Na Severu ... a Czech web full of SOTT

It looks like we have a new, external team member, if only temporary. A lady who got fed up with so little truthful info about Covid1984 and she searched the net until she found us. She sent an email, thanking for our work and sent one article (it's up on NaSeveru already, from F. William Engdahl about dubious Covid models) which she translated. It's a professional job. Couple of days ago she sent another one. I am impressed by the quality of translation. Basically no need to proof-read it. Working on it now:

And she is on to another one:

If you have time, check the content whether you can see some flaws. We need to win a lottery and go SOTT Pro! I don't know where to jump first, so much to take care of... :wow:

BTW, the other woman who contacted us with her original writings, found Pravy Prostor website which publishes her articles but she keeps sending emails to us as well. Already 6 articles... I need holidays, guys. I am not complaining, just letting the steam off. End of transmission...
I just went through that article written by W. Engdahl and I agree translation is great. On the one hand, it is great we have helper and we'll get a boost with web work but on the other, you @anka have even more on your plate. And man, I'm trying that lottery, so long it's just a dream!

I'm working on these two articles:

@anka short ice age article is ready for PR. I'm still not really certain about the title, you might have a better idea.

Keeping with the Earth changes theme this will be the next article:
@rylek : Great, I'm on it! And I wrote our original summary for Fire in the Sky. If you want to have a look, it's not exactly a literary jewel but it was needed since we had nothing for two months about the heavens. Also, there are two pieces about that giant hails with some commentary about volcanic activity... it all falls nicely together with your soon-coming article :thup:

Edit: Oh, and that Covid-19 questionnaire - could you check my writing please?
@anka I thought it was a great summary for the Fire in the Sky section, really well done job! I've read through it, as well as the Covid questionnaire and just made minor formatting edits.

As for the upcoming volcanic overview article I too thought exactly the same, that it links nicely together all the previous articles.
Onwards and upwards! :-)
Food for thought for the next meeting... could we think of our aim for NaSeveru? After reading the George Floyd thread I am loosing focus... not really interested in attempting to cover everything what's happening anymore. Too much going on. I really miss Working, I mean I would like to focus on meaningful stuff and try to watch the show from above. The things are happening with such a speed and we are completely leaving out the most important materials that are the basis of SOTT and Cassiopaea.

No, I am not blaming anyone of us, myself included :-)... just asking - can you see the same? Shouldn't we really take care of things that give more hope and direction to the people who search for truth and meaning? What if we just slow down, take a deep breath and discuss what we can really do in those terms? More St.Paul, Gurdjieff, Stoicism, Collinwood, Intelligent Design and Focus articles... nevermind if our publishing rate slows down. We were always striving for the quality but at the same time tried to be everywhere. Maybe it's time to change strategy. I don't know... need to hear your opinions so let it sink in and next time we talk we can go through that. Thanks for listening... :ninja::cool2:

P.S. I am working hard this week so sorry for not keeping up with the rhythm.
Food for thought for the next meeting... could we think of our aim for NaSeveru? listening... :ninja::cool2:
I think our aim is defined in our work on the website. Can we improve our work or should we talk about our aim? Sure. Each of us is doing what we naturally are attracted to, Rylek is into paranormal and mysterious, I am more into stoicism and self-development, and finally you are sort of amalgamate the rest. My point is that what I observe we're doing comes as natural results of our focusing on selected topics and somehow your 'change of strategy' feels bit forced. But I do not want to sound like shutting-off the discussion. And I start to realize that you have this kind of energy for shaking things too.
A few thoughts for now. The way I see it what we've been doing in terms of content is a two pronged approach: timeless articles/series that apply in any time, as well as articles to keep a finger on the pulse of current events. That changed a few months back when we gave most of our attention to the corona madness, which is understandable as this was a significant turning point for the future of our world. Now the George Floyd/social unrest topic will be another massive story that will be ongoing for some time and I guess what you're saying anka, if I understand it correctly, is do we want to give this story the same degree of attention we did with covid, because focusing in detail on one topic absorbs most of our article output. Focusing on a developing story is like aiming for a constantly moving target and is much more demanding in terms of focus, time and energy.

I guess we can have a discussion, and we already talked about this before, to set in stone some of the main categories and subcategories and create a sort of road map for which articles we want to focus on. This planned approached works better for me as it gives me structured environment to work with, rather than hunting around for the next best thing out there. :-)

PS. Attached is a spreadsheet that I've been sitting on for a while, see what you think. It's not up to date.


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