They were first uploaded in May 2014, but people mostly ignored them until the past few weeks.
Re read this thread to see if it briefly was ever mentioned, and unless missed (even if not referenced exactly), did not come across it. During May of 2014 in the thread, a few people quickly zeroed in on the planes disappearance vis-à-vis hyperdimensional destination/hijacking (Laura and Keit leading it off - and even the Don Lemon black hole was funny, with the press having a fit - and that started to get closer, although not realistic, and then there were wormholes).
Over the course of the Session years since, and back checking prior; time locks and many other references to what this disappearance business might mean makes those videos compelling.
I don't have the foggiest of how it works, however the orbs were spinning around the plane as they were, and spinning might be a signature factor, at least one mechanism used to opened zero time through the veil (this term is used in different applications the Cs have said), and in this case, drag the plane in and lock into that reality. The plane is always and forever there (zero time) until it's not - unless brought back somehow and for some reason. Yes, the powers that be may be well aware of the mechanism, just not exactly aware of how (or perhaps they are and can't control it). Back then as the Cs had said, the ptb got the message and then they went into overdrive to cover it all up - it was amazing to re read all the directions that the press and authorities took it to muddy the waters.
Anyway, was thinking, and may be very wrong, that if there is one thing concerning the business of disclosure, hyperdimensional hijacking likely keeps the ptb up at night and worried. If that is so, the ptb must know that they could never control any military operation that is not in alignment with STS forces.
Unfortunately there's no timestamp data on the footage, but some think that the satellite footage looks daylight (morning) - not a false-color conversion of infrared or something like that. That would imply the plane was flying without comms/transponder for several hours before disappearing for good.
Yes, it would seem so. If they can do what they inevitably did, they could probably knock com devices out at will.