Mother of all gushers - BP Oil Disaster in Gulf of Mexico

I just received an email from first a responder that was dispatched from California, whom is a hazmat technical adviser. This is the email that i received from a firend that has talked to him from his return as of yesterday. It is brief and comes 3rd party.

Hello xxxxx
xxxxx just returned from the gulf after a few weeks of contract work for BP. He told me that the slick is about 10k square miles. He also mentioned of an oil slick that just appeared one day that was five square miles wide and was scheduled to check it out the following day. When they went to check on it, it was gone. In other words, there is 10k on top of the water and who knows what's underneath? Crazy, huh? Anyway, keep the info coming.
Here is an interesting article about Asphalt Volcanoes in the Gulf from a research expedition in 2003.


Asphalt Volcanism

By Andrew Alden, Guide

While volcanism is common under the sea, nobody dreamed that in some places, vents erupt not lava but asphalt. That's what a 2003 research expedition found in the Gulf of Mexico on a seafloor hill the scientists named Chapopote, the Mexican Spanish name for tar. It's the world's first known asphalt volcano. There are more being found all the time.

The geologic setting at the site, west of the Yucatán in 3000 meters of water, is a field of salt domes called the Campeche Knolls. These tall, steep hills grow as ductile salt bodies rise into the overlying seafloor rocks; as is common around the Gulf, oil and gas leak upward with the salt.
The Asphalt Volcano Locality

The researchers, a team led by Ian MacDonald of Texas A&M University's Corpus Christi campus, dangled a remote-controlled camera off the German ship RV Sonne to the seafloor far below. Even with this short-range visual instrument they documented one square kilometer of tar flows, some of them 20 meters across.

Besides asphalt, the expedition found places soaked with petroleum and others with cold, white layers of methane hydrate. Like cold seeps elsewhere on the world's seafloor, all of these localities supported colonies of chemical-eating organisms. Bunches of tubeworms were found growing in and around the tar flows. Apparently something makes the asphalt attractive to life, but no one is sure yet how the biogeochemistry works.

At Chapopote the tar seems to have come out of the ground hot, but like undersea lava flows, it quickly hardens in the cold seawater. In fact it forms asphalt "aa" and "pahoehoe" just like what you find in Hawaiian basalt. In another parallel with ordinary volcanoes, the warm asphalt turns delicate icy layers of methane hydrate into bursts of free gas, just as hot rock lava causes explosions by flashing groundwater into steam — phreatomagmatic eruptions. (But I don't know what you'd call a tar/hydrate eruption in scientific Latin.)
A Supercritical Hypothesis

In 2005 the team reported more details, and a provocative theory. Examining samples from the tar flows, the researchers found abundant small pores lined with various minerals: sulfates, chlorides and carbonates. They theorized, in the 18 October 2005 Eos, that the energy source involves a special substance: supercritical water.

Supercritical water is water at such high pressures and temperatures (300 times atmospheric pressure and 400 degrees C) that it is above the "critical point," neither a gas nor a liquid but a searing combination. It is about one-third the density of liquid water and is a nonpolar fluid capable of dissolving hydrocarbons, unlike surface water with which oil cannot mix.

Such fluid could form deep in the crust, insulated under the seafloor sediments, just as it does beneath black smokers. If a suitable passage connected it to the surface — and a salt dome is a perfect example — then this sort of water magma could rise bearing a heavy load of dissolved minerals and hydrocarbons. As the water cools and the dissolved load precipitates, a shell of tar would form protecting the hot fluid inside, analogous to lava tubes, and the fluid would eventually reach the sea floor. There the more volatile parts of the "lava" would enter the seawater while the heavy asphalt remains.

Supercritical water could exist at depths as shallow as 2800 meters. Because the flows of Chapopote are deeper than that, the theory checks out so far. This is not the first time supercritical fluids have been suspected in the Earth: they are theorized in large mud volcanoes and in catastrophic landslides.
Are There More Asphalt Volcanoes?

Surely there's a lot more asphalt in the Campeche Knolls and elsewhere. In fact MacDonald, in the 14 May 2004 Science, pointed out that tar flows had been photographed 200 km to the north of Chapopote in 1971. He suggested that others might locate more occurrences by doing what his team did: looking for oil slicks in satellite images of the sea surface.

In 2010, researchers reported extinct asphalt volcanoes in the waters off Santa Barbara, California that stand 30 meters high above the seafloor. Each new deep-sea oasis we find—joining black smokers, carbonate smokers, cold seeps and whale falls — makes the ocean floor a still more lively place.

PS: Like many scientists these days, MacDonald has put his team's papers online. Also on his site is a photo gallery from the history-making 2003 cruise. And I like what he told a university journalist: "Chapopote is more evidence that this planet is alive from top to bottom. There is no place on Earth where life is absent; wherever life gets the slightest foothold, it will adapt and blossom."

Censored Gulf evacuation news: Aid for Americans fleeing chemical rape

Gulf Coast residents attempting to flee today's lethal "chemical rape" and further non-consensual human experimentation before forced evacuations begin need compassionate Americans' help. A group of women have launched an aid program to connect the new American refugees with helping hands of Individuals, businesses and charities across the nation.

The new non-government organization, Help the Gulf People!, has launched its website,, a portal to match incoming 'refugee' needs with incoming resources.

On June 25, Ashiya Austin created a Facebook Group in hopes of assisting people needing to leave the Gulf Coast due to the lethal toxic chemical crisis, the "BP Gulf War Syndrome." Now, Louann Edwards of Louisiana, Faith Dyson, Jhenya Lovering and Angelique Collins have joined forces with Austin to help fill the widening gap of survival needs that people fleeing the Deep South have.

Emergency planners have called the transformed Gulf Region, "a deadly 'toxic soup' of oil," and the air, with Corexit 9500 oil dispersants, "a dangerous mixture" of gases."

Most people find that US military and private army supported companies are using lethal chemicals to gas Americans too horrid to face. They cannot plan to leave. These are among reasons that Alex Thomas's Intel Hub interviewed Matt Smith of Project Gulf Impact on July 7.

Smith, a West Coast resident, established Project Gulf Impact due to U.S. government/media suppression of what is actually happening in the Gulf Coast area and to the people there since the explosion. He and his team of filmmakers and reporters are traveling the region, investigating and reporting through alternative media sources with a conviction that "the success in one's life is not measured by status achieved, but by the impact on the lives of others."

Project Gulf Impact has been documenting economic, environmental, and human health impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil explosion. It is providing a voice for the voiceless residents of the Gulf and capture the social, political, and environmental climate surrounding one of the greatest environmental disasters of our time.

Smith explained that it is "really sad" to see people's reaction to the crisis and compared it to the grief of death. People go through stages after a loved one dies, the first of which is denial.

"These people are in denial."

According to Smith, government officials from various departments based along the Gulf Coast, all requiring anonymity due to suppression and subsequent persecution if they are named, have stated that forced evacuations will occur. This concurs with insider information Wayne Madsen provided related to the plans for all Gulf States to be evacuated, a matter withheld from the public in strictest national security secrecy mode.

Smith said that numerous government workers, doctors, scientists and other agency workers from "all over the spectrum" have said that they hear that there will be forced evacuations. This is part of the Gulf military operation toward "Full Spectrum Dominance." (See: Gassed in the Gulf: Toward Full Spectrum Dominance, Dupre, Examiner, June 15, 2010)

"The problem these people are talking about is the the evacuation planned is not friendly. It is forced evacuation," Smith stated. "They are going to do a 4-5 state evacuation with FEMA in control."

The UN buses in various locations along the Gulf Coast are worrying Smith according to his report.

"Corecit is lethal. It is killing you if you’re living here. Its like being in a giant gas chamber. About 10% is landing on the oil and the rest is in the air."

Smith spoke about oil alone being toxic and causing serious illnesses and the The 2010 Hurricane Season forecast to be highly active and strong to the point New Orleans WWL urged residents to make evacuation plans 2 months ago, saying, "Get a game plan now."

"Water is up to 10 degrees hotter than usual, said Smith who believes Tropical Storm Bonnie could be what catapults chaos and misery of forced evacuations to a population unprepared mentally and physically.

"There is acid rain, even as far up as North Carolina... There are pictures of yards burned, plants with holes in them, people with rashes, skin burning from being out in the rain. I was out for 1 minute in the rain and my hands were sticky."

Smith attributes the human and agricultural destruction to Corexit in rain. He reminded the listener about the lethal poison in rain seeping into the water table and drinking water.

Asked about food crops poisoned the same way, he said, "This is a worry. People need to be thinking about that."

Dr. Mark Sircus (Ac., OMD), director of the International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA), stated in the IntelHub Interview on July 7, "Nobody’s telling people what to do.”

Noted for his intellectual honesty about vaccines and author of the books, Cry of the Heart and Terror of Paediatric Medicine, Sircus listed toxic chemical poisoning preventions Gulf Coast residents need to be using now such as baking soda, activated charcoal, clay tablets and magnesium, all easily available and easy to learn to use after poisoned.

It takes months to eliminate poisons from the body, even after a person may feel better from the initial flu-like symptoms according to Sircus who emphasized: "After Chernobyl, the Russian government was airlifting poison remedies to the people. But not a word of airlifting to the Gulf Coast people."

"People are playing on the beach in Corexit. People are waiting for Big Brother to tell them to go. They will wait for the Commander in Chief to tell them to go.

"Boyd Hally said one of the greatest tragedies in our civilization is failure to recognize low level toxicity. This is not low level! This is serious poisoning from the volcano.

"People need to go into emergency type posture," from "chemical rape."

Syrcus said, "Anyone who opens their eyes to see how huge this is can see this is watching the elites, oil companies and what they did to medicine, we are watching them in an apocalyptic scenario."

Smith explained that over the past few days, he and his team have noticed a rapid build-up of Amy, Coast Guard... "amount of the workers and the way they are being brought in, people in suits on the beaches on the 4th of July weekend; plots of private police - men in black controlling the beaches. Wackenhut has the contract. There are heaps of them."

"Heaps of people are being arrested," according to Smith.

"The whole situation from state to state is getting more bizarre every day. Nothing makes sense to the normal eye. Everyone is saying to get out now."

Asked if he thought forced evacuations would happened soon, Smith said, "Speaking for myself, yes."

Saying 'Goodbye'

Anita Stewart is among the first of American refugees.

Stewart, a candidate for local office, has lived near in the Tampa Bay Florida area for forty-eight years, since she was twelve years old. Last week, she and her husband went to their favorite Gulf beach to say, "Goodbye."

"We won't see it again, will we?" she asked her husband.

"No, this is it," he replied.

"People I know say they want to leave, after they finish what they're doing."

"They know they have to leave if they want to live," said Stewart adding, "Well, I really don't think we have until September or October."

Stewart says she hears people say they are too upset to walk away from their homes and just carry what they can.

"I tell them, 'You don't own that house anyway. The bank owns it. And anyway, the government can take it from you any day it wants.'"

"We're being poisoned. This is genocide and ecocide. Our Gulf is occupied by a foreign entity committing genocide. People need to declare bankruptcy and go now."

"It hurts me to think about being a refugee," she said before breaking down into sobbing.

"I'm destroyed and devastated."

Stewart explained that she comes from a long line of men who served in the military, some giving their lives for their country.

"For what?" she asked.

"There are 3,700 oil wells out there in the Gulf. Our leaders have taken bribes for them to do this to us.

"My heart is breaking. Many people here will not be able to leave. They'll be in denial. That's devastating to think about. That's the worst."

Four-hundred sick people were recently admitted to the hospital after swimming on a Pensacola beach that had been opened for tourism according to Stewart who had attended a local meeting to hear Marine Biologist, Riki Ott speak.

Ott was asked, "When should we leave?"

She answered, "Any time."

Learn more by doing

Help is needed and help is being offered by some Americans of goodwill. Join them. Samples of aid needed and offers for refugees listed on the Help the Gulf People! website include categories linked below. Listen to the Intel Hub /Project Gulf Impact Interview below the list.

Seeking Transportation to Evacuate

Seeking Employment outside the Gulf Area

Offers of Employment For Gulf Victims

Offering Shelter

Offering Transportation for Gulf Area Pets or Animals

Offers of Homes to Rent or Lease

Offers to Foster Pets or Other Animals

Seeking someone to Network for Relocation
I found this interesting little animation about a Gulf of Mexico dead zone that has existed for years:

Love the accent of the shrimper giving testimony:

It's out of a Minnesota museum. What I find curious is that one of the principal components of
COREXIT 9500 is propylene glycol, and this statement from wiki:

Propylene glycol is known to exert high levels of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) during degradation in surface waters.

If one looks at a map, and supposes that oxygen depletion is one major result of the use of COREXIT, then we can just extend the pre-existing dead zone due East from the Deepwater Horizon location of the spill. Odd coincidence?
I've found a video that may be of interest:

CONFIRMED - LAB TESTED Gulf Coast Water Samples are 'VERY TOXIC'

Oil and water samples were taken from both the Shores of Grand Isle and from 20 miles out. The preliminary analysis was done at an academic analytical chemistry laboratory. Looking for the likely pollutants from the deep water Horizon Oil spill. It was focused on the detection of benzene and propylene glycol. Benzene and other highly toxic contaminants were very low however the concentration of pr More..opylene glycol was between 360 and 440 parts per million. Just 25 parts per million is known to kill most fish and propylene glycol is just one of many ingredients found in Corexit. In short, the Gulf is being poisoned by BP's usage of the dispersants even after the EPA asked them to stop back in May. We are willing to provide ANY respected/known laboratory these samples or provide them with more. This is very serious to all people and marine life in and around the Gulf.

source: _

Christiane Tourtet B.A.
July 08, 2010
Dr. Tom Termotto, National Coordinator for the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference (International Citizens Initiative) in Tallahassee, FL, has issued a very significant press release, in regard to the tragic violation of the public trust and social contract, and the historic failure of Government and Industry concerning the never ending BP Gulf Oil Gusher. I am urging everyone to read very carefully his remarkable press release.


The BP Gulf Oil Gusher Represents:

An Historic Failure of Government And Industry

A Tragic Violation Of The Public Trust And Social Contract

For all of us who live on and near the Gulf Coast of Mexico, we exist in a state that alternates between exasperation and incredulity, between anger and grief, between shock and awe at what this oil spill has come to represent. Where do we start? How do we begin to express our collective disillusionment with so many instances of betrayal and letdown? As well as the relentless falling short of what used to be considered reasonable expectations of government and corporate social responsibility.

Is it unreasonable to expect our governments – federal, state, county – to ensure that industry (Oil & Gas in this case) complies with the laws of our land. Should we be concerned that basic regulatory oversight, put into place to protect people, property and environment, were completely ignored, suspended and not enforced? Do we accept that such disasters occur through a highly unlikely series of human errors, bureaucratic mistakes, equipment malfunctions and technological breakdowns? How can everything go wrong, at the worst possible time, in the perfectly wrong place, unless … … …

The BP Gulf Oil Spill was created by man; it was not an act of God as some would have us believe. It was an utterly manmade event; not an accident or conspiracy of circumstances where fate would have everything accidentally go wrong that could go possibly go wrong. Not only have these disasters happened many times before; they will happen many more times in the future, if the status quo does not change quickly. When the prevailing mentality (Drill Baby Drill), which so dominates certain sectors of the Energy Industry, is defined by an Operate to Failure MO, what else could be expected?

Here we are on Thursday, July 8, day # 79 of this nonstop oil gusher and what has occurred to instill confidence in the hearts and minds of the people regarding an enduring solution? Let´s put aside the gushing well, as it is clear that BP and the Coast Guard are completely out of their league on that one. We´re now talking about a coordinated, deliberate and well thought out response to the polluted waters and tainted coastline of the Gulf of Mexico. What have the US Government and BP really endeavored to do in order to protect coastlines, embargo estuaries and pluck the still living marine life from the depths of this petrochemical cesspool. Have they at least released pertinent and vital information on a timely basis, which can assist many of us in our mitigation efforts?

These are our beaches, after all. We live here. We play here. We work here. For many, the Gulf is like a second back yard – a place where we go for fresh seafood and fun in the sun, on the beach and in the water. For boating and fishing, swimming and snorkeling. We go to the Gulf when we seek the peace and comfort that only the Gulf and Her beautiful beaches and wetlands can bring. And now that is all gone, with no prospect of returning in our lifetime. Truly, many are silently weeping in the privacy of their homes due to the sheer enormity and gravity of this heart-rending event.

So, where are we today? Or, where will we be tomorrow with this completely unacceptable state of affairs? More importantly, where will the BP-US Government tag team be on day # 80. Will BP still spray poisonous dispersants in and on the Gulf? Is the Coast Guard now spraying toxic dispersants from their own planes, as we have been told? Has BP relinquished any control over what is essentially a federal disaster area, as well as a crime scene – theirs. Given these facts, any official response should be legally and operationally directed by the US Federal Government?

As Dr. Thomas B. Manton, former CEO/President of the International Oil Spill Control Corporation, has wisely pointed out in his articles – British Petroleum is an oil company that makes its money drilling for and extracting oil. They are positively not in the oil spill control business, as their history clearly demonstrates. And yet the US Federal Government has given BP complete command and control over the Gulf of Mexico. For all practical purposes, a foreign multi-national corporation is enforcing Martial Law in US Territorial Waters. BP, the largest corporation in the UK, is to this day the chief component of a unified command structure from which all concerned US jurisdictions are taking orders.

Please know that British Petroleum has hired on a security staff and small paid-for-hire mercenary army that would make most small nations jealous. They allocate more time and resource in securing than they do in cleaning up. They spend more in marketing warm and fuzzy slogans around this PR disaster than they do mitigating and remediating the water and shoreline. They direct more personnel in the affected geographic area toward tasks that are peripheral to oil spill control than they do toward protecting the fragile Florida wetlands, Louisiana bayous or Alabama beaches.

Now we get to the real kicker here. The reader will find four proposals formulated by two different organizations (at the hyperlink below), which have a great interest in capping the gushing well and, at the very least, containing and capturing the leaking oil. Both groups have an equally strong desire to implement an integrated implementation plan to protect, mitigate and remediate all affected areas in the Gulf of Mexico. The challenge has been to get a response from anyone at BP, the Coast Guard, the concerned State governments or the impacted counties in North Florida, Alabama or Mississippi. These proposals have also been sent to the White House, specifically to the Office of Energy and Climate Change policy, as well as to the Co-Chair of the Gulf Oil Spill Commission Investigation.

As of today, Thursday, July 8, we have yet to receive a single response or acknowledgement from any of the aforementioned parties. Should we be concerned!? The consensus from those directly impacted and observers alike is that those who created this problem cannot be relied upon to fix it. Therefore, We The People are left with no alternative but to take matters into our own hands, wherever our lives and property have been put into jeopardy. We will act, and hopefully the unified command structure will follow our lead.

What would all the citizens and seasonal residents who populate the SouthEast say if they knew about this complete lack of response from the very governmental agencies which are tasked to protect them and their property. We also try to imagine what must be going on in the minds of those who staff the unified command structure, every time they receive a perfectly sound and efficacious proposal to get this job done right and expeditiously. In this same regard, we ask ourselves why the offers of assistance from various foreign nations have been either turned down or outright ignored, as have those from other international entities and NGO's.

We wonder out loud about whether it is now time to establish a Regional Citizens' Initiative (NGO that effectively functions as a parallel government) to step in where government and industry have completely failed and betrayed the people.

Concerned Citizens of the Gulf Coast


Dr. Tom Termotto

National Coordinator

Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference (International Citizens' Initiative)

(850) 671-1444

Sir Daniel Bilbruck


Bison Resource Development Group

Dr. Thomas B. Manton


International Oil Spill Control Organization

Please feel free to contact Dr.Tom Termotto, and or any of the points of contact mentioned above.

© 2010 Christiane Tourtet .
Laura said:
Actually, realizing that there really is no plan of the psychopaths, though there may be short term alliances, and that what they do just sort of happens as a result of their natures, is both comforting AND horrifying.
from this thread-

I have been going carefully through Political Ponerology for the second time, and have been impressed by the fact that Lobaczewski actually makes this very point. And we have no better example than what is currently unfolding in the Gulf, though I wonder if even Lobaczewski would be shocked at the scale of it. Speaking about the phenomenon of pathocracy, which he defines as "a system of government wherein a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people", he says:

Under such conditions, no area of social life can develop normally, whether in economics, culture, science, technology,
administration, etc. Pathocracy progressively paralyzes everything. Normal people must develop a level of patience beyond
the ken of anyone living in a normal man’s system just in order to explain what to do and how to do it to some obtuse medioc-
rity of a psychological deviant who has been placed in charge of some project that he cannot even understand, much less
manage. This special kind of pedagogy – instructing deviants while avoiding their wrath - requires a great deal of time and
effort, but it would otherwise not be possible to maintain tolerable living conditions and necessary achievements in the eco-
nomic area or intellectual life of a society. Even with such efforts, pathocracy progressively intrudes everywhere and dulls everything.
An interesting read:
30 Facts Evidencing the Rothschild League of Bankers Planned the Gulf Oil Crisis

30 Chilling Facts Proving We The People Are Under Attack, in an Undeclared War, With the Rothschild League of Bankers:
1) The media is grossly censoring the extent of the devastation in the Gulf. The poisons–oil and chemical dispersant (Corexit)–are destined to spread globally, but honest reporting is restricted, and independent investigators are being arrested. This censorship is a sure sign of fascism–not freedom or democracy. In this way, the media, financially directed by leading investment bankers (cited below), accomplices this global poisoning, or omnicide. (Click here for an example of more accurate reporting from the Gulf by an independent news source.)

2) The news and network “programming” is mind-controlling propaganda issued by the “partners” in the Rothschild League of Banks including Goldman-Sachs, JPMorgan-Chase and UBS that direct BP, Transocean, Halliburton, the clean-up capitalists, Corexit suppliers, even the trailers used by clean-up crews, through co-investors heavily represented in the Partnership for New York City (PFNYC), founded by David Rockefeller and chartered by the Royal Family of England. All together, these partners wield the most formidable economic power in world history.

3) Ongoing worsening environmental pollution has been a primary objective of these Rothschild League financiers since at least the 1960s, according to their leaked economic agenda. Destroying the environment, thus creating new global threats for remediation markets and emergency management is unconscionable, but very real. This has become a viable alternative to traditional warfare securing profitable population control through crisis capitalism.

4) The Gulf oil catastrophe reflects this one of three major financially-sustaining war substitutes. Currently, less urgent than environmental destruction is space-based threats (e.g., solar flares, alien menaces, and colliding asteroids). The third, and least apparent profitable war substitute is petrochemical-pharmaceutical enslavement. All three of these incentives and objectives for global governance, emergency preparedness, and profitable military and Homeland Security responses, “carries the weight of . . . considerable actual sacrifice of life.” (Quote from The Report From Iron Mountain–a scholarly, serious, non-fiction, non-satirical leaked worked claimed by Rothschild League banking cartel propagandists, including media pundits, to be a satire.)

5) The propaganda ploy used most effectively in the Gulf, and in all crises, is to blame illusory villains to create sham debates. When Obama is blamed for the oil crisis, for instance, the “accident” faults Democrats. When Halliburton is blamed, the Republicans feel faulted. This divisive diversion suckers masses of idiots, discredits the media’s intelligence, and shames people who still claim we have a “free” and “responsible” press.

6) The Deepwater Horizon (Mississippi Canyon 252) oil rig that exploded is the property of Transocean, not British Petroleum (BP); and both companies are financially directed by Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and UBS investment bankers, all operating in the Rothschild League of banks.

7) Coincidentally, or demonically, the oil rig’s failed cementation job exploded on Hitler’s birthday, just in time to poison Earth Day 2010, thanks to Transocean’s contractor–the infamous Dick Cheney/George Bush officiated Halliburton Company allied with Homeland Security.

8 ) Halliburton officials admit knowing their cementation job was likely to explode just when it did, according to Congressional testimony.

9) Goldman Sachs (GS) officials, likewise, knew the rig was likely to explode when it did. They bet millions of dollars on this event only days before it happened! (Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of GS, directed 44% (4.6 million shares) of BP stock to be dumped three weeks before the explosion.

10 ) Not surprisingly, Transocean was merged into its current corporate state by Goldman-Sachs (a.k.a., “Government Sachs”) in 2007.

11) David Sidwell, Risk Committee Chairman of UBS, the wealthiest Swiss bank (in the Rothschild League or alliance of so-called “competing” banks) and the world’s largest wealth manager, also dumped BP stocks massively (i.e., 99% of the banks holdings, or 2.1 million shares,) as did Wachovia/Wells Fargo.

12) BP Oil CEO Tony Hayward sold 1/3 of his BP stock (223,288 shares) on March 17–a month before the explosion.

13) Just prior to 9/11, you may recall, Goldman Sachs did the same with airline stocks; and before the Gulf catastrophe, GS shorted mortgage company stocks, fueling the real estate collapse in America.

New Shocking Facts:

14) The Management Boards of the Eurex Stock Exchanges and the Executive Board of Germany’s Eurex Clearing AG decided, on April 14, 2010, to introduce an equity option on shares of Transocean Ltd, effective on the day of the explosion, April 20, 2010. This gave inside traders a full day to dump their “uninsured” stock in Transocean at the highest price possible (before the rest of Wall Street responded to the explosion). Then the crisis capitalists were able to reinvest their funds securing the higher price value.

These officials published zero reason for Transocean’s new equity option program that encouraged banking criminals to use “protective puts” to make millions.

In other words, by paying a relatively small premium (compared to the soon-to-be plunging market value of Transocean stock), the Rothschild Leaguers knew no matter how far the stock dropped, it could be sold at the original “strike price” (also called the “put option”) anytime before April 20, 2012.

This additionally evidences premeditated murder, and the financial motives of the Swiss/German banking chiefs influencing Europe’s most active stock exchanges. These inside traitors and industrial sabateurs, financially controlling Transocean, Halliburton, and BP, committed the gravest environmental crime of all time, with obvious plans to profit from the mass murdering of people and destruction of the Gulf.
15) This was how money was made from the obvious sabotage. After UBS sold its 2.1 million shares of BP, prior to the explosion, the “put option” policy on BP stock was similarly exercised when UBS bought back 8.6 million BP shares by June 7.

16) Transocean Vice President of Marketing, Terry Bonno, met UBS officials on May 27, 2010, according to a heavily censored Thompson Reuter’s report and transcript. (CLICK HERE to read it.) The “Ultra-Deepwater market will start to pick up longer-term,” Bonno encouraged banking officials.

17) So within weeks of the explosion the Rothschild League of investment bankers were yelling “Buy! Buy! Buy! BP stock,” stating the costs for clean-up were miniscule compared to what their investments and company profits would earn.

18) This quote detailed the BP-banking-stock-jocks’ plot: “Buying shares today while writing $55 calls and “puts” for the January 2012 expiration allows for an outstanding cash-on-cash return if BP merely bounces back by 14% over the next 21 months. In a best case you’ll net 98% total returns on the actual cash outlay (assuming you write the puts against paid-up marginable equity already held in your margin-type account).”

(Editor’s Note: Can you imagine the psychopathology, blind ignorance, and murderous greed of investing, or reinvesting, in these companies that are killing us and our planet?)

19) Much like the instantly manufactured equity investment option created for Transocean right before the explosion, BP’s stock insurance plan secured the ongoing devastation in the Gulf with this financial promise: “In a worst case scenario you’ll end up with twice the number of BP ADRs at an average cost of $42.64 or less,” stock gurus promoted. “That’s lower than the annual lows for BP during the entire period 2004 right through 2007.”

Proud Profiteers in Media Magic

The wizards of oil, pulling the strings behind the media’s propaganda, are best exemplified by Goldman Sachs’s CEO, Lloyd Blankfein. Lloyd merged, and still largely controls, ABC/Disney and Miramax. Blankfein’s partner, co-chairing the PFNYC, is Rupert Murdoch, controlling FOX News, Time-Warner, Associated Press, News Corp and much more. Another partner in this David Rockefeller-founded PFNYC cabal is Thompson Reuters chairman, Thomas Glocer. The PFNYC was responsible for financial reconciliations from 9-11, and “veering” World Trade Center reconstruction money from New York to Las Vegas through Apollo Management’s MGM private equity investments. (Apollo co-owns Nalco/Corexit with Goldman Sachs.) The PFNYC was chartered by Britain’s Royal family, bringing NBC/Comcast into their stead, as well as the General Electric company. Last but not least, CBS owner, Sumner Murray Rothstein (Redstone), joined the clique through his CBS-Viacom stable of companies.

20) The Halliburton cementation job’s sabotage, and resulting oil hemorrhage in the Gulf, served perfectly, synchronously and financially, to “veer” media attention away from Lloyd Blankfein’s/ Goldman-Sachs’s shorting of the American housing market, accelerating the planned economic collapse of the USA for the forthcoming New World Order’s “New Deal.”
21) And just when we thought the Government Sachs connection to the Gulf oil rigging could not get any deeper, we learn that GS holds controlling interests (with Apollo Management) in the Nalco Company which produces the hideously deadly oil dispersant named Corexit!

22) The Rothschild Leaguers “ruled out all [Corexit] competitors even those that have shown to be far less toxic and, in some cases, nearly twice as effective,” reported Paul Quinlan in the New York Times. The reason being . . .

23) Nalco formed from a joint venture with the David Rockefeller-controlled Exxon Chemical Co. in 1994. Then, . . .

24) In 2003, The Blackstone Group, Apollo Management L.P., and Goldman Sachs Capital Partners, bought Ondeo Nalco for $4.3 billon dollars. All three companies are partnered in the Rockefeller-founded, Royal Family-chartered PFNYC.

25) Ironically, according to Nalco’s website, the company is portrayed as a water, energy, and air conservation corporation. They claim to be the world’s leading water treatment company. Their poisonous dispersant, Corexit, is not their main business. It is a “first aid product that they’ve always had and they’ve never really used.”

26) Corexit was found poisoning clean-up workers, causing kidney and liver disorders, following its debut in the 1989 Exxon-Valdez disaster. Nalco blamed these problems on 2-butoxyethanol, now claimed to have been removed.

And that’s not all. . . .

27) The George Bush/Dick Cheney 9/11-linked Halliburton Company purchased the world’s largest oil-spill cleanup entity, Boots & Coots, three weeks before the “natural gas leak.” This was synchrounous with the bankers beginning to unload BP and Transocean stocks, and securing equity options to insure their investments. Other major shareholders in Nalco/Corexit include billionaire Warren Buffett and his conglomerate holding company, Berkshire Hathaway; Maurice Strong, Al Gore, George Soros.

28) Historically, Homeland Security has contracted with Halliburton to provide detention camps for political dissidents and displaced populations, through KBR, whose financial underwriters feature the aforementioned war-makers: Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC; Goldman, Sachs & Co.; UBS Securities LLC; Citigroup Global Markets Inc.; and Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC–the precise financial institutions shorting BP and Transocean stocks as detailed above. Furthermore, . . .

29) Homeland Security’s choice of accommodations for Gulf oil clean-up crews are the same toxic trailers banned from use during Hurricane Katrina.

30) Homeland Security medical officials are also now implicated in fraudulently promoting (through Alex Jones) a “decoy product” for infectious disease markets called Silver Sol for profit and probably depopulation as well. (CLICK HERE for the shocking story.)
Recent Aerial view of the Gulf, By Sea Shepherd:

Shepherd at Deepwater Ground Zero. ***Exclusive footage


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The C's have said that high technology can correct the ignorant actions of mankind. No matter how "we" hose up this BBM, it seems to be no big deal and the environment can be corrected. The point I see is the collective experiential experience of us/we on this BBM combines into a mass consciousness we cannot perceive. From what I "see" this World going to krap, all these little individual fragmented souls wandering around collect into a mass consciousness related to this Mother Earth, BBM. The Earth LIVES and we/us are part of some kinda mass consciousness. The veil may shield us from some truths so we may decide, make our choice as to what path to follow. But I think, and I may be wrong, something "fooled" us into a situation where that I do not understand how we were "fooled". STS is a selfish situation and what was this situation where we could be "fooled"? Unless I am STS and this path was the fastest path to ultimate STS? Did I choose a fast path to a blackhole, or was I ignorant and lied to? THAT IS THE QUESTION I ASK.!.?.!.? The sleepers agree by inaction and apathy. For this world, ONE makes no difference, our collective individual fragmented consciousness combines into a mass decision. This BBM because of "us" is groaning & in pain under the stress of our screw-ups, and many do not "see" that we are a collective with this living Earth. When our individual bodies sense inflammation, white corpuscles attack the problem, kinda like a cometary bombardment wiping the slate clean. Is there difference? Sorry I cannot express my thoughts into words.
I found this video but I don't know if it is true of not.

Is It raining oil in Lousiana?
Hi Al Today,

may I be so humble as to suggest reviewing Wave 7 "It's Just Economics" - I think it touches what you are saying or asking...

"What amazes us is the sudden turn from the rational beginning to the irrational illusion. Irrationality and illusion are revealed by the intolerance and cruelty with which they are expressed. We observe that human thought systems show tolerance as long as they adhere to reality. The more the thought process is removed from reality, the more intolerance and cruelty are needed to guarantee its continued existence. (Reich, 1949) (quoted from W7p40)"....


"In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver - stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now."
(Castaneda 1998) (quoted from W7p41)
It probably would be quite easy to fake Galaxia2002, but looks plausible to me. And we have been hearing/reading about it raining oil in places.

Speaking of rain, the big question on my mind is how far inland will it be happening, especially with the potential advent of a hurricane?
Al Today said:
The C's have said that high technology can correct the ignorant actions of mankind. No matter how "we" hose up this BBM, it seems to be no big deal and the environment can be corrected. The point I see is the collective experiential experience of us/we on this BBM combines into a mass consciousness we cannot perceive.

As long as there is a "mainstream news", a "mainstream view" and people can be prevented from seeing every detail of actual consequences (like the quick scooping up of dead carcasses of the Gulf Oil 2D victims) there can be an enforced denial that things aren't so good after all. I'm sure the psychos and socios watch all mainstream anything, to make sure the illusions are being maintained.

But no matter, because in my view (which is subject to adjustment), the psychopaths may be in charge, but denial, in the individual and collective "mind", is possibly the biggest problem to overcome. It's the path of least resistance because it's already trained in from childhood. One can actually observe oneself doing this (and I have) in any choice not to look - to avoid seeing any particular something in reality and integrating it into the whole of what 'is' and feeling it.

But it seems like this reality bubble fantasy that many folks live in takes a lot of pressure before it pops, doesn't it?

Al Today said:
Sorry I cannot express my thoughts into words.

That happens to me a lot too. :flowers:
So if anyone's interested, Kindra Arnesan is setting up a 5013C Non Profit and a post office box for coastal communities in Louisiana. This should be direct page:
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