Na Severu ... a Czech web full of SOTT statistics show that we perform better in Slovakia than in Czech which means we really are a CzechoSlovakian platform and there are not that many in the pond.
Thanks for interesting statistics anka, and we are on right track! It is a bit surprising we have more readers from Slovakia then Czechs.
It is a bit surprising we have more readers from Slovakia then Czechs.
It is not like that, actually. Perhaps I should have chosen a different wording. The statistics says that out of all the countries in the world our web is performing best in Slovakia which means that among all websites in Czech we are further down from the top (there are many more alt websites and all websites in general before us) while in Slovakia we rank higher. That does not mean we get more readers from Slovakia in absolute or relative numbers, just to make it clear.
Just a quick update on how the web is performing. ...
Much appreciated to have this analysis from you anka. I'll just say that we've built up a solid foundation and have some results. The ride continues though and I'm definitely looking forward to working on ways to move up our productivity, as well as the possible future new coat for the site :thup:
Message for @anka. Translation of the "New Leaks Shatter OPCW" article is finished. I'm bit frustrated with SEO, it is 61/100 and leaving it there. At the end there is comment which has RT's video and which I didn't include.

Btw what is the meaning of the sign (in your avatar)? The ball rolling on wave..
@rylek Have a look at this translation please, maybe you will have some idea how to enrich it:

@Mikkael I will post the explanation in the Avatar thread - I owe it to others anyway :-)

Edit: link added
@anka The 2nd installment in the Ponerology 101 series, The Psychopath's mask of sanity, is ready for PR. Cheers.

@rylek Have a look at this translation please, maybe you will have some idea how to enrich it:
Ok great, will do and see if there's anything that should be added. Well done! 👍
@anka " Finnish study confirms Jordan Peterson’s take on Nordic feminism" is ready for PR. I would publish it immediately but because I did this one quite fast it would be appreciated if a second pair of eyes went over it before it goes live! Muchas gracias :cool:
Finnish study published, the ponerology article promoted and already making waves.
Let me ask for PR of this translation:
I have struggled with description of this novelty phenomenon. Maybe you come up with a better wording.
Finnish study published, the ponerology article promoted and already making waves.
That's great, thank you for that and glad to hear it's making an impact! There can never be enough about the topic of psychopathy out there!

Let me ask for PR of this

I have struggled with description of this novelty phenomenon. Maybe you come up with a better wording.
You beat me to this one! :) I think you did a very good job with the description so I didn't feel the need to change anything. These are novel phenomena and sometimes we'll be unsure how exactly to formulate this information. Otherwise PR is done!
I did say I'm done with the coronavirus topic, but in light of the latest session I'll do one more:
EU court for Human rights funded by Soros?! I'm going to start on this one:

The article is ready to your PR @anka. Within the text there is one word 'Convetion' in the context of legislation, and my translation of it as 'konvencia' is probably inaccurate. Perhaps we could keep the english word, in case no better word is found. I'll leave it to you.
After some studying and searching I came to conclusion that the mentioned Convention is most likely European Convention on Human Rights, so I changed the word 'konvencia' to 'dohovor' in accordance with Wiki:

Also, I fixed Soroš to Soros as it appears to be the consensus version in most Slovakian articles as well as Wiki:

And it will have a better SEO score too. If you feel like adding some commentary, go for it! I am done now and it's published & shared.

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