my folky blues original music

987baz said:
Hello H2O said:
Hey baz.

I did a quick recording. I will post it here. But given that I can only record on my phone with an app, it is pretty rough. And the drums sound a little bit like garbage can lids... :lol:

I tried a few different things just to get the feel of it.

- early on, no cymbals, or hi hat. Just bass drum and snare. I liked that compared to later when the hi hat was used.

- the bass drum pattern sounds better when it is simpler, I did it busier earlier, then went to a simpler beat.

- I would take out the cymbal crash on the second break, (expunged)

I missed the break in the middle,,, oops...

Nice one, cheers for having a go at it, must be very difficult with no click...well done :cool2:

I am still working out the time signatures for the track I mentioned earlier, I have attached a screen shot of what I've done so far to give you an idea haha

Wow, looks interesting, lots of time changes.

It was getting late so after I posted that raw recording, this morning, I put it in Audacity and EQ'd it a bit, and had the thought to increase the tempo. I ended up with a 12.5 % increase. Let me know what you think. I feel funny monkeying around with your recording, your baby, but just giving some alt takes on it. :cool2:


Wow, looks interesting, lots of time changes.

It was getting late so after I posted that raw recording, this morning, I put it in Audacity and EQ'd it a bit, and had the thought to increase the tempo. I ended up with a 12.5 % increase. Let me know what you think. I feel funny monkeying around with your recording, your baby, but just giving some alt takes on it. :cool2:

cool, nice work. Feel free to play around with the track :)

I started tracking it a while back and I think the tempo is a bit faster on that one 75BPM 6/8 (Dmin). It's only the first 2 verses and chorus but you get the idea. I've put one version with drums and the other with click track :)


987baz said:
Wow, looks interesting, lots of time changes.

It was getting late so after I posted that raw recording, this morning, I put it in Audacity and EQ'd it a bit, and had the thought to increase the tempo. I ended up with a 12.5 % increase. Let me know what you think. I feel funny monkeying around with your recording, your baby, but just giving some alt takes on it. :cool2:

cool, nice work. Feel free to play around with the track :)

I started tracking it a while back and I think the tempo is a bit faster on that one 75BPM 6/8 (Dmin). It's only the first 2 verses and chorus but you get the idea. I've put one version with drums and the other with click track :)

Well, that is interesting. The 6/8 gives it a different feel. Kind of airy, floating... I like that you put a more definite break after, 'expunged'. But... I do like it a bit more in 4/4. Has a little bit more drive, to my ears. Suits the lyrics a bit more, IMO. Depends on what you are going for I guess.

(I hope you leave the middle part in, it's a nice kind of bridge...)

Good stuff.

I like both versions but the last one seems smoother and more balanced guitar/voice wise. The tempo is OK either way for me. I like the song more as I try to play along. I don't know if any additional accompaniment is really needed. The only thing I do is try to add some over lapping color to the chords but trying to use Audacity I don't know if that I could blend anything to what you do and make it any better. There are some subtle changes in there that you don't notice until you try to follow along. Cool! :cool2:

I am enjoying following the process. I need some new strings and I have a funeral in the family to go to this Saturday but I will try to keep up with your project.

Are you having fun? :)
Thank you both:)

I am enjoying the process more and more now that I have pushed back against the perfection program a bit, still a ways to go but worth it.

I will be using the bridge from the live recording and putting it into the produced one when I get to that :)

I prefer the 6/8 feel for this one, although I guess you could do some kind of polyrhythem, hats at kick and snare at 4/4 and hats at 6/8?

I want to keep putting more live ones up first, as it gives me motivation to finish a long list of songs that have been sitting there stagnant for a while. Once I get them all up I'll start working on "proper" recordings, which I am sure, will be another step in dealing with the perfectionism ;)

I'll post another one up soon :cool2:
This is the track I have been working in this week, it's not done so I haven't uploaded it to soundcloud, but I though I'd attach it as this is the one with the more challenging time signatures :)

It's called Susumu, I'm still working on the lyrics and vocal melodies.


ok, so no live track this week, I have been working on a few but didn't get any finished, so, I have attached another track called Roses & Dust, which I started tracking a while back, it's almost done, bridge needs work and I need to re-track the vocals and do a better mix. Anyway, let me know what you think :)


987baz said:
ok, so no live track this week, I have been working on a few but didn't get any finished, so, I have attached another track called Roses & Dust, which I started tracking a while back, it's almost done, bridge needs work and I need to re-track the vocals and do a better mix. Anyway, let me know what you think :)

Nice one baz. :thup:

Only thing I would suggest, is that the solo portion is a bit light. A bit light sounding for the song. I would prefer like a guitar solo, a bit crunchy or distorted, but slow, maybe something similar to the vocal line. There is a bit of room to explore something in there OSIT.

987baz said:
ok, so no live track this week, I have been working on a few but didn't get any finished, so, I have attached another track called Roses & Dust, which I started tracking a while back, it's almost done, bridge needs work and I need to re-track the vocals and do a better mix. Anyway, let me know what you think :)


I like this one too. I haven't had time to practice this one yet but I did put some "stuff" with the other song Mantichora432_track. It's not great quality since I just played and recoded them in Quicktime player and saved them as MP3s in Audacity but see what you think. I am attaching 2 versions 1 nylon string guitar and one electric version.

Don't feel obligated to use them. They are just my version of having fun I guess. The clarity is not very good but it gives you some idea of variations hopefully.


Hello H2O said:
Nice one baz. :thup:

Only thing I would suggest, is that the solo portion is a bit light. A bit light sounding for the song. I would prefer like a guitar solo, a bit crunchy or distorted, but slow, maybe something similar to the vocal line. There is a bit of room to explore something in there OSIT.


Cheers mate, yeah I agree, the bridge needs something for sure! I like your suggestion about the the guitar similar to the vocal line, I will have a go at it when I have some time :)

goyacobol said:

I like this one too. I haven't had time to practice this one yet but I did put some "stuff" with the other song Mantichora432_track. It's not great quality since I just played and recoded them in Quicktime player and saved them as MP3s in Audacity but see what you think. I am attaching 2 versions 1 nylon string guitar and one electric version.

Don't feel obligated to use them. They are just my version of having fun I guess. The clarity is not very good but it gives you some idea of variations hopefully.

Awesome, I'l have a listen when I get home from work!!
Out of the 2, I prefer the nylon version :) but both are cool!

like you said it's a little hard to distinguish at times, but I can make out most of it, glad you had fun with it too!!!

Here's another track that i am working on, vocals need to be tracked properly and the bridge is in need of some lyrics or something 68bpm 4/4 Bmin

Regression to the Mean


so here's another one I have started tracking, haven't got a bridge yet, so it's just 2 versus and chorus for now


Of memories past, naked on the concrete floor, beneath the tall vultures.

A single thought, if I can make it through this hell, to the dawn, it will all be over soon.

Storms begin to form, flooding all, but I won't give up, I'm building my canoe, to paddle on.

The dye is cast, shaken to the rumbling core, besieged and small, hopeless.

A lesson taught, suppressing what's inside my soul, is the cause of all this overload.

Storms begin to form, flooding all, but I won't give up, I'm building my canoe, to paddle on.


987baz said:
so here's another one I have started tracking, haven't got a bridge yet, so it's just 2 versus and chorus for now


Of memories past, naked on the concrete floor, beneath the tall vultures.

A single thought, if I can make it through this hell, to the dawn, it will all be over soon.

Storms begin to form, flooding all, but I won't give up, I'm building my canoe, to paddle on.

The dye is cast, shaken to the rumbling core, besieged and small, hopeless.

A lesson taught, suppressing what's inside my soul, is the cause of all this overload.

Storms begin to form, flooding all, but I won't give up, I'm building my canoe, to paddle on.


I really liked this one too. The melody is very complex I think but that's kind of what I like in your songs. Even in the ones that seem simple there are little twists in the rhythm or melody line. The guitar licks are cool too. That one song (Mantichora) I learned keeps popping up in my head at times. The main words "blood red emotion" stands out because I don't know all the words to it.

The main thing I think would help listeners is trying to sing the words more clearly so the true meaning of the lyrics comes through. After all you are putting some meaningful thoughts in there.

When I find the "time" (which is an illusion I know) I will try to learn more of these.

Thanks, for sharing. :) :cool2:

May we all paddle on into a new morning. "Joy comes in the Morning".
goyacobol said:

I really liked this one too. The melody is very complex I think but that's kind of what I like in your songs. Even in the ones that seem simple there are little twists in the rhythm or melody line. The guitar licks are cool too. That one song (Mantichora) I learned keeps popping up in my head at times. The main words "blood red emotion" stands out because I don't know all the words to it.

The main thing I think would help listeners is trying to sing the words more clearly so the true meaning of the lyrics comes through. After all you are putting some meaningful thoughts in there.

When I find the "time" (which is an illusion I know) I will try to learn more of these.

Thanks, for sharing. :) :cool2:

May we all paddle on into a new morning. "Joy comes in the Morning".

Thanks goyacobol, as always, I appreciate your feedback :)

Glad you are picking up on some of the subtleties ;)

I enjoy creating interesting melodies, but to be honest, for the most part they just "come to me", it's almost like what I would expect automatic writing to feel like, just let it flow! Once I record the songs properly I am sure I will play around with backing harmonies too, which is always fun :cool2:

Just as a side note I have also been playing around with some electronic music, which I may post up at some stage, just for something different.
so I just finished another new song, well apart from a few vocal bits in the bridge. I haven't had time to record it in the studio yet, so I have posted a recording from my phone, not a great recording but you get the idea.

With all the doom and gloom going on in the world, it's hard to feel grateful sometimes, but this network is something I will always be grateful for, so in a sense this song is inspired by everyone here, thank you :hug2:

As I Breath:

The road is open, but it's hard and cold.
But every step I take, leads me back home.

As I breath in the all, in this space, I belong.
With faith in my soul, I am happy and grateful.

Alone we battle on, alone we are lost.
You hold that mirror up, in truth I trust.
The whole is stronger than the parts, in turn.
To live a selfish life or burn to serve.

As I breath in the all, in this space, I belong.
With faith in my soul, I am happy and grateful.

And now this tin man, has found his heart.
As tears roll down my face, I know I am loved.

As I breath in the all, in this space, I belong.
With faith in my soul, I am happy and grateful.


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