Na Severu ... a Czech web full of SOTT

I've finished Joe's article, @anka could you do PR when you have time, and there are few other things which needs to be done: I forgot how to insert media from Twitter uh; I clicked to embed tweet, then copy code, and then nothing worked :-) plus SEO.

Today I woke up at 4am with my mind on wordly affairs, which is very unusual. Then I meditated and ended it as is usual with morning prayer. You've been pretty early up too. Time for coffee.
I want to chat with you about the nearest future of Na Severu. The stimulus came from reading the following post from Aeneas:

I have been thinking that we could perhaps in a small way make a positive contribution. The thought was partly inspired by hearing that Pornhub was giving free access to Italy, Spain and France as they are in quarantine. Being appalled how Pornhub uses the situation to distract people even more and dragging them even more into the lower, I came up with the following:

As many now have a lot more time on their hands as they are laid off, forced to work from home or in quarantine, then they have a lot of time on their hands. Why don't we put a permanent banner up on the Front page of Sott with links to key articles on Sott in different topics which have helped us a lot. I am thinking of:
  • Links to articles on psychopathy. 10+ years ago, that was a hot topic on Sott with articles about "The psychopaths who rule us". This subject is very topical I think and for people to understand how psychopaths think and act.
  • Tied to the above is of course articles on Political Ponerology.
  • Links to articles on Evolution. That could be the Behe articles and videos, the articles by Intellectomy, episodes from Mindmatters.
  • Key articles about finding meaning, growing up, taking responsibility. Links to Sott articles about Jordan Peterson comes to mind.
  • Links to Articles on Stoicism such as what the MindMatters crew have discussed and links to articles bringing hope like selected ones from the category "Science of the Spirit".
  • Links to articles on dying, the afterlife, in between life, Near Death Experiences etc.
This is just a few items that comes to mind. As I am currently at work until late tonight, I prefer to just throw the "ball" out there. This crisis might also be a little opportunity before the initial Shock that is currently happening in people get filled up with porn and the normalcy bias sets in. Some new people are asking and looking and whereas before they didn't have time to read, now suddenly there is a gap!

So much good work has been done over the years in the weekly broadcasts by the Sott team and by the various writers of Sott Focus or BOW, many of which have not been read or listened to by many due to time restraints. With a little ordering and prefacing perhaps these could be on permanent display.
As the C's said recently:

I think that in re-ordering a lot of the past material in the Sott treasure trove of articles, many quotes and extracts will also be found by Forumites, which can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, VK etc.

What do you think? A way to make lemonade from the lemons handed to us?

The thing is that even alternative media in CR & SR is very much off. Either completely disoriented, freaked out or taken away to the land of worldwide spiritual transformation, not seeing all the stuff involved. Considering our limited resources we have, should we have a plan to concentrate the signal into materials that seem the most important and crucial to put out? What would the best approach be? Do you think that we also should maybe write something in our own words, express everything we have learned so far in an article or a video? (what a task! I know). Whenever you feel like having discussion about all that, I am ready to chat practically every night. Just waiting for your heads up in the PM thread...:knitting:
Very good idea about re-assessing where we are and how to move forward. I just finished work, I'll let you know how it's going a bit later tonight.
I'm going to translate article interview with French infectiologist, which Pierre posted in Corona thread.
I'm going to translate article interview with French infectiologist, which Pierre posted in Corona thread.
Job's done! PR? ---> @anka :-)
Guys, I've been thinking about what we can do immediately on the website to keep sending out a sane signal, now talking about the unfolding madness around corona virus, and it occurred to me we could start a dedicated page for any related news and updates. We'd keep it as a sticky on top of the page and update as the situation develops. I thought it could also be be a good way to keep track of things, we'd include links and comments as we go along. What do you think?
Now you are talking! :thup:

Perhaps you already have some idea. I do too.
Let's see if we can chat later. Going to work for the afternoon, will PM in the evening.
@anka Short article about downgrade in coronavirus mortality is ready for PR. I thought you might want to have a look and possibly adjust the title.

In other news as of tonight we've also gone in to full lock down mode. It was announced to last at least the next 3 weeks.
Thank you guys! :thup:

One article is out, I am waiting with the other one for later today because we have a much more traffic than usual and we also have some problems with our hosting limits. Bandwidth use is still ok but I am working on the issue of having too many login attempts to our website which depletes data transfer allowance of our hosting plan (as of now, basically 100% has already been used) and we have been contacted by FastComet administrators:

The wp-login.php file is executed, when you access the Admin Dashboard login page for your website. The page has generated over 225 000 execution, which is not normal and the page was most likely attacked by bots, trying to gain access to your website.


They sent a long list with instructions what can be done so I will study it and try to figure out the best solution.
I cannot say at the moment whether the corona articles (especially J.Corbett analysis) attracted too much attention which would provoke deliberate attack. Maybe, maybe not. Will let you know later how I get on with the IT stuff. The FastComet admins are patient :)
Latest IT update:

The bot attack on the website is perhaps stagnating. The FastComet team has excluded us from emergency list because during the last check this morning they found out that the login attempts per hour don't exceed critical threshold. They are monitoring situation and we can continue work as usual. I asked them to set our IP addresses for exclusive access so in future this should not happen again. Hopefully this will be sorted today (I am awaiting reply from FC admins). Source of the problems is not identified yet but if they find out I will report on it next time.

On a lighter note, this month we celebrate one year on Twitter. We still have a very modest number of followers - 25, plus about 10 forum members. But every now and then some article makes wavelets when it's shared. The number of posts/tweets just reached 500 so it's time for a piece of cake, I mean bacon and dance :bacon:

Not much to be said about VKontakte - it is a platform for Russia-loving enthusiasts and we have almost no traffic from there (perhaps because I don't really get involved with my personal account) but I find no harm in just posting there on our page as on Twitter because it takes 10-20 seconds to do so and who knows when knocking on the door will release the flood.

Facebook keeps going more or less steadily (745 likes) and it is still the most efficient platform to promote articles. Let's see what level the censorship after corona hysteria will reach. We can comfortably say that we don't depend on FB to be heard anymore. There is a stable direct flow of readers to the website, without social platforms.

📶 It is worth noting, that since we published a number of articles on corona, people are seemingly looking for all possible info on this. They smell something fishy in the mainstream news and want to know. It's not just the Corbett article, it's all of them now. Are we becoming a tiny lighthouse ? 🔆

That's it for now. Enjoy the evening...🔛
Thanks for covering the situation in detail. We'll keep on flapping our wings.. along with work on translating, I'm also using some of my extra time for creative work to keep my spirits high. 20200323_105435.jpg


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Guys, tomorrow evening I will start working on our original piece about Covid-19. Thinking of having a few sections:

1) Giving the picture of what we are being told, including the measures taken by governments
2) All available statistics
3) Explaining media lies when confronted with the statistics and anecdotal evidence
4) Trying to explain why it's happening the way it is (economy, population control)
5) Suggesting the most reasonable approach to the situation
6) Sharing prevention and healing treatments info (elderberry, Vit C treatment, hydroxychloroquin etc.)

If you would like to take part in writing the article (choose a section, reorganize the scheme) or just throw your collection of data at me, send it by email or PM.
We need to bring a bit of reason & sanity out there and throw the masks away. :rockon:

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