as voters in the towns of Tetovo, Gostivar, Struga, Kumanovo, Vrapciste, Zelino, Chair, Bogovinje, Lipkovo etc.

Is this how DUI gets so many MPs in Parliament?

What makes the entire thing even more bizarre, is that there isn't any evidence if these people exist - they certainly do not live in Macedonia for an extended time, but there isn't any evidence if they ever lived because they are not in any Governmental database!

According to our conversation with MoI, they should be in at least some database, whether it's healthcare, or retirement benefits... but they are not in any.

This should be a mega scandal, however the SDSM head of SEC Aleksandar Chichakovski buried the entire scandal claiming 'his people' would go out in the field and check, but the voters would remain in the system!

According to our information within the SEC, Gostivar was the biggest problem with 10,000 ficticious Albanian voters, followed by Tetovo and Struga with 7,500 each. The same source told us the entire scandal was accidentally made public, should have remained hidden.

During election time, what prevents DUI from stuffing ballot boxes with fake voters?

In the meantime, after Albanians built a huge black eagle in Skopje, now Macedonians want to build an even bigger cross, but the Albanians are protesting against that.

On the board it is written that they do not want to let Skopje turn into Belfast, Jerusalem or Beirut. Well, do not listen to Americans and you won't have that.

And yesterday evening one group violently enter the building place and destoy it.


Its obvious that somebody wants to start a conflict between Macedonians and Albanians and all this things like building a huge cross and building a huge 2 headed eagle are just a way of starting a violence. There a lot of stupid authoritarian followers that cant use their brain . They are just a puppets.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

That is an interesting article. I'm glad that there are Macedonians who understand the role of USA in Balkan situation. Too bad that there are still many brainless puppets, as Konstantin said, on both sides.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

Confirmed by American journalists: sorosoids want Ukrainian scenario in Macedonia!
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

Why a stable Macedonia matters

The interests of the United States and the European Union depend on free elections

We, in the United States are currently dealing with a rancorous presidential election cycle, one like none we have seen before. On one side, a moderate, old guard Democrat — perhaps a bit out of touch and definitely with some baggage — running against, of all things, a welfare for all/work for none-Socialist, who can’t seem to see the forest, let alone the trees.

On the Republican side, there is a veritable cornucopia of personalities, with a flamboyant, seeming equal opportunity offender as the front-runner.

However, the political realities of other nations can be much worse, and, in some cases, more dangerous to those nations and to U.S. interests.

Such is the political reality for Macedonia. On the one side, fortunately for Macedonians, is a popular and successful past — and likely future — prime minister, Nikola Gruevski. On the other side, Zoran Zaev and his Social Democrat (former communist) opposition party. A reputed racketeer, Mr. Zaev alternately attempts to boycott elections or postpone them, as he did just last week.

Mr. Gruevski stepped down as prime minister in January as part of an odd agreement brokered by the European Union with the goal of “enhancing democracy.” Despite the EU and the U.S. statements supporting the new election date, Mr. Zaev’s opposition refused to vote for it. His low popularity is driving his obstructionism.

With the assistance of the EU and the United States, Macedonia can move past the obstructionism of Mr. Zaev and his cronies, and when elections are finally held, Mr. Gruevski will likely be elected again as prime minister.

This complicated situation leaves Macedonia with a caretaker government, bereft of real leadership and decision-making power. Macedonia is a nation in a holding position in a neighborhood where it is dangerous to be sedentary.

Macedonia’s progress is indisputable. On Mr. Gruevski’s watch, this emerging parliamentary democracy of just more than 2 million, was ranked by the World Bank as the 12th best country in the world and 6th in Europe for doing business. Prior to Mr. Gruevski’s tenure, Macedonia was ranked 94th. In addition, unemployment, the economic and political bane of Southeast Europe, stands at roughly 25 percent, down from nearly 40 percent, with more than 150,000 jobs added during Mr. Gruevski’s 10 years at the helm.

Also on Mr. Gruevski’s watch, Macedonia has made strides toward the establishment of the rule of law, a bona-fide democratic system of governance, Euro-Atlantic integration, as well as application and beginning the ascension processes for both European Union and NATO membership.

Still, Macedonia has suffered not just from Mr. Zaev’s political shenanigans from within, but also from Greek obstructionism from without. Southeast Europe remains a largely unstable region and is still recovering from the disastrous Balkan Wars of the 1990s. It is a part of the region where countries like Albania, Kosovo and Bosnia exist under the constant threat of Islamist penetration. The Balkans suffer from ethnic strife, Russian neo-Imperialist ambition and, increasingly, under political and threat of instability due to the ever-growing Syrian refugee crisis.

However, the nations that have sought EU and NATO membership and who have cast their lot with the West, have become more stable. Austria has repeatedly expressed its support and provided assistance to Macedonia’s efforts to regulate migration.

Macedonia, under the leadership of Mr. Gruevski, has sought alignment with the West, as well as EU and NATO membership as its way forward to stability and prosperity. Alas, the way forward to stability and prosperity is impeded by Greece.

Stemming from a disagreement over the name “Macedonia” — Greece’s northern-most province is also called Macedonia — Greece has blocked Macedonia’s NATO and EU ascension at each juncture. In addition, frustrated with the EU tough monetary policy toward Athens’ profligate spending, Greece has seen fit to handle the refugee crisis incompetently.

Refugees flow, practically unchecked, over the Greece-Macedonia border, putting an unbearable strain on Macedonia’s economy, military and civil service. All the while, Greece is able to take advantage of copious benefits from the EU to manage the refugees, while Macedonia is largely left to handle the crisis unaided.

It is time for the United States and the EU to render assistance to Macedonia looking at the broader picture and recognizing that the best interests of the EU and the people of Macedonia is to hold elections without a further delay. It is also in the United States’, EU’s and NATO’s best interests to stand up to Greece’s untenable positions on Macedonia’s progress on NATO and the EU membership, and allow the ascension process to move forward.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

The dirty game of psychopaths and their followers continue. I guess here in Macedonia its a battle for influence of west vs East.
2 days in a row there are huge protests and unrest's. Macedonian President Ivanov abolish all judicial cases related to wire-tapping scandal eve there were not even an investigation activated against majority of them. There are abolished persons from the government and from the opposition.


Only logical thing behind this action of the president is that he and current ruling party want to cancel the so called SPECIAL Public Prosecution, which was created as a parallel institution to the regular public prosecution. Its like a parallel institution in the country that shoud prosecute the cases related to last year wire-taped phone conversation, which were probably recorder by western intelligence agencies with help of domestic intelligence. This parallel institution was created under huge pressure from western diplomats( read psychopaths )

So, now its a total chaos. Ruling party want elections on 5th of June as agreed with opposition, but the so called opposition wants to come to power without elections becacuse they will never win any elections because of their very corrupted past and current involvements with wire-taped conversations.

On the other side ruling party wants to organise and win the elections because they know that if they fail to win the country will be in even worst position then now, and because of high corruption rate in their rows. If they loose the power a lot of them will be probably prosecuted. Also they were more open to the east , like Russia and China.On the other side opposition thinks that its a huge sin to cooperate with " communistic China" and " dictator Putin". They only want to cooperate what Brussels and Washington have to say.

That is why this abolition decision of the president starts massive protests and unrest's. There are parallel protests. Pro opposition , because government members are abolished without even a propper investigation , and the pro government because some of the major persons involved in recording the wire-taped conversations were from the opossition parties.

Its very obvious that the scenario is the same as it was in Ukraine, Lybia and many other places. I dont understand how people dont see the same pattern . All this violence goes in favor only to Western masters, not in favor of Macedonian people or any normal people.

The biggest unrest's are planned for friday 15-April 2016, when the president of the parliament must announce the date of the elections.

In the moment there is no "normal" uncorrupted political side or political party that can step-out and lead the country. All of them dance according to music played by Washington and Brussels.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje


Macedonian president Gjorge Ivanov in Tuesday cut the Gordian knot of the political paralysis in which the Republic of Macedonia and its citizens have been affected by for the last two years as a result of the “hybrid war” imposed by foreign structures in cooperation with the opposition SDSM party. Ivanov announced that he will sign a decision to pardon all politicians who were charged, as a result of an investigation, not only by the Special prosecution office, created recently as a parallel structure of the State Prosecution office, but also the opposition politicians who are under criminal investigation by the State prosecution office.

He cancelled an investigation into claims of an abuse of power, which was revealed by published covert phone recordings. The leaked recordings said that the major political crisis in Macedonia is in favor of foreign interests. He explained that he wanted to "put an end to the agony" ahead of the early elections in June. Ivanov stressed that the induced political crisis was not in the interests of Macedonia, but in interests of foreign entities. The representatives of the international community were visting the Macedonian courts to pressure the judges, behaving as if they are governors of the country, he said. He stressed that it is illegal to record the phone calls of top politicians, journalists, businessman, intellectuals, and to give illegal material to someone for political blackmailing. One year ago, the SDSM opposition party started publishing the so-called “bombs” - secretly taped private telephone calls of the top Governmental politicians from VMRO-DPMNE party. The Special prosecution office was created with the help of the Western protagonists, which so far have only prosecuted the people from the party in power.

This imposed political instability is actually a foreign plan to destabilize the country and to fulfill a final goal – to change the name of Macedonia. Why it is so important for the West to force the Macedonians to change their name and identity is a kind of enigma because there is no such an example in human history. The SDSM is very cooperative with the West in this question and they hope once they put them in power again, so they can finish the process that was started 100 years ago when Macedonia and Macedonians were first divided between neighboring countries.

Thus, President Ivanov disables the “Umbrella” over Macedonia made by the followers of Leo Strauss - a philosopher who created the “Chaos Theory”. The foreign agents “masked” as diplomats of Western countries have been working on the ground in the Republic of Macedonia using a powerful weapon of psychological warfare against the Macedonian citizens, keeping them in permanent stress and fear about their future. These leading figures are followed by domestic “sorosoidi” making a kind of “Umbrella” for the SDSM opposition party, who one year ago started to publish the so called “bombs” - secretly taped private telephone calls.

That is why Macedonian president Ivanov stated that he took this decision in order to disable the foreign agenda against Macedonia from achieving their goals via blackmail and political pressure.

Zaev announced Ukrainian scenario in Macedonia (Video)

Zaev's hooligans demolish the President's open office (Photo)

A footage of the riot:

Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

I totally agree with you sToRmR1dR.

Macedonia is a small country and i think that the plan to change the country name is something like an experiment. If they manage to do that here they will use the same pattern on other places. An exiting thing that they want to do it for the first time.
So, all this is just a game for those sick psychos over there. Its a game of winning or loosing, and they are not used to loose, like a spoiled child.
They dont matter if there will be a thousands victims or destroyed countries.No, they just care if they win or loose.
Look just what have they done is and are still doing in Syria, Libya, Ukraine and many other places.
They dont give up, They will use any resource to win in their plan.
All we can do is just to undercover them and uncover their lies and expose them in hope that there will be enough normal people, not authoritarian followers, who will see that and will not help in their plan. They are managing peoples responce according to their plans. We must know that fact and we must act very wise.We have already seen the same, so this time we must learn the lesson on mistakes that others have done. We must see Ukraine, Syria, Libya .

They want violence, they want a civil war. Its fun to them. Like a new action video game, but in this real video game real lives are lost and are destroyed.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

I think that the opposition knows that they don't have popular support, so they're blowing the presidents decision out of proportion, even calling it a coup. Without the illegally wiretapped records that they recieved from certain dubious sources their whole agenda of stepping into power goes down the drain.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

_ said:
Russia is worried to see the ongoing disturbances in Macedonia, which are being stoked from the outside, and the Macedonia prime minister is being pressed on, among other things, for refusing to join the anti-Russian sanctions, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

"This really alarms us," Lavrov said in talking to Russian Federation Council members on May 20.

"The events in Macedonia are being orchestrated from the outside quite blatantly. Attempts are being made to accuse the government led by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski of incompetence and unwillingness to meet its obligations to the population, and he's also been blamed for a lot of other things," Lavrov said.

The true reason for which the Macedonian prime minister is being pressed on is his refusal to join the anti-Russian sanctions, he said.

"Standing behind all this is the desire to affect him [the Macedonian prime minister] because of his refusal to join the sanctions against Russia. Such pressure has been applied to him, we know this for sure, and attempts have also been made to influence him for the fact that he had earlier supported the South Stream, actively counted on it in Macedonia's interests, and has expressed willingness now to cooperate in pursuing other options to supply energy resources from Russia to the south of Europe, including the so-called Turkish Stream option," he said.

Russia is alarmed that, in order to put pressure on the Macedonian government, the Albanian factor is being engaged; in particular, speculation is under way on even more substantial federalization of Macedonia, he said.

"It's been suggested now that Macedonia needs to be federalized even deeper, so as to turn into a flexible federation or perhaps a confederation, and ideas have even been aired as to why not dismember it as an artificial state, with part of it going to Bulgaria and another part to Albania," Lavrov said.

Moscow warns against attempts to destabilize situation in Macedonia

Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

Macedonians protest amnesty decision for officials accused of wiretapping, fraud, corruption

Several thousand anti-government protesters took to the streets of Macedonian capital, Skopje, to decry the president's blanket amnesty for officials accused of fraud and corruption. The pardoned charges included election violations, wiretapping and illegal business deals.

The demonstration, organized by the civil movement "Objection," began its way near the headquarters of the prosecutor's office. The activists then marched to the parliament. Among their slogans displayed were, "Resignation, resignation," "Where there's no truth, there's no peace" and "Mafia to jail."


On April 22, leaders of the main Macedonian parties will meet in Vienna, where they are expected to discuss possible solutions to the political crisis that has enveloped the Balkan nation.

Leader's meeting in Vienna cancelled,main reason-Zaev's conditions

The party leader's meeting scheduled to take place in the Austrian capital Vienna has been canceled.


The main reason for the cancellation of the leader's meeting,as Republika has learnt is the request of Zoran Zaev for violation of the Constitution and postponement on the June 5 elections.


We are not Balkan nation, but Macedonian nation!!!
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

sToRmR1dR said:
Leader's meeting in Vienna cancelled,main reason-Zaev's conditions

The party leader's meeting scheduled to take place in the Austrian capital Vienna has been canceled.


The main reason for the cancellation of the leader's meeting,as Republika has learnt is the request of Zoran Zaev for violation of the Constitution and postponement on the June 5 elections.


We are not Balkan nation, but Macedonian nation!!!

Is Brussels Taking Sides? EU Does Not Want to Declare SDSM Leader Is Responsible for Cancelled Vienna Negotiations

The European Union refuses to divulge which one of the 4 Macedonian party leaders is responsible for the failed Vienna talks which were to end the political crisis in Macedonia.

When asked who sabotaged the negotiations, spokesperson of Commissioner Johannes Hahn-Maja Kocijancic, again avoided answering by reiterating the statement of Hahn and the 3 Euro-parliamentarians.

Kocijancic also failed to answer whether the European Union is tolerating the opposition's behavior in relation to its violation of the Przino Agreement and its refusal for elections to be held on June5.

The only political leader who clearly stated that he will not be attending negotiation talks was Zoran Zaev, who put forth two conditions-Elections not to be held on June5 and a complete revocation of President Ivanov's abolition decisions.

The joint statement by Commissioner Hahn, Richard Howitt, Eduard Kukan and Ivo Vajgl stated that the remain firmly committed to helping Macedonia and the political parties.

"Still, we must point out that the responsibility for accomplishing democratic progress and advancement in the country's Euro-Atlantic path depends on the parties themselves. It is their turn now to define the path that leads forward", the report stated.

KLA veterans and BESA radicals help Zaev and Soros destroy Macedonian state

Musa Ljamalari,a representative of the Albanian Diaspora on Thursday openly admitted that he met with Zaev and discussed federalization,after wich smaller Albanian parties also took to the streets to support Zaev and postponement of the elections.

Everybody knows that I vouch for federalization, of course,I am not hiding that,I had a meeting with Zaev,I expressed my support and then the new Albanian parties have joined the protests,"said Ljamalari.

The main support that Zaev get among the Albanians is from the movement BESA composed of radical structures and Soros mercenaries.SDSM leader Zoran Zaev also received support from Struga major Zijadin Sela,who is known for his radical views.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

State department requires Ivanov to withdraw its decision, the EU is considering sanctions

Together with the EU have expressed our concern about the importance of conducting credible elections in Macedonia. There is still a little time. Much remains to be done, said at yesterday's regular briefing at the State Department Elizabeth Trudeau, director of the press office.

"We emphasized our request Ivanov to reverse its decision and leave the Special Public Prosecutor's Office and courts to do their job," says Trudeau.

Foreign media write that Brussels has already seriously considering imposing sanctions on Macedonia. According to "Financial Times", Brussels considers sanctions against leading members of the ruling party VMRO-DPMNE, including travel bans. The meeting of foreign ministers of the EU this week discussed adding senior political officials on the blacklist of the Schengen area, although still not taken such a decision. All 28 EU member states would have to unanimously agree on such measures.

The assessment of the official Brussels that "Macedonian politicians appear determined to harm its own country."

Unofficially, and the board of directors of the World Bank decided to stop the process of lending to improve municipal services in Macedonia until you hold credible elections. In the second phase of this program for the construction and upgrading of local roads, sewerage networks and other infrastructure included 57 municipalities in Macedonia.

The US looks ready to further internationalize the Macedonian Crisis that it cooked up, seeing that its domestic agents are failing in their desperate attempt to overthrow the government. Aside from the very real possibility of violent provocations, whether by the "protesters" or cross-border Albanian terrorist groups operating in occupied Kosovo, the next step will be to retract recognition of the democratically elected and legitimate authorities immediately after or right before the 5 June election and replace it with Western support for the "opposition", not necessarily as represented by Color Revolution stooge Zoran Zaev, but by "Special Prosecutor" and institutional coup initiator Katica Janeva as a "temporary technocratic" placeholder.

The purpose in doing this isn't just to spark a civil conflict inside the country and sanction all of the VMRO leaders and the rest of the Macedonia's civilian population (under two separate sets of sanctions, personal and national, respectively), but to have Janeva request "international (NATO) peacekeepers" in quelling the Hybrid War violence that she and her American allies might have fomented by that time.

Practically speaking, the US might immediately respond by illegally and aggressively dispatching "KFOR" and the Albanian military into the majority Albanian-populated regions of the country, essentially occupying these parts just as they did Kosovo and leading to the partition of the country.

Defense Minister Jolevski is very close with the US and would order the military not to resist the invaders, creating a split within the ranks and dividing the armed forces between passively obedient coup supporters and Macedonian patriots that would fight to defend their homeland from invasion. This process is directly related to the West's planned reversal of recognition of the Republic of Macedonia's government and its replacement of support to Janeva's illegal "technocratic" one instead.

As per the internationalization of the Hybrid War crisis, the US might also display a show of force by launching a "Dragoon March" through the Balkans just as they've previously done through the Baltics and Poland, this time sending heavy weaponry from Croatia to occupied Kosovo's Camp Bondsteel via Serbia as per the recent transit privileges that Vucic's government sneakily gave to the bloc.

Similarly, it can be expected that the influential revanchists in the Bulgarian establishment will be eager to coordinate with NATO in order to gain a symbolic nationalist advantage that distracts their public from the deteriorating domestic conditions in the country and increases approval of the unpopular government.

The militant internationalization of an intensified Macedonian Hybrid War Crisis to include NATO, US, Albanian, and Bulgarian "peacekeepers" (occupiers) illegally "invited" into the country would lead to the Republic of Macedonia's eventual partition, first through Janeva-Zaev's forced imposition of "federalism" and a revision of the constitutional name under "emergency" martial law conditions and secondly through the country's division into Albanian and Bulgarian "spheres of influence" and then formal annexation into Greater Albania and Greater Bulgaria.

The end game is to erase Macedonia from the map, its language from the books, and its people from the global consciousness.

It's post-modern cultural genocide, a more "sanitized" version of what the Turks savagely did to the Armenians over a century ago, but with the possibility of becoming just as barbaric if the situation spirals out of control, God forbid.

In the face of these intimidating threats, the Macedonian people must continue to stand strong and not be deterred by the rhetoric coming out of the West. The more upset that US and EU leaders become, the more that this proves just how successful the Macedonian Resistance has been in defying the Hybrid War plotters and defending the Macedonian homeland.

Calm, thought-out, and peaceful responses are key to resisting the street provocations that the regime change goons are tempting everyone to fall for. The best thing that each and every single Macedonian can do at this moment is to publicly demonstrate in support of their government and take to social media in sharing the truth about what's really going on with the rest of the world. Everyone needs to interact with as many foreigners and international media networks (whether mainstream or alternative) as possibly in spreading the word about the Macedonian Resistance and the US' Hybrid War plot against the country.

By cohesively sticking together and peacefully maximizing their collective capabilities, every Macedonian can do their duty in resisting the cultural genocide and ensuring that the millennia-old Macedonian civilization survives this latest sophisticated attack against it.
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