I have been thinking that we could perhaps in a small way make a positive contribution. The thought was partly inspired by hearing that Pornhub was giving free access to Italy, Spain and France as they are in quarantine. Being appalled how Pornhub uses the situation to distract people even more and dragging them even more into the lower, I came up with the following:
As many now have a lot more time on their hands as they are laid off, forced to work from home or in quarantine, then they have a lot of time on their hands. Why don't we put a permanent banner up on the Front page of Sott with links to key articles on Sott in different topics which have helped us a lot. I am thinking of:
- Links to articles on psychopathy. 10+ years ago, that was a hot topic on Sott with articles about "The psychopaths who rule us". This subject is very topical I think and for people to understand how psychopaths think and act.
- Tied to the above is of course articles on Political Ponerology.
- Links to articles on Evolution. That could be the Behe articles and videos, the articles by Intellectomy, episodes from Mindmatters.
- Key articles about finding meaning, growing up, taking responsibility. Links to Sott articles about Jordan Peterson comes to mind.
- Links to Articles on Stoicism such as what the MindMatters crew have discussed and links to articles bringing hope like selected ones from the category "Science of the Spirit".
- Links to articles on dying, the afterlife, in between life, Near Death Experiences etc.
This is just a few items that comes to mind. As I am currently at work until late tonight, I prefer to just throw the "ball" out there. This crisis might also be a little opportunity before the initial Shock that is currently happening in people get filled up with porn and the normalcy bias sets in. Some new people are asking and looking and whereas before they didn't have time to read, now suddenly there is a gap!
So much good work has been done over the years in the weekly broadcasts by the Sott team and by the various writers of Sott Focus or BOW, many of which have not been read or listened to by many due to time restraints. With a little ordering and prefacing perhaps these could be on permanent display.
As the C's said recently:
I think that in re-ordering a lot of the past material in the Sott treasure trove of articles, many quotes and extracts will also be found by Forumites, which can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, VK etc.
What do you think? A way to make lemonade from the lemons handed to us?