Meteorite Explodes Over Russia Injures Hundreds

Well there is a dilemma that has been bothering me for some time - sincerely from the moment i saw photo of crumbled zinc factory in Čeljabinsk - and that is if it was done by some kind of electric discharge from meteorite? I mean on all other buildings only glass windows were affected and on that factory huge part of roof collapsed (i don't believe it was made of glass):huh: I know that aluminum is been produced by process of electrolysis but about zinc producing process i know nothing - could it be that there are some kind of equipment (polarized) that could attract opposite charges ... and there are no reports of any chunks from that location as from that frozen lake from where there is a photo... And please correct me if i am wrong: in one transcript discussing structure of comets C's told that they are composed from iron attracted by ?zinc :huh: in liquid state... sorry if mumbling - i am on searchin' for that transcript wright now :-[
Yozilla said:
Well there is a dilemma that has been bothering me for some time - sincerely from the moment i saw photo of crumbled zinc factory in Čeljabinsk - and that is if it was done by some kind of electric discharge from meteorite? I mean on all other buildings only glass windows were affected and on that factory huge part of roof collapsed (i don't believe it was made of glass)

Yeah, I was thinking about the same thing the day the incident happen, but after few hours answer found me - I don't know if you know Russian mentality as I do, but I think it simply was collapsed by a blast.
Maybe someone stole steel from the construction of the part of the building, maybe the designer was drunk and designed it badly, maybe the masons were drunk when building the main wall - a lot of things could happen - this was Russia.
And, btw, I'm not suggesting all people in Russia are this way. Simply, in Russia, there is quite reasonable probability for such reasons. And I'm not dispraising them, no, I love them for that. And notice - no one was killed by that blast. Even in zinc factory. They're Russians after all. Unbreakable.;)

Russians are cool ;)
How to disguise cometary impacts on the US ?
Polonel said:
How to disguise cometary impacts on the US ?

Yikes! You may very well be right! If so, that would mean "they" are expecting something.
Polonel said:
How to disguise cometary impacts on the US ?

:jawdrop: That is a very scary thought, but it makes a lot of sense considering a one-world-government and the many small seemingly unconnected hints from the C's and the "meteor in the north" "dream.
Polonel said:
How to disguise cometary impacts on the US ?

Cross my mind too when read it.
Polonel said:
How to disguise cometary impacts on the US ?

Exactly the first suspicion that entered my mind when I read this. With comets coming in thicker and faster by the day, it would be a cheap solution to create propaganda while packing the last of their belongings to take underground. :rolleyes:
The last thing they want is for people to panic and stop working or paying exhorbitant bills, after all they need every penny they can steal. :evil:
Disguising a meteor strike as a atomic strike would on the other hand only work at best when it is a small one. Even the meteor that struck Chelyabinsk was too big to camouflage as an atomic bomb or a missile. With all the cameras and the sensors around, wouldn't it be very hard to blame an atomic strike, if it was bigger than the one that hit Chelyabinsk, apart from the fact that the general public is starting to get familiar with the idea of meteors striking?

Just wondering.
Aeneas said:
Disguising a meteor strike as a atomic strike would on the other hand only work at best when it is a small one. Even the meteor that struck Chelyabinsk was too big to camouflage as an atomic bomb or a missile. With all the cameras and the sensors around, wouldn't it be very hard to blame an atomic strike, if it was bigger than the one that hit Chelyabinsk, apart from the fact that the general public is starting to get familiar with the idea of meteors striking?

The other problem is that fireballs can hit anywhere on the globe. If one were to hit Washington or LA, sure, they could argue it was some sort of missile strike, even nuclear if it's big enough. But if it hits in the middle of nowhere, in a country with no major geopolitical role, or even in the ocean, what will they say? That the North Koreans missed by a few thousand miles? And if it happens repeatedly in the most random places, how will the military explanation stand to reason?

In terms of probabilites, and looking at the map, it looks like it is far more likely that a rock from space would hit a place of no political significance or not too populated than a place like NY or Washington. Unless it is true that there is some sort of psychic/karmic connection between the frequency of the masses and fireballs, and if so, does the elite know this?
Windmill knight said:
Aeneas said:
Disguising a meteor strike as a atomic strike would on the other hand only work at best when it is a small one. Even the meteor that struck Chelyabinsk was too big to camouflage as an atomic bomb or a missile. With all the cameras and the sensors around, wouldn't it be very hard to blame an atomic strike, if it was bigger than the one that hit Chelyabinsk, apart from the fact that the general public is starting to get familiar with the idea of meteors striking?

The other problem is that fireballs can hit anywhere on the globe. If one were to hit Washington or LA, sure, they could argue it was some sort of missile strike, even nuclear if it's big enough. But if it hits in the middle of nowhere, in a country with no major geopolitical role, or even in the ocean, what will they say? That the North Koreans missed by a few thousand miles? And if it happens repeatedly in the most random places, how will the military explanation stand to reason?

In terms of probabilites, and looking at the map, it looks like it is far more likely that a rock from space would hit a place of no political significance or not too populated than a place like NY or Washington. Unless it is true that there is some sort of psychic/karmic connection between the frequency of the masses and fireballs, and if so, does the elite know this?
I agree with that ... things must be played on several levels beyond our control and which leaders must exceed certain countries.
There is an interesting question asked by some inquiring minds that followed the Russia meteor & the 2012 DA14 asteroid event(s), especially in the light of the article The Chelyabinsk Meteor and a possible link with 2012DA14 and the discussion on the source page, and I'd appreciate if any one here can find an answer to it.

The question is: did any station keep observing DA14 after the asteroid passed the earth? I mean, is there any data available about it's further trajectory and if there is, is it (or can be) known if the trajectory remains unchanged?
Possibility of Being said:
There is an interesting question asked by some inquiring minds that followed the Russia meteor & the 2012 DA14 asteroid event(s), especially in the light of the article The Chelyabinsk Meteor and a possible link with 2012DA14 and the discussion on the source page, and I'd appreciate if any one here can find an answer to it.

The question is: did any station keep observing DA14 after the asteroid passed the earth? I mean, is there any data available about it's further trajectory and if there is, is it (or can be) known if the trajectory remains unchanged?

Good question POB. As the article said, NASA was super quick in saying that DA14 and the Russian meteor were entirely unrelated. I don't suspect that we'll ever get a straight answer from NASA.
Odyssey said:
Good question POB. As the article said, NASA was super quick in saying that DA14 and the Russian meteor were entirely unrelated. I don't suspect that we'll ever get a straight answer from NASA.

I'm not sure I'd even believe NASA at this point, given their official stance. But there is a huge number of amateur observatories and even some professional ones that are not connected to NASA, so perhaps someone, somewhere kept tracking the asteroid for a few more days. Because, for now, it seems like it has "vanished into thin air" so to say...

From a comment on the TallBloke's Talkshop page:

"On the 15th there was firstly the Chelyabinsk fireball, and then the close approach of DA14, but also later a fireball that went down the entire west coast of the USA, being seen from Seattle to Big Sur. And in the days around the 15th there was a fireball over Cuba on the 12th, and one over Russia on the 11th Feb, and ones in Japan on the 13th, 14th, and the 16th, and one over Florida on 17th Feb. There was very likely one over Keighley in Yorkshire, UK, on the 15th."

There were a few more as we have documented on over Sri Lanka (11th), Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany (13th), South Africa (13th), Saudi Arabia (18th?)

As Frank Davis says here, it's quite possible DE14 was surrounded by a debris cloud, some of which could have appeared here and there in the sky. Another possibility could be that DA14 broke in the space and one fragment exploded over Russia and the other one, most likely much bigger passed the earth as our well known DA14. In the latter case, its trajectory would have changed, probably...

On the other hand, they still keep coming, more and more of rock pieces, so I'm not that sure if finding an answer about those two bodies would change anything other than confirming what we already know, i.e. that NASA is lying.

Not that they're going to actually tell anyone what's really going on, anyway. Not that most of them even have a clue. To me, it's reminicent of the leaders of Krypton, in the Superman origin story making decisions based on ignorance and denial.

If Dell Comics had been around in "pre-history", we might have our own story, in a graphic novel approach, that might be clearer than demystifying the myths of yore to get an inkling of the truth. But Dell wasn't there and so we work to see past the cryptic passages of philosophy, theology and human comedy, to piece together our own story and perhaps gain cause over our future.

Thanks to Laura for all her work, her intuition and her keen logic. The mosaic she's gathered, is a fresh perspective at our past, as well as a fresh perspective of possible destiny/s.
Ghostdoghaiku said:

Not that they're going to actually tell anyone what's really going on, anyway.

Indeed. And there's this ridiculous statement from NASA:
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