The Living Force
Well there is a dilemma that has been bothering me for some time - sincerely from the moment i saw photo of crumbled zinc factory in Čeljabinsk - and that is if it was done by some kind of electric discharge from meteorite? I mean on all other buildings only glass windows were affected and on that factory huge part of roof collapsed (i don't believe it was made of glass) I know that aluminum is been produced by process of electrolysis but about zinc producing process i know nothing - could it be that there are some kind of equipment (polarized) that could attract opposite charges ... and there are no reports of any chunks from that location as from that frozen lake from where there is a photo... And please correct me if i am wrong: in one transcript discussing structure of comets C's told that they are composed from iron attracted by ?zinc in liquid state... sorry if mumbling - i am on searchin' for that transcript wright now