New Show: MindMatters (RIP Truth Perspective)

A few answers that I came up after some thinking. First of all, we have a problem of phantom years after the collapse of Roman Empire, so there was probably much less years between that and Gothic cathedrals. And because the comets destroyed the previous civilization, they had to rebuild everything, so even if they evolved in some way because of the comets, they still had to spend a lot of time on getting the everyday life back to normal. On the other hand, the supernova hadn't destroyed anything so it was much easier to evolve the society.

We are being bombarded with space rocks all the time, but not by the comets. And comets have electrical properties. Perhaps that is necessary for the major alteration of DNA?

Today we know that our scientists are using the viruses and bacteria to change our DNA, so I think that the comet/microorganism theory is valid.
Interview with Joseph Azize. Although Mr. Azize starts slow in his story - with the curious exception of him mentioning he was kinda necrotic his whole life, until he learned about Gurdjieff.. - and he at first appears to be comical, then suddenly matters turn out to be very serious!

I would like to corroborate several of his statements:
In Part 1 of the show: at showtime ~35:00 he talks about air energy. How Gurdjieff talks about the vivifying energies in the air. This is no woo woo!! Its very serious! IMO: Its how The Abused Creative Energy of All Humanity is now trashing around causing horrific weather changes.
Look at the sky. Estimate the space under the clouds as far as you can see. In order for us to quantify this energy in the air, you now need to make large boxes of air of the whole sky - divide space under the clouds into neat large boxes. Each of these boxes hold a definite amount of Cosmic Energy Potential. Its like a static charge. If this energy is removed, displaced, or changed from **cold type** into **warm type** the weather changes!! Very malleable. Like childrens colored clay.
"- He who controls the Weather.. controls the Universe!" [sic]
Anybody whose energy centers are aligned toward such cosmic charges in the atmosphere can play with these energy-container boxes - these Cosmic Energy Potentials in the sky.
The results in the created-induced weather mirror the degree of self-control of the individual. IMO: This was a pastime, like playing a musical instrument or do oil paintings on Kantek.

There was another show last November, titled:
MindMatters: The Reality and Implications of an Afterlife

In this one, one show host scoffed about how prayer was described by another Man of The Cloth:
Reverend G. Vale Owen. Owen describes how especially prayers of little children are intercepted - in 5thD which acts like a Phone Centre for incoming prayers - and directed to relevant persons [worker group usually], who can - have the power to - help. At this description one of the hosts exclaimed "What a jerk!".
Well, how does it feel for you now, that another man of the cloth describes essentially the same thing?
People who have the spiritual muscle can very well pray and contact remote consciousnesses, the STO Soul Tribe specifically and based on merits, I think, the higher density Soul Tribe arranges the help.

I can corroborate and am able to show / present sales records that: This has been done for me several times continually and is being done right now - people around the world have been inspired to purchase my online products as a result of Higher Order Powers must have assigned some resources and - I think - sent my request to the relevant department, where (I think) spirit workers in a spirit-based density sent specific positive-inspirational energy that nudged-inspired potential buyers who work with electronic content to buy my stuff..
I was very thankful and conscious of the energy-needs of this process and I sent energy back each time I was notified of new sales, and of course donated on to balance some of the energy that was spent on me. The THANKFULNESS part is what I described in at least two of my previous posts in the past, sending pure life-force-mental-spiritual energy back to further enhance / positively-couple the process.
Help was always sent - in quantities ==> as energetic-Cosmic-political-situational circumstances on Earth and in higher densities allowed.

Very important! Ignore this section in Father Azize's account in Part 2. of the radio show at your own peril!!
I think This is what directly collides to your direct refusal of Gurdjieff's Cosmic Material Model
that you Oh-So-Knowingly nullified, because you are
to the concepts of material systems versus spiritual systems
There is no difference between material and spiritual!

All matter is energy. All energy is matter!

You just can't accept, because you didn't read Owen's accounts about very solid
Matter everywhere in 5th Density. Heaven. Owen describes 5th Density. I think.

Very fine spiritual MATTER exists everywhere. No matter how fast you shake your head. [sic]
Matter or spirit only depends on Your Consciousnesses **perspective** resulting in your PERCEPTION at where ever you find yourself! When you die and find yourself in 5thD = strictly 'non-physical' as said by the C's, you suddenly discover everything is physical in that reality for you!! Because you are made the same substance in 5thD as the 5thD world!

Physical is only physical To You!!
It is energy for me.

Then what You describe as Spiritual
that is MATTER for me. Only Finer Matters, exactly as Gurdjieff described. The C's are actually helping you in that session, where you ask about the wrongness of G's Cosmic System. It is not!

There is no difference. This is what Father Azize and Revend Owen was trying to explain and describe.

The C's gave the explanation: only 4th Density is the last material existence, because they had a specific purpose for our training. Until you understand that everything is matter and at the same time everything is spirit. There is simply NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL, because everything is energy!

Think about how scientists established that actual hard physical matter --in peer-reviewed scientific reality-- is actually EMPTY and what we perceive as "air" is actually solid. You must have had a hard listen at that time, when that was discussed in radio shows and here in the forum. There are scientific white papers about this. But probably most of the hardliners loving to discuss their

matter-based-systems versus spirit-based-systems

just ignored that fact = scientific discovery.

Remember the Heart Sutra in Buddhism:

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In this one, one show host scoffed about how prayer was described by another Man of The Cloth:
Reverend G. Vale Owen. Owen describes how especially prayers of little children are intercepted - in 5thD which acts like a Phone Centre for incoming prayers - and directed to relevant persons [worker group usually], who can - have the power to - help. At this description one of the hosts exclaimed "What a jerk!".
Well, how does it feel for you now, that another man of the cloth describes essentially the same thing?

Sorry, the idea from Owen is still dumb. And if you listen to the episode attentively, you'll see that we were half joking. The idea that some prayers are more effective than other based on the being of the individual praying sounds plausible to me. But the idea of some peon sitting at a cosmic phone center directing prayers is ludicrous. And Azize didn't say "essentially the same thing", because the idea we were ridiculing was the idea of a cosmic bureaucracy modeled on 19th century phone technology. Azize said nothing like that.

I can corroborate and am able to show / present sales records that: This has been done for me several times continually and is being done right now - people around the world have been inspired to purchase my online products as a result of Higher Order Powers must have assigned some resources and - I think - sent my request to the relevant department, where (I think) spirit workers in a spirit-based density sent specific positive-inspirational energy that nudged-inspired potential buyers who work with electronic content to buy my stuff..

This sounds more like fantasy than reality. Sales records cannot corroborate the existence of a cosmic bureaucracy.
In continuation of the show on the Holy Grail of two weeks ago (which went in all kinds of interesting directions) we did this new one:

MindMatters: The Lighter Side of Space Rocks - The Holy Grail, Directed Panspermia and the Origin of Life

If you think of asteroids, meteors and comets as potentially destructive and life-threatening forces, you're correct. After all, the arrivals of these celestial bodies are typically associated with catastrophic impacts on earth, profound environmental changes, impact winters, plagues and famines. But that's not all. Over the last century, a number of scientists have speculated that they might also bring life to the barren outreaches of the galaxy, such as our solar system. Not only that, they may even have positive evolutionary effects on existing flora and fauna.

This week on MindMatters we continue our discussion of near-earth objects as symbolized and alluded to in the Grail legends. Further to this warning from the past - that has been encoded for understanding by future generations - we'll be examining such ideas as directed panspermia, or the "creative" dimension of space rocks. Biological material and other life-seeding elements are the surprise feature of these death-dealing amalgamations.

But the idea of some peon sitting at a cosmic phone center directing prayers is ludicrous. And Azize didn't say "essentially the same thing", because the idea we were ridiculing was the idea of a cosmic bureaucracy modeled on 19th century phone technology. Azize said nothing like that.
I am sorry that I have spoken out of line and that I have been carried away.

This sounds more like fantasy than reality. Sales records cannot corroborate the existence of a cosmic bureaucracy
No way that I'm such a good "artist" that my stuff sells this nice after effectively I have abandoned my merchant business in 2016. There were complaints about my products, the last of which I corrected - thanking the costumer properly - and I fixed the product in question and also upgraded only that specific product's page with new images and information about the fix/upgrade. That was in 2016. All my products are very old. All were done in a software called Autodesk 3ds Max 2012.
As you can see on the wikipedia page that software is 8 years old. Nine new similar competitive software products came out since then in almost all the biggest brands. All most popular such content-creating software have by now changed and are so new that they have changed their file formats so everything old needs to be converted to the new format and the new visual representation generators = 'renderers'.

Still my products are being bought month to month. The only fact speaking for my products are that they are cheap, thus not making much money for me, only grocery money: and I'm VERY thankful for that! On both the major sites there are now 'Sellers forums', where all the merchants = content-makers = artists are complaining because with the newer and newly adopted Marketing & Packaging Guidelines & Requirements their products are NOT selling so well at all anymore. And some of those people complaining are so professional that compared to my amateurish-artist level they are like the Chief Designer of BMW.

How do you explain my continued financial success, good sales from month to month I can show in PM, sales that are ridiculous coffee-money for anybody else, but in my poor country, where 1 dollar is ~320 HUF and for 1200 HUF I can buy 1kg of pork prime cut...

For each sale I have been practicing thankfulness and prayer, sending energy back to those parties described in Owens books and "if possible, but only if you can arrange it..." I have been praying to them to inspire more people to buy my products.

Its just all of it that I'm still selling are so old by now..
And separated from the above merchant business I have been exclusively working on my pension-project for the three years by now. That project will only be put onto the market in 2021, thats when it will bring in any money for the first time.
I am sorry that I have spoken out of line and that I have been carried away.

No problem. I just think you're getting too attached to the specific 'form', and not what might be the meaning, or essence, behind it. For example:

No way that I'm such a good "artist" that my stuff sells this nice after effectively I have abandoned my merchant business in 2016. There were complaints about my products, the last of which I corrected - thanking the costumer properly - and I fixed the product in question and also upgraded only that specific product's page with new images and information about the fix/upgrade. That was in 2016. All my products are very old. All were done in a software called Autodesk 3ds Max 2012.
As you can see on the wikipedia page that software is 8 years old. Nine new similar competitive software products came out since then in almost all the biggest brands. All most popular such content-creating software have by now changed and are so new that they have changed their file formats so everything old needs to be converted to the new format and the new visual representation generators = 'renderers'.

Still my products are being bought month to month. The only fact speaking for my products are that they are cheap, thus not making much money for me, only grocery money: and I'm VERY thankful for that! On both the major sites there are now 'Sellers forums', where all the merchants = content-makers = artists are complaining because with the newer and newly adopted Marketing & Packaging Guidelines & Requirements their products are NOT selling so well at all anymore. And some of those people complaining are so professional that compared to my amateurish-artist level they are like the Chief Designer of BMW.

How do you explain my continued financial success, good sales from month to month I can show in PM, sales that are ridiculous coffee-money for anybody else, but in my poor country, where 1 dollar is ~320 HUF and for 1200 HUF I can buy 1kg of pork prime cut...

For each sale I have been practicing thankfulness and prayer, sending energy back to those parties described in Owens books and "if possible, but only if you can arrange it..." I have been praying to them to inspire more people to buy my products.

Its just all of it that I'm still selling are so old by now..
And separated from the above merchant business I have been exclusively working on my pension-project for the three years by now. That project will only be put onto the market in 2021, thats when it will bring in any money for the first time.
Maybe there IS something out of the ordinary going on here. I don't know for sure one way or the other. But to jump from "there's gotta be something else going on here" to "it must be a network of beings precisely (or even closely) resembling those described by Owen" is a stretch, IMO. If there is any truth to that description, it might be entirely symbolic - some higher process or dynamic that is translated into those terms according to the mind of the channel or 'spirit' being channeled, for ease of understanding. The truth may bear little or no resemblance to that form - even if the core meaning might have a seed of truth to it, as in prayers being more effective for some compared to others for reasons we can't quantify on our level. Either way, I wish you continued good luck with your sales!
To my shame I've ended up all of 11 episodes of Mind Matters behind! Unheard of from such an avid fan! Thank you COVID madness for that aberration!

Finally managed to at least listen to the first of a stack of catch sessions ahead - The Holy Grail, Comets, Earth Changes and Randall Carlson

Having read these articles about 9 months ago and was left with a very big 'hmmmm - now that's a very interesting take!' So thank you so much gentlemen for such a brilliant discussion on his theory and the wider implications. If anyone hasn't caught this episode its a must.

Have to confess I'll be straight on to the following next:

In continuation of the show on the Holy Grail of two weeks ago (which went in all kinds of interesting directions) we did this new one:

MindMatters: The Lighter Side of Space Rocks - The Holy Grail, Directed Panspermia and the Origin of Life

As ever in awe of your erudition, distillation and sweeping take across so many topics of interest. I'm an unashamed groupie - other than when I'm not and get sidetracked by the demands of our new bonkers reality! Never enough time... even when its not real in teh first place.... :umm: :thup:
After watching the discussion from the Mind Matters team, my mind exploded with so many ideas and possibilities and would like to share what I have discovered. I will try to make it as coherent as possible. I will use video media, text, reference articles and anything else that could be relevant. So with a deep breath and a prayer, here goes.

My initial thought was, is the theory of Panspermia a reality, and can this be directed, I think that there is a body of knowledge that suggests that this is highly likely (that phrase seems somewhat familiar).

In a podcast interview of Dr. Chandra Wickramassinghe by the Snake Brothers (part of Randall Carlson's Kosmagraphia team). He mentioned the book Diseases from space, he is one of several coauthors, it was initially published in 2010 with the latest edition in 2013. It is only available in Kindle format, Dr. Chandra stated during the interview, he is trying to get the book back in print, it is under copyright. It is very inexpensive, short book approx 200 pages. Easy to read for a layperson not familiar with the ideas and concepts. presented and packed with information.

In the first chapter, in the subsection titled Evolution vs Disease, I came across the following intriquing
Sorry about that, posted too soon, to continue, I came across some interesting passages. I have to type them out because I can't copy and paste from Kindle.

From Evolution vs Disease

Archae, viruses and bacteria have donated to the eukaryotic genome many of the core genes that made evolution and speciation possible. Viruses often provide substantial benefits to the host, they are often subverted by the host for it's benefit. Thus viruses do not generally sicken the host (unless the host is already in a state of distress due to environmental changes or epigenetic factors, my words).

Viruses play an active role, they insert genes and regulatory elements into the host genome and have played an active role in evolution leading to humans. Viral genes and viral elements make up 42.2% of the human genome and almost half of the mammalian genome.

The human genome contains 200,000 copies of endogenous retroviruses grouped in three classes which have been introduced in 31 infectious events (more on that later). Each infection event required that a specific host evolve first. Previous infectious events are associated with the evolution of a host which is then targeted by other viruses.

Endogenous retroviruses were inserted into the primate genome tens of millions of years age and then activated or silenced at key points of evolutionary divergence. such as the split between old and new monkeys and the split between hominids and chimpanzees.

Presumably these viral genes triggered species divergence and provided the evolutionary progression leading to humans. Once humans evolved additional waves of viruses were unleashed. The defining feature of viruses including retroviruses is they precisely target specific species and host cells. They maintain a lock and key relations ship with specific hosts. Further ease at insertion and integration indicates that the viral RNA or DNA
is a perfect fit and thus genetically identical to the targeted host. So one wonders where did this genetic information come from

This next paragraph blew me away. As these viral agents must have existed, prior to the evolution of their Earthly hosts, then they must have obtained these DNA-RNA templates from identical hosts which must have existed on other planets, probably through horizontal gene exchange, exactly as takes place on Earth. The only other explanation is "coincidence"
This next paragraph blew me away. As these viral agents must have existed, prior to the evolution of their Earthly hosts, then they must have obtained these DNA-RNA templates from identical hosts which must have existed on other planets, probably through horizontal gene exchange, exactly as takes place on Earth. The only other explanation is "coincidence"

Yes that's one of those very interesting phenomena to observe, when all the evidence is pointing in a direction and only one tiny step is separating the conclusion from being reached... it's like they make a massive cognitive U-turn, and land on coincidence.
From another paragraph:

Viruses and other microbes may be cast into space by powerful solar winds, through bolide impact and may hitch a ride to other planets inside meteors asteroids and comets. Once they come into contact with life forms dwelling on these other worlds, they acquire and donate other genes through horizontal gene transfer exactly as takes place on earth (the ultimate in intelligent design OSIT, also networking comes to mind, my words).

As many (if not all) of these extraterrestrial life forms may be linked to the same ancestors, who may have been fashioned over 10 billion years ago and thus contain the same universal genetic code, horizontal genetic transfer would be a common means of exchanging genetic material., with viruses acting as genetic storehouses.

I think it has been estimated that the age of the milky way is approx 14 billion years old, could be wrong on that, just off the top of my head.

From another paragraph

This explains why the virus acts purposefully, targeting and inserting it's RNA and DNA into specific hosts, where there is a perfect match. However when there is a slight mismatch or (due to UV or other genetic damage). Errors are introduced into the genome and the host may sicken or die. This would explain why viruses and bacteria seldom induce disease (unless the bodily health is compromised in some way, my words) despite there prevalence on the planet.

This leaves me with much food for thought and speculation regarding the C's transcripts.

This is a link to the Serpent Brothers podcat interview with Dr. Chandra, it just over 2 hours long and contains a whole slew of further information

Will add some other additional thoughts and information later on another post.

The latest MindMatters show adds the element of Psi to the ID and Panspermia mix:

MindMatters: Directed Panspermia, Intelligent Design and the Role of Psi

On today's show we continue our wide-ranging discussion of the Holy Grail, cometary bombardments, and the role of intelligence in the universe. As we've discovered, understanding these three, seemingly unconnected, topics may be more critical than ever to understanding the origins of life and the extreme times the earth is once again going through.

While many proponents of intelligent design strive to illustrate the sheer impossibility of 'random' processes to account for the origins of life, they typically remain silent on the nature of the intelligence capable of doing so, and the means by which it implements its design. It's no wonder, since their scientific reputations are already on the line and the field of study that seeks to understand the mind's potential to interact with the universe in many mysterious ways - parapsychology - is itself verboten in modern scientific discourse.

But we here at MindMatters don't face such constraints. If intelligence accounts for the myriad designs of life, then it is in the science of the mind that we should seek our answers. So today we turn to the vilified field of parapsychology to tease out a mechanism that can explain how an intelligence could, without a trace, initiate and maintain the grand experiment of life on earth.

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