Multiple-threaded Dream


Jedi Master
Thought I'd write for the first time a dream here...
I had this one a couple months back before went to Poland. It was very VERY vivid and long involving different elements of my life threaded together, more so than usual. It had me thinking about it several days after. I tried writing it down, but kept forgetting bits and having to re-remember best I could. I also have added 'real-life' notes that may be relevant to the dream.

Don't know if there is anything particular to be made of it, but here it goes:

Its starts: Im in a large darkened office-type environment with rows of concurved 1980's computer screens with high-stools like in a betting shop. There's old newspapers littered about everywhere. I'm sat with a longtime landlord I manage properties for. He and I are the only people there. He is angst ridden, the stockmarket has crashed. Its worse than ever before... worse than 1929!
I try contacting my business-partner-and-friend in urgency to 'warn him' but the touch-screen on my mobile is playing up again so won't unlock to make calls. Next I know, the landlord and I jump in a large fire-engine parked out the back. Its night, he's driving hurriedly with blue lights flashing (but no siren). There's another guy - I can't remember who he is - in the drivers cabin sat in the middle between us. He is very aggressive and starts fighting with the landlord as he drives. The fight escalates and the fire-engine is careering out of control. I reach round the fracas grabbing hold of the steering-wheel to try control the vehicle as it carriers down the London Road hill towards the city centre as it continues picking up speed. Holding of the wheel, the scuffling blocks my view out the windscreen so I must rely on my memory of the road-lay to navigate the truck down the hill's slight curves before it finally levels off on the flat finally slowing down. There was no power-steering for such a large heavy vehicle, I was struggling to manage it. Eventually I control-crash it to an eventual stop into empty seats and tables outside an al-fresco-dining restaurant. We tumble out and go our separate ways.
There is chaos and rioting everywhere resulting from the financial crash. It doesn't matter to me. Chaos is fine when I have no responsibilities but myself. People I recognize causing trouble stand back as if wary or in disdain?... Turning their backs to shun me. I don't know why... I don't care.
As I walk past a darkened alley to my right a long-time friend I've known since school reaches out from its shadows and hands me a set car keys: "take her away from here" he says. A moment later I'm driving a car out the backway of my home city with "the girl" I've been entrusted to look after, following behind in a Renault Cleo. Its daylight as soon as I leave my city. We're driving at speed through a tree-tunneled country road - she's keeping good pace. Im driving to a destination but don't know where it is or why I should go there. Its all instinct.

[Real-life note: "The girl" is someone I befriended back when I did youth work in schools in Hackney (East London). They were always very intense - dealing with troubled kids from abusive backgrounds, some with family members slain in gang-related violence that threatened to spill into the schools. As such, the youth-projects were very emotionally testing, as a result strong bonds were often forged between volunteers - especially between the sexes. We worked well together... She was a great ally]

She likes me a lot (in dream and real-life) but I don't feel for her the same way she does for me. I must make sure she stays with me to accomplish my entrusted mission - and because I care for her personally - but don't want her immediately following behind as it represents being too close a relationship. I must maintain some distance and create a 'buffer'. I set about putting a vehicle between us and overtake cars in front but she's a very proficient driver and always follows suit. Finally I take the chance to overtake a extremely-long articulated lorry on a dangerous bend - with success. The road becomes too narrow and windy for her to overtake the lorry despite her competence. I can relax and settle down with the journey. The speed lessens as road gets narrower and steeper... It gets steeper still and more dirt-track-like with grooves running down the middle etched out from heavy-rain runoff. It reminds me of a mountain road i went up in Turkey. The tree-tunnel become spruce and pine, no longer the deciduous broad-leaf woodlands back home.
My car starts to shrink like vacuum-sealed bubble-wrap sucking in around me... I'm encased. I force a break-through flaying out my arms freely before clutching onto handlebars of a push-bike I now find myself peddling. Everyone are on bicycles as the road becomes an earthen track unsuitable for vehicles.
We're all going to the same destination.
The bicycles are ditched and we're all walking, rambling, clambering then climbing as the track gets ever steeper still. I look back and there's hundreds following behind single file, many carrying bulky items on their backs like sherpas.
The girl is fine, I no longer need to be concerned for her safety. As we finally reach the mountain top - "the destination" - everyone but me files off onto the grassy almost-flattened knoll of the summit - opening up just above the trees - and all sit down.
Its warm sunny and summery here with butterflies and willow-seeds floating about. I want to go sit with everyone but before I do I need to climb a dolmen perched precariously at the edge of the grassy mountain-top.
They're all watching as I try to pull myself up on top, clawing at the stone table-top slab, digging my nails into the rock. Im breathing heavily, hyperventilating. I pause to turn my head to look out across the valley below - across to mountains over and all around. I'm very high up with fluffy clouds drifting below. Its the same view as when I was in Kashmir overlooking Murree. My mountain is warm and sunny (though I can't see the sun's origin). Everywhere else I could see is under the cold darkness of dusk - and peaceful.

[Real-life note: My visit to north Pakistan was a pivotal moment for my personal 'development'. It coincided with the assassination of Benazir Bhutto (I was 15 miles away at the time of the explosion - leaving Islamabad just before the roads in and out were blocked off).
I was sad for her death because I quite liked her, but the darkness within me at that time needed an experience of genuine danger - of being out of my depth without a safety net - of which her death kind of allowed for: A white Brit in a troubled foreign land threatening civil war... Buildings are torched and automatic gun-fire echoed around me... It was just what the doctor ordered! Yes, a terrible thing to say/way to think, but thats honestly how I felt at the time. This was also around the time I first came across Cassiopeia]

As I look across the valley, all of a sudden I become acutely aware of how high up I am, and become overwhelmed with the sensation of vertigo, overcome with an extreme fear of falling. I don't understand... I love being high-up - on top of mountains and cliffs and hilltops overlooking amazing views for miles around!
The vertigo starts to consume me, I feel sick dizzy and wretched.

[Real-life note: I have experienced vertigo but has only ever been mild and very brief. I get it when having not been high-up for a while then getting taken by surprise, eg walking across Bristol's Clifton Suspension Bridge for the first time and underestimating how far the drop is to the gorge bottom. Vertigo lasts only a few seconds before my eyes adjust to distance. I've never felt sick.]

I turn my head away from the grand vistas to try desperately to regain stability of senses and face the warm meadow scene again. Everyone are sat in lotus positions watching me attentively. They are dressed similar to those at a newy-aged pagan gathering or festival-goers at Glastonbury, many wearing pixie hats and wrapped in silky pashminas flowing in colorful arrays. Nearly all are women. They look disgruntled. Annoyed. I can hear them muttering and murmuring angrily among themselves... shooting scowling eyes my way. They're not happy with me! I haven't climbed the dolmen - and they're all waiting!
As I try to force myself up once again, the dolmen moves about - rocking side to side. Im spinning out, my vision blurred, reeling from the effects of vertigo now more so compounded by the unstable swaying sensation of the dolmen. I am panic-stricken. I kept thinking: "Why is this happening? Why am I so weak and fearful? Is it because I still drink alcohol?... It must be that..."
The pixie people are more vocal now, cursing - booing and shouting at me. I feel shamed and disappointed with myself. Its like I'm on trial. "To hell with them - to hell with all of them!" I thought "What do they matter anyway.."
Sick dizzy and debilitated, I somehow manage to muster every iota of strength within the deepest depths of my fast-dwindling Will to drag up and along the cold hard cap-stone slab like a mauled seal out of water. My nails hurt as my fingers dig into the rough surface of the stone in desperation. My heart is pounding, I'm frothing at the mouth struggling to breath. However, I finally drag the tips of my toes up and onto the cap-stone, ensuring every part of my body gets to lay wholly atop the dolmen.
There is one last hurdle: I must stand up! - the very last thing I must do - if I am to prove truly worthy(?) But I can't - I simply can't hold out any longer, I will faint at any moment.
Just before passing-out, incredulously I manage to squeeze the very last vestige of enfeebled strength from within and slope off the dolmen's edge, like a carcass, plopping down on the grass - a shaking jellied heap.
I regain my senses and come to my feet. The angry pixie people are no longer angry. They seem content enough and quietly in conversation among themselves, ignoring me. I look back at the dolmen. There's a stepped entrance beneath the dolmen's table-top capstone shining forth a soft golden light. It leads down into the mountain. Its so inviting... I can 'sense' enchanting music emanating from down the passageway... strange... Its walls glisten with pink and white crystalline... possibly gypsum and rose-quartz... shimmering with reflected gold light. It allures me so, but I don't want to go down there because I didn't stand up on the dolmen. I feel unworthy to. But its ok, just knowing its there - of such a place - calms me...

I look back again at the grassy meadow-scene to see my youngest sister (the 'baby' of the family - though she's 30 now) walking toward me smiling, stepping around the pixie people as she does so. "Aw... I haven't seen him for aaaaaages!" she proclaims, and gives me the warmest hug ever - better than any in real life. Its like our souls merged for that moment.
With her arms wrapped round my neck I look past her shoulder to see my mother standing at the treeline at the far side. She stands at an oblique angle to everyone, facing slightly away off to one side looking out across the valley to the darkened mountains beyond... Wistfully... She looks sad.
"Why is she sad?" I thought... "why is she always sad..."

End of Dream.
Don't know if there is anything particular to be made of it...

G'day mate,

As mentioned previously, interesting dream and very symbolic I suspect?

Also has a 'soul' feel to me, much like DianaRose's dream mentioned here.

As I walk past a darkened alley to my right a long-time friend I've known since school reaches out from its shadows and hands me a set car keys: "take her away from here"

The direction from which assistance came (following the fire engine/struggle scenario), the giving of key's to a 'car' and the appearance of 'her'- marking a notable point in the narrative imo, and 'vehicles' can be an excellent medium for dream 'communication' ;-)


I wasn't going to mention the Renault Clio...I decided to put it in because it stuck fast in my mind for some reason.

And that's rather interesting as the name Renault may be translated to mean 'high counsel'.

And Clio is a 'muse' -

A person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist


An instance or period of reflection.

...genuine mistake spelling it "Cleo" btw...

Perhaps a Freudian slip also?


Considering the anagram relationship between Cleo / Cloe and Kore, telling I feel and something I wouldn't have thought of, in the context of an 'alchemical' dream where one may be getting a glimpse of their pysche / genius / ka.

From Ra -

It shall be necessary to both understand the bodily polarities and to accept them, repeating in a chemical/physical manifestation the work you have done upon the mind...

The body is a creature of the mind’s creation. It has its biases...the process of acceptance of the body as a balanced, as well as polarized, individual may then be accomplished.

The simplest example of this is the understanding that each biological male is female; each biological female is male.

In that line of thinking I wonder if the Renault symbol was also obviously displayed in the dream??


Q: (L) What is the “philosophers stone?”
A: Idea center.
Q: (L) How can this idea center be accessed?
A: Many ways: meditation is the best.
Q: (L) Is there any visual image of the philosopher’s stone that one could use to access it in meditation?
A: Yes. Diamond or prism.

To provide another example, coincidentally it was a car's badge in a dream that eventually led me to the 'C's and as you're from the UK you might appreciate that (after a lot of Escorts) it was the 'Ghia' badge on a Mk IV Cortina -


With Ghia apparently deriving from the Spanish guiar or Old French guier which means Guide!

Being too dense to recognise that Escort also means Guide- derived from the ‘feminine’ scorta :-[

Which led to taking a look into the meaning of Cortina...

First, discovering that the Ford Cortina was apparently named for the northern Italian town of Cortina d’Ampezzo, with the name translating to ‘Curtain of the valley (of Ampezzo).

Then finding that Curtana / Courtain is a Latinized form of the Anglo-French curtein, from Latin curtus with 'Curtana' also the name of the ceremonial ‘Sword of Mercy’ used at the initiation rite of British royalty!

Or specifically -

‘Curtana was, according to legend, the sword of Ogier the Dane; it bore the inscription "My name is Cortana, of the same steel and temper as Joyeuse and Durendal.

It is supposed to have originally been Tristan's sword, and gained the name "Cortana" when it was "cut down" to fit Ogier’

Then there was also the Latin cortīna, meaning cauldron, the alchemical symbol of transmutation, and also used to reference ‘the sacred tripod’ of the Delphic oracle in The Aeneid!

‘vix ea fatus eram: tremere omnia visa repente,/liminaque laurusque dei, totusque moveri/mons circum et mugire adytis cortina reclusis.’

I had just spoken: everything seemed to shake suddenly, the threshold and the laurels of the god, and the whole hill/seemed round us to move, and the tripod of the revealed shrine seemed to groan.

Virgil, Aeneis 3.90-92

Which is quite a bit of information packed into the name of a small car :umm:

Did you happen to take notice of the colour of the 'Clio'?

Silver for example is interesting if we consider the various Anglo-Saxon spellings of seolfor / siolfor (soul for / fire?) recognising that they also sound a lot like sulfur?

Leading again to the marriage of the male-female and the work of the Alchemist?

Bringing us to the feminine symbol of -

"The girl"...She likes me a lot (in dream and real-life)...

'She' is very much of interest, I suspect, and wonder if you have looked into the meaning of 'her' name by chance?

Personally it never fails to amaze me how clever dreams can be in this area - for example 'she' can often be presented as a celebrity that you recognise (it makes dreams easier to remember) even if it is only vague familiarity.

Such as 'the blonde girl with big smile' from a TV series you may know of -


And in this case her name turns out to be 'Bridie Carter' and the character played 'Tess Silverman'

Bridie - from Bridgid (The Goddess) also spelt Bride
Carter - occupational name for 'one who transports'
Tess - to harvest
Silverman - I'm sure you get the picture :-)

But on that note this jumps out at me -

but I don't feel for her the same way she does for me. I must make sure she stays with me to accomplish my entrusted mission - and because I care for her personally - but don't want her immediately following behind as it represents being too close a relationship. I must maintain some distance and create a 'buffer'.

And wonder if that 'buffer' may be reflected here?

As we finally reach the mountain top - "the destination" - everyone but me files off onto the grassy almost-flattened knoll of the summit - opening up just above the trees - and all sit down.
Its warm sunny and summery here with butterflies and willow-seeds floating about. I want to go sit with everyone

And coincidentally 'Psyche' (soul) means butterfly in Greek... :rolleyes:

There is one last hurdle: I must stand up! - the very last thing I must do - if I am to prove truly worthy(?) But I can't -

And also here in 'your' struggle to rise above the 'Dolmen' - which is a cracking dream symbol btw :cool2: -


Comprising 3 elements as they do and symbolic of body as 'tomb' - of the soul?

Or the seeker and sepulchre....;-)

And I particularly like this bit -

but I don't want to go down there because I didn't stand up on the dolmen. I feel unworthy to. But its ok, just knowing its there - of such a place - calms me...

Followed as it was by the 'sister' and 'Mother' imagery -

I look back again at the grassy meadow-scene to see my ... sister and she gives me the warmest hug ever - better than any in real life. Its like our souls merged for that moment.
With her arms wrapped round my neck I look past her shoulder to see my mother standing at the treeline at the far side. She stands at an oblique angle to everyone, facing slightly away off to one side looking out across the valley to the darkened mountains beyond... Wistfully...

As you mentioned -

I was captured with Laura's sum-up regards Demeter and her daughter Persephone/Kore as representing "pure consciousness/mother of all" and the representation of her issued progeny as "individuated consciousness"

Looking forward to the next one :-)


J never fails to amaze me how clever dreams can be

Well...... in what appears to be an example of the cleverness of our dream makers and continuing yesterdays thread - a car featured in a dream last night :zzz:

It was an old green Hyundai (that belonged to a girl named Tara) and I was getting rather frustrated trying to get comfortable on the passenger side, while waiting for her, because someone kept shining a bright light in my face.....................

So looking into 'Hyundai' as a symbol this morning -

The company is headquartered in Seoul, Korea

Badum tish............:rolleyes:

And regarding the emblem -

H2.png’s also a stylized picture: a silhouette of two individuals shaking hands... Also notice how the “H” is slanted forward, actively to the right,...


And regarding the name -

The word “Hyundai” is the Korean 現代 (“hanja”), which means “modernity.” An exact transliteration into English would be “Hyeondae.”

Which immediately brought to mind the french 'Onde = Wave' relationship and was also perhaps a reminder that I'd forgotten to mention -

Its warm sunny and summery here with butterflies and willow-seeds floating about.

- That the willow is known as Saille / Suil in the Ogham and Saule, the French word for willow, shares the English pronunciation for the word 'soul'.

And then there is 'her' - Tara - Sanskrit for shining or star, Aramaic for portal and great goddess of the Celt's, Akkadian's, Hindu's, Finn's etc. etc............

Ya gotta laugh ;-)
Thanks @gnosisxsophia. There's a lot of rabbit holes to explore and symbolism to digest here.

Iv'e often been intrigued with car logos and there names given. Cars have become the ultimate mode of physical freedom of our age... Jump in behind the wheel and go! Cars are so embedded within our modern psyche - probably most dreams now have a vehicle of some sort in there somewhere.

In that line of thinking I wonder if the Renault symbol was also obviously displayed in the dream??
Did you happen to take notice of the colour of the 'Clio'?
Actually, I don't recall the Renault symbol itself (the diamond I find it is very "feminine"? If you look closely at the Renault badge, its designed as an optical illusion like the penrose-triangle) I used to be very in-to cars - so know pretty much all of them by shape alone. It was a 2000 model and red - though lost its shine.

as you're from the UK you might appreciate that (after a lot of Escorts) it was the 'Ghia' badge on a Mk IV Cortina -
Funny you say that... The very first car I owned was a Ford Orion 'Ghia', it was red (my mates used to joke about me driving my "coffin-carrier" because of its unusually large boot for a smallish car - big enough to fit a body)

And also here in 'your' struggle to rise above the 'Dolmen' - which is a cracking dream symbol btw :cool2: -
I was always fascinated with neolithic sites. I lived at the very edge of Dartmoor, in South-West England, for 2 years close to a dolmen (spinsters rock). Dartmoor has a very unique kinda spooky atmosphere with a very ancient feel. Its scattered with neolithic sites... I'm surprised at how many stone-circles/tombs and other curiously placed standing-stone formations seemingly go unremarked.
There were also many reports of animal mutilations up on the moor, not always reported in the media, with locals claiming satanic rituals by pagan cults. There was one particularly sad and unpleasant case only 3 miles from me involving the mutilation and cutting open of a pregnant pony :cry:

Thanks again for your efforts gnosisxsophia... much to ponder.
I used to be very in-to cars - so know pretty much all of them by shape alone.

G'day again mate,

Yeah me too, used to be car mad :cool:, and it dawned awhile ago that there might have been a method to the madness in that depth of knowledge on the subject, along with other things like music and acquaintances (names) conceivably builds a 'vocabulary' that can be used to communicate - without infringing upon free will?

It was a 2000 model and red- though lost its shine.

Yeah the diamond made me wonder if it was red ;-)

Then there is the Ab which is the sort of principle element of the life in man - like the part that is of God or the soul. The Ab was represented as a red stone.

And 'adamant' was historically attributed to both diamond and lodestone.

Not to mention the Perseus / Medusa relationship and an adamantine sword or sickle.

I won't inflict a Ford Falcon dream on you other than - 'falcon' from Latin falc/falx = sickle

Though a 2000 model would make it a Clio II, '2nd generation' and also perhaps powered by the larger DOHC 16V 1600cc engine??


And the double 16's could be another reference to Sulphur (16 protons and 16 electrons) and balance?

As mentioned previously though - I suspect you may find that 'her' name is likely the key to the dream?

I've often been intrigued with car logos and there names given.

Speaking of logos, names and cars that have lost their shine (and 2000...) happens to bring to mind a classic example of what I call 'C' dreams -

I find myself sitting by the side of a road strumming an ornate golden sitar (as you do :umm:), tuning it down and playing some kind of cool rock and roll riff which I eventually recognise as the ‘The Godfather Waltz’ as recorded by ‘Slash’ of Guns of Roses fame.

At the same moment I recognise the tune, a childhood friend happens to pull up in a ratty old silver Mitsubishi Sigma and despite not having seen each other in years, the funny thing was I was more shocked by the car then seeing my mate (whose got a great name but I'm gonna try and keep this under a million words....), because it was definitely not something he’d be caught dead driving normally!


But anyway I jump in and the dream moves on :zzz:.

So starting at the beginning and looking into why a sitar? it turns out to be an interesting metaphor with the instrument consisting of varying numbers of strings but with only 1/3 of them ‘played’. The remainder being 'sympathetic', vibrating only when in resonance with the frequency of the catalyst note.

And the term ‘sitar’ deriving from the Persian words seh + tar meaning ‘three strings’.

Which starts to become interesting when considering Slash’s real name is Saul Hudson and 'Saul' is translated as Soul / Spirit in Old English, Scottish etc. with ‘Hudson’ from Hud / Hugh = Heart, mind and spirit and son (sun , sol , soul).

And for anyone that’s seen the movie, the opening strains of the 'Godfather Waltz'are VERY distinctive and looking into the original composition it turns out there are 3 instruments involved in the introduction – trumpet, mandolin and an accordion - with the piercing opening note a C. Also composed by a gentleman named Nino Rota, (Nino Spanish for Boy / Son = Sun, Sol etc.) and Rota relating to chariot and wheel - with the literal meaning of ‘arched wood that forms a bow’ (i.e. a C).

Notably the Celtic origin of the term rota also happens to be of such significance that many people, such as Mario Alinei, have dedicated chapters to the subject!

Theorising that the term originates specifically from the superior spoked chariot wheels (as constructed by the Celts) whereby the ‘felloes’ (the outer rim of the wheel) were constructed of a single piece of heat-formed wood, instead of the more common 2 or 3 ‘C’ shaped pieces. Such that a Celtic wheel consisted of 3 primary parts – the Nave (hub) the Spokes and the Felloe.

And ironically 'felloe' (fellow) has the meaning of partner, companion, counterpart etc….yet felloe/felly happens to be pronounced 'filly'!

Hence the old saying ‘spokes are there to keep the nave away from the fillies:whistle:

Which is also rather Seven Spokes-ish ...?

And looking into the gold sitar vs mandolin - both happen to belong the Lute instrument family and ‘Lute’ also happens to be the name of the substance used by Alchemists to seal their crucibles!

So that may be the ‘gold’ reference.......

Now digging into the meaning of the car symbols, considering the tone so far, you'd have thought the emblem would have been front and centre, bold as brass, wouldn't you?



But then it turns out the name 'Mitsubishi' commonly translates to 3 'diamonds' anyway, so maybe there was no need?

And ‘Sigma,’ it turns out is originally derived from the Phoenician symbol Sin, which coincidentally looks like a W -


yet has now evolved into the lunate symbol of today’s letter C and in Greek also has the value of 200.

And although the diamond logo was absent, this one was interesting in the scheme of things !


Considering your 'Muse' dream -

The Muses blew a ‘honeyed breath of life’ into those whom they favored - which was the source of all knowledge...The term ‘source of knowledge' is an extension of a word whose literal meaning translates as a fountain, a stream or a river...

So the epithet of Bee in ancient Greece, applied not only to priestesses, prophetesses, or Goddesses like Demeter and Artemis - it was also bestowed upon... anyone touched in some way by divine inspiration. Neoplatonists regarded honey as a symbol of wisdom gained through experience over a period of time. They recognized that certain gifted human beings could collect and extract the pure essence of wisdom and spiritual truth from ‘the flowers of experience.’ They reasoned the essential quality of life, the spiritual or universal nature of ever-being or ever-existing, which they called “primum ens Melissa” (the spirit of the bee), was captured in the thoughts and teachings of highly evolved individuals - ‘collected’ in a similar manner as bees collected honey from the flowers and the blossoms. To them, these “Spirits of the Bee” were just as divinely inspired as the Melissae of the temples. All these forms of higher inspiration ... were called astron meaning “star-fallen.“

And I only included this dream in respect to the 'star fallen' - because I happened to notice thorbiorn bumped a thread on Remembrance Day -

...I should like to repost the section that I was looking for, of which the key message was "Groups of people represent energy portals in cosmic rather than global terms."

Which struck me as very La Raza considering 2018 sums to 11, making Sunday just gone 11.11.11

And again taking me back to Chloe -

Followed by her pronouncing sagely that ‘I was 11’?

At which point I was shown a digital watch displaying the time as 11:11 followed simply by ‘seeing’ the number 11.

And another Saul

... ‘Chloe’ and the number 11 has an interesting correspondence to St Paul [and I have many Pauline dreams…]

Plus more 11's, from 1 Corinthians 1:11 -

I have been informed concerning you, my brethren, by Chloe's people, that there are quarrels among you... 12 Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, "I am of Paul," and "I of Apollos," and "I of Cephas," and "I of Christ." 13 Has Christ been divided

And I'm glad it was thorbiorn because it prompted me to take another look at Tarsus , whose etymology is somewhat disputed and possibly related to the Hittites version of a hammer wielding, god of thunder - Tarku / Tarhunt?

And then I learnt that -

The first century historian Dio Chrysostom felt that both the city and its name were Phoenician (Or.33.40). On Phoenician coins the city was often called תרז (Taraz or Tarza), which draws our attention to:

-the fact that the name Phoenicia (modern Lebanon, proverbially known for its cedars) comes from the Greek word φοινιξ (phoinix), meaning palm — and the palm-tree represented immortality and victory throughout the ancient world;

- the noun תרזה (tirza), which denotes a kind of tree, possibly a cypress, and which may or may not have something to do with the noun ארז ('erez), meaning cedar

- The masculine noun ארז ('erez), meaning cedar (Psalm 148:9, Isaiah 41:19, Ezekiel 27:5). The colossal Lebanon (that's Phoenician) cedars have been famous since deep antiquity.

- The feminine noun ארזה ('arza), meaning cedar-woodwork. This word only occurs in Zephaniah 2:14, where it clearly also denotes the very foundation of a system of wisdom.

Leading me to wonder if I'm also on the scent of our Hendaye 'Tara' because the etymology of 'cedar' is personally very interesting - from the Greek kedros.

Very interesting, because I failed to mention previously that the Cortina Ghia in my dreams happened to be yellow - and an anagram of cortina is Citrona, which unsurprisingly means citrus or specifically lemon (in Latvian) - because I hadn't satisfactorily resolved the relationship at the time.

i.e. Yellow / Citrus Guide :huh:

Other than it seemed to have something to do with a dream involving an old CX Citroen -


Which I happened to stumble across, abandoned, in a darkened field and although it was too dark to identify anything other than that the boot was open, it was apparent that someone had thoughtfully slung a hammock inside.
At which point the 'idea' came that I was to wait there until the Sun came up.. :zzz:.

And apart from discovering that the name 'Citroen' apparently translates as the unfortunate sounding small lemons man, there weren't any other clues that jumped out, leaving me with just the niggling suspicion that 'small lemon man' and 'citrus guide' were related ?

And then BOOM -

Funny you say that... The very first car I owned was a Ford Orion 'Ghia', it was red

Funny indeed, and not least because my second car was a red Mk II RS2000 Ford Escort - which I haven't thought about in 25 years - and featured in 2 dreams just last week or that the Orion superseded both the Escort and the Cortina.

But that thanks to T.C. I'm currently on my 3rd reading of The Wave , Chapter 3 and have just finished Ch 23.

And guess who Laura happens to address half way through :hug2:?

He then came to Lemnos, where Hephaestus gave him his servant Cedalion to serve him as a guide. Orion set him on his shoulders and bade him lead him to the sunrise, and when they arrived Orion was healed by the sun’s rays.

Lemnos = Lemons and the etymology of 'citrus' may also be attributed to the Greek kedros just like Cedar!!

Which means that small lemon man / citrus guide can also be read as cedar guide.

Meaning that all these 'C + Lion' dreams might be pointing to Ceda lion :rolleyes:

Blinded Orion's guide - who leads him to the dawn..........

...trying to get comfortable on the passenger side, while waiting for her, because someone kept shining a bright light in my face....................

And down here the passenger side happens to be on the left ;-)

..when we are connected to the Cosmos via the right brain, and are not blocking the ability of our Cosmic Connection by limiting the forces with boundary forming imagination or images or illusory concepts, we allow the perfect manifestation of our own frequency resonance to occur. By the same token, when necessary, we can close the door to manipulation of our minds by constantly running a sort of computer scan of possible breaches of our security system in the left brain. We must marry the left brain kingship of the material world to the right brain queen of the inner realm.

Said it before but it's a funny thing this networking.

Thanks guys - owe ya a big one :flowers:


No matter how old I get I think I'll always get a thrill putting my foot to the pedal of a V6 engine on an open stretch of road setting off to where I please, shifting through the gears giving me that sensation of being a master of all that power under that bonnet! Its primal satisfaction of course, a 3D illusion of freedom with responsibility of power, a ploy of free-will, if you will.

Cars (and motorcycles perhaps more so) are probably the closest experience of immediate power and freedom to hand afforded to the everyday lay-person pounding the ground here in Planet 3D - readily available and accessible with not much effort needed to put in.
But its a lie because, modern cars in particular, actually stunt spiritual development. Its impossible to feel spiritual in a car no matter what Zen-full music is played on the stereo. I see stepping into a car a metaphor for falling into matter, a trick leading us into believing it provides better opportunity of freedom to venture wherever we wish to experience destinations. But its not so. Nice cars need roads laid down first, and roads disconnect us from the earth beneath our feet, further disconnecting us from Nature and of the higher realms of inter-connecting freedom and power greater spirituality does truly traverse.
More and more the car is designed to keep us rooted in 3D, cocooned inside ever advancing high-tech sensory-deprivation capsules regulated through climate-control (I'm aghast to see windows sealed tight on a glorious summers day - though hay fever is a reasonable excuse if incurable with Natures wonderful gift: Honey).

In-cabin driver experience is more about luxury-tech now, shimmering consoles embedded within (mock)leather chrome and subtle strips of varnished oak, smooth svelte surfaces with slick interfaces that delight the senses, and ever-interfering fanciness removing ACTUAL driver experience, whilst finely-upholstered heated-seats massage our backs with inbuilt TV's to boot in the head-rests entertaining the kids... Cars are fast becoming cozier than our living-rooms! Even standard-spec middle-of-the-range cars nowadays sooth and pamper as we cruise down the highway, pandering to the driver's sold illusion he is smart and powerful because he drives a smart and powerful car. For many, subconsciously, cars are seen as an extension of their person - a bubbled superiority complex in situ. I've noticed this has the effect of nurturing false sense of external-bravery among heavily-car-dependents in particular, along with fertilizing horrendous Right Man Syndrome.

Its interesting to observe that, despite the extreme fascista-like neuroticism of our age abounding anything health & safety related, cars are *still* mass-produced to allow any an individual to drive easily speeds in excess 2+ times any given nations' respective national speed-limit (Germany notwithstanding). Its like an unspoken deal no-one talks about - a mutual off-the-record contract between nation (the people) and state (governance/leaders) - and its global!
We've been permitted a little taste of individuated responsibility of entrusted freedom/power to outlet our pent-up 'souls' desire to exercise its free-will - through an "allowance" of government-approved faux individuated responsibility via car usage/ownership... A sort of collective awarded reward for 'loyalty' courtesy of TPTB in exchange for not abusing that sliver of 'trust' and allotted 'free-will' bestowed us. Sure, we get penalized when caught speeding, but that makes excising illusory free-will all the more 'real', and only the foolishly careless and linearly-unobservant minority are deservedly punished, right?
This of course is likely to change with automation of driverless cars, no doubt its enforced implementation justified through chronicled ever-rising "mis-use" of the self-autonomous freedom sampled thus far demonstrated through "The Car" has long come to represent.

[On a side note: I think the front line 'battle' with AI will be through our cars. Think: Evil KITT or Herbie.]

There's no doubt in my mind the encouraged reliance of car-usage, particularly actively encouraged through aggressively unregulated suburban sprawl and the automobile-dependent lifestyles that come forthwith, is purposely designed to develop a psychological dependency to it, creating a psychological 'security-blanket' attachment to artificiality. This is applied to all interactive tech such as mobile phones or computers, but cars be the greatest of all its affects because of personalized IRL mobility appeal = ultimate material 3D freedom = 4D LIE.
The car-user has become accustomed to feeling safe and snug shielded from the elements, in turn dependent on structured materialistic society. He is exposed only to the open not for too long and usually, instinctively, on his own terms when out and about in the flesh interacting with the world at large - his mobile-palace chariot seldom is parked up more than 300 yards away at any given time ("I think we should bring the car round!" Ive heard suggested from an able-bodied gym fanatic when venturing "too far" afield)

In a funny way, we're becoming attached to our cars much the same way spirit-attachments attach to us. This will come to be more so notable a parallel when AI kicks in.

To be put out in the open, out of ones comfort-zone exposed at the mercy of the elements, having to make good with whats around you, improvising (this can be applied to utilizing the chaotic infrastructure of dizzying urban environments too), is to master in real-time less-than-ideal conditions not of ones choosing. If not directly spiritual, it IS character building. It is to learn to come to better know thine self, and that IS spiritual.
The convenience of the car can all too often take this lesson away from us, and in doing so we lose out on vital 3D-level soul growth.

After all that said, I do like cars and enjoy driving them. But then I am very 3D STS :evil:
Cars (and motorcycles perhaps more so) are probably the closest experience of immediate power and freedom to hand afforded to the everyday lay-person pounding the ground here in Planet 3D

G'day mate,

Personally the rush was never so much experiencing the power (of itself) but how much faster (and closer) it brings you to 'the edge' - where you place your fate in fate.

That always seemed to be the only freedom I can find?

On empty back roads, away from others btw

Sure, we get penalized when caught speeding, but that makes excising illusory free-will all the more 'real'

Again, dependent on the situation, I think it can be looked at as a choice to not be 'corralled' and 'conditioned' i.e. a choice against constraint.

The car-user has become accustomed to feeling safe and snug shielded from the elements, in turn dependent on structured materialistic society.

I think Robert M. Pirsig describes it quite elegantly, in his Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, noting the difference between people who ride versus drive as equivalent to those who choose to watch the outside world on Television (using the windscreen frame as analogy) to those who place themselves, viscerally, in the landscape.

[On a side note: I think the front line 'battle' with AI will be through our cars. Think: Evil KITT or Herbie.]

Funny you should say that, when all this 'drive by wire' technology started filtering through a few years ago it made me distinctly uncomfortable in that I'm rather old school and like my throttle, steering and brakes to be 'directly' connected - be it cable / hydraulic or similiar.

I also remember posing the argument with mates regarding the facility for a vehicle to be 'externally dominated' with the insertion of computer controlled relays and converters interposed and apparently I wasn't Robinson Crusoe ?

To be put out in the open, out of ones comfort-zone exposed at the mercy of the elements... is to master in real-time less-than-ideal conditions not of ones choosing. If not directly spiritual, it IS character building. It is to learn to come to better know thine self, and that IS spiritual.

Yes exactly, although I would probably choose the term 'experience' in place of 'master' -having been humbled on more than one occasion by my Raven English Beauty :cool:


After all that said, I do like cars and enjoy driving them. But then I am very 3D STS :evil:

Haha yeah I used to know exactly where you're coming from, though in the last couple of years it feels more like going through the motions..... the thrill is gone :zzz:

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