Obtaining some hard to get meds

I contacted Serena for 12 mg Ivermectin tablets. She quoted me $350 for 500 pills. I told her that was way too much. I didn’t see such an outrageous quote from anyone else here. What did you pay @Rhys @Corvus ?

So I ordered from safe impex out of India. For $140(shipping included) I received 500 ivermectin 12 mg, 50 azithromycin and 100 fenbendazole tablets. Shipping took 12 days with tracking available. No issue at customs.
I contacted Serena for 12 mg Ivermectin tablets. She quoted me $350 for 500 pills. I told her that was way too much. I didn’t see such an outrageous quote from anyone else here. What did you pay @Rhys @Corvus ?
That does seem very steep! I paid $100 for 100g Ivermectin with $50 shipping.

I didn’t get tablets though, just powder, which must make a huge difference. 500 pills of 12mg would only equate to 6g Ivermectin..!
That does seem very steep! I paid $100 for 100g Ivermectin with $50 shipping.

I didn’t get tablets though, just powder, which must make a huge difference. 500 pills of 12mg would only equate to 6g Ivermectin..!
I considered powder, but for convenience prefer the pills.

I’m satisfied with my order, just the azithromycin alone would cost $180 here in the states! And that’s using a good Rx discount code. The fenbendazole saved me around $50. And the ivermectin, where available is outrageously priced. They’re charging a couple dollars a pill and that’s usually only 3 mg.
You have to be careful where you get fenben. I did get some from India but I don't trust that it's really pure. Plus the pills are only something like 100 mg (again if it's pure) and if you're taking it for cancer, you need to take close to 2,000 mg a day.
I purchased 222 mg tablets. Just to have on hand. Don’t know how I’d know if they’re pure or not. I’ll take a closer look at them tomorrow and see who the manufacturer is.
Don’t know how I’d know if they’re pure or not. I’ll take a closer look at them tomorrow and see who the manufacturer is.
The cancer fenben group I'm in recommended only two or three pure sources, one of them being the Merck Panacur and Safeguard for dogs LOL, the other from a place called The Happy Healing Store in North Carolina, but they are really expensive. I'm sure what you have is fine for "just in case" though.
I contacted Serena for 12 mg Ivermectin tablets. She quoted me $350 for 500 pills. I told her that was way too much. I didn’t see such an outrageous quote from anyone else here. What did you pay @Rhys @Corvus ?

So I ordered from safe impex out of India. For $140(shipping included) I received 500 ivermectin 12 mg, 50 azithromycin and 100 fenbendazole tablets
Does anyone know if you can get fenbendazole from Serena? I thought I remembered reading that the products she sells have been tested for purity? The fenben from the Happy Healing Store is very expensive, and the Merck vet products are just as bad. I saw online you can get fenben tablets and powders from China and India much cheaper but the purity is in question, which is why I am asking if Serena is a trusted source?

If you are a first-time customer, is there some magic words like tell them "so and so referred me" so you get the best price?😁
Does anyone know if you can get fenbendazole from Serena? I thought I remembered reading that the products she sells have been tested for purity? The fenben from the Happy Healing Store is very expensive, and the Merck vet products are just as bad. I saw online you can get fenben tablets and powders from China and India much cheaper but the purity is in question, which is why I am asking if Serena is a trusted source?

If you are a first-time customer, is there some magic words like tell them "so and so referred me" so you get the best price?😁
I didn’t ask Serena about fenbendazole. And even though I dropped a name as a referral, her price quotes were outrageous. Maybe others will know about pricing, testing and purity on fenben.

As for the fenbendazole from India, it’s made by a pharmaceutical company, so I would think it’d be pure. Can’t be worse than the vet meds from the states?

A lot of our pharmaceuticals are coming from India and China anyway.
As for the fenbendazole from India, it’s made by a pharmaceutical company, so I would think it’d be pure. Can’t be worse than the vet meds from the states?
According to the Facebook group, there is a lot of bogus fenben out there, they did lab tests and the only "verified" products came from Merck (Panacur and Safeguard) and the Happy Healing Store. I don't think they included any sources from China or India. They did say there is a company operating in Lithuania that markets bogus fenben under a half dozen different names.

I wonder where the Happy Healing Store gets their fenben? Do they have some lab and make it themselves or do they import it from India or China? :lol: Not sure of a way to find out.
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