Monoatomic Gold

spangelly badger said:
when you've grown up with friends you've known most of your life and you know them as being pretty grumpy negative people then you've seen them change into more spiritual positive people then that isn't ''just words''.
By simply ingesting a substance? No work? Just take a substance and everything changes? That IS mind control, and you have provided quite an accurate picture. 'pretty grumpy negative people' are unsettled, unhappy sheep who might, if allowed to become more 'negative', might actually figure out a way to not be food - alas the need to make them feel all wonderful and like they are not, in fact, food.

There are no shortcuts - there is no free lunch - and if you think there is then you are lunch.

Either read the material you have been directed toward, or not - but stop asking for it to be handed to you on a plate. If you want to understand it, then you need to learn it - not be handed it because you demanded - and learning takes effort - not the swallowing of some, or any, substance.
spangelly badger said:
when you've grown up with friends you've known most of your life and you know them as being pretty grumpy negative people then you've seen them change into more spiritual positive people then that isn't ''just words''.
What you describe sounds indeed like a very positve evolution but actually is it ?

Remember in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", Mac Murphy, was such a bad individual, cynical, complaining. He was indeed a "pretty grumpy negative people". Thanks to Nurse Ratchet's care and drugs (did she use monoatomic gold ?), Mac Murphy changed into "more spiritual positive people"

Here is an excerpt from "Varieties of Religious Experience" quoted in The Wave, chapter 8 :

"Having arrived at this point, we can see the antagonism that must arise between the 'healthy-minded' optimist and the morbid-minded who take the experience of viewing evil as essential. To the latter, 'healthy-mindedness' seems unspeakably blind and shallow. To the former, the latter seems seems unmanly and diseased. They believe that there is something almost obscene about these children of wrath and cravers of a second birth. And, if religious intolerance, hanging and burning at the stake, were still in vogue, there is little doubt that the 'healthy-minded' would advocate the destruction of the morbid minded rather than the other way around.

"The method of averting one's attention from evil, and living simply in the light of good is splendid as long as it will work. ...yet there is no doubt that 'healthy-mindedness is inadequate as a philosophical doctrine, because the evil facts which it refuses positively to account for are a genuine portion of reality; and these evil facts may be, after all, the best key to life's significance, and possibly the only openers of our eyes to the deepest levels of truth.

"The lunatic's visions of horror are all drawn from the material of daily fact. Our civilization is founded on the shambles and every individual existence goes out in a lonely spasm of helpless agony. To believe in the carnivorous reptiles of geologic times is hard for our imagination - they seem too much like museum specimens. Yet there is no tooth in any one of those museum skulls that did not daily hold fast to the body struggling in despair of some fated living victim. Forms of horror just as dreadful to the victims fill the world about us today. Here, on our very hearths, the infernal cat plays with the panting mouse or holds the hot bird fluttering in her jaws. Crocodiles, pythons and rattlesnakes are vessels of life as real as we are; and whenever they or other wild beasts clutch their living prey, the deadly horror which the morbid minded feels is the literally right reaction to the situation.

"...Since the evil facts are as genuine parts of nature as the good ones, and our philosophic presumption should be that they have some rational significance, then systematic failure to accord these things active attention is less complete than those systems that attempt to include these elements in their scope. The 'healthy-minded optimists only need to be born once, but the 'sick souls' need to be born twice to be happy.
"...And, if religious intolerance, hanging and burning at the stake, were still in vogue, there is little doubt that the 'healthy-minded' would advocate the destruction of the morbid minded rather than the other way around..."

Interestingly, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was filmed in Salem, Oregon.
Here are my thoughts about MG:
It does work as described, it does make people more psyhic, enhances skills etc. And that's the point - you take it, you become more psyhic, but, huge *BUT* at the same time you become "touchable" for various entities, thus vulnerable. So MG might be good for few people only, near the end of their path, strong enough. For the rest - it's like opening a gateway to your soul, while being to weak to protect it - you become easy prey.

Now take me for example: I have no psyhic abilities at all, nothing works for me, I mean NOTHING, tried meditation, tried Reiki (got attuned about 3 times). But I don't feel bad about that, actually, I feel good, have no worries, no stress, got some interesting hobbies. At the same time I feel like I was shielded, sometimes I feel like an invincible observer. Anyway, I mean I think the psyhic thing work both ways - I can't reach out, so as a result I can't easily be touched. But then someone could say "wishful thinking". Maybe. Maybe not.
A agree, cuz we're 3rd density. We're not really supposed to be psychic anyway, unless we have the appropriate knowledge to protect ourselves. We don't know the implications or limitations of any non 3rd density "senses" that we may have. If we take our normal senses like vision, we have a pretty good idea of how to use them. We know the extent of our vision and we can close or avert our eyes at any time, like to get'em out of the way of incoming splash of acid, etc. But as for any "extra" senses, we do not know exactly what they are, what they are open into, what the limitations are of this "extra sense", what kind of dangers there may be (analogy of splashing acid into eyes, would you know how to protect yourself from the equivalent of that but when it's done to your "extra psychic sense"?), etc. You don't just open a dimensional portal into some unknown reality, and stick your hand through it. Unfortunately some people seem to have no problem doing just that. So they shouldn't be surprised when their hand is cut off, or something possess them, or "scratches" them in any number of physical, emotional, mental, subconscious, and other ways they don't know about.

Channeling is but one example of opening doors into universes unknown. But being "psychic" in whatever form is like having a door that you don't understand constantly open into a reality you know nothing about. So as the C's say, knowledge protects. Besides, we didn't need to take a substance to have 3rd density awareness and abilities, so it makes no sense why we'd need them to go higher into the next level.

Q: (L) Now, we have wondered about obtaining and taking some of this Monoatomic Gold.
A: Are you serious? How about some small helpings of arsenic, anyone?
I wonder if the C's used arsenic just randomly to make a point, or if their choice to use arsenic has any significance, and may lead us to better understanding of this monoatomic gold stuff? I think it's worth a shot to at least look at that angle, I mean the C's are known for saturating their answers with clues and "leads" so what the hey.

Wikipedia says this:

During the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, a number of arsenic compounds have been used as medicines, including arsphenamine (by Paul Ehrlich) and arsenic trioxide (by Thomas Fowler). Arsphenamine as well as Neosalvarsan was indicated for syphilis and trypanosomiasis, but has been superseded by modern antibiotics. Arsenic trioxide has been used in a variety of ways over the past 200 years, but most commonly in the treatment of cancer. The Food and Drug Administration in 2000 approved this compound for the treatment of patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia that is resistant to ATRA.[1] It was also used as Fowler's solution in psoriasis.[2]

Other uses;

* Various agricultural insecticides, termination and poisons.
* Gallium arsenide is an important semiconductor material, used in integrated circuits. Circuits made using the compound are much faster (but also much more expensive) than those made in silicon. Unlike silicon it is direct bandgap, and so can be used in laser diodes and LEDs to directly convert electricity into light.
* Also used in bronzing and pyrotechny.
The similarity that instantly jumps out at me is that arsenic is both, a cure and a poison. Well as we know, monoatomic gold is touted as the panacea that cures all ills also, and the C's call it a poison. Perhaps it is both as well? Or perhaps the "cure" is also the poison. Laura has explained earlier why taking any substance to artificially stimulate our "psychic" ability is actually doing serious damage to our ability to grow and develop naturally, and so while it may in some way seem to "enhance" us, it is actually stunting our growth and blocking what it seems to enhance.

An analogy might be to put something like a pacemaker to artificially make your heart beat stronger and better. And then your heart muscles begin to atrophy because they are not used, as your heart learns to rely on the pacemaker to keep it going - and it does seem to work better than the heart muscles for a while. But then, when pacemaker breaks or is taken off or the battery runs out, you just die because your heart doesn't know how to beat anymore. This is an issue with any artificial stimulation. A simpler analogy is using a calculator for all your calculating needs. It may be great for a while, but in reality, you're not allowing yourself to think, to calculate even basic math in your mind, and your mind suffers as a result, your critical thinking and logic abilities become worse and worse. Do this long enough and you won't be able to think at all. And I think this is a problem that has a billion analogies cuz it applies to basically anything. Replace anything natural with anything artificial, and you're destroying the natural ability cuz of either building a reliance on the artificial crutch, or the process of atrophying the natural ability (which nature does when we don't use something), or both. It may be ok if your natural ability is already missing - like to use a wheelchair if you are missing legs. But to use a wheelchair when you do have legs is really, really bad for your legs, even if the wheelchair can "ride" faster than you can naturally run, it doesn't mean it's a good idea - use it long enough, and you may indeed not have legs anymore.
Monatomic Gold

Hey all, this is my first post. I recently came across this forum and I must say I am impressed. Just browsing through the health section I didn't see anything mentioned about monatomic gold, evolution to be specific. It's reported as being all organic I just got my first 2 month supply in the mail the other day which cost me about $200 Canadian. I haven't been able to find much information about it and am just wondering if anyone knows anything about the subject and what your thoughts are. Cheers!

Evolution with Monatomic Gold

Monatomic Gold or "White Powder Gold" has been used throughout history by ancient cultures to aid enlightenment, prolong the human lifespan and elevate consciousness. Evolution combines Monatomic Gold with advanced organic nutrition for mind body and spirit health.

More info: _

Moderator: The link has been deactivated.
Re: Monatomic Gold

Giovanni said:
Hey all, this is my first post. I recently came across this forum and I must say I am impressed. Just browsing through the health section I didn't see anything mentioned about monatomic gold, evolution to be specific. It's reported as being all organic I just got my first 2 month supply in the mail the other day which cost me about $200 Canadian. I haven't been able to find much information about it and am just wondering if anyone knows anything about the subject and what your thoughts are. Cheers!

Evolution with Monatomic Gold

Monatomic Gold or "White Powder Gold" has been used throughout history by ancient cultures to aid enlightenment, prolong the human lifespan and elevate consciousness. Evolution combines Monatomic Gold with advanced organic nutrition for mind body and spirit health.

More info:_]

Hi Giovanni, and welcome to the forum! I did a quick search on "monoatomic gold" (note spelling) and this has indeed been discussed at length before:

I hope you find the information in the thread useful for you.

If you decide to stick around, you may consider posting an introduction about yourself in the Newbies section!
Re: Monatomic Gold

Here is the link to the first page of that thread (it might make more sense that way) -

In short, here is the session in which it was discussed - and it is not advised, in fact it is strongly advised against:

951007 said:
Q: (L) Now, we have wondered about obtaining and taking some of this Monoatomic
A: Are you serious? How about some small helpings of arsenic, anyone?

Q: (L) Okay. You mentioned the strobe lights. Are these strobe lights that are used to
control minds, are these something that we would or might come in contact with on a
daily basis?
A: Do you not already know? We didn't say: some strobe lights, we said: strobe
lights, i.e. all inclusive!
Q: (T) Strobe lights come in many forms and types. TV is a strobe light. Computer
screens are a strobe light. light bulbs strobe. Fluorescents strobe. Streetlights strobe.
A: Police cars, ambulances, fire trucks... How long has this been true? Have you
noticed any changes lately??!!??
Q: (F) Twenty years ago there were no strobe lights on any of those vehicles
mentioned. They had the old flasher type lights. Now, more and more and more there
are strobe lights appearing in all kinds of places. (L) And now, they even have them
on school buses! (T) And the regular city buses have them too, now. (L) Okay, is the
strobing of a strobe light, set at a certain frequency in order to do certain things?
A: Hypnotic opener.
Q: (L) Can we say that this is something we are being acclimated to, so that other
things that happen to us in terms of our interactions... it just keeps one in a continual
state of hypnosis?
A: Assumptions restrict the flow!
Q: (L) What is the purpose of the hypnotic opener being used in this way?
A: You don't notice the craft.
Q: (L) Ohhhhhhhh! So we may be being continuously flown over by alien craft...
A: Assumption!
Q: (L) Sorry! (T) Okay, we don't notice the craft because we see the strobes. They
are hypnotic openers and are inducing a hypnotic effect...
A: Assumption!
Q: (T) Okay, continue, then.
A: Well, ask a question, then!
Q: (L) Okay, they are telling us not to assume, but to ask. (T) Okay, what craft are
we NOT seeing?
A: Opener. Is precursor to suggestion, which is auditory in nature.
Q: (T) What suggestion?
A: Put on your thinking caps. Networking is not making assumptions. Bold unilateral
statement of "fact" is.
Q: (T) Oh. Phrase your statements in the form of a question! I'd like "Hypnotic
Openers" for $200, Alex! Cosmic Jeopardy! (L) Okay, you said the "suggestion is
auditory in nature." If this is the case, where is the suggestion coming from auditory?
A: Where do you normally receive auditory suggestions from?
Q: (L) Radio, television... (T) Telephone... (L) Is that what we are talking about?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) If you encounter a strobe while driving, or you are sitting in front of your
television, then the suggestions can be put into you better because of this hypnotically
opened state? Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What are these suggestions designed to do, to suggest? In a general sense?
A: Review.
Q: (L) Not see the craft?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Do we get these signals from the radio in the car even if it is turned off?
A: Depends upon whether or not there is another source.
Q: (T) Another source such as?
A: ELP, for example.
Q: (L) What is "ELP?"
A: Extremely Low Pulse.
Q: (T) ELF, Extremely Low Frequency, and ELP, Extremely Low Pulse - is this the
same thing?
A: Sometimes.
Q: (T) This would be an external pulse or frequency?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Would it be originating from the source of the strobe?
A: No. They act in unison.
Q: (T) Two separate sources acting in unison?
A: Close.
Q: (L) And this process prevents us from seeing something, such as craft flying in our
skies at any given time?
A: Or maybe see them as something else.
Q: (L) Now, we have to stop for a minute because I want to tell you something. In the
past few months, I have really been watching the sky carefully every opportunity I get.
On 3 or 4 separate occasions I have seen what I thought was an ordinary airplane,
and I would watch it carefully and then scan to the left or right, and when I looked
back at the place where this plane should be, based on observable speed and
direction, there would be NOTHING there. I have stood there and searched and
searched and found nothing. These things just VANISHED. I knew I had seen it, I
knew I wasn't crazy, I knew it couldn't have gone away that completely - and having it
happen several times has just really unsettled me. What are the implications of this,
other than the fact that we could be completely overflown at all times for any number
of purposes and be, as a mass of people, completely unaware of it?
A: Yes, monoatomic gold!
Q: (L) And what does the reference to monoatomic gold mean?
A: Total entrapment of the being, mind, body and soul.
Q: (T) That's what Hudson said... on the video.
A: Strobes use minute gold filament.
Q: (L) How can that compare with taking monoatomic gold internally?
A: What composes minute filament, do you suppose? Hint, it ain't from Fort Knox!
Q: (T) Monoatomic gold.
A: Bingo. You see, this has extraordinary properties.
Q: (T) I'm sure it does! The thing is, if it does what Hudson says it does, the power
structure would have shut him down - he wouldn't have gotten this far with it. So, if
they are letting him do it, it's because it doesn't do what he says it does, it does the
opposite. Which is what he said. When you take the stuff for so many days, you
complete the program, it restructures your genes. Isn't that what happened to us
before? Do we want to do it again? (L) And, wasn't it said that LIGHT was used to
cancel certain DNA factors? (J) Exactly! (L) Okay, how do we block this kind of
A: You don't.

For what it's worth... and welcome to the forum, Giovanni.
An observation last night was made from some friends whose son is away at a particular TM collage in Iowa. Coming back for the holidays he presented his parents with a brown glass bottle (pint size) with a small label denoting Ayurvedic Nano Gold; immediately Monoatomic came to mind thinking the two might be synonymous with each other. This product looked like it was not a labeled sold product more like a mixed tincture, possibly from the school. I asked them about what the product was all about. They said that it is suppose to help electrolytes, brain function etcetera.

Looked it up this morning on the web, checked the search on the forum and only found some cross pollination when searching Nano Gold. This sure sounds like the same thing as Monoatomic and these parents, mid fifties and 60 were very thrilled to have it. :shock:

Comments would be appreciated – thanks.
Hi Parallax,

Nanogold is the same thing as Colloidal Gold and is not the same thing as monoatomic gold.

Edit: RyanX points out in another thread (here that nanogold and colloidal gold may in fact be the same thing. Apparently it's not as cut and dried as I had originally assumed.

I've been a long time reader here, but I must confess my level of contribution is very low. This is because my level of contribution pales in comparison to the expertise of this group as a whole and I honestly feel my knowledge base has been accumulated from this site and it's compinion sites, thus I find myself unable to add to what others here have already addressed. Also the first time I posted here was a giant blunder on my part disipating any enthusiasm, to post, to be replaced by embarassment and a desire not to disturb the important efforts of the group. This, in all honesty, makes me feel like a taker; lacking any ability to give back.

My only recourse has been to support the site with what finaces i have been able to and apply the knowledge, found here, to my own situations and in so doing the HUGE efforts of the contributors is not only recognized by at least one wayward soul, but also greatly appreciated and i havnt the words to express the gratitude I am now trying to convey, combined with the regret in not having the skills necessary to make a significant contribution.

Having said all that, I sincerely appologize if this post is inappropriate in any way; wether that means this particular post is in the wrong place, or if my questions have already been addresed and I failed to find them. I simply trust the level of networked research here and felt if any group could help, this one would be it, and is consequently the only guidance I am willing to trust.

My question relates to Colliodal gold, and wether or not it is the same as monoatomic gold, and if one both, or either of these substances has any benifit toward a STO path, or if these substances are tools for a STS agenda. I can remember reading about this somewhere, and kind of recolect an inquiry about this put forward to the "Cs". At the time, I filed the info, in my brain, under "things to avoid", but now; needing to explain the reasons to someone else I'm having trouble tracking down where on the site I read about these substances. From what I recall colloidal silver has benefits, but I honestly don't know the relationship between monoatomic gold and colloidal gold.

I would appreciate any info, RE: articles, or personal knowledge, anyone would be gracious enough to share.

Another query I have regards this site: _ and more specifically the person named Nancy Leggatt, who resides in Florida. With all of Laura's connections there I thought someone might have some info on her. My brother-in-law mentioned that he has been in contact and referred her to me. Upon preliminary review of the site many red flags appeared and I felt this site and group may be linked to a STS agenda. I simply would like to present my concerns to my brother-in-law in a logical, and truthful, and objective fashion and must also mention such info has been requested, by him. I could simply tell him to do some research, but seeing as things are relatively imminent I was hoping to expidite both of our learning curves. Thus my inquiry to all who read this.

If the sources for info about my inquiry's are at anyone's fingertips I would appreciate a hand, if not, I have learned from this site that my own reasearch is my own responsiblity.

Thanks for everything,
Heuristic said:
My question relates to Colliodal gold, and wether or not it is the same as monoatomic gold, and if one both, or either of these substances has any benifit toward a STO path, or if these substances are tools for a STS agenda. I can remember reading about this somewhere, and kind of recolect an inquiry about this put forward to the "Cs". At the time, I filed the info, in my brain, under "things to avoid", but now; needing to explain the reasons to someone else I'm having trouble tracking down where on the site I read about these substances. From what I recall colloidal silver has benefits, but I honestly don't know the relationship between monoatomic gold and colloidal gold.

There's this from Oct. 7th 1995:

Q: (L) Now, we have wondered about obtaining and taking some of this Monoatomic Gold.

A: Are you serious? How about some small helpings of arsenic, anyone?

and this from Nov. 18th 1995:

Q: (L)Now, we have to stop for a minute because I want to tell you something. In the past few months, I have really been watching the sky carefully every opportunity I get. On 3 or 4 separate occasions I have seen what I thought was an ordinary airplane, and I would watch it carefully and then scan to the left or right, and when I looked back at the place where this plane should be, based on observable speed and direction, there would be NOTHING there. I have stood there and searched and searched and found nothing. These things just VANISHED. I knew I had seen it, I knew I wasn't crazy, I knew it couldn't have gone away that completely - and having it happen several times has just really unsettled me. What are the implications of this, other than the fact that we could be completely overflown at all times for any number of purposes and be, as a mass of people, completely unaware of it?
A: Yes, monoatomic gold!

Q: (L) And what does the reference to monoatomic gold mean?

A: Total entrapment of the being, mind, body and soul.

Q: (T) That's what Hudson said... on the video.

A: Strobes use minute gold filament.

Q: (L) How can that compare with taking monoatomic gold internally?

A: What composes minute filament, do you suppose? Hint, it ain't from Fort Knox!

Q: (T) Monoatomic gold.

A: Bingo. You see, this has extraordinary properties.

Q: (T) I'm sure it does! The thing is, if it does what Hudson says it does, the power structure would have shut him down - he wouldn't have gotten this far with it. So, if they are letting him do it, it's because it doesn't do
what he says it does, it does the opposite. Which is what he said. When you take the stuff for so many days, you complete the program, it restructures your genes. Isn't that what happened to us before? Do we want to do it again? (L) And, wasn't it said that LIGHT was used to cancel certain DNA factors? (J) Exactly!

While I don't know exactly what monoatomic gold is made of, I don't think it is the same as colloidal gold. Colloidal gold might be useful if you wanted more of it in your body, but I'm not aware of any benefits of such.
Heuristic said:
My question relates to Colliodal gold, and wether or not it is the same as monoatomic gold, and if one both, or either of these substances has any benifit toward a STO path, or if these substances are tools for a STS agenda.

As Perceval said, I don't think that monoatomic gold and colliodal gold are the same thing. And neither will help you on a path to becoming more STO. There are no shortcuts. The only way to become more aware and change your frequency is by gaining knowledge and Working on yourself - cleaning your machine. As I said, and can't stress enough, there are no shortcuts.

Are you doing EE and looking at the health and diet threads, specifically the Life Without Bread, The Vegetarian Myth and Primal Body, Primal Mind threads?

And anyone selling monoatomic gold is someone I would stay away from. If you are seeing red flags, that's quite a clue right there.
Hi Heuristic,

After doing a search for it, I came up with four threads (topics) which might interest you:

Colloidal Gold:,20740.0.html

Monoatomic Gold:,617.0.html

Ormus Materials:

Ormus In Supplements:,16692.0.html

Next time please remember: the search function is your best friend whenever you want to know something specific.
Nienna Eluch said:
Heuristic said:
My question relates to Colliodal gold, and wether or not it is the same as monoatomic gold, and if one both, or either of these substances has any benifit toward a STO path, or if these substances are tools for a STS agenda.

As Perceval said, I don't think that monoatomic gold and colliodal gold are the same thing. And neither will help you on a path to becoming more STO. There are no shortcuts. The only way to become more aware and change your frequency is by gaining knowledge and Working on yourself - cleaning your machine. As I said, and can't stress enough, there are no shortcuts.

Are you doing EE and looking at the health and diet threads, specifically the Life Without Bread, The Vegetarian Myth and Primal Body, Primal Mind threads?

And anyone selling monoatomic gold is someone I would stay away from. If you are seeing red flags, that's quite a clue right there.

Yes I practice EE, yes I fallow a ketogenic diet and study Nora Gedgaudas' material.(haven't eaten any grain in months) Sorry for not being clear, I'm not looking for a shortcut, just some info to pass along to my Brother-In-Law to help him make an informed decision about his involvement with the ppl from the site I mentioned above. The site didn't feel comfortable to me based on all the info I've gathered on this site, but my BIL doesn't have that luxury...yet. I did mention this site to him, but if he studies here that will be his choice. In the mean time I thought I'd give him a heads up. Apparently this Nacy Leggatt person has been hypnotizing him over the phone; which strikes me as odd. I wanted to reach out to the forum for guidance. And I appreciate all the help with the threads. When I used the search function I failed to find many of these links....I promise to figure it out Palinurus, regardless I never would have searched for ORMUS.

I do know about the dangers of monoatomic gold, that's why I wondered if colloidal gold was the same stuff with a new name to through ppl off. Seeing how Nancy Leggatt is hypnotizing my B-I-L, and selling him colloidal gold and platinum I wanted to see if anyone on the forum has had any experience with the site mentioned. As you know search the web for honest info is getting tough, but I trust this place so I just thought I'd ask.

And thanks for the links. They've been a big help, but I'm still not sure if colloidal gold can be used in the same way that nefarious types use monoatomic gold. Any ideas about how I can figure that out?

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