fwiw I know where you're coming from having been in that state many times.....
I'm not sure how well I can communicate what I've learnt about it, but I will give it a go.
Firstly, would I be correct to say that you 'think' a lot? I remember many times being told that my problem was 'I think to much'.....eventually I realised two things. Its not thinking too much that's the problem, but thinking about the wrong things (or in the wrong way) that is the problem......I use my thinking as a way to avoid my feelings.
So lets take it right back to square one, forget what you 'know' for the moment because this seems to be causing an unbarable weight upon you tied to this enormous insurmountable idea that you should be 'DOing' something with what you 'know'.......I think this is where the impass is.
You are identifying with this state, and as such are intellectualising it in a way as to use your considerable knowledge as a tool to beat yourself with. Your negative introject is showing itself.....
Secondly you seem to have lost an objective over view of your situation, instead it is marred......it is both accurate (in that you cannot DO anything) and stuck within this vision (hence, you cannot DO anything)....it is an impass. An immovable force vs and immovable force. You are fixated by the horror of your situation, and therefore trapped by it. Therefore it is not an objective view of your situation, even if half of it is accurate.
So forget what you 'know' for now, and give your energy and attentions to observing yourself and your emotions. The clues are in what you have writtern.
SAO said:
I agree, but for some reason the repercussions of changing things seem so painful that I feel paralyzed and powerless right now.
SAO said:
Right now I feel like I am disintegrating, becoming a dream in the past as the C's have said, and that is a pretty uncomfortable feeling to say the least. Everything in me screams that this is wrong, that this is not what I'm here for this time around - to just lead a pointless existence and just whither away and die having accomplished nothing of any Real value for myself nor anyone else. And that simultaneously makes me want to crawl into a helpless ball and cry, and at the same time makes me want to just snap out of it and rip through the chains of my self-imposed paralysis and simply DO what I KNOW is in me to DO. And it's not even changes on the outside that I have to make in order to be able to DO something - it is changes on the inside, and the outside will simply follow naturally as a result. I know this!
Bold...."pain", "feel", "uncomfortable", "feeling"........your emotions are what you are avoiding.
Blue...sadness and depression tangled up with your negative introject
Yellow....intellectualising to avoid feeling
Green 'I'.......which 'I' feels the disintegration???? Is this good - false 'I' ego/predator disintegrating???? You are identifying with this disintegration....
One thing I noticed myself about a month ago now was a sense of 'sinking'. As if the tide was suddenly rushing in past me, and was going to cover me and I would drown. I felt the hopelessness and sunk. Why bother if I am going to drown under all this?
I concluded that if I was here, now, in this incarnation....then I chose to be. IF I chose this then only two things would make sense......either I am not going to drown under all this (I chose to be here because I am capable of dealing with this)....or I have chosen to learn what it is to try my best and fail none the less. Or at least, if I AM to fail...then I'm going out with a fight because I'm dammed well fed up of sinking myself!
The part of me that sinks myself is the part I am happy to see disintegrating, 'It' is becoming a dream of the past.
So I came to the surface of the metaphorical waters rushing past me and decided to stay at the surface.....and that feeling has been carrying me forward since. I can only describe it (ironically) as surfing a wave. If you fight the flow of things, of how they are you sink.....if you ride the flow, you can eventually start to make course corrections in the hope of reaching your goal....
It may be worth revisiting this thread, and looking at it fresh
Depression As A Stepping Stone (to Soul Growth)
I think that Laura's breathing techniques will be very beneficial for you....because it seems clear to me, that like myself you need to be unblocking your emotions to move forward. And as I unblock them and experience them and let them go....so it seems I move faster and can see clearer. And I can see looking back the more I avoided my emotions, the more I slowed to a halt....then stopped....then sank. This happened many many times until I've reached the point of starting to see it for what it is....my negative introject....bleeding myself dry to avoid feeling one ounce of the pain and anger I've carried inside me for so so long for fear that to let it out would consume me and 'I' would be lost.
You are a brave, intelligent and caring soul SAO. I have seen you help others hear many many times, and you have helped me immeasurably. Do not give up on that part of yourself. Do not give in to your demons that profess to protect you from the oblivion of your feelings.....turn and face the emotions and embrace them as your own....and watch your lying demons fade to dust.
To know that you can DO nothing is a beautiful thing, because it leaves room for the potential to DO Anything. And from my observations of you SAO, you have been DOing on this forum for some years now. :)