Mother of all gushers - BP Oil Disaster in Gulf of Mexico

Thanks Gonzo, I am not familiar with this stories author.

There is one big gap, like where is the source of info for this "Omega Plan" - The C's recent comments do make me wonder seriously about the nuke option. "hope for the best, expect the worst, and accept what happens."

BP’s secret Omega Plan kicked off in earnest on July 7th, 2010. According to sources on the base the British Geological Survey (BGS), the United States Geological Survey (USGS), BP and Halliburton have set up a test site at one of the drill rigs.

The other sources review close ideas, but not Omega Plan source. This could certainly be in the interest of disinformation, but I'll see if I can dig deeper to the source.

Seraphina (and those still in LA) I wish you the best of luck, and pray for serenity toward your course of action; as well as praying for hope and strength toward your good health.
Vectis said:
Thanks Gonzo, I am not familiar with this stories author.

There is one big gap, like where is the source of info for this "Omega Plan" - The C's recent comments do make me wonder seriously about the nuke option. "hope for the best, expect the worst, and accept what happens."

BP’s secret Omega Plan kicked off in earnest on July 7th, 2010. According to sources on the base the British Geological Survey (BGS), the United States Geological Survey (USGS), BP and Halliburton have set up a test site at one of the drill rigs.

The other sources review close ideas, but not Omega Plan source. This could certainly be in the interest of disinformation, but I'll see if I can dig deeper to the source.

Seraphina (and those still in LA) I wish you the best of luck, and pray for serenity toward your course of action; as well as praying for hope and strength toward your good health.

funny you mention serenity...I keep reciting my modified serenity prayer in my head :) Thank you for your words of kindness.
( ;) ...Seraphina, I'd like to hear your version of it... )

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (other people)(the big world),
Courage to change the things I can (myself)(my little world),
and the Wisdom to know the difference.

anyway. what am I doing home alone on a Saturday nite reading the Wave. I was out earlier and blew my diet change by eating a hotdog with onions and mustard :scared:

I took a nap earlier and had a strange dream. There was a huge snake or worm tunneling through oil pockets in the earth; then little worms or snakes broke off this and crawled into and out of my skin. I woke up in a startle, and the first thing I thought of was Merlins story of the red dragon and the white dragon. Then my mind wandered to Dune...

Now what I'm reading makes me think of the Gulf nuke option. Wave 7 page 228-29 states in short (Game Theory): "...don't threaten what you really can't deliver, and always deliver what you threaten..." Makes me think of that BP Offshore Oil Strike game, also.
(maybe that is what colored my dreams earlier).

I'm learning so much here, and feel like I'm becoming more aware but at the same time a bit confused. I've reached this point before where I learn so much, and then realize that I don't know anything. My little world parallels the big world; I pray for serenity all 'round...
Vectis said:
( ;) ...Seraphina, I'd like to hear your version of it... )

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (other people)(the big world),
Courage to change the things I can (myself)(my little world),
and the Wisdom to know the difference.

anyway. what am I doing home alone on a Saturday nite reading the Wave. I was out earlier and blew my diet change by eating a hotdog with onions and mustard :scared:

I took a nap earlier and had a strange dream. There was a huge snake or worm tunneling through oil pockets in the earth; then little worms or snakes broke off this and crawled into and out of my skin. I woke up in a startle, and the first thing I thought of was Merlins story of the red dragon and the white dragon. Then my mind wandered to Dune...

Now what I'm reading makes me think of the Gulf nuke option. Wave 7 page 228-29 states in short (Game Theory): "...don't threaten what you really can't deliver, and always deliver what you threaten..." Makes me think of that BP Offshore Oil Strike game, also.
(maybe that is what colored my dreams earlier).

I'm learning so much here, and feel like I'm becoming more aware but at the same time a bit confused. I've reached this point before where I learn so much, and then realize that I don't know anything. My little world parallels the big world; I pray for serenity all 'round...'s along the lines of....Let me find within myself the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. I kinda like your additions too, might add that to mine. I dropped the God part, partially in rebellion of the imposed system of religion and because there really is no separate God out there waiting around just to grant my wishes.

hmmm...worms crawling through the oil, getting contaminated, then crawling in and out of your skin. Scary invasive vector?? ...or maybe I'm just a little biased with my rorschach imaging (I say as I rub my eyes).

Ya know I was thinking of the way many here look at this whole they're buying the BS. My "husband" looks at me like I'm crazy for thinking it is in the realm of possibilities for my symptoms to be in any way related to the spill. In fact, he says I sound like those people who look for excuses to sue. That just isn't me...not that I could prove it in any undeniable way, in order to sue. I just find it interesting seeing the programming at work and disappointed that I cannot express my concerns without being chastised as if I was an idiot. The more I learn, the more I realize how alone I am in my little world.

I hear ya with the confusing thing. I can understand the concepts to an extent, but without practical experience, it's sometimes hard when I get out of my head and look around. Maybe if I hadn't had any kind of supernatural experiences, I wouldn't get it at all...who knows
Vectis said:
More info on the possibility of nukes... :(

‎*Why BP is readying a 'super weapon' to avert escalating Gulf nightmare*

This Terence Aym guy is all over the place with BP fear mongering, isn't he? I had a couple exchanges with him on FB and frankly, I think he's up to something.
Laura said:
This Terence Aym guy is all over the place with BP fear mongering, isn't he? I had a couple exchanges with him on FB and frankly, I think he's up to something.

Yeah, that's what my intuition was saying. As a former journalist, I can't help but notice the mixing of sources in some parts to add validity to areas where no sources are offered. This is either laziness, inexperience or evidence of an agenda using manipulation. Notice how close unsourced statements are placed next to allegedly sourced info:

"BP’s secret Omega Plan kicked off in earnest on July 7th, 2010. According to sources on the base the British Geological Survey (BGS), the United States Geological Survey (USGS), BP and Halliburton have set up a test site at one of the drill rigs."

Combining this with his pattern of other writings, I smell agenda.

Hello Gonzo and Laura,
I've smelled a hidden agenda all along, and we certainly don't need fear-mongering but that would be par for the disinformation course. While nukes have been hinted at all along, I would think that if they were going to use that option, they would just do it, and not tell anyone. Any major repercussions could be blamed on a massive earthquake. That's what I like about this place - no stone left unturned, nothing left unquestioned... :cool2:

thanks for the reply. With the all-pervasive use of the generic name God, I've turned it around, at least in my mind, to mean "Good" or Goodness. My favorite name for the concept of God is "Love."

My dream with the huge snake or worm crawling through the earth, and my immediate thoughts on waking are referred to the Welsh tale of King Vortigern trying to build a castle in the mountains of Snowdonia. Merlin was called in to prophesize why the castle kept collapsing, where he saw a red dragon and a white dragon battling beneath the earth. This symbolism is probably my mind in a dream state trying to make sense of what is happening under the Gulf.

Then the dream changes perspective, to the mini worms or snakes crawling through my skin. I like your statement "Scary invasive vector??" Well, Yes! In so many ways! Nice play on words, I paid attention to a long time ago when I came up with the name Vectis. Vectis means "lever" in Latin, but also has a very interesting history. The Isle of Wight was originally called the Isle of Vectis (and there is even a Paleolithic twist there with the Vectis formation). Vectis and vector get interchanged incorrectly sometimes, where Vectis also means "to raise" while vector means "to carry." Vector in pathology does mean a micro-organism which carries one disease to another, but that is NOT what Vectis does. I think the shift in perspective in my dreams is symbolic of my little world (including health concerns) and the big world (including the Gulf disaster); and how they are permeating my whole being.

I hope to not let this "fear-mongering" get to me; and again thanks to this forum, I am constantly reminded to be objective and positive-minded.

And Serphina! Please don't rub your eyes! If it is toxins, you may do better splashing them with clear water. I am glad you are being vigilant with your health concerns, no matter what doubts others have. It is better to be safe than sorry... High five to serenity... :)
The AP wire reports concern over seeps near the capped Macondo Well Sunday afternoon July 18, 2010.

Associated Press- said:
By COLLEEN LONG and HARRY R. WEBER (AP) – 3 hours ago

NEW ORLEANS — A federal official says scientists are concerned about a seep and possible methane near BP's busted oil well in the Gulf of Mexico

Both could be signs there are leaks in the well that's been capped off for three days.

The official spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity Sunday because an announcement about the next steps had not been made yet.

The official is familiar with the spill oversight but would not clarify what is seeping near the well. The official says BP is not complying with the government's demand for more monitoring.

The well pressure is about 6700psi at the installed cap. Pressures of 8000psi to 9000psi would indicate the well bore is intact and the Macondo gusher is contained. The reduced pressure reading is thought to be the result of hydrocarbon fluids escaping the well bore into the sediments below the Gulf of Mexico, hence the concern over the seeps in the area. said:
Suttles is almost frantic in his insistence that they bring no more oil to the surface. Their expected 8,000 - 9,000psi pressure readings from the well that would mean no leaking have barely made it to 6,700psi. This low reading is easily interpreted as meaning that shutting off the flow and building up pressure in the blown out well has already started any number of down hole losses. Leaks that could be entering the poorly cemented area around the lower annulus or any number of other possibilities of oil and gas migrating far, far away from the well head area, seeking a path to the sea floor. But for now, the battered, short-sighted BP vision of its crumbling future trumps sound engineering or safety margins, allowing the world press to announce: "Leak Stopped in Gulf of Mexico." The market opens tomorrow, good news for BP's stock price is their focus ... not the real potential for a totally uncontrollable new sea floor gusher they may be causing by allowing the pressure build up in the trashed Macondo well.

Technology in conjunction with the age old burden of lying and stealing have become an existential threat as humanity remains asleep. said:
Remember that geologists have said that if the well casing is substantially breached, the oil and methane gas will find a way through fractures in the surrounding geology and make it into the ocean. For example, the Houston Chronicle notes:

If the well casing burst it could send oil and gas streaming through the strata to appear elsewhere on the sea floor ....

Obviously, if there are natural oil or gas seeps nearby, there are already pre-existing channels up to the seafloor ... so that may very well be the path of least resistance for the subterranean oil to flow up to the seafloor.

Therefore, if there were a substantial breach in the well bore, nearby natural oil and gas seeps could very well increase in volume.

Because BP would like to minimize leak estimates to minimize the damages it has to pay under the Clean Water Act, BP would undoubtedly try to pretend that the nearby natural seeps always had the same volume. In other words, the owner of the oil drilling prospect where the spill is occuring - BP - may be the only party to have mapped out the nearby seeps (Anadarko and Mitsui were partners with BP in the oil prospect; but - as passive partners - they probably didn't take a hands-on approach to such details).

So don't be surprised if - when formerly tiny seeps become gushers - BP tries to pretend that they were always that large.
Indeed - given BP's track record of prevarication - don't be shocked if BP pretends that brand new gushers are ancient, natural seeps.*

*My bold
The Guardian- said:
BP oil cap may not have stopped leak
Government demands answers as engineers detect seepage and possible methane gas leak on seabed of Gulf of Mexico

Fears about the new cap over BP's damaged Gulf of Mexico oil well have been raised after engineers detected seepage and a possible methane gas leak on the seabed.

Admiral Thad Allen, who is in charge of the US government's response to the disaster, has written to BP demanding answers to "undetermined anomalies at the well head".

Allen ordered the company to provide a plan for reopening the well by 1am today (BST).

So basically the way I read this is that there is no way that this thing can be stopped.
Perhaps they're already planning to nuke it :headbash:, interesting part, today no live video link from ROV on site :cool2:. Are they hiding something???
Vectis said:
I was out earlier and blew my diet change by eating a hotdog with onions and mustard :scared:

I took a nap earlier and had a strange dream. There was a huge snake or worm tunneling through oil pockets in the earth; then little worms or snakes broke off this and crawled into and out of my skin.

Hi Vectis
fwiw it may well have been related to what you ate...that is you ate 'poison' and then dreamt of these worms invading your body? I'm pretty sure that dreams your subconsciousnesses way of saying its detected an invader.
Hi RedFox, I probably wasn't clear enough on my time frame, earlier in the day I had an ultrashake, and then a late lunch of rice, chicken and peas. Around this time I had been reading up on Gulf disaster stuff (and also at the same time subconsciously fretting about my health and other personal challenges)... it was around 4 in the afternoon when I took a nap and had the dream...

It was around 9 pm when I had the dog. I knew it wasn't healthy, but I had been away from the house for a few hours and was hungry. I figured it would at least give me a good chance of seeing how it affected me, or how sensitive I could be to notice any change. The onions probably affected me the most, but otherwise when I went to sleep that night, I slept soundly.

So food wasn't necessarily "coloring" my dreams in this instance, but as you said about "dreams detecting an invader" - again I will say YeS! Not just my concerns about the Gulf, and my family and friends in the South - but also my physical and mental health concerns. These last two are a different subject, and off topic here - yet an interesting term was brought up on this thread "fear-mongering" - which is something I am trying to be vigilant about, in *everything* in my life.... (now, back to the Gulf...)

BP has confirmed that there is an oil leak on the sea floor several miles away from the Deepwater Horizon's damaged blowout preventer. The undisclosed specific location of the sub- sea leak is reported to be billowing oil and deadly methane gas.

While the live BP video feed has been focused on the BOP, some oil industry experts have suggested that the leak being reported today has been played down, despite a report from Florida Senator Bill Nelson last month. (See video below)

The third oil leak, which was admitted to by BP shorty after the Deepwater Horizon exploded on April 20,1020, may now be emerging from behind what many believe has been an oil spill media blackout.

On May 5, 2010 BP confirmed that one of three initial leaks had been plugged. The second leak is the one millions of people have been watching through the BP live video feed. However, the third leak has been virtually ignored.

In the early stages of the 90 day-old disaster, oil industry expert Matt Simmons told NBC News that a major area of seepage was coming from an area about 7 miles from the well. Simmons called it the “elephant behind the mouse.”

Residents in the Tampa Bay area have been concerned over the lack of available information on the potential risks from the disaster.

Should the sea floor leak announced today be confirmed in same location as the one Simmons and Senator Nelson have reported, then BP and the government have been aware of it all along, further substantiating fears of an oil spill media blackout
Yeah, that's what my intuition was saying. As a former journalist, I can't help but notice the mixing of sources in some parts to add validity to areas where no sources are offered. This is either laziness, inexperience or evidence of an agenda using manipulation. Notice how close unsourced statements are placed next to allegedly sourced info:

"BP’s secret Omega Plan kicked off in earnest on July 7th, 2010. According to sources on the base the British Geological Survey (BGS), the United States Geological Survey (USGS), BP and Halliburton have set up a test site at one of the drill rigs."

Combining this with his pattern of other writings, I smell agenda.


mmm the UFO sighting in China on July 9Th 2010, but it seems the UFO was sighted much earlier (photographed by a resident) on July 7, 2010....coincidence? or is there something to this?

Associated Press Writer

Published: Monday, July 19, 2010 at 6:29 p.m.
Last Modified: Monday, July 19, 2010 at 6:29 p.m.
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration today announced a new national policy for strengthening the way the U.S. manages its oceans and coasts and the Great Lakes.

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Officials said the framework is needed now more than ever following the massive Gulf oil spill.

But the National Ocean Policy Coalition, representing energy and other business interests, said it's worried the recommendations could end up restricting some activities and lead to unintended economic consequences.

The policy calls for the creation of a new National Ocean Council that will coordinate the work of the many federal agencies involved in conservation and marine planning. But it creates no new restrictions or regulations, and is not expected to have any short-term effect on offshore oil drilling.

Nancy Sutley, chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, said the new policy recognizes that use of the ocean is expanding at a rate that challenges the ability to manage competing demands.

Among the central tenets of the policy is a zoning process that confines certain recreational and commercial activities to designated areas, known as marine spatial planning. Proponents of the process say it will help balance and manage competing uses of the oceans.

The zoning would be overseen by new regional organizations, with final approval coming from the National Ocean Council.

The policy is based on final recommendations from the two dozen senior policy experts from across the government named to the Ocean Policy Task Force Obama established last year. The president signed an executive order adopting the recommendations Monday.

While marine spatial planning could ultimately affect offshore drilling, administration officials said any changes would be in line with the findings of a presidential commission investigating the causes of the Gulf oil spill.

The administration imposed a moratorium on deep-water offshore drilling pending the outcome of the commission. That moratorium was later revised after courts struck down the original as heavy-handed.

Some environmental advocates praised the national oceans policy as an important step in promoting a healthy environment.

"Coastal and marine spatial planning will allow for more transparent decisions about how to manage conflicting uses while maintaining and restoring the health of the ocean," said Vikki Spruill, president and CEO of Ocean Conservancy, a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group.

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