This is where we 'part ways' with Putin. He has set sail aboard 'the Coronavirus Cruise'. I don't care if Sputnik V is just vitamins and minerals. It's the overall package that is evil - the mandatory factor, the barcodes, the institution of 'medical apartheid'. And it's not just that. He also said at the 'Direct Line' virtual townhall yesterday that the recent extreme weather is evidence of climate change and that '
we must radically overhaul the economy, fast', which plugs Russia into the 'Build Back Better' nonsense too.
That's my take on this as well, including what he said about Global Warming. That was actually jaw dropping, considering his previous more carefully phrased descriptions of "climate change". And I also thought that now asking the C's if he knew or not before going to Zheneva is pretty much unnecessary. It doesn't really matter, because now we know that in effect he is supporting the measures.
Yes, he said that vaccinations should remain voluntary, and some known patriotic figures like Malofeev make sure to emphasize this point. And to be honest, it's hard not to give him benefit of the doubt or think that he may have a good reason, because he did so much for Russia. And I still have hope. But the fact is that all the draconian measures weren't really explained or criticized during the Direct Line, and he just brought up the immunization law from 1998, and that officials simply acted on that law. This doesn't bode well.
What also doesn't bode well is how he brought up Soviet Union for the comparison, and how all the vaccinations there were mandatory, and no one asked for people's opinions. As if we should be grateful that this doesn't happen now as well. In general, my impression was that during this Direct Line his replies were more curt and less "fatherly like" ("we have harsh times, and I ask you to endure and do what's necessary" or something like this), like during the previous Direct Lines. Yes, it's a manipulation, but that's what Russian people respond to, specifically the main part that supports him.
At the moment there are vague signs that perhaps some officials, particularly Duma, are more cautious and not eager to institute even harsher measures. For example, they refused to add covid vaccination to the mandatory vaccination schedule. But there are still contradictory orders, like one official says that it's not necessary to vaccinate if you had covid and have antibodies, and at the same time other officials release decrees that everyone, including those who have antibodies still need to vaccinate, etc.
Also there are some easements when it comes to tourism within Russia, after they saw that up to 70% cancelled their vacations and hotel reservations in Krasnodar region, because local governor released a decree that says that only vaccinated will be able to have a holiday in the region. They saw that they shot themselves in the foot. This region makes the most money during summer.
Bottom line is that people wanted some clarity and support from the President, especially since the prices are already rising and the measures are destroying businesses. And what they got is just a mention that while he is personally pro-free will, there is a law, and local officials can do with the law as they see fit or necessary.
What makes matters worse, that we do have pretty vocal people on both sides of the political spectrum, who are rabidly pro vaccination, so it's not a matter of political orientation anymore. Guess Joe is right, and we are on our own.