Olympic games in Paris (2024)

The sh*t show must go on

A BBC news report on the coordinated sabotage attack on Friday against the high-speed rail network linking Paris with other major French cities:

Still no arrests from the French authorities.

Israel knows who did it though: Iran!

Heavy rain ruins triathlon swim practice in Seine due to pollution concerns​

  • Sunday session cancelled with Monday’s also at risk
  • Paris 2024 team says ‘health of athletes’ is priority

We attended a dinner party with guests from Holland last night and the topic of the horrid opening ceremony was brought up. Astonishingly, of the 6 people, 3 found it “invigorating” and “well executed,” and as far as I can tell, the same goes more or less for the Dutch MS media :jawdrop:. But my friend told me that fortunately, Dutchies are sharing widespread condemnation on X! On the topic of food for the athletes, they told me that the Dutch athletes had brought ALL of their food with them, as they knew beforehand that the food provided would be poor and insufficient. Wow...

Yes, further to EmeraldR's post above, I think the cancellation of the training session for triathletes is yet another absolute disgrace for France. Of course organizers would blame the rain in recent days and say they are "confident" water quality would improve enough before the triathlon competition is due to start on Tuesday. Yeah right!

According to a Belgian article, in April, the French Sports Minister promised that the water of the Seine would be clean enough during the Games. Among other things, she opened a treatment plant earlier this year at the Marne River, which flows into the Seine east of Paris. That was supposed to ensure that clean water from the Marne gets into the Seine. French authorities have spent about 1.4 billion euros improving sewage treatment and stormwater facilities around Paris. Yet in late June, four weeks before the start of the Games, a report indicated that at that time the water in the Seine was still too polluted to swim in. And then some 11 days ago the PR stunt of the lady Mayor swimming a lap in the Seine was supposed to extend the lie that the water was clean enough. The article also states that Parisians were furious that so much money was spent on cleaning up the river instead of spending it on more pressing matters!
I'm only mentioning this because the timing is weird for me. Last night I watched John Wick 4 for the first time, just so I could say I watched it. But, the final set piece was shot on the 220 stairs beside the Rue Foyatier which leads to the Sacré Coeur. After a ridiculous 9 minute gun-fu battle up the stairs (twice), a traditional-style 30-pace duel between the assassin Wick and the main bad guy, which decides Wick's fate and concludes the series, is held in front of the Basilica itself. I don't put much creedence (😁) in anything strange here other then coincidence.
Timing is weird for me too. Or well, maybe subject matter. I was a TWA flight attendant in the late 80's flying quite a bit to Paris. This story is from a layover in Paris. At the time I was into the Tarot and reading the cards (by reading interpretations from a book out loud) for a crew member named Pablo. I was sleep deprived and sort of zoned out while reading about "The Lovers" card (which was the final card of a Celtic Cross spread), when I snapped out of it, Pablo was terrified in the corner of the room. I heard myself briefly at the end as I came to and it sounded like antiquated language and was certainly not what I was reading. I asked Pablo and he said that what I said was from the Torah & that it was appropriate for the reading.

The next thing I remember we were at Sacre Coeur.

This was a turning point in my life that cracked my conception of reality. I had believed the Tarot was just a method of accessing one's subconscious. I thought one had to give explicit permission to "channel". I remember that time, Paris & Sacre Coeur, so to see it lit up like that in a dark world is very powerful on a personal & grand level all at the same time.
Maybe connected or not: On Friday, a couple of hours before the Olympic freak show started, I seemed to have noticed that there was a lot of radio interference going on in my car. The radio channels I normally listen to almost all had a very bad reception in my car with a lot of noise. And that seemed quite noticeable even though I was driving in different areas where I normally have pretty decent reception. That was happening in southwest Germany, so not very far away from Paris (but also not too close). It was so bad that I was wondering if my antenna on the car was damaged or something. Could just have been coincidence though or something totally unrelated to what is going on in Paris.
Now you have to say that too, from my point of view. People are over-reacting, and rightly so, to the presentation of the last supper, but they're not shouting about the genocide in Gaza, as they're doing now on social networks about the supper.
People react more strongly when they feel more concerned. They feel directly concerned because they are believers or closely interested in the Olympic Games. The French feel more involved and Westerners as a whole do not accept this indignation that is being made against them. Gaza is apart, further away from their daily concerns and they have become accustomed to their daily suffering for many years.

It is unfortunate and deplorable, but people to a large extent have their priorities, however futile they may be.

People need to suffer more to awaken?
They need to be more directly concerned because compassion does not touch them enough.
I guess this is just the beginning, but it's at least a start.

Gaza has not been completely forgotten either, as evidenced by the Israelis who have been whistled and booed since the beginning of the games.
Maybe censorship of the networks not yet at the level concerning the Olympics in relation to Gaza.

My question is why is Christianity/Jesus being mocked?
Who's next?
LGBQT+...oh wait, I'm reading the wrong list.

Paris 2024 apologizes for any offense caused by 'Last Supper' sketch

"Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. (The opening ceremony) tried to celebrate community tolerance," Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps told a press conference.
"We believe this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offense we are really sorry."

This is a little narcissistic: "IF people have taken any offense..."
People need to suffer more to awaken?
They need to be more directly concerned because compassion does not touch them enough.
I guess this is just the beginning, but it's at least a start.
In other words, people are STS, not very forward-thinking, generally preoccupied or lazy, and won't change anything unless their personal comfort is directly impacted to an insufferable degree. The PTB knows this well as a fundamental part of the psychology of governance.

The US Founding Fathers knew it and stated it in the Declaration of Independence -- that people are not going to act for change until their suffering reaches a breaking point.
...all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
To me, this bit of human nature explains very simply how/why things can get so amazingly bad in the first place.
Yep, they are.

Here are similar impressions from Russian TG channels:

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This same little girl dressed in yellow appears in this scene, in which she is seen with other adults sharing as "equals" or as friends, at one point, towards where the little girl is, couples form between two women, two men, etc., and an adult with the little girl, to dance romantically... suddenly it seems as if they had been surprised in something bad, and the blue character raises his hands as if saying, "we are not doing anything wrong"...


The scene goes from 3:33:20 to 3:34:00. I would like to know what the lyrics of the song say in that part (3:33:20 to 3:34:00), I only deduce the ending which is "darkness".
This latest post from RT, did a search using my browser, no mention.


The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has apparently deleted the video of the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Games in Paris from its YouTube channel. IOC and organizing officials faced massive global public backlash over an LGBTQ-themed parody of ‘The Last Supper’ at the event, which was widely seen by Christians as blasphemous.

As of Sunday, the 26-minute video on the Olympics YouTube channel titled ‘LET THE GAMES BEGIN! | #Paris2024 Opening Ceremony Highlights’ is unavailable, with comments under the video closed. The same goes for a similar video on the YouTube channel of NBC Sports, the official broadcaster of the Games in the US. The IOC did not explain the reason for the move.

Meanwhile, the official page of the Olympic Games published a post on X (formerly Twitter) asking social media users: “Which moment [of the ceremony] was your favorite?” only to be targeted with a new wave of criticism, with descriptions of the event ranging from “absolutely atrocious,” “shameful,” and “disgusting,” to “blasphemous” and “freak show
This same little girl dressed in yellow appears in this scene, in which she is seen with other adults sharing as "equals" or as friends, at one point, towards where the little girl is, couples form between two women, two men, etc., and an adult with the little girl, to dance romantically... suddenly it seems as if they had been surprised in something bad, and the blue character raises his hands as if saying, "we are not doing anything wrong"...

View attachment 99033

The scene goes from 3:33:20 to 3:34:00. I would like to know what the lyrics of the song say in that part (3:33:20 to 3:34:00), I only deduce the ending which is "darkness".
The song is called "Nu" (Naked)
lyrics in English and French:
Would there be wars if we’d stayed completely naked?
Where would you hide a gun when you're completely naked?
I know what you're thinking
It's not a good idea No
No more rich, no more poor when we return to being completely naked
Whether we're skinny or we're fat we're all just completely naked
So let's live as we were born
Let's live as we were born
Nakeeeeeed, just completely naked
Nakeeeeed, just completely naked
Like animals are, they never overdo it
They see we look too much like monkeys under our coats
Pelicans with hats
Just completely lame,
Let's stay naked
Just completely naked

There would have been no wars if we d'stayed completely naked
We are all brothers and sisters when we're completely naked
Let's live as we were born
Let's live as we were born
Nakeeeeeeeed, just completely naked
Nakeeeeeeeed, just completely naked Just
completely naked
Just completely naked
Just completely naked
Just completely naked
Est-ce qu’il y aurait des guerres si on était resté tout nu ?
Où cacher un revolver quand on est tout nu ?
Où ?
Je sais où vous pensez
C’est pas une bonne idée

Plus de riches plus de pauvres quand on redevient tout nu
Qu’on soit slim, qu’on soit gros, on est tout simplement tout nu
Oui ?
Vivons comme on est né

Vivons comme on est né

Nuuuuuuuu, tout simplement tout nu
Nuuuuuuuu, tout simplement tout nu

Comme le sont les animaux, qui n’en font jamais trop,
ils voient qu’on ressemble trop
à des singes sous des manteaux
des pélicans avec des chapeaux.
Nul !

Tout simplement tout nul.
Restons nus
Tout simplement tout nu.

Il n’y aurait pas eu des guerres si on était resté tout nu
On est tous sœurs et frères quand on est tout nu ?

Vivons comme on est né
Vivons comme on est né

Nuuuuuuuu, tout simplement tout nu
Nuuuuuuuu, tout simplement tout nu
Tout simplement tout nu
Tout simplement tout nu
Tout simplement tout nu
Tout simplement tout nu
By the way, I wasn't very clear about the association with the last supper, in addition to Leonardo Da Vinci's links with France, so I looked it up and from what I read it is partly a play on words:

"La Cène" (the last supper), "La scène" (the stage) and "La Seine" (the river that goes through Paris) are all pronounced the exact same way in French.

So this was "La Cène sur la scène sur la Seine" (The Last Supper on the stage on the Seine)
This same little girl dressed in yellow appears in this scene, in which she is seen with other adults sharing as "equals" or as friends, at one point, towards where the little girl is, couples form between two women, two men, etc., and an adult with the little girl, to dance romantically... suddenly it seems as if they had been surprised in something bad, and the blue character raises his hands as if saying, "we are not doing anything wrong"...

View attachment 99033

The scene goes from 3:33:20 to 3:34:00. I would like to know what the lyrics of the song say in that part (3:33:20 to 3:34:00), I only deduce the ending which is "darkness".

I just had a thought: Could it be that the weird blue guy with the RED hair (untrained and slightly overweight) presented on the platter "for eating" was meant to represent Trump being eaten, after, what they were counting on: That Trump is dead? Whoever planned that freak show might have planned it with "the certainty" in mind that Trump will be dead at this point, having been shot publically, with a headshot. But it didn't turn out this way.
Hi guys.
I suspect that it's important to by our unwitting actions not assign too much importance to controversial stuff like the show - it probably just ends up feeding the appetites of the narcissistic types that get off on the creation of outrage.
There's perhaps those that were involved for higher artistic and creative reasons, but it's hard to not feel that it was a lot about ego indulgence.
The events of recent years have shown that when these latter appetites are fed that they proliferate - that as one high fades it in absence of balancing motivations just drives escalation towards the next.
Outrage and focus in both everyday and more esoteric terms divert energy towards and credit power to those pulling the strings from behind too.
Perhaps it's best to simply vote with our feet.
To by all means register our feelings regarding the self centred gross lack of consideration for wider sensibilities inherent in the whole badly judged proposition - but after that to simply withhold and/or withdraw our support from those that would in any way seek to leverage it for their own ends...
I just had a thought: Could it be that the weird blue guy with the RED hair (untrained and slightly overweight) presented on the platter "for eating" was meant to represent Trump being eaten, after, what they were counting on: That Trump is dead? Whoever planned that freak show might have planned it with "the certainty" in mind that Trump will be dead at this point, having been shot publically, with a headshot. But it didn't turn out this way.
This theory dovetails with the assassin carrying the flame mentioned earlier in this thread. Also brings to mind the eternal flame placed on some graves (JFK & Princess Diana) that some have noted as a symbol for someone killed by the "cabal" (I don't remember which group exactly).
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