I have always seen the problem described in reference to the small intestine, if that helps.
Hi Megan... Thanks this was is interesting, a quick check shows this condition is potentially contrary to what we know Raw - Milk does as pro biotic and bringer of macro strains flora!
Soon after birth, the gastrointestinal tract is colonized with bacteria, which, on the basis of models with animals raised in a germ-free environment, have beneficial effects on function of the gastrointestinal tract. There are 500-1000 different species of bacteria that reside in the bowel.[5] However, if the flora of the small bowel is altered, inflammation or altered digestion can occur, leading to symptoms. Many patients with chronic diarrhea have bacterial overgrowth as a cause or a contributor to their symptoms.
So this seems possible an issue with those who's flora is perhaps been more or less mono-cultured for whatever reason - seems possible its not so much of an overgrowth of bacteria per say but a disproportionate amount of variance of flora - the very thing raw milk has been said to enhance with its rich mix of probiotics that nature intended in the correct balance to be used to populate the gut of an infant! Perhaps this is why many celiacs have cured their condition with unsweetened yogurt and Raw-Milk. It does not however automatically fit the former theory of Raw milk being the cause of small bowel overgrowth!