Mother of all gushers - BP Oil Disaster in Gulf of Mexico

Shockingly, or perhaps not, there is already a proven remedy for this disaster: environmentally-friendly and safe oil eating microbes. Please watch this video that documents the testing and then the actual use of these microbes for two separate spill events that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico and Galveston Bay:

It seems to me that this video should be shared with as many people as possible and demands should be made that this intervention be utilized at once! Unless, of course, the dumping of all that toxic dispersant has nullified this option - the microbes may be killed by the already present dispersant? I pray that is not the case!
Anart said:
Yes, we can mourn the death in the Gulf, and in Gaza, and on all corners of this planet of suffering - we can witness it and respect it and offer compassion and understanding. But seeing things from such a doom and gloom perspective is not correct - it's not objective and it, ultimately, does us no good.

I tend to agree. This is how I saw the whole Gaza situation. I think more people are waking up and in that particular case, people mentioned the attitude of online commentaries and mainstream media responses and got depressed. Well, this is what they are trying to do! Convince that you are alone, convince that there is no hope so that you would conform the mindset they are creating for you. I am sorry for the wildlife in Gulf, I am sorry for all the birds, fish and others there. But no damage is irrepairable, no mistake is unsolvable. We just need some time to understand, evaluate and Act. Losing hope is THE biggest mistake we can possibly do right now.

I suggest searching for organizations and events that give you hope. In my case, I study Satyagraha and Non-violence movements with their principles and their mode of action. When a non-violent activist meets a violent one in a proper way, you wouldn't believe what is possible. Maybe I should share some of those stories in the forum. It helps you to see that it is not doom, it is becoming a level playing field. I didn't believe that it can be done when C's said it will become a level playing field, but based on what I saw so far, I think it will.
JEEP said:
I have been giving much thought and contemplation to this whole situation, especially as to how it may relate to Revelations. I believe it was established that the Lizzies were the authors of Revelations. If that is true, it would seem that they would indeed act to have these horrible events come to pass.

No, that was not "established" exactly. The situation is a bit more complex than that.

JEEP said:
I finally completed watching the 4-part documentary, Century of the Self, as referenced in this thread.


Even though I lived through the above events, it wasn't until I viewed this documentary that I could see the realities associated with it especially in connection to the awareness that I have garnered through all things Cass. God yes we are a STS reality with a significant portion of our population so inured of self-interest that they have no regard whatsoever for the well being of their fellow man, the animals and plants, or the very earth itself. Instead, for these people the ONLY thing that counts is MONEY!!! And besides, the fact that the world is going to hell just means the end times are manifesting and the rapture will be soon be manifesting as well, so what, me worry? All those non-believing heathens deserve what they will be getting!!! Yeah, doesn't get more selfish and unloving than that!

Eye-opening, isn't it?

JEEP said:

The totally selfish all-consuming pursuit of personal wealth drives the corporations to greater and greater abuses of our laws, our rights, and our very health and that of the planet. And up to this point, the populace has been in such a deep slumber of self-interest, they have let these abuses go on with little to no objection.

Keep in mind how the public has been "cared for" by being dumbed down, toxified, programmed via the media, etc. So, to some extent, it is not their fault. But, in another way, those that do not wake up to the manipulations will not survive, so in a strange sort of way it is an evolutionary process.

JEEP said:
The magnitude of this disaster, however, may be the turning point. <snip> There are going to be long-term and far-reaching consequences to this disaster.

Of course.

JEEP said:
And what a shame that it will take such a catastrophic event for people to finally get that their individual self-interests are counter-productive to what is beneficial for us all. That we have sat back and allowed psychopathic corporate interests take control of everything with the resultant destruction of all - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - because no amount of money is ever enough for them. And the core group that really controls all that happens on this planet also believe their self-interests will be preserved on the other side of the cataclysms that they are well aware are coming. Perhaps they figure that since the planet is going to be destroyed anyway, why care about getting the destruction ball rolling early with this gigantic oil spill.

I really don't know what we can do for all those creatures being drowned in the oil. It's too late for them and possibly, too late for us. The Lizzie script is playing out in front of our horrified eyes.

Sounds like you are maybe becoming aware of how bad it is?

In a certain sense, considering what most of the people on this forum are already aware of, it seems as though you are writing to yourself, for yourself. Maybe it is time to start a blog? What you wrote above would be a good blog post!
I suggest searching for organizations and events that give you hope. In my case, I study Satyagraha and Non-violence movements with their principles and their mode of action. When a non-violent activist meets a violent one in a proper way, you wouldn't believe what is possible. Maybe I should share some of those stories in the forum. It helps you to see that it is not doom, it is becoming a level playing field. I didn't believe that it can be done when C's said it will become a level playing field, but based on what I saw so far, I think it will.

Yes please! :D I think this is a much needed perspective...EE helps a lot in dealing with the emotions from this disaster, and the more information on non violent action that can be networked, the better, osit.
JEEP said:
Shockingly, or perhaps not, there is already a proven remedy for this disaster: environmentally-friendly and safe oil eating microbes. Please watch this video that documents the testing and then the actual use of these microbes for two separate spill events that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico and Galveston Bay:

It seems to me that this video should be shared with as many people as possible and demands should be made that this intervention be utilized at once! Unless, of course, the dumping of all that toxic dispersant has nullified this option - the microbes may be killed by the already present dispersant? I pray that is not the case! said:
BP’s latest oil spill response update for June 4th says the total amount of the dispersant used in the Gulf of Mexico more than 1,021,000 gallons.
[...]The EPA justifies the use of dispersants because they are less toxic than oil and the cause less of an environment impact that oil along the coastline.
However the choice of using Corexit contradicts both of those justifications.

Corexit is lethal in as little as 2.6 parts per million where oil is lethal in 11 parts per million meaning that Corexit is over 4 times more toxic than oil.
Furthermore scientific studies show that oil dispersed with Corexit is 11 times more lethal than oil alone.
In fact the study referenced showed that crude oil was lethal at 4250 parts per million to killifish but combination of oil mixed with Corexit was lethal in as little as 317.7 ppm.
“Dispersed oils were more toxic than crude oils,” noted the report.
The other justification of lessening the environmental impact along the shoreline doesn’t hold up either as the reason Corexit was banned in the UK is because it was in fact shown to have a “significant deleterious ecological change” on the shoreline.
The fact Corexit is 4 times as toxic as oil and up to 11 times as toxic when combined with oil it literally makes no sense to allow the use of such a toxic chemical that can “delete” the ecological systems along the Gulf coast.
The EPA warning about human health affects says

People working with dispersants are strongly advised to use a half face filter mask or an air-supplied breathing apparatus to protect their noses, throats, and lungs, and they should wear nitrile or PVC gloves, coveralls, boots, and chemical splash goggles to keep dispersants off skin and out of their eyes.

Though it does not say, I'm quite sure its toxic to any microbes.
GRiM said:
Though it does not say, I'm quite sure its toxic to any microbes.

Absolutely. The microbes, which have been used VERY successfully during other oil spills, were suggested to BP the first week of the Gulf leak. BP officials simply refuse to acknowledge their existence.

I still think they're INTENTIONALLY killing the gulf so they can harvest ALL the oil and gas there without interference. They spend billions to kill the Gulf within a couple of years so they can make trillions raping her corpse for decades to come.
Very likely.

In fact, the payouts to the locals, from what I can tell, is pretty pathetic. Ok so you can get your Hazmut card and help with the cleanup (don't worry about that pesky cough, dizziness, etc, it's most likely food posioning).


So go out there, make some money in the cleanup, I know you can't fish likely for years to come, but today you can feed your family at least. What else do you want??

As far as everyone else (food workers, restaurant owners, condo renters), well you can file a claim. We will give you some money, not much and not as much as you would have made, but what else do you want??

Oh and if you just happen to love the beach, not for fishing, but simply because the powder white beaches and blue waters makes your heart stop in awe, well....too bad.

Enjoy the tar balls. Sell them on ebay (yes there are some for sale!)
Just sick. :cry:

Guardian said:
GRiM said:
Though it does not say, I'm quite sure its toxic to any microbes.

Absolutely. The microbes, which have been used VERY successfully during other oil spills, were suggested to BP the first week of the Gulf leak. BP officials simply refuse to acknowledge their existence.

I still think they're INTENTIONALLY killing the gulf so they can harvest ALL the oil and gas there without interference. They spend billions to kill the Gulf within a couple of years so they can make trillions raping her corpse for decades to come.
Bioremediation update: said:
Bioremediation Makes the News…Finally
June 7th, 2010 jbtutt1e

Thanks to all of you that have helped make the video so viral, there are more and more articles and television news shows asking the question “Why isn’t BP using microbes to clean up the Gulf”.

First, I surmise that BP is the only one that knows that answer.

I’ve heard others (and even some experts) provide wild speculation and answers that are not based in fact.

First, you’ might hear that the EPA banned bioremediation for being harmful to fish. This is misinformation that is just not true. In fact, many of the bioremediation ’solutions’ are made with GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) microbes that don’t require EPA regulation—so, we could mix up them up in our garage if we knew how. So, it ain’t the EPA.

Second, some say BP would not use microbes because they would eat up the oil they are trying to reclaim. Yep, they would indeed loose the oil they are trying to skim and reclaim, but they can do the math. There are hundreds joining the Class Action Lawsuits every day that have been filed against BP—so delay of the cleanup costs much more than they will ever recover from skimming. But, I’m sure the contractors that have the contracts to reclaim the oil don’t want to see the microbes eat up their jobs :) .

The REAL reason that BP did not use microbes to clean up the spill: Because of ready availability of Disperants and BP’s “previously approved” contingency plan (and contracts and resourses in place to buy and apply dispersants ). Applying dispersants is a ‘traditional method’ of oil spill cleanup that the oil industry has used for years. Even though the oil industry is increasingly using microbes for spill cleanup, BP would likely not even know where to go to get the quantities of microbes that it will take to ‘fix’ the Gulf.

Luckily, they do now!

The Gulf Oil Spill Bioremediation Industry Alliance has just been formed.

In summary, this alliance brings the top bioremediation companies and their scientists together for the purpose of using microbes on the entire Spill. They are in the process of creating an implementation plan (for release this week) that focuses the expertise of each company on either the beach, water (shallow and deep) or wetlands depending on their historical success with a particular topography. If adopted, they will focus first on the areas where there is oil present on the beach or marshlands, then apply to the water near land, then work on the oil in the middle of the Gulf both on the surface and at various depths below. They have the production capacity to quickly ramp up to provide the “googol’s” worth of microbes to do the entire Gulf of Mexico.

From a draft version of the Alliance agreement, it is clear that all members have agreed to work with each other in harmony and put their competitive differences aside to get the entire Spill remediated.

I will post a copy of the plan on and provide more information about the Alliance later this week.

It would hardly seem that they would be making plans to move ahead in such a grand way if the already present dispersant would prevent success. :/
Also from

$360 Million to Dredge up Gulf Bottom – Pinch Me, Wake Me Up from this Nightmare!
June 3rd, 2010 jbtutt1e

Good God, please wake me up from this nightmare. Really, BP just agreed to fund a project to dredge up miles of sea bed and heap it up into walls so that it does not spread further oil into the marshes of Louisana. And we have not funded the use of one single microbe for the spill.

Here is an excerpt from the article from CNN’s website. The article is here.

In Louisana, where oily sludge has been fouling coastal marshes for two weeks, state officials said the White House has given its blessing to a plan to dredge up walls of sand offshore, and BP agreed to fund the $360 million construction cost.

U.S. officials raised concerns about the long-term environmental effects of what would effectively amount to building dozens of miles of new barrier islands off the state’s coast.

But Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and other officials had pushed for approval of the plan as a last-ditch effort to prevent further damage.

There is also a petition drive at the site as well:

Sign The Petition To Induce President Obama, Governors and BP to Adopt Bioremediation for the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

Please sign the petition. We will only show the first initial in your name for your privacy. Every time the petition reaches 100 new signatures, we will send it to the President, each Governor and BP.

An opportunity for People Power to spring into action, osit.
And gosh, BP could buy these Spill Kits and solve this problem NOW a heck of a lot cheaper! Obviously BP WANTS this to play out slowly and painfully, possibly by bankrupting the Gulf Coast region by design!!


Heck they could save further money by hiring some bioscientists so that they can make the microbes themselves. But that would be too rational.
Over the week-end I loaned my neighbor a garden hose and one of my water faucets in order to help fill up their swimming pool.
It took a day and night to fill using my water and their water and perhaps another neighbor’s water...

The thought occurred to me as this was happening that an unspoken fact regarding this volume of oil erupting from the hole in the Earth is that it is raising the level of the ocean(s).

a real quick search of global warming+ocean level got me to this site:


1. Polar ice caps melting
The ice caps melting is a four-pronged danger.

First, it will raise sea levels. There are 5,773,000 cubic miles of water in ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, if all glaciers melted today the seas would rise about 230 feet. Luckily, that’s not going to happen all in one go! But sea levels will rise.

I think that I read somewhere that the volume of oil contained within the pocket that BP drilled into was equivalent to the volume of Mt. Everest. (I will have to read back through the articles I've read to find that quote), but in the mean time I think that if you dropped Mt. Everest into an ocean that the water level would raise quite a bit. Granted the volume is not 'Mt Everest' all at once, but we never have been given a solid number of how many gallons of liquid are erupting from the pipe.
It is a big ocean, but there is ALOT of liquid coming out of the ground and has been for some time now. Apparently it cannot be contained, or it will possibly not be contained for quite some time.
...And that stuff is probably hot isn't it? Given enough time and volume even a slight rise in temperature can wreak havoc on sea life. Global warming environmentalists drilled that into us for years.

By no means is this as important as the fact that an unimaginable volume of crude oil and hydrocarbon gases as leaking into the sea, yet I wonder at the submerged 'plumes' of oil that BP is unable to 'skim' for a profit...also this insane idea of dredging a 'containment barrier' to prevent the spread of the oil seems like another 'insane solution' that plays into BP hands as a easy way for them to obtain oil by providing a handy reservoir to pump from. I’m sure it won’t take long for them to recoup their $360 million.
Dawn said:
And gosh, BP could buy these Spill Kits and solve this problem NOW a heck of a lot cheaper! Obviously BP WANTS this to play out slowly and painfully, possibly by bankrupting the Gulf Coast region by design!!


Heck they could save further money by hiring some bioscientists so that they can make the microbes themselves. But that would be too rational.

This article on SOTT may shed some light here:
Thanks 1984! You are correct, this did shed some light on the situation!!

1984 said:
Dawn said:
And gosh, BP could buy these Spill Kits and solve this problem NOW a heck of a lot cheaper! Obviously BP WANTS this to play out slowly and painfully, possibly by bankrupting the Gulf Coast region by design!!


Heck they could save further money by hiring some bioscientists so that they can make the microbes themselves. But that would be too rational.

This article on SOTT may shed some light here:
It seems that these trans-national corporations, in their attempts to achieve monopoly and control positions on food, energy, water, waste removal, etc., build massive structures and organizations. These massive, large scale operations and structures have much more complexities and dangers that smaller, 'backyard' systems. Large corporate systems, although considered efficient in terms of money, are wasteful of natural resources and energy.

Cities and surrounding rural areas, even neighborhoods, could take care of their (fill-in-the-blank) needs using Intermediate Technology applications, sharing both benefits and responsibilities on a local level. Disasters such as Deepwater would be unlikely to happen. I like the idea of advanced eco-villages - like high tech Amish. Imagine if as much money was spent researching alternative living technologies as is spent researching how to drill oil miles below the surface of the sea.

But we need an STO driven, non-lizzy infested world for that.
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